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We (Muslims) are going to stone obelisks this Friday.

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
They will stone and burn the symbols of evil this Friday.

Well nice you can vent some frustrations out in such a way. Thinking you might want to do this more often actually and let the women be free.
And I`m interested in the quoted part above. Burn mainly. Burn what? The pillar?
I love a good pillar fire.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

many western pagan religions use the obelisk as a phallic symbol aswell, The celts, norsemen, druids etc.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

I have enough knowledge to see that the bible teaches love and the coran does not.
I see it in the news almost every day as well.
But you are entitled to your oppinion.
Have fun throwing rocks and be careful not to hurt anyone.
edit on 21-8-2011 by AmericanDaughter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by AmericanDaughter
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

I have enough knowledge to see that the bible teaches love and the coran does not.
I see it in the news almost every day as well.
But you are entitled to your oppinion.
Have fun throwing rocks and be careful not to hurt anyone.
edit on 21-8-2011 by AmericanDaughter because: (no reason given)

have you read the Quran?

better not take your truth from the news. better to discern it yourself, through real knowledge and not hearsay from the MSM..

i am a christian myself, and even in our faith, there are radicals, people who take the Bible out of proportion and do atrocious things in it's name

so just remember that, muslims are not the boogy-man

the reason why there is so much hate around here for muslims is because the us gov't has been fueling the fire of racism and bigotry for some time now to serve its own interests, to keep us (the human race black, white, red, yellow etc. aka human beings) divided

as the old saying goes 'divide and conquer'

don't be felled by ignorance

edit on 21/8/11 by emptyOmind because: afterthoughts

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by AmericanDaughter

Oh I'm a Muslim now? Im not fool enough for any religion.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Sounds like an utterly useless endeavor, but whatever blows your skirt up.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by megabytz

Islam is not founded on mysticism, or on the “take it or leave it, this is faith, not logic” approach one finds in other religions. There is no separation of logic and faith in Islam. The Qur'an actually critisizes those who followed their ancestors religion without any evidence, i.e., they saw there fathers upon a religion and "just (blindly) followed".

If one administers his/her mind, one would come to the Muslims belief in The Creator; they would never come to the jews and christians belief. jews and christians (and practically every other religion) believe that God is some spatial entity with extremities (and lives somewhere in the Heavens, or in some place, and hold other anthropomorphic convictions); basic logic dictates that whatever is physical needs space to exist, jews and christians on the other hand, while purporting to believe this, still erroneously posit that The Creator is physical, thus contradict their stance. This is, ipso facto, enough to confute their religion.

Muslims say The Creator existed before all spaces, darkness, time, space, the Heavens, etc. So the Creator existed without a place, without a shape, The Creator was never on a throne or in the Heavens. And after creating places, spaces, etc. The Creator did not materialize and become a creation (i.e., exist in a place), for it is an absurd proposition. The Creator existed without a place and is exalted of being imputed with a place, and is not a "man on the throne" or "in the sky".

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by loudmouf428
reply to post by hmdphantom

Assalamu Alaikum , in the month the book came down Ramadan should we focus such efforts on Dajjal? How many people die being trampled clamoring to the obelisks of Dajjal to stone him during the Hajj or Ramadan? Why do we break the simple command of leave all focus on Allah (saws)? Stoning a rock wont hurt Dajjal? Focusing on him only makes his ego bigger....only takes from what we were asked...Indeed you make us look do what u think pleases God and not what he wants...more will die...needlessly...and more will view us as savages and unintelligent beings...

Insha Allah we can wake from the same mind control the same propaganda as we claim to preach against

Thank you for reply and for caring.

I think that the super powers know that what is Islam about. Muslims are like rivers , they are not like swamps . Most of the time , we carry out some commands from God ( as our holy book tells us) and we should obey those commands. As you see , there are lots of occasions in our history that god has told us to carry our commands. After Muhammad (pbuh) died , it is not like we are alone and we should do as we wish.

