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The 9/11 'jumpers

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:25 AM
I wanted to share this with everyone because I remember watching a documentary on The Falling Man, and I thought how awful it was that no one wanted to claim him because he 'jumped' as opposed to fell, and thereby in the eyes of the religious committed a sin.

This story in the Daily Mail highlights how many people did jump from the buildings and that whilst some people have claimed the jumpers and are happy to have some closure, many other families have turned their backs on the idea that one of them may be their relative, because of their religious beliefs.

Here is the link:

+63 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Eirian

I thought how awful it was that no one wanted to claim him because he 'jumped' as opposed to fell, and thereby in the eyes of the religious committed a sin.

Last I heard, Jesus claimed all sinners as his equal, he especially took in and helped the sinners.

Most people who consider themselves "Religious" are usually HypoChristians, they'll tell you to live by the word of God/Jesus as they patronize, judge, & shun you on their way to Walmart to buy goods made by child slaves from China.

+9 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
reply to post by Eirian

I thought how awful it was that no one wanted to claim him because he 'jumped' as opposed to fell, and thereby in the eyes of the religious committed a sin.

Last I heard, Jesus claimed all sinners as his equal, he especially took in and helped the sinners.

Most people who consider themselves "Religious" are usually HypoChristians, they'll tell you to live by the word of God/Jesus as they patronize, judge, & shun you on their way to Walmart to buy goods made by child slaves from China.

Last I heard Jesus wasnt the son of god, and god wasnt real.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:49 AM
heres a video of alot of people jumping quite sad to be put in that position jump or die from smoke/ burn to death

just image falling for 10 seconds watching the ground possible slowly coming at you wondering if it will hurt...

edit on 9/10/2011 by toothpastert because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:50 AM
Maybe no one claimed them because they weren't real. We can't show the body of Bin Laden but we can show school children people jumping from their deaths.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Eirian

Wow, I honestly didn't realise there had been so many. I can't immagine the siruation, I mean, who could? But I understand how people might like to make a choice about how thry die. Choaking and burning to death in a firey hell hole, or the big blue unknown...... I t makes sence the decission they made.

I think that there is little need to be said about the religious reaction to this. In our hearts, we know it is wrong, and that there is no shame, no damnation for those poor people who chose to leave by the window.These people did not commit suicide, they just chose how to meat death, knowing that it was their day to do that, whatever actions they took. It is sad that some people are not able to rise above the taboo, above the religious dogma which they allow to bring shame onto themselves. God is loving and understanding, no?

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:58 AM
I'm sure God would claim them.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:00 AM
Either way, if they were thinking would be better to have looked
for heat resistant items in their rooms and take your chances running through the fire,
that way least you have a CHANCE of living, but again, the pain of having a chance
is apparently too much.
Now if they couldn't find heat resistant items, then try running through with clothes you
know wont catch fire that easy, or go through naked...yes naked, that way you wont have
burning clothes and last I checked, I don't think body parts can catch fire, that easily.

If all else fails, or are too afraid to run through fire ( Which is a daunting idea ),
the building in that video seemed to be a bit tilted, not sure if it was, last idea,
slide down/climb down Jet Li/ Bruce Lee style.
edit on 10-9-2011 by MajorTom4754 because: Removed section due to demand.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by toothpastert
heres a video of alot of people jumping quite sad to be put in that position jump or die from smoke/ burn to death

just image falling for 10 seconds watching the ground possible slowly coming at you wondering if it will hurt...

edit on 9/10/2011 by toothpastert because: (no reason given)

And as they approach.... and hit the bottom

And then you see it." "What? Gandalf? …See what?" "White shores…and beyond. The far green country under a swift sunrise." "Well, that isn't so bad." "No…No, it isn't."

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

I also agree with this, suicide I think would be more considered along the terms of " Pointless death "
To explain better, death that didn't need to happen.

I woulda chose the fire, heights scare me >.>

+11 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by MajorTom4754
It's a bit cowardly to kill yourself by jumping, afraid to burn or face pain.
Who is to say that splattering yourself all over the pavement you wont feel
even greater pain for dying that completely outdues the burning alive?

