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Occupy Wall Street Has Begun!

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Here it is in a nutshell

The time has come, it is HERE

You're either FOR corporate corruption and powerful influence (MONEY) over our lives embedded in our political and economic system and within our society (in ALL our societies institutions including health and education etc) to serve their best interests (TPTB) PROFIT (over people and society) or you're FOR the people, for society, community interests, OUR interests, we the people!!!

Its as simple as that

WE are the 99%
it IS time we take our country's back
for ALL of us

There is more of us than them

The TIME is here, its obvious its taken some by surprise, some are still in conflict (its understandable and thats okay) but this is it folks

Understand these struggles currently facing us will not be easy

Each one of you have always said you are ready to stand up
Stand up, STAND UP

This current fight may not be to your liking (as its by peaceful protest and democratic action)

It involves patience, guidance, love, support etc with continual dialog/communication/all voices heard/acknowledged

Patience is something that most are not really familiar with

and along with the patience to endure, to keep going, to keep supporting, to put away our own differences (on so many issues)

Humanity is at stake here

The time is HERE and it's NOW

It will be long
It will be hard
But it has started

Be strong
Together we're strong

There is more of us than them
United together we ARE Strong!
edit on 27-9-2011 by Ellen15 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Ellen15

So it will be long and hard lol

But seriously... best of luck to you guys over there!

Corporate America is definitely in need of some asskicking.
I hope youre right about the signs of times.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:55 PM
Demonstrating in NYC in the ROADWAY is illegal without proper permits. If a police officer ask you to move to the sidewalk and you refused for whatever reason, you will be arrested for refusing to abide by lawful order to leave. This charge is call disorderly conduct. Under this charge, you can also be arrest for cursing in public, being loud and creating a crowd gathering. Understanding this charge will better your knowledge before you go out screaming, yelling and refusing to move like a savage. Not all protesters are saints nor are the police officer. That being said, you take a risk when you attend. Will anything change by this protest? Probably not. The reality is we live in a capitalistic society. It's nice to have a voice in this society but at the same time your voice will be overcast by the roar of our government. The same government that we elect into office.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Therealworld2011
Demonstrating in NYC in the ROADWAY is illegal without proper permits. If a police officer ask you to move to the sidewalk and you refused for whatever reason, you will be arrested for refusing to abide by lawful order to leave. This charge is call disorderly conduct. Under this charge, you can also be arrest for cursing in public, being loud and creating a crowd gathering. Understanding this charge will better your knowledge before you go out screaming, yelling and refusing to move like a savage. Not all protesters are saints nor are the police officer. That being said, you take a risk when you attend. Will anything change by this protest? Probably not. The reality is we live in a capitalistic society. It's nice to have a voice in this society but at the same time your voice will be overcast by the roar of our government. The same government that we elect into office.
The reality I see is that we live in a totalitarian society. A capitalistic society doesn't have to be so authoritarian, nor so corrupt, as ours has become.

In our society, the two major political parties are effectively the same, insofar as they both support the same policies of unrestrained financial deregulation, corporate monopoly, and global militarization. We are effectively living in a corporate owned plutocracy where most major news media outlets are controlled by the same financial interests and corporations who control our political process. Is it not fair to say, in a society such as ours has become, that voting, in itself, has become an act of violence, in which We the People have unwittingly and inadvertently been giving our tacit approval to these policies?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Therealworld2011
Demonstrating in NYC in the ROADWAY is illegal without proper permits. If a police officer ask you to move to the sidewalk and you refused for whatever reason, you will be arrested for refusing to abide by lawful order to leave. This charge is call disorderly conduct. Under this charge, you can also be arrest for cursing in public, being loud and creating a crowd gathering. Understanding this charge will better your knowledge before you go out screaming, yelling and refusing to move like a savage. Not all protesters are saints nor are the police officer. That being said, you take a risk when you attend. Will anything change by this protest? Probably not. The reality is we live in a capitalistic society. It's nice to have a voice in this society but at the same time your voice will be overcast by the roar of our government. The same government that we elect into office.

