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If Everybody Had a Gun.....

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by DjKillaVinyl

As a woman living in a rural area where if I had to scream, no one would hear me, I feel a bit better having a gun and knowing how to use it. I'll admit that I don't have the physical strength to take on a big man so yeah, it equals out the equation for me. I won't sit back and let someone have at me, I'm gonna fight and if that means defending myself with a gun then so be it. It's not paranoia, its a fact of life that there are bad guys out there.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere

Originally posted by Sanndy
If everyone had a gun, it would be oh so much fun watching the people who are fully capable use their guns against the handicapped, elderly, young, otherwise incapacitated on any level. I know a guy that lost both his arms. Wonder what he would do with his gun?

Armless shooter at National Games

FDA Approves Handgun for Handicapped

Where there's a will.

Are you really that stupid?
Come on now. Show me what part of that video is supposed to convince me this person is going to be able to use that gun for self defense. Are you honestly suggesting his attackers are going to let him take off his socks, shoes, get in position, aim, fiddle fart around...

Apparently you jumped from "If everyone had a gun" to "If the only thing that ever attacked anyone was a stationary target that does not shoot back." Yeah, my friend can get dressed by himself too but that does not mean he could get a survival suit on while his crab boat was sinking, get it?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Indeed. I've been on the receiving end of a multiperson beat-down. Or attempted anyway. Fortunately, I had a couple of rather large, dangerous friends nearby.

I'm nearly six and half feet tall, I weigh in the neighborhood of two hundred and eighty pound, and little of it is excess. Not to mention I've been around the block a few times. Yet I know that there is a limit to how many people I can take on at one time. A handgun, as you know, is a forcemultiplier, and equalizer if you will.

As for the baseball bat analogy that some here keep bringing up? I'm sorry, but someone my size, on drugs of some sort, or merely drunk; isn't going to be stopped by a five foot six inch woman who weighs maybe a hundred and five pounds wielding a baseball bat. All it'll likely do, unless she's very, very lucky, or extraordinarily skilled; is piss the very large man off. A hand gun, with someone skilled behind it, is an incredible equalizer. A shotgun? Even better.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Sanndy

You wondered your friend could do with his gun. I gave examples.

I didnt realize we were all under the assumption that perpetual and inevitable firefights would be raging all around us.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

That 1% chance becomes irrelevant, considering that the proliferation of guns within a society drastically increases the risk that you will be shot during your day-to-day life -

The statistics don't bear this out. The only way this would be so is if everyone handled guns without due respect and the bulk of the citizens were no good. Society doesn't work at any level, armed or not, if the majority of the people are not trustworthy or otherwise hot-headed. If your society can't bear the responsibility of being armed, by all means, don't be armed. Americans are well armed and up to the responsibility that comes with arms.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by thedarktower

If guns where made legal here in Scotland, within the first month about one fifth of the poulation would be in jail or dead.

After that, you'd have a peaceful population that was still armed. An armed population polices itself to a degree.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by Sanndy

You wondered your friend could do with his gun. I gave examples.

I didnt realize we were all under the assumption that perpetual and inevitable firefights would be raging all around us.

Which is why I have to ask if you are really that stupid. Obviously my answer, as with the context of the discussion, was about self defense. I was not aware that anyone had ever been attacked by a stationary paper target. So according to you the point of the discussion is that if everyone had a gun, paper targets would be more polite and comit less crime?

How did you not know I was talking about self defense when it was so clearly the topic?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Sanndy

I know a guy that lost both his arms. Wonder what he would do with his gun?

In how many threads among how many pages or responses have you seen a single approach taken, a single topic followed, a single context retained?

If you want to feel like you've won something to brighten your day I'll give you that the scope of the thread eleven pages ago began with gun ownership in terms of crime prevention. Congratulations. Here's a cookie.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:26 AM
Well compared to the UK, pretty much everyone in the US is armed! I wouldn't see US inner city crime rates as a particularly good example of what happens when everyone has guns!

No thanks.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Just to share and reaffirm my belief that "more guns equal less crime", I give you my new Glock 23 carry gun!:

I have a holster on order but it came with a pretty nice Galco that will do in the meantime.


In case anyone is observant and picky, it is not a NEW Glock 23 but merely new to me. It is a 2nd gen Glock 23 in very good condition. Also in case anyone is interested it is full of Speer Gold Dot 180gr JHP. The same ammo found in many LE guns.

edit on 20-10-2011 by wasco2 because: preemptive

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by yourignoranceisbliss
Look closely at how many people are killed, every day, for seemingly stupid things.

Women raped.


Bar fights.


Your boss fires you.