Either way, if they were thinking would be better to have looked
for heat resistant items in their rooms and take your chances running through the fire,
that way least you have a CHANCE of living, but again, the pain of having a chance
is apparently too much.
Now if they couldn't find heat resistant items, then try running through with clothes you
know wont catch fire that easy, or go through naked...yes naked, that way you wont have
burning clothes and last I checked, I don't think body parts can catch fire, that easily.

If all else fails, or are too afraid to run through fire ( Which is a daunting idea ),
the building in that video seemed to be a bit tilted, not sure if it was, last idea,
slide down/climb down Jet Li/ Bruce Lee style.

what about the choking smoke from burning office furniture black acrid smoke. try running thu that and u will understand the choice they had to make..and it wasnt just a few feet it was a few stories of building they had to run thu full of smoke with no masks or nothing. besides all the stair cases above where the plane hit were basically gone. thats if u weren't injured when the plane hit. yeah climb down what 80+ stories of skyscraper with no rope or any thing to hold onto. worst post ive read on here in a long time.

because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/2011 by toothpastert because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/2011 by toothpastert because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:06 AM
These images are the most deeply ingrained part of my memories of that event.Though thousands of miles from ground zero,it was a photo or two of these people that broke my heart.I have difficulty looking at them to this day.
It is abhorrent to me that such things as this are deemed a "victory" by one side or another in the constantly changing killing spree which mankind has engaged in since memory was born.
The reality of what we have perpetrated upon each other is encapsulated in those photos.
It is to these people we owe a debt of honour.
There must always be a truth movement till we get to the stark reality of who could have perpetrated this heinous crime.
In the name of the victims,for the loss of their families, and for the sake of justice.

+25 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by MajorTom4754
It's a bit cowardly to kill yourself by jumping, afraid to burn or face pain.
Who is to say that splattering yourself all over the pavement you wont feel
even greater pain for dying that completely outdues the burning alive?

Doctors. Doctors say that.

*You shouldn't be calling those people cowards. It is a disgraceful and a shameful thing to do and I doubt you would do it in real life.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by toothpastert

Have you seen how jet li and other martial artists climb up and down buildings?
2nd Line.
edit on 10-9-2011 by MajorTom4754 because: Added 2nd line.

+27 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:10 AM

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:11 AM
Did you ever think that they weren't committing suicide? It was either certain death or a one in a trillion chance of jumping and some how surviving...

When in a hopeless situation, people search for hope in even the most minute chances....

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

You might be right, I'd take the 3rd option, knock myself out or find a nice sharp object.

Fire doesn't sound too pretty right about now, now that I think about it....
Noone should run through fire, you would melt long before you made it through
the first floor.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by MajorTom4754
It's a bit cowardly to kill yourself by jumping........the building in that video seemed to be a bit tilted, not sure if it was, last idea,
slide down/climb down Jet Li/ Bruce Lee style.

Majorlee you are so wrong in so many ways, I'm not quoting your whole silly post because of that.

I read this article just an hour ago, and have been pondering it since - how on earth can we judge those people, we don't know the circumstances up in those towers, yes some people decided to jump (but we don't know why, or how frightened, terrified they were), some people could have been blown out of windows, pushed accidently, forced out by the heat - try putting your hand in a fire for just a few seconds and see how far you jump back.

No one who survived that day, or stood watching or sat watching on their tv screens has any right to judge.

Personally I'm tired of the whole 10 year anniversary - but just sometimes, a deserving story like this comes up (from a surprising source too!) and shows you what terror it was that day.

+12 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:14 AM

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:14 AM
They were given the choice to either:

a) Burn to death
b) Suffocate
c) Be crushed by tons of debris
d) Jump out of the window

I would've chosen D. At least jumping gives you some control of your fate. I don't see the sin within this decision since God clearly understands the situation. If you know you're meeting your demise one way or the other, free falling from the building would be quick and painless. Suffocation and burning are the worst ways to go.

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