posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:17 PM
You didn't idolize or idealize her, things change.People change, relationships change. The sooner you figure that out, the longer your relationships
will last.
Your both in your early twenties, no offense to other members but even in your early 20s you have no idea what you are doing or what you want.
Neurologists say that people shouldn't make life decisions till your 25, the brain doesn't even get organized till then.
I remember that first heartbreak, I lost 15 lbs that summer. Now I look back and think, what did I ever see in that guy?
The advice about taking care of yourself and building up your self esteem is important. Get in shape, learn to love yourself, get a new hobby.
If you are gonna rebound, do it with someone else who is also rebounding, they are short adn sweet and less of a headache.
You have to feel your emotions whether you want to or not. If you push them back, they only show up later and much more stronger. it is ok to be
sad.Aknowledge it, let it pass.
When grief no longer serves a purpose, it is time to forgive and move on.
Most people don't grieve for more then a year, especially at your age. If it goes on longer then that, seek help.
Just remember that millions have been through this and lived. This too shall pass. But it is ok if it doesnt' feel like it.
Be prepared for a day when you have a setback, they happen. Have a plan in place in case you do.