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If Everybody Had a Gun.....

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posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
Before I really get into this I just want to say absolutely I am against gun ownership I believe that guns are inherently evil objects of death and in a ideal utopia would not exist, further to this while I respect that some states may allow citizens to own and even carry guns I myself am against such a move in the UK. With that being said however some of you may question my beliefs and motives in writing this thread, it is purely to encourage discussion it’s been a while since I have contributed anything to these forums.

Anyway to get to the point.

The other night I was having a discussion with myself about gun control, my internal thought rationalising my views regarding absolute prohibition of private gun ownership. Then another thought popped into my wandering mind. What if everybody, and I mean everybody on this planet owned a gun. What if at birth we were all issued with a gun during our childhood taught how to use it, maintain it and when to use it and we all walked around packing a gun prepared to use it as this is how society worked, the gun was just part of our very humanity.

I can see benefits and some scary disadvantages to this proposal. I think it would put an absolute end to some crimes such as home invasion’s, muggings and assault which would of course be a good thing. On the other hand humans being humans would probably start committing crimes in packs, armed gangs would roam the streets at night looking, I think that It would inevitably lead to a more violent society in some respects that would outweigh the benefits of such as society.

Anyway I am curious to think what you might think it would be like, without getting into a debate about pro-Gun anti-Gun, what do you all think life would be like if it was the norm for everybody on the planet to own a gun form early childhood and be prepared to use it. how do you think this would change the world as we know it today good, bad or both.

If everybody on this planet owned a gun and were raised like i was there would be a lot less crime ...and a lot less idiots that bring up gun control

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:29 PM

So i would say society would be alot safer if your way was the way. How can one say guns kill people? Do pencils miss-spell words?

I don't go around telling this to alot of people. If you know me you know this about me. If it was not for my Glock 40cal I would not be here on this wonderful site writing these words. It saved my life & the life of my wife. I cannot say the same for the thug that came thru our front door at 3:45am brandishing a shot gun. I did not hestitate in my reaction. I am not proud of it & I will live with it for the rest of my life, I also would not hesitate to do it again if my life was threatened.
edit on 19-10-2011 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

Im glad you made it out of that situation alive !!!!!!! I wish more people would realize these type of situations happen all the time but are rarely heard about on (national government controlled news:lol

None of my guns have ever killed a person!...I have been responsible for killing several thousand bottles ,beer cans,deer,rabbits,squirl,ducks,and 1 big assed snake that scared the crap outta me, and other targets

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by thedarktower maybe its because im not American and i was not brought up in a society where guns are legal

true the people who were fed up with oppression got there guns and kicked your countries ass in 1776 - they didnt hold up signs and sing songs of love because you tried that for 1,000 years and it didnt work.
edit on 19-10-2011 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:54 PM
Look closely at how many people are killed, every day, for seemingly stupid things.

Women raped.


Bar fights.


Your boss fires you.

Your Wife or Husband cheats on you.

Your Parents scold you.

You're depressed and want to end it all.

One of these things, or all of these things.

Now picture a gun in your enemy's hand. In your neighbors hand. Your newly unemployed former co-workers hand.

Your sons hand.

Your spouses hand.

Your hand.

The world is full of horrible things. Do we really need to make it that much easier to push-button exact our revenge or vent our anger, hatred or frustrations?

The argument I read was that it's a redundant argument, since melee-type weapons are and always have been - always will be available. True enough. But at least you need to be within arms reach to do any damage.

Guns are for cowards, and when you're ready to kill, the last thing you care about is if the person about to die cares that you're a coward.
edit on 19-10-2011 by yourignoranceisbliss because: derp grammar

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

Guns will always be available! I have personally had the privilege of shooting a homemade handheld 12 gauge Gatling gun that was both automatic and electric (cordless drill) which was made entirely from common parts from the hardware store. Sure the shells were store bought but we can make those to!

The cat is already out of the bag, and everyone has a right to defend themselves on equal ground! You seek to empower those who would kill us!


Just watch this little gem if you have any doubts. This guys builds a more complex gun than most modern firearms from scrap iron!
Gunsmith of Williamsburg

edit on 19-10-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:14 PM
I was raised in the South. I am College Educated and a mid-level Corporate Manager. I am well liked have three great children aged 25, 20 and 4. I am a fit 6"3' 215lbs. My childhood hero was John Wayne. I am a concealed Weapons Permit holder and have been around guns all my life. If I am waiting for my wife in a Walmart parking lot and your wife is walking to her car I will keep an eye open, she is safe. It is my responsibility to protect my family and provide, and I will do that. My son was taught the same values. When it come to my family I fear no man, and will kill anyone who seeks to harm them. Police are responders, The President is protected 24x7 and so are my wife and children. It is a part of my life as is working or mowing the lawn. It is what it is. You choose not to, that is your choice. I choose to do otherwise.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by yourignoranceisbliss

The world is full of horrible things. Do we really need to make it that much easier to push-button exact our revenge or vent our anger, hatred or frustrations?