Your Wife or Husband cheats on you.

Your Parents scold you.

You're depressed and want to end it all.

One of these things, or all of these things.

Now picture a gun in your enemy's hand. In your neighbors hand. Your newly unemployed former co-workers hand.

Your sons hand.

Your spouses hand.

Your hand.

The world is full of horrible things. Do we really need to make it that much easier to push-button exact our revenge or vent our anger, hatred or frustrations?

The argument I read was that it's a redundant argument, since melee-type weapons are and always have been - always will be available. True enough. But at least you need to be within arms reach to do any damage.

Guns are for cowards, and when you're ready to kill, the last thing you care about is if the person about to die cares that you're a coward.
edit on 19-10-2011 by yourignoranceisbliss because: derp grammar

This is just repetition of anti-gun rhetoric. Educate yourself.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by Sanndy

I know a guy that lost both his arms. Wonder what he would do with his gun?

In how many threads among how many pages or responses have you seen a single approach taken, a single topic followed, a single context retained?

Pretty much everyone I have posted anything in. In fact, after 11 pages this thread is doing just fine with it. You just got confused and thought you had a cool youtube video to use as a smartass response. People are still talking about defense as it is the topic.

If you want to feel like you've won something to brighten your day I'll give you that the scope of the thread eleven pages ago began with gun ownership in terms of crime prevention. Congratulations. Here's a cookie.

If you think my ability to understand the topic I am addressing is a win then you need some help buddy. Sorry if understanding context and a topic are too hard for you. Getting upset with me over your inability to follow a straight line is funny.
edit on 20-10-2011 by Sanndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

You must be from one of those northern states that already took away all the citizens guns. But down here in the south its normal for everyone to have four or five firearms per household. I myself have a combat shotgun I use for home defense. And have modified it to take a 50 rd drum so I get more bang for the buck. I believe the local cops are over worked and under paid. Ive always been the kind of person that thinks in the long term situation. Better to have it than not IF a problem happens.

Course I also enjoy my crossbow and use it more when hunting season comes up, which is very soon. Just because I have a firearm dosn't mean I can't enjoy the more silent forms of hunting. Course you folks up north can't even have crossbows or compound bows. TPTB have taken away your rights to protect yourselves and your loved ones. To there mindset only the cops, military, national guard have the right to use firearms. Course in your northern states there is one other group that has firearms. The criminals.

Not the regular law abiding citizens that pay there taxes. Something wrong with that idea, am glad I live in the south.
By the way this might be a wee bit extreme::Grins:: But my neighbor 4 houses down bought himself an old sherman tank, and uses it. He put rubber treads on it added lights front and back and they even gave him a license to drive it on the roadways. Yeah I know that a wee bit extreme, but here in the south we like to enjoy our right to bear arms...

Sad to be you.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

You see,it's easier when the time comes to do a major "round them up and exterminate" aka population control.

That's all it's ever been about.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by seagull

A baseball bat is a worthless offensive weapon. It is a decent defensive weapon for someone that knows how to use it. I have had men my size and larger charge at me with baseball bats, and then run away a moment later when I had the bat, LOL! My wife loves her bat, and since she insists on keeping it by her side of the bed, and she is just learning to use her gun, I made her train with me on how to use the bat appropriately to keep from losing it to the attacker, and how to create space and escape. That is the best use for a bat; Create space and escape.

I've also worked bars as a bouncer, and I have seen 100 lb tweakers take on 4 large men with mace, and they were still fighting hard when the police showed up. I had the displeasure of holding down this poor kid that insisted on writhing around on the concrete and asphalt, ignored the mace and me on his back, and turned his own face into hamburger waiting on the cops to get cuffs on him. I felt horrible for the poor kid, he was out of his mind and only hurting himself, but you can imagine that same kid attacking someone less prepared. No amount of pepper spray or baseball bats would stop him, it would take lethal force, because he didn't feel any pain at the time.

To be perfectly honest, I've been carrying my gun for 19.... almost 20 years now, and it has never once left its holster except at the range. I've never even alluded to carrying the gun, even during a handful of scuffles. I will most likely carry it for my entire life and never need it. Hopefully. The shotgun by my bed is even less likely to ever be used. I have good door locks, and a large dog, and a big truck and a Harley outside. My house doesn't look like the type of place someone would consider breaking into. BUT, you just never know. So, guns are fun to shoot, they are great for hunting, they are interesting to collect and learn to use, and so why not have one? It is a great hobby, and an important insurance policy for that once in a lifetime event. The old adage goes, "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

edit on 20-10-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I've also worked bars as a bouncer, and I have seen 100 lb tweakers take on 4 large men with mace, and they were still fighting hard when the police showed up.