Either If we act as Western govt like or not , they are not leaving us alone. they are invading our countries and they are killing our brothers.

Our religion tells us that if we know that if we know that we are being oppressed , we should rise and shout. we are not like Buddhists who are passive people. We can not neglect the truth as we learn it.

“Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy” . So we should be aware of him as we are going through the straight path because he is awaiting us.

Justice and Peace.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by AmericanDaughter
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

I have enough knowledge to see that the bible teaches love and the coran does not.
I see it in the news almost every day as well.
But you are entitled to your oppinion.
Have fun throwing rocks and be careful not to hurt anyone.
edit on 21-8-2011 by AmericanDaughter because: (no reason given)
Try asking a muslim about their end times story(which is a blatant copy of the Christian story)And ask them why it is Jesus who comes to help their 'redeemer' and not muhammed.Why if they believe that Jesus was just a prophet is it not their so called prophet?You will see the true violent rubbish they believe first hand,they might even stone you!

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Whatver your customs, don't even think about touching the pyramids, obelisks and sphinx at Egypt.

edit on 21-8-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:44 PM
And still no one has an answer, I rest my case.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by PapaEmeritus
reply to post by AmericanDaughter

Oh I'm a Muslim now? Im not fool enough for any religion.

Karl Marx on Religion: Is Religion the Opiate of the Masses.

Have your own fun and do as you please. But remember you always chose a religion , even if you are a atheist.

Qur-an comment on UNBELIEVERS :



Be aware that , you have short period of time to live on earth. This universe has not been created for you to have fun.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by PapaEmeritus
reply to post by Rosha

I mean there is also talmud in there, All I ever get is people nit picking and never answering the actual question....typical

What kind of answer are you looking for? Sounds more like you are refusing to accept the answer because it doesn't fit into what you want.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Connman

Yes , you are right. They should be free so that they can wear mini skirts and do whatever SALACIOUS men like. We should have whore houses. We should make the opportunity for women to sell their body. We should even allow women to be naked on the beach so that men could have opportunity to choose more wisely.

These are all the signs of wisdom. I know.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by AmericanDaughter
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

I have enough knowledge to see that the bible teaches love and the coran does not.
I see it in the news almost every day as well.
But you are entitled to your oppinion.
Have fun throwing rocks and be careful not to hurt anyone.
edit on 21-8-2011 by AmericanDaughter because: (no reason given)

If the bible teaches love and the Qur'an doesn't then why does the bible have more violent passages than the Qur'an? The bible has 843 violent passages the Qur'an only has 333. Even chicken little says it's not a violent religion.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Reprobation
reply to post by megabytz

Islam is not founded on mysticism, or on the “take it or leave it, this is faith, not logic” approach one finds in other religions. There is no separation of logic and faith in Islam. The Qur'an actually critisizes those who followed their ancestors religion without any evidence, i.e., they saw there fathers upon a religion and "just (blindly) followed".

As your scientists have proved , objects in this universe are within time and space dimensions. So , how can a creator ( as we define God) is himself within what he had created himself ?

May be you think that God is within this dimensions and wait. Who has created these dimensions?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by buster2010

Originally posted by paraphi

Originally posted by hmdphantom
There are some govt which are doing evil things and they are not leaving Muslims alone.may because the know that Muslims are not passive people who prefer to sit there and do nothing. Islam is always a do some thing religion.

The biggest problems for Muslims are that:

a. They live in countries which are typically despotic and run by a few self serving imbeciles who constrain civil liberties and “keep them down”. They are indoctrinated and hobbled.
b. Muslims don’t get along with each other. Much of the violence in Iraq was due to Sunni and Shia Islamic violence. The respective “leaders” play these divisions for their own ends.
c. They tolerate extremes – or rather their leaders do. The Taliban are just nasty piece of work, to name but one bunch.
d. I am sure there are other things which I could add, but you get the drift.

Hope this is viewed as a positive input into your post.