The argument I read was that it's a redundant argument, since melee-type weapons are and always have been - always will be available. True enough. But at least you need to be within arms reach to do any damage.

Guns are for cowards, and when you're ready to kill, the last thing you care about is if the person about to die cares that you're a coward.
edit on 19-10-2011 by yourignoranceisbliss because: derp grammar

A gun is just a machine. A tool, an inanimate object. It has no magical powers. It controls no ones mind. It's ability of talk people into doing things is just as good as that of a hammer. Guns are for cowards as much as cars are for bank robbers and needles are for drug addicts.

Your ignorance is bliss indeed.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:17 PM
Take a look around you and realize what the masters of puppets have achieved even with guns legal. How in the world anyone in their right mind could desire 100% gun control just proves they were born to be a robot, yes man slave. You actually want to give these carpetbagging internationalist banksters that rule everything even more power over you? LMAO! Some of you people just don't get it. You refuse to see the bigger pitcure. Yeah I get it, Just let your masters have the guns. If that is how some of you foolish mortals want it, then enjoy eternal slavery for Mankind. ~SheopleNation
edit on 19-10-2011 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Have you ever tried to tackle someone with a baseball bat? That someone perhaps hopped up on the drug de jure? There are times when a big club is sufficient, I'll not deny that. But sometimes you something a bit more persuasive, shall we say?

I'm a big guy, and 99% of the time, that hypothetical baseball bat would be more than sufficient. I'm worried about that 1%...and if that 1% involves my family? All bets are off...and I'll take my chances with a jury. It's that simple.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:43 PM
Guns don't kill people. Americans kill people. Any hopefully those people will start to be capitalists.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:00 PM
Why do a lot of ATS Americans fear losing their guns?

What is the big deal?

Why is your safety totally dependent on guns? Are you that useless without them? If you family was in danger...would you be completely helpless without a weapon?

I mean countries like mine (Canada) are doing alright without guns ( well we are allowed guns but people don't go crazy buying guns left and right)..we live in a safe environment...I can sleep in my house without ever locking my door..walk down the street without ever worrying about being robbed or whatever and I can live without fear knowing that if something ever happens..I can defend myself.

I mean come on...your country has a problem with guns yet you refuse to see that it is your easy access to weapons that make it so dangerous. Criminals can buy guns legally or illegally because they live in a country where guns are pretty much available anywhere they go.

I don't mean ban guns..just control access to them.

Just man up and realize you can survive without them.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

people would pretty soon run out of bullets. lol.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I think it would be a peaceful society -- with a few caveats.

Where I grew up -- northern Idaho -- everyone was armed; They were tools, and nearly everyone hunted for food. There was little or no crime. BUT! what came with that culture was the mindset of growing up with them. I hear about kids taking guns from their parents and shooting others......... I would no more have touched my parents guns without permission that contempleted sawing off my leg. That was the mindset.

I was able to hunt and kill deer and elk at age 12. BUT! First I had to pass an NRA course, and it was no easy breeze. It focused mostly on firearm safety and a few points for marksmanship. After passing the course, I was able to get my deer tags.

I live in the Cayman Islands, which, being a dependency territory, embraces the British mindset and general laws. Since 2004, we've have increasingly escalating armed robberies, armed home invasions, murders and other firearm-related crimes. CLEARLY, taking the arms out of the hands of the people is doing nothing more than empowering the criminals. People lament, "oh, when are these armed robberies going to stop???" I'll tell you when. When the criminals feel their odds of getting shot are approaching 25%; When the first storekeeper says "not today bobo" and kills an armed robber. Then, and only then, will the armed robberies diminish. We have one or two per week, which is a lot for a total population of 40,000.

Everybody that wants to be armed? Crime diminishes. Of course, people now growing up in that environment and mindset, there would have to be training and people would have to acquire safes to store their firearms.

I understand your perspective, I truly do, especially living where I do. If I could have a magical wand that would make all of them disappear, I'd use it. But, alas, we have no such wand. Criminals will ALWAYS be able to acquire and use firearms, thus the rest of us should at least have the same ability.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by StumpDrummer

Yea ,Ive had to barrell down on snake myself. I never wanted what happened to have happened. It did and it is what it is. I will do whatever is nessasary to protect me & mine. As i said I would not hesitate to do it again, I certainly hope I never have too. Have a good one!

