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The 9/11 'jumpers

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posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:22 AM

edit on 11-9-2011 by CherryV because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
Did anyone stop to think that maybe some of these people were so scared of burning alive inside those buildings that they thought jumping might be their only chance at survival?

These people knew their fate, they concluded that jumping would yield a higher chance of survival.
A lot of these people attempted to glide and it has been confirmed that some have tried parachuting before the wind ripped their makeshift parachutes out of their hands.

These people jumped hoping to survive.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:39 AM
I would like to say that these people had guts of steel. I live in a small town that has micro buildings, I know people that have never been in a tall building.....

I visited the Sears Tower about 15 years ago......It scared the crap out of me........

There is no way I can work there everyday..............The thought of clinging to the edge of a friggin skyscraper 100 floors up is totally a knee shaker.........

With that being said, whoever said they are cowards............They are the cowards.......


posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by JoeDaShom

Originally posted by toothpastert
heres a video of alot of people jumping quite sad to be put in that position jump or die from smoke/ burn to death

just image falling for 10 seconds watching the ground possible slowly coming at you wondering if it will hurt...

edit on 9/10/2011 by toothpastert because: (no reason given)

And as they approach.... and hit the bottom

And then you see it." "What? Gandalf? …See what?" "White shores…and beyond. The far green country under a swift sunrise." "Well, that isn't so bad." "No…No, it isn't."

In a way, that brought me a lot of peace. I hope it /was/ like that. And /is/.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Segador

These people knew their fate, they concluded that jumping would yield a higher chance of survival.
A lot of these people attempted to glide and it has been confirmed that some have tried parachuting before the wind ripped their makeshift parachutes out of their hands.

These people jumped hoping to survive.

Really? Everyone? There would have been different reasons. Some did try to parachute, some were probably pushed out by others crowding round the windows, some may have inadvertently stepped out onto nothing or been sucked/blown out, some would have been making a decision to die that way and for others it would have been more a matter of ending the pain of heat and suffocation rather than a cold blooded rational decision.
I think part of the reason it's not talked about much is the whole notion is so horrific. This was a slow motion and so very visible death. We are not used to that in our western culture. It was a movie made real.

edit on 11-9-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Shamatt
So the trolls are here already.

Ya know what people. Today of all days we should have some bloody repsect in this forum. I don't care what you beleive. 3000 dead people, thousands of families with no father , mother, brothers sisters sons daughter....

I don't give a toss about what you beleive. You are an insignificant little nobody on a web forum.

Today we show some respect to those that died, we don't just try and say the stupidest thing we can in order to start a fight. If you have not got anything intelligent to say, or are not intelligent enough to say something productive, the shut the # up!

Very well said Shamatt.

I am also really flabbergasted to see those posts wherein is said what those poor people could have done better in order to trying to save themselves from that hell-hole which was obvious impossible in such a very sensitive thread.
Absolutely shameful indeed.
edit on 11/9/11 by spacevisitor because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:02 AM
no suicide involved, like what was posted before, there was no choice.

i have been burned and spent the night in a hospital for a hand burn! hurt like hell!

had a restaurant burn down around me and trying to fight it. didn't get burned but had a lot of smoke and fire extinguisher fumes in me and no one got hurt.(emt's gave me some oxygen)

i was on the ground floor and 10 feet from the outside. pretty different situation.

i been sucker punched and in car accidents, the pain comes later didn't feel a thing when it happened.

hitting the ground at 100mph would be painless as you would never wake up.

those people up there were choking and burning to death, scared out of their minds and in pain.

i would probably have done the same.

rip all who lost their lives that day.
edit on 11-9-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 04:14 AM
Here is a good idea of what it was like inside the towers.. This is a 911 call from someone inside the towers.......

I have only watched it once since i saw it many years ago.. its pretty bad to realize this after its all said in done..

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 05:57 AM
I watched and I cried. I cannot imagine the fear, the terror, the absolute agony of knowing where they were and what was happening around them.
I cannot imagine the decision they made was easy. They got up and went to work and ended up in the middle of an absolute nightmare.
I pray that they passed quickly into the light and are now safely wrapped in the arms of a loving God.

Rest In Peace

Evil will never win.