Do you have a problem with the Christian faith also? All you have to do is replace Muslim with Christian and everything will be just as true.

Is that right. UK, US and most of Europe are still considered Christian countries. It is Christianity that gave freedom to these nations. Since the decline of christianity and the rise in Atheism, western society has gone downhill. Crime is at it's highest level and morals are non existent in western society. Ask yourself what the biggest mass murder in the history of mankind was and you'll find yourself saying 3 atheists names - Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky. What a coincidence they all happen to be atheist. I could list a more that were all atheists too.

Atheism = imprisonment and NWO

All atheism does is confuse people, there are no 100% proofs, just ifs and buts and guess work.
Truth in the world is a lot more simple.

Dawkins "I only debate Bishops and Cardinals" - People hindered by tradition who don't even understand their own religion.

I can understand people have trouble finding the true faith of God, but the pure stupidity of not believing in God is actually beyond belief. Satan is wetting himself with laughter i'm sure.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Beavers

Originally posted by pplrnuts

Originally posted by hmdphantom

Originally posted by pplrnuts
Theres tons of 'gods', so how is YOUR 'god' the one and only?


May be there are different understandings of god but the there is only one truth. It is how it is.

Yes the Tooth Fairy is the one and only true 'god. Glad to see you acknowledge this!! Well done.

Praise to the Tooth Fairy! All praise is due to the Tooth Fairy!!"

have some repsect for this man's faith.

just because you don't believe in it, it doesn't mean you have the right to be a tool.

at least approach the subject with some kind of tact, or educated stance if you must challenge it.

Having seen a lot of his posts since joining, I don't think he can stop being a tool unfortunately.

I'm not a Muslim or a man of any faith but I have always wanted to see this in person alongside other things like the Pope's weekly mass. Thanks for posting th history of it OP. Learn something new every day.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Muslims are people who have been stoning obelisk for more than 1400 years

It would appear that targets that cannot move or defend themselves are your favorites.

If your imaginary Allah man in the sky is in fact real he must have chosen me to present this video to you,

to be honest most deluded religious people make me sick but at least we know where we are with your lot and sensibly avoid you.

Take the time to listen to these words my friend -

edit on 21-8-2011 by ChristianJihad because: error

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
This Friday is the last Friday of Ramazan ( a lunar Muslim's month) and it is called the Qods day.

Qods = Jerusalem.

Muslims go rallying these day to show that they want Qods back. They express that they are not satisfied with this New World Order

Some history about Muslims

Muslims are people who have been stoning obelisk for more than 1400 years. They are the people who are aware of the insiders. They know that freemasonry is in the end of it's way. Muslims want to live freely and they want to worship their own god the one and only God

They stone the Satan's symbol in Mecca to avoid the wrong he has done to himself. Like other prophets Muhammad was saying the same thing : " Worship the one and only God " .

Let me tell you one thing. The the one and only phrase which is being used in your Media is the adjective for god . If you believe that for example we have the one and only Michael Jackson then the judgment day you will be one of his followers in the judgment day and you will be judged as he will be judged.

Any way , some history :

The ritual on stoning the pillars representing the devil is based on some Hadith narrations about Prophet Abraham. According to these Ahadith, the positions of the three pillars are supposed to be the places from where Satan (or Shaitaan) tried to tempt and misguide Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) three times into disobeying Allah Almighty by dissuading Ibrahim from carrying out Allah's order. But each time Prophet Ibrahim saw (or felt) the presence of the devil trying to lure him, Angel Gabriel told him to respond by throwing a stone (or stones) at Shaitaan (or Iblis). Thus, the devil failed to distract Ibrahim. It is said that the location of the three pillars at Mina mark the points where Satan stood, attempting to mislead Abraham. For this reason pilgrims throw stones on the pillars. The pillars represent the places where Shaitaan stood. Therefore, the purpose of throwing stones on the pillars is to express our contempt for the devil where he was once said to have stood



How do we interpret this history

There are some govt which are doing evