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Why can't Americans be as great as Europeans????

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by steveknows

It started as a protested. That's what the Boston tea party was about.

The refer to the Boston Tea Party and stop pretending the Revolution for American Independence was some sort of political protest. It was a full scale war where many died on both sides. Let's not diminish the blood spilled on American soil in the name of Liberty, by reducing it to being merely protest.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by Dezero
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

I think a lot of people may hate America because there are so many morons trapped in their own bubble.
You pay scientists and people with brains to go over there because most of you are 2 sandwiches short of a picnic.
So desperate for intelligent people you even recruited Nazi scientists.

You can judge a nation by their leader - George Bush Junior, I don't believe I need to say anymore

Remember what language you're speaking boy lol
edit on 23-10-2011 by Dezero because:

If you guys are so much smarter than us, why is it that we rule the world? By the way we did not recruit the Nazi scientists we beat their country into dust and then drug them over here. The spoils of war.

The U.S doesn't rule the world. The American think tank knows this but the average American doesn't. This is the base cause of the average American insulting people from other countries. It's an insult born of ignorence and it's how the U.S got its world wide reputation of being uneducated, arrogant and loud.

Anyone one who has ever backed packed around the world knows how embarrasing it is for the American when he or she has made some statement based on general American public perception of the world outside their own and you can spot the American who is on thier first trip just by such statements. The sad thing is that the American who has mouthed off doesn't realise they've just embarrassed themselves.

No I'm not meaning to bash america here as this is what happens and it's in response to this embarrasing statement made in the post above. It's that very kind of thing that would be said at a bbq table full of international back packers.
edit on 23-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

No we didn't protest our way to becoming a country, we had to fight for it. The war was called the Revolution.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by steveknows

It started as a protested. That's what the Boston tea party was about.

The refer to the Boston Tea Party and stop pretending the Revolution for American Independence was some sort of political protest. It was a full scale war where many died on both sides. Let's not diminish the blood spilled on American soil in the name of Liberty, by reducing it to being merely protest.

Can you read? I've said no such thing. Someone said that it was a protest and I pointed out that it actually started as a protest I was sticking up for your Hollywood educated country.. Point out where I said it didn't turn into a full scale war. If you can't then you'd best close that mouth.

That's the problem with you yanks. Not only does the rest of the world know more about world history but we also know more about your own.

It started as a protest and turned into war. No one who knows history denies it turned into a war. Mind you people who know history also know the the "Boston" massacre was actually a few frightened teen age red coats up against a large mob of hostile protesters carrying weapons and getting agressive and opened fire to protect themsleves but when a yank yells the story some big bad ugly soldiers shot a few peacefull unarmed people.

Read a post before you go all yankee on someone.
edit on 23-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by steveknows

It started as a protested. That's what the Boston tea party was about.

The refer to the Boston Tea Party and stop pretending the Revolution for American Independence was some sort of political protest. It was a full scale war where many died on both sides. Let's not diminish the blood spilled on American soil in the name of Liberty, by reducing it to being merely protest.

you got caught up, now take it like an adult and admit that you were wrong. America was founded by years of protest that led to the revolutionary war,,,What leads up to a war is very important, I am not sure why you do not see that....And yes many people died.....But America led the protest of Vietnam War, what that generation different.....and don't say the draft because it wasn't Americas first......

Why now are Europeans more inclined to Occupy something that was started in the US?....Why is my generation not grasping the possibility of what it could change? I think Americans (which I am) are in a complete fail.....I mean seriously we are protesting Wall Street.....Why Not The Federal Reserve? Why not Congress? Wall street should be part of it by why does the gov get a break here????

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Go see a Chicago Fire game by far the best fans in all of American sports.

(I heard they banned the flares but looks like quite a sight)

Looks like the stands are on FIRE (at about 36 sec. in)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by THEDUDE86
First let me say I am an American,

As I am watching the Chicago Bears vs.Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Westminister, London UK....and I was also listening to the radio at the same time, the Radio announcer said something I can't get out of my mind....He basically said that the crowds were really into the game, but not just going for one team or the other, just passionate to be there. He said that the crowd wave they were doing at the time was the best he had ever seen....
So he is an American Football announcer basically saying the crowds are better over there.

So the usual thoughts came through my mind about why Americans don't cheer for sports or why can't I go to a football game and have that much fun like Europeans do....

But then I really got thinking about how much more awesome their Occupy Wall Streets are then ours forbes europe occupy wallstreet

It says in that article just how big it is over there.....100,000 people strong at times in different cities

So this is really a message to Americans to understand that we need to up our game....In crowd cheering, and more importantly standing up to tyranny......

We are supposed to be the country who protested our way to becoming a country.

I think it is a very good post and thread topic. People are so full of themselves and boastful they will not ever admit when improvements can be made. That is a sign of immaturity and will stunt our growth. Although we started out like gangbusters our growth here in the states has suffered. I think the greatest generation gave birth and molly coddled a bunch of spoiled brats who had their freedom and security handed to them on a bloodstained silver platter.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by steveknows

I can read just fine which is why I apparently have a better understanding of our founding history than you do.

Before the Boston Tea Party (1773) there was the Proclamation of 1763. Following that Proclamation, there was Sugar Act (1764), following that there was the Currency Act (1764), and following that was the Committees of Correspondence (1764). In 1765 the colonists saw the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, Stamp Act Congress, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. By 1767 the Townshend Acts had passed. In 1770 there was the Boston Massacre. 1773 brought the Tea Act, which directly led to the Boston Tea Party.