"ohai guyz, gotta call off the revolution 'cause we might fracture one of the king's bull# laws. let's forget the whole thing and have a turkey shoot".
-Sincerely, George Washington

edit on 27-9-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Therealworld2011
Demonstrating in NYC in the ROADWAY is illegal without proper permits. If a police officer ask you to move to the sidewalk and you refused for whatever reason, you will be arrested for refusing to abide by lawful order to leave. This charge is call disorderly conduct. Under this charge, you can also be arrest for cursing in public, being loud and creating a crowd gathering. Understanding this charge will better your knowledge before you go out screaming, yelling and refusing to move like a savage. Not all protesters are saints nor are the police officer. That being said, you take a risk when you attend. Will anything change by this protest? Probably not. The reality is we live in a capitalistic society. It's nice to have a voice in this society but at the same time your voice will be overcast by the roar of our government. The same government that we elect into office.

Interesting points you made which goes totally against - the land of the free, freedom, freedom and speech, democracy and civil rights

They're demonstrating on the sidewalk, they march every day, twice a day down the sidewalk

They've been threatened with stupid new rules thrown at them almost every day

Latest rule - they cant have an umbrella (beach) protecting their technical equipment from the rain/sun

I hope the american people from now on dont get arrest for beach umbrellas set up for picnics at a park or at the beach

(yet the streetwalk marketing stalls have canopies - guess its okay if you are selling something on the sidewalk to have your tshirts (etc) protected from the rain/sun)

Just add the latest above rule to the other rules, the police has thrown daily at them

Police keep changing the rules at them for the type of power generators they can and can not use almost daily
They cant lean on or touch trees or the benches at the park

They cant have anything hanging from a tree, not even a scarf, signs, balloons etc (police come marching up threatening arrest)

They cant have tarps up to protect their technical equipment from the rain, nor can they have that type of shelter for themselves, they're basically sleeping, eating in the rain when it rains

A few were arrested for tarps erected to protect their technical equipment and their gear last Monday, bet the media didnt explain THAT very well when they reported

They cant have signs on walls or leaning up against trees (all signs have to be flat on the ground)

They cant have a bull horn for their General Assembly

I forgot to add, they're also told they are not allowed to block the sidewalk, so they form a long skinny line when they stand on the sidewalk at the top of liberty park and when they march from liberty park to the stock exchange

a couple of times, when they formed a skinny line at the sidewalk at the top of liberty park, the police still were not too happy about it

Yesterday I watched the police telling passbyers to keep moving, it seemed the police for awhile did not want passbyers to stop and look at signs which were laid flat etc

edit on 27-9-2011 by Ellen15 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I really don't understand who actually formed this protest?

Occupy Wall Street?

Try Denver, by the 100's of millions. Time to make them do their jobs, they were overpaid to do.

There is a magnetic storm that is now nearly 9/9 on the scale.

They're sitting there waiting for the power to go out.
Iran planning to send ships near U.S. waters

There is a once in 10 000 year Virgo virgin clothed in the moon and sun giving birth to the red dragon mercury happening.

Kind of gives a twist to revelations 12 and the Red Dragon iron fist rule eh?

eveyrthing is always done on the dates. They always do it on the dates!

I think going there and making them accountable is more important!

Also, Gov not funded past Thursday including Fema.

Gee, whats up with that!
Now, my friend and I remote viewed 55 subs, I saw one, Chinese off the US shore.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:44 PM
I still say if they want to be truly effective they need to focus on the true enemy of The People, the Federal Reserve. If all these passionate young people would focus on this evil I think they would pull many groups that actually oppose them on other issues to run to rally with the cause and back their play.

Just one old fuddy duddy's opinion.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by cornucopia!

one word...


thank you

Watched that whole thing... LOVED IT.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by ColCurious
reply to post by Ellen15

So it will be long and hard lol

But seriously... best of luck to you guys over there!

Corporate America is definitely in need of some asskicking.
I hope youre right about the signs of times.