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Nihilarian
Guns don't kill people. Americans kill people. Any hopefully those people will start to be capitalists.

This is a completely ignorant and idiotic statement.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Put knives in the airbags and see how many wrecks occur. Zero. No one wants to get shafted in the face.
On the other hand put a gun in every single person's hands and see a world that you can only imagine. Every single person in the world would have a profound respect for each other. No one wants to catch a bullet. You could presume that everyone would be equal, the only thing that seperates each other on a grand scale is how you protect yourself. Here in the U.S. we have others do it for us, because that is accepted. Having weapons publicized has kept us attack free since 1800 (barring Pearl Harbor).

Public weaponry is a force multiplier far, far more superior than any other in modern history. No one wants to attack a country in which every citizen owns or can own a weapon. The only way to do so would be to drop bombs big enough to end this pathetic world we have made for ourselves.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 09:01 PM
until there is a complete shift in human consciousness and every human being becomes enlightened and realizes that all is connected and all is ONE, then maybe we can get rid of guns.

As long as there is an elite class of men ruling over others for profit, control and thirst for War and Conquering then the citizens must arm themselves, hoping to never have to use it for the reasons it is held.

No one group of people should be allowed to have them and another not allowed. This creates Tyranny, slavery, injustice, despotism.

When humanity rises through the realms of ignorance and takes full individual & collective personal responsibility for every thought and action and we all work together to embark towards our destiny as divine spiritual beings then we will have no need for Guns, For war, for control over others. Until then, lock and load and hope its just peace of mind tucked away for a time when self defense may be needed, may that time never come....may we wake up fast, because a storm is coming

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by awakened1
until there is a complete shift in human consciousness and every human being becomes enlightened and realizes that all is connected and all is ONE, then maybe we can get rid of guns.

As long as there is an elite class of men ruling over others for profit, control and thirst for War and Conquering then the citizens must arm themselves, hoping to never have to use it for the reasons it is held.

No one group of people should be allowed to have them and another not allowed. This creates Tyranny, slavery, injustice, despotism.

When humanity rises through the realms of ignorance and takes full individual & collective personal responsibility for every thought and action and we all work together to embark towards our destiny as divine spiritual beings then we will have no need for Guns, For war, for control over others. Until then, lock and load and hope its just peace of mind tucked away for a time when self defense may be needed, may that time never come....may we wake up fast, because a storm is coming

"May we wake up fast, because a storm is coming"
You sir... are a genius. The gun was made to beat the sword. The sword was made to kill. You hit it right on the head with your statement. That quote sounds like a lyric from my favorite band.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by seagull

Don't forget about multiple attackers. I'm a big guy and an experienced fighter. I have taken baseball bats and knives away from people in the past. But even with my skills, I know several men could over power me and have their way with me and my family. However, with a gun, I can fight multiple attackers very efficiently. Combine the two, my experience and the weapon and my family should be relatively safe. Nothing is absolute, if someone is intent on murdering me, I'm sure they will find the right opportunity, but for the 99.9% of random attacks, the gun and the training and responsibility to use it will defeat the attacker. More importantly, having the gun will give me (or anyone else) the confidence and swagger to not appear "victim-like" and not be in a position to have to use the gun. Just having a hidden gun can create a situation where confidence alone diffuses the whole thing and nobody has to get hurt. This is my personal story of just such an event.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

Now picture a gun in your enemy's hand. In your neighbors hand. Your newly unemployed former co-workers hand.......Do we really need to make it that much easier to push-button exact our revenge or vent our anger, hatred or frustrations?

Your logic is entirely upside down. When I was younger, I would fight at the drop of a hat. I enjoyed it. Even now, if things get heated, I am likely to strike first, because that is the best way to win, LOL! BUT, if I am carrying my weapon, it changes the whole dynamic. I will do anything in the world to avoid a confrontation. I will never allow myself to get into a situation where I might have to use the gun, or escalate someone else to use theirs. The gun makes me far, far, far more passive. It also gives me the confidence to not feel like I have to win a fight. If I am unarmed, then I absolutely must win every confrontation, because if I don't, I am at the mercy of a stranger and I could end up hurt or killed. But, with the gun, I can stall until the last possible moment, and then a little longer, because I know I have that decisive force multiplier at my disposal.

I know dozens of people like me. They are so much more passive when they carry their gun. They avoid confrontation at all costs. Without the gun, well everybody enjoys a good rumble now and then don't they?

edit on 19-10-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

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