Following the Boston Tea Party, there was the Intolerable Acts (1774). That same year the First Continental Congress was established. In 1775 there was the conflict of Lexington and Concorde. That year the Second Continental Congress was formed, and finally it was Bunker Hill that directly led to led George III to proclaim the colonies were in rebellion.

But hey, that is just history, why let mere facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Before I read your post I was going to say that Europeans are just Americans without ambition. The very first Americans were after all Europeans with the gumption to move.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:53 PM
I believe that every nation rises but eventually falls because there system of government is full of corruption. people seam to get complaciant with the way things are and forget what made there country great.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Majestic Lumen

I have been to a few Chicago Fire games.....the crowd was alright....but nothing like what I saw today, or In European league

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by steveknows

I can read just fine which is why I apparently have a better understanding of our founding history than you do.

Before the Boston Tea Party (1773) there was the Proclamation of 1763. Following that Proclamation, there was Sugar Act (1764), following that there was the Currency Act (1764), and following that was the Committees of Correspondence (1764). In 1765 the colonists saw the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, Stamp Act Congress, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. By 1767 the Townshend Acts had passed. In 1770 there was the Boston Massacre. 1773 brought the Tea Act, which directly led to the Boston Tea Party.

Following the Boston Tea Party, there was the Intolerable Acts (1774). That same year the First Continental Congress was established. In 1775 there was the conflict of Lexington and Concorde. That year the Second Continental Congress was formed, and finally it was Bunker Hill that directly led to led George III to proclaim the colonies were in rebellion.

But hey, that is just history, why let mere facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?

Why do you not see the protest in that????

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Why do you not see the protest in that????

Why do you not see the very clear and identifiable actions in that history, with clear identified goals? Why cannot you recognize the profound difference between this movement you glorify and the movement that led to American Independence?

Here is one hint: The Boston Tea Party was not a direct action of protest to "raise awareness for a cause", it was a protest of profound disgust and it was an action of destruction of property. Are you comparing this "OWS" movement to that? Are you suggesting the acts of destruction are a little late, but soon to come by this movement?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:11 PM
Regardless of what your post was supposed to really focus on, and what message you were trying to convey, the actual thread title was an ignorant choice, obviously trying to provoke some heated nationalistic debate. You should be ashamed. If this is the only way to get extra attention to a boring topic, maybe there really wasn't a need to post at all. If this is your true opinion, then it's also obvious you don't get out enough.

edit on 23-10-2011 by rlever1 because: Grammar

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:22 PM
I have no problems with Europeans preferring their lives to ours.

I do get bothered with the segment of Americans that are always saying how much better Europe is compared to the U.S. Fine then go move there!

European sports fans such "good" fans? Riots, mass beatings etc are not uncommon at European soccer games. How often have you heard of a riot at an NFL game?

Housing and land in most of Europe is substantially more expensive than the U.S. What we pay for a GALLON of gas, they pay for a LITRE! (whatever a stupid litre is) That's why most of them drive crappy little cars.

I do agree with their not being able to own guns though. The way they are always rioting over cutbacks on this handout or that handout...I wouldn't give them the privilage of owning one either. Of course, it's a Right for us savages over here. europe has their share of violence and I doubt the average European feels any safer on a day to day basis than I do.

All in all...

America will never be like Europe and vice versa, and that's the way it should be.

I like visiting there because it's different. Please, don't become like us and we promise not to become like you!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Clearly European soccer fans are more passionate than American Football fans. That's why when their team loses, they riot and burn down entire cities in the progress, if that isn't passion I don't know what is.....LAME.

I love how out of all the sports that has been discussed, not one mention for College Football. I don't know of a sport in the world that has a more loyal and competitive slate of play than College Football. On that note, GO HOGS!!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

There most likely cheering just because the NFL is there and not in America at the moment. You know its not only americans that like american football.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by Ultraman2011
To dig a bit deeper, American NFL fans are great fans--some of the best I've ever seen. Baseball? Depends on where you are. Hockey? Not so much in the south. In Canada, Canadian football fans are feeble. Hockey is usually a good bet.

As for OWS, for the most part most North Americans, aren't nanny state liberals who think its their right from birth to have everything paid for by the state. Most Europeans want their handouts. That's why people in NA are not as riled up or interested.

Great point. Plus NFL Football is a warrior sport. Its violent. Its played by extremely tough men. People get seriously injured. Do you think Europeans would even play that sport with their own people? They have been so brainwashed into being fearful that they would be afraid someone might get hurt or killed then they would beg their nanny state to outlaw it.

Dude,I was with you until this comment. American football is far from violent. Warrior sport? Seriously? Sure,some of the collisions might be violent..but I don't call a sport where the play lasts barely 8 seconds at a time violent.Sure its a physical game,but far from being violent.
And I say that as a football fan. Also,no comment on european sports,except I find them quite boring.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Great point. Plus NFL Football is a warrior sport. Its violent. Its played by extremely tough men. People get seriously injured. Do you think Europeans would even play that sport with their own people? They have been so brainwashed into being fearful that they would be afraid someone might get hurt or killed then they would beg their nanny state to outlaw it.

Man your posts are hilarious!

I am totally not kidding, I am in hysterics, great work man keep it up, this is great material.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by iamnang
reply to post by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Excellent, could you give me a few key phrases in your native tongue? Just for future reference, AND NO FUNNY STUFF, I don't want to accidently insult the locals.

America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life.
George W. Bush

ahahahah I can't believe you quoted George Bush! Bahahaha

Sorry man but you're just really funny, I don't think you mean but to be, which is a little worrying. You obviously need a bit of a tune up, a bit of a break from the tv and you'll be fine, trust me.

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