That is definitely an anti-American sentiment, so I will regard all your comments in the future as attacking my country.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Whoa I didn't know you could do remote viewing....I've heard about it though. I definitely think there is apocalyptic stuff going on. Your metaphysical view of it is intriguing.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Swingline50022

I never mentioned pizza or Starbucks, or said that I admired the protesters. I did say that they had a Constitutional right, if not a DUTY, to publicly protest what they, and many of us, see as inequities in the system

I have never contested their Constitutional right. I just stated they were taking donations for pizza, and you were judging me for my stance. Did you not accuse me of having too much time for posting, while they are camped out there 24/7 taking donations? Your accusation in fact reeked of class warfare, which is a major component in socialism and communism.
Soros is an operative of Rothschilds and if you want to take this thing all the way, go to the source.

You say Capitalism doesn't have to be authoritarian. I would actually agree with that statement. That is why I am for free enterprise, not crony capitalism. There are definitely socialists mixed in with that crowd at Wall Street, and I don't think they all are. Since Obama got in the WH there has been a huge push for socialism, like a giant tidal wave. Socialism always has collectivism at the heart of its being, and therefore is the enemy of freedom and individualism.
I imagine that Soros' hatred of Bush is just part of the rivalry that goes with the Elite, or he genuinely views Bush as the enemy of his socialist utopia. But in the end, all these guys slap each other's back at the next Bilderberg meet.

Maybe this will explain my view more plainly....the role of the Bilderbergs, because Soros is part of it....and Soros has connections to the protest....

edit on 28-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Anti-CORPORATE sentiment dude, learn to read.
I saw you posting a lot of unbacked, misguided and plain wrong statements by now, so Im not surprised at all that yet again you chose to ignore the true meaning of words and jump to conclusions that fit your narrow-minded pov.
I have friends in NJ who would disagree with you...

I couldnt care less how you regard my comments anyways, since you are obviously not able to understand.
As I said before, there is no point in arguing with you.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Cinaed
I still say if they want to be truly effective they need to focus on the true enemy of The People, the Federal Reserve. If all these passionate young people would focus on this evil I think they would pull many groups that actually oppose them on other issues to run to rally with the cause and back their play.

Just one old fuddy duddy's opinion.

I pretty much agree but the Federal Reserve is just another aspect of the same adversary represented by the big major banks on Wall Street. The F.R. is completely controlled by the big bankers. The only real control of any kind our government exerts over the F.R. is through the appointment of the F.R. chairman. This appointee is always selected from among the representatives of the big banks. Through the F.R., the big banks masquerade as an agency of our government, which it is not. Through the F.R., our government has abdicated control of our money supply to the banks.

The President's ability to appoint the F.R. chairman from amongst the selections approved by the big banks is much akin to our ability to elect political representatives from amongst the elite millionaire politicians approved by the Powers That Be, in our monopolistic two-party system, which is to say that the choices are too severely limited; all the possible choices are always bad, because any good choices can be, will be, and are systematically weeded out.
edit on 28-9-2011 by Swingline50022 because: insert "in our monopolistic two-party system"

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:23 AM

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by Swingline50022

I never mentioned pizza or Starbucks, or said that I admired the protesters. I did say that they had a Constitutional right, if not a DUTY, to publicly protest what they, and many of us, see as inequities in the system

I have never contested their Constitutional right. I just stated they were taking donations for pizza, and you were judging me for my stance. Did you not accuse me of having too much time for posting, while they are camped out there 24/7 taking donations? Your accusation in fact reeked of class warfare, which is a major component in socialism and communism.
Soros is an operative of Rothschilds and if you want to take this thing all the way, go to the source.

You say Capitalism doesn't have to be authoritarian. I would actually agree with that statement. That is why I am for free enterprise, not crony capitalism. There are definitely socialists mixed in with that crowd at Wall Street, and I don't think they all are. Since Obama got in the WH there has been a huge push for socialism, like a giant tidal wave. Socialism always has collectivism at the heart of its being, and therefore is the enemy of freedom and individualism.
I imagine that Soros' hatred of Bush is just part of the rivalry that goes with the Elite, or he genuinely views Bush as the enemy of his socialist utopia. But in the end, all these guys slap each other's back at the next Bilderberg meet.

