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Why can't Americans be as great as Europeans????

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Oh thank you so much, maybe you can teach me the native language in the US too?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:43 PM

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by Dezero
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I think a lot of people may hate America because there are so many morons trapped in their own bubble.
You pay scientists and people with brains to go over there because most of you are 2 sandwiches short of a picnic.
So desperate for intelligent people you even recruited Nazi scientists.

You can judge a nation by their leader - George Bush Junior, I don't believe I need to say anymore

Remember what language you're speaking boy lol
edit on 23-10-2011 by Dezero because:

If you guys are so much smarter than us, why is it that we rule the world? By the way we did not recruit the Nazi scientists we beat their country into dust and then drug them over here. The spoils of war.

I'm not here to educate you but the CIA recruited Nazi scientists and I do believe the CIA are from your neck of the woods. I'm sure if you google you will find information

Every nation has their time, you will crumble just like every other nation in history before you has.
The Romans ruled for over 1000 years and were a far greater empire then ever were or will be yet they went down

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Oh thank you so much, maybe you can teach me the native language in the US too?

Let me repeat:

Thats one way you can tell you are talking to a european or a european wannabe, they always nitpick your spelling and grammar. I guess thats all they have that they are good at. In America, we are too busy being awesome to worry about speaking the Queens English.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I'm not hurt, I envy you, I wish I was as superior as you. You got it all figured out, I even like how you speak fluently in English to knock English people, genius tactic

Well you know what they say... the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I wish you well in making your progress and when you move here one day drop me a line and I will come show you around.

Thats one way you can tell you are talking to a european or a european wannabe, they always nitpick your spelling and grammar. I guess thats all they have that they are good at. In America, we are too busy being awesome to worry about speaking the Queens English.
edit on 23-10-2011 by tHEpROGRESSIVE because: (no reason given)

And they say sarcasm is the lowest form of whit....facepalm.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Uh, what? I didn't nitpick your grammar, seeing as your so fluent in English I was hoping you could help me learn the native language spoken in the US? We where getting on so well too

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Dezero

Well maybe you are right, but since all the nations in Europe are older than us then they will crumble first. We will probably all be speaking Chinese some day. You guys are an inch from crumbling as it is. Greek is like one more bad day from going under and when they do you all are going down with them.

As far as your sterling doing well, you would have already crumbled had our Fed not bailed you guys out with our taxpayers money.
edit on 23-10-2011 by tHEpROGRESSIVE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Uh, what? I didn't nitpick your grammar, seeing as your so fluent in English I was hoping you could help me learn the native language spoken in the US? We where getting on so well too

My bad.. Of course, I will help you with whatever you need when you move here. We want you to succeed here and find true freedom.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Excellent, could you give me a few key phrases in your native tongue? Just for future reference, AND NO FUNNY STUFF, I don't want to accidently insult the locals.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Trolloks

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I'm not hurt, I envy you, I wish I was as superior as you. You got it all figured out, I even like how you speak fluently in English to knock English people, genius tactic

Well you know what they say... the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I wish you well in making your progress and when you move here one day drop me a line and I will come show you around.

Thats one way you can tell you are talking to a european or a european wannabe, they always nitpick your spelling and grammar. I guess thats all they have that they are good at. In America, we are too busy being awesome to worry about speaking the Queens English.
edit on 23-10-2011 by tHEpROGRESSIVE because: (no reason given)

And they say sarcasm is the lowest form of whit....facepalm.

I know mate, I don't think he quite understands it yet ha ha

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Excellent, could you give me a few key phrases in your native tongue? Just for future reference, AND NO FUNNY STUFF, I don't want to accidently insult the locals.

America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life.
George W. Bush

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I'm not silly mate, I said your native tongue not English. I might be European but I'm not stupid Mr.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I'm not silly mate, I said your native tongue not English. I might be European but I'm not stupid Mr.

LOL! Good one!