The one summer I spent as a bouncer on Alaska's Bristol Bay, I saw something similar on a couple of occasions. You've not lived until you see a 300 lb Samoan get thrown through a doorway by a little Guatemalan man just over a third his size... Would have been funny save for how dangerous that little dude was. Never did find out what he was flying on... A club in that situation, or mace as you described are essentially useless. A tazer, or a gun are really the only viable tools in such a situation. At least to my knowledge.
edit on 10/20/2011 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Why do a lot of ATS Americans fear losing their guns?

What is the big deal?

Because it's our last stand against a very corrupt Government, and it's our Constitutional right. It will also improve our chances of resisting if and when there is ever an occupying force on American soil.

Why is your safety totally dependent on guns? Are you that useless without them? If you family was in danger...would you be completely helpless without a weapon?

If an intruder had a firearm, and you didn't, you think that you would not be useless to defend your family? Please explain that insanity?

I mean countries like mine (Canada) are doing alright without guns ( well we are allowed guns but people don't go crazy buying guns left and right)

So you're not "doing alright without guns" because your Nation does allow them.

..we live in a safe environment...

No you don't, you just think you do. You have a false sense of security which is the perfect recipe for becoming a victim of a brutal crime.

I can sleep in my house without ever locking my door..walk down the street without ever worrying about being robbed or whatever and I can live without fear knowing that if something ever happens..I can defend myself.

Oh really, how so? You just made it clear that your Country allows guns, and I am sure criminals possess the most. You leave your door unlocked? That's very foolish my friend. I guess someone with a bat or knife couldn't harm you either? Don't you think a guy with a gun would have an advantage over you? If you don't, you're living in a fantasy world.

I mean come on...your country has a problem with guns yet you refuse to see that it is your easy access to weapons that make it so dangerous. Criminals can buy guns legally or illegally because they live in a country where guns are pretty much available anywhere they go.

You need to study our laws for felons. What do you suggest, just allow the criminals to have guns?

I don't mean ban guns..just control access to them.

That's what you guys always say at first. Besides, access to firearms is already controlled here.

Just man up and realize you can survive without them.

LOL! I hope your foot is never in your mouth with that one. Yeah sure, Man up and watch your family perish with a gun to your head. The truth is, people like you and your feel good ideas never learn until the hour of your own death. Good luck with your beliefs and I hope nothing ever happens to you where you will have wished that you did own a firearm. ~SheopleNation
edit on 20-10-2011 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

If an intruder had a firearm, and you didn't, you think that you would not be useless to defend your family? Please explain that insanity?

I am never defenseless or useless. My gun is just one of many tools that start with my mind. I feel confident I could put up an effective fight against an armed intruder without access to my guns. I might lose, but I might win!

I have had a handgun pointed at me and emptied until the trigger just went click, click, click. The idiot was running toward me and shooting everything except me, and he paid dearly for it! The handgun in the hands of an idiot made him useless, and I didn't even need mine to be very very dangerous.

The only thing less logical than blaming everything on a gun is trusting the gun for everything! They are only a tool. Like I said, I have carried mine for almost 20 years and I have never needed to use it, there has always been another way to deal with things. I have a giant sledgehammer in the tool box of my truck, but I almost always use the smaller ones. I have gear-reduction drill with a 1-amp motor, but 99% of the time I use my little cordless. And my little cordless drill has done things that should rightfully have required the giant drill, but it was never useless, it just took some ingenuity to make it effective.

Without my gun, I am still fully capable of self-defense, but I am better with it. Without my gun, I am still capable of starting some trouble, but with it I am less likely.

It seems, a lot of people on both sides of this argument don't fully understand the effectiveness and limitations of a gun? They are a very useful tool, nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I understand your point. In no way whatsoever am I saying that one cannot defend themself without a gun. However, If someone enters your home with a shotgun then all that flys out the window. Nobody is gonna stand against a shotgun.

Yeah, The closest thing to me when I sleep is a U.S Military K-Bar combat knife. I have young children, so my firearm is nearby, but out of reach of them. I agree with you that a gun is not always the answer. I tend to look at these situations as bigger than a home invasion, and more about the scenario of mass chaos and groups of hungry bandits who are armed.

I also agree with your point that firearms calm the situation, instead of escalating them.

I have Combat skills, Martial arts skills and I have plenty of firearm knowledge being that I am also an avid outdoorsman. In fact, I believe I could kill an intruder with a knife even if he has unloaded on me by just pushing with adrenaline prior to being deceased. Course, I would always be hoping to not come face to face with a shotgun. ~SheopleNation

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