People may have died but their Souls live forever. Much Peace To Everyone.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Eirian

Although i strongly believe the government set up 911, the poor guy jumped due to the hell that he was about to be engulfed by, im sick of religion being appart of the inluence of how people should be treated, we are all human, gay straight transgender leabsbian, it doesnt matter what those people died, it takes a person allot to commit suicide, the brain has to be in extream fear or anguish to be pushed to that point, and this guy along with all the others who jumped/fell are all humans, one day the american people will learn how there government betrayed them, criminals like bush, rice and rumsfeld will hopefully be brought to justice, but for now there still at large!
i still find it odd 911 is also the emergencey number. hmmm.
RIP ALL the victims of 9/11.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by Eirian

I thought how awful it was that no one wanted to claim him because he 'jumped' as opposed to fell, and thereby in the eyes of the religious committed a sin.

Last I heard, Jesus claimed all sinners as his equal, he especially took in and helped the sinners.

Most people who consider themselves "Religious" are usually HypoChristians, they'll tell you to live by the word of God/Jesus as they patronize, judge, & shun you on their way to Walmart to buy goods made by child slaves from China.

This sir, is the best comment I've read in awhile. These same "religious" people support wars and the death penalty as well. Hypocrites.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:02 AM
I remember watching these poor people fall, with the choice of being burnt to death or jump..

I remember thinking "God will catch you"

These people did not go to work that day thinking they would have to make that god awful choice.

The horror of it!

Those who presume to know the mind of God are fools.

My God, who is love, caught them as they fell.

I know it!
edit on 11-9-2011 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2011 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:10 AM
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Notice the words, "God so loved THE WORLD."
I am amazed that this lie perpetuates about people who commit suicide dont go to heaven.
Where does this doctrine come from? Why believe it?
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."

God loves us, yes even those who kill themselves.
Matthew 1:21
She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
All his people not just some, it states clearly all his people.

The question is were they all his (Jesus's) people

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:16 AM
when the new tower is finished being rebuilt im going to be working there on one of the top floors. needless to say im going to have a parachute in my office, ya know just in case.

also whats more intresting is the fact that people were jumping out of the hole the plane made, which was supposedly a raging inferno of jet fuel buring hot enough to melt steel
edit on 11-9-2011 by MastaShake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:21 AM

The question is were they all his (Jesus's) people
reply to post by boony

Those created in His image;

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written:“ For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”[ a]
37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us fro
m the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord

edit on 11-9-2011 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Eirian
I wanted to share this with everyone because I remember watching a documentary on The Falling Man, and I thought how awful it was that no one wanted to claim him because he 'jumped' as opposed to fell, and thereby in the eyes of the religious committed a sin.


I saw the falling man, I was deeply touched by the Man's Mum Gwendoline who said Jonathon had an orange shirt like the falling man was wearing and from memory at the end this lady (who was the Jonathons mum) said she didnt want to claim The Falling Man was Jonathon BECAUSE she wanted him to be remembered as him and not The Falling Man and also because he represented many of the people who jumped. She simply didnt want him to become remembered from that scenario as he wasnt the only one.

I dont remember anything about her saying he commited a religious sin. I do recall her saying something like that was like Jonathon to take his destiny in his own hands.

It was quite nice sentiment and selfless on her behalf and not to take anything from the other victims. Her gesture was a benevolent one.

I will see if I can find the clip for it.

Please view from the 1hr 3mins about there and to the end I think I got it right and set it at that time.


edit on 11/9/2011 by themuse because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/9/2011 by themuse because: Embedding Learner

edit on 11/9/2011 by themuse because: Embed again fingers crossed

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:28 AM
Crazy story.... did religious folk in America Really disown these people?

Seems pretty harsh man.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Seriously folks...No one who jumped committed suicide.

They were murdered.

No one went to work that day thinking, "I think I'll kill myself."

They jumped out of hopelessness. Because they were burning. Unable to breathe. They were put in a situation in which they had no control over.

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:38 AM
unfortunately,lots of people,mostly women and some of them 14 year old girls, threw themselves to their deaths from the 8th,9th,and 10th stories during the triangle shirt waist factory fire in new york city in 1911 < "notice the 911 number" !?!?,it is the 3rd worst tragedy in nyc history,who remembers them??? nobody, thats who...
edit on 11-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by blocula
lots of teenage girls threw themselves to their deaths during the triangle shirt waist factory fire in new york city in 1911 < "notice the 911 number",it is the 3rd worst tragedy in nyc history,who remembers them??? nobody, thats who...
edit on 11-9-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

You make it sound like your comparing the two..and we should all remember this tragedy in 1911?

A fire in a factory over 100 years ago is a little different than two airplanes driving themselves into two huge towers,causing the death of 3000.

In 3001..if the world lasts that many will talk or remember 911..? It will be in the history books..but that is about it.

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