I thought you would find hope in that message. When you come here you will be free from the prison you have been in and have a second chance to live life as a free man or woman.
edit on 23-10-2011 by tHEpROGRESSIVE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Awwh, I'm glad you liked it. Are we friends again now please say yes, 'cause I like you friend

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Awwh, I'm glad you liked it. Are we friends again now please say yes, 'cause I like you friend

Of coure we are friends. We never stopped being friends. Even friends can disagree and have a little fun with each other.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:05 PM

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:05 PM
Come on, can't we all just get along? Go Bears! What was the topic of this thread again?

edit on 23-10-2011 by JMech because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by hotel1
If it wasnt for the treacherous french (spit) we would still own your colonial peasant asses. Your mickey mouse dollar is rapidly becoming worthless while sterling remains strong. Come on macaroni chime in about how you saved us in world war two once the russians had done the fighting, and you could see which way it was going too go. Still it was slighly better than world war one you were only three years late for that one. The only thing you f*ckwits have ever charged is the interest on the money you lent. You have your supposed freedom, and now lawyerc*nts have you in there own particular tyrrany. Dont get me wrong I like America, and American people I have American relatives, and friens but if you want to get into mud slinging, or a fair fight bring it on, but of course you have weight (pun itended) of numbers on your side.

Are you talking about WW2 where the English would have been wiped out well before we got involved had it not been for the fact that we were basicaly giving them free equipment so they could keep fighting or the WW2 where the French would still be speaking German if it weren't for our involvement. As expected, the french just rolled over in like 3 weeks.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by hotel1
If it wasnt for the treacherous french (spit) we would still own your colonial peasant asses. Your mickey mouse dollar is rapidly becoming worthless while sterling remains strong. Come on macaroni chime in about how you saved us in world war two once the russians had done the fighting, and you could see which way it was going too go. Still it was slighly better than world war one you were only three years late for that one. The only thing you f*ckwits have ever charged is the interest on the money you lent. You have your supposed freedom, and now lawyerc*nts have you in there own particular tyrrany. Dont get me wrong I like America, and American people I have American relatives, and friens but if you want to get into mud slinging, or a fair fight bring it on, but of course you have weight (pun itended) of numbers on your side.

Are you talking about WW2 where the English would have been wiped out well before we got involved had it not been for the fact that we were basicaly giving them free equipment so they could keep fighting or the WW2 where the French would still be speaking German if it weren't for our involvement. As expected, the french just rolled over in like 3 weeks.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

We are supposed to be the country who protested our way to becoming a country

But we in Europe have been protesting for considerably longer than the USA has even existed - we have become quite adept at it.

reply to post by Autodidactic

It's cheaper and easier to get around in Europe then it is in the US, much easier for them to all gather in one spot.

How come, could you please expand a bit on that?

And surely if you were really passionate about something it wouldn't really be an obstacle.

reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

And you wonder why the rest of the world has such a low opinion of Americans?

Fortunately I know enough Americans to realise that whilst too common, you're arrogant, ignorant bigotry is not representative of all Americans.

Europeans hate us because they envy us and they know they can never be as great as us.

We hate people like you because you are an arrogant and ignorant prick.

People get seriously injured. Do you think Europeans would even play that sport with their own people?

Have you never heard of Rugby?

Of course only Americans, apologies fo the generalisaton, are arrogant enough to think that sports played more or less exclusively in the North American continent are superior to those played throughout the world or call the championship series of a sport competed by teams from just two nations 'The World Series'.

When an American NFL team goes to Europe it sells out a stadium. If a European rugby team came to America there would be a few hundred spectators at best. That says a lot.

It does indeed say a lot.
But I suspect you don't quite know exactly what as it says a damn sight more about Americans than it does anyone else.

free equipment

Now are you sure?
I suggest you do some basic research on that.
Being the so proud American you should know that nothing comes for free in or from the USA.

edit on 23/10/11 by Freeborn because: (no reason given)

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