posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by lostangel818
The place you are in right now has been described as being surrounded by mirrrors, everywhere you look you see yourself reflected back at you.
So the question is how do you make that glass transparent, the advice about dating is sound, but keep it to just that; dating. A healthy diet,
exersize, and sleeping well will also help, do you have any hobbies if so great go and enjoy them. If you dont get out do some walking in the fresh
air, and light if you can. Do not induldge yourself listening to sad music (you know the i just got dumped stuff), or by eating junky food voluntary
work helping others is its own reward, but it can also be very good for your own state of mind. You did not say how old you are, but your posting
suggests you are still quite young there are many great, and wonderfull things in your future so try to stay positive and grab life with both hands,
and start living. You sound like a very sweet girl just the type Id go for but im forty two, so il just wish you all the very best.
Kind regards