Maybe this will explain my view more plainly....the role of the Bilderbergs, because Soros is part of it....and Soros has connections to the protest....

edit on 28-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)
Fair enough, I suspect NoHierarchy might have felt the same about your comment that he or she protested too much. My apologies, and thanks for the link to the very well-written Global Research summary article on the Bilderbergs.
edit on 28-9-2011 by Swingline50022 because: typo

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Cinaed
,It.s not about the feds or government or god knows what other agencies,it's just the fact they are very scarred about the coming crises,they don't know how to react,it's like a cornered wolf who attack,because has been blinded by the people's light;They'r poverty and sincerity in honesty.THE GOVERNMENT DON'T WAN'T TO SEE THE SOLUTION THEY SPEND HUNDRED OF BILLIONS FOR NOTHING. PRINTED MONEY.THEY ARE TO BLIND TOO SEE,THAT THE ONLY SOLUTION AND THE MOST SIMPLE IT'S TO PUT REAL MONEY IN THE HANDS OF EVERY HOUSEHOLD IN THE US ,REAL MONEY CASH,ABOUT 100000 USD,AND PEOPLE PAY ALL DEBTS WITH THAT MONEY.That's the only way,the return to the ice age of the simple solutions,in an era of super advanced tech so advanced the the simple and most effective inexpensive solution on Earth it's not been seen,BECAUSE THEY ARE TO SCARED AND BLIND TO SEE.FEAR BORN MONSTERS, BLIND MONSTERS

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 12:03 PM
Hello friends.

Let me offer some perspective......

I am proud of the people who are participating in Occupy Wall Street....but let's face it. It will not go anywhere. This is not Tunisia. This is not Egypt. This is not Syria. This is not Libya. We are not dealing with Mubarak, or Gadhaffi, or Assad.....we do not have the help of a foreign nation putting pressure on our government to can't expect to send a few hundred people out into the street of one American city to protest and get the same results seen in the Middle East. I'm sorry but it is the truth. If you look at the numbers of protesters in the Arab spring uprisings, you are looking at 100,000.....200,000.....half a million.......and that is to take down a 3rd world country......all these people "occupying" wall street in hopes of influencing reform or change of the American monetary system or financial's not going to work. You are wasting energy. You are wasting time. The beast that we are dealing with is so deeply rooted, so heavily influential on the world, and so utterly powerful that the only way it is going to fall is through a global cataclysm or if all the countries who hate us join together to beat up the school bully. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news and pessimism.....but wake up people. This is going nowhere. To the elite, this protest is a joke. Until we see tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands in the streets of every major American city, the monster that is American capitalism and imperialism will continue to exert its will and force on it's people and on the world.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Apollo44
Very interesting but Egypt is losing 300 millions usd every day ,the poverty has increase in that country,Libia is a destroyed country and no one will reconstruct that country,Irak is a destroyed country and nobody will rebuild that country ever,Afganistan is a destroyed country twice and no one will rebuild that country, and so on. Maybe someday we will wake one morning to see because right now we are blind.Blinded by power,by money ,by greed,by promiscuity of the so called elite,we don't want to see,but I'm afraid of THE LAST THING WILL SEE WHEN WE WILL OPEN OUR EYES!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Apollo44
Hello friends.

Let me offer some perspective......

I am proud of the people who are participating in Occupy Wall Street....but let's face it. It will not go anywhere. This is not Tunisia. This is not Egypt. This is not Syria. This is not Libya. We are not dealing with Mubarak, or Gadhaffi, or Assad.....we do not have the help of a foreign nation putting pressure on our government to can't expect to send a few hundred people out into the street of one American city to protest and get the same results seen in the Middle East. I'm sorry but it is the truth. If you look at the numbers of protesters in the Arab spring uprisings, you are looking at 100,000.....200,000.....half a million.......and that is to take down a 3rd world country......all these people "occupying" wall street in hopes of influencing reform or change of the American monetary system or financial's not going to work. You are wasting energy. You are wasting time. The beast that we are dealing with is so deeply rooted, so heavily influential on the world, and so utterly powerful that the only way it is going to fall is through a global cataclysm or if all the countries who hate us join together to beat up the school bully. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news and pessimism.....but wake up people. This is going nowhere. To the elite, this protest is a joke. Until we see tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands in the streets of every major American city, the monster that is American capitalism and imperialism will continue to exert its will and force on it's people and on the world.
Everything has to start somewhere sometime somehow. Or you can do nothing and wait for global cataclysm. It's a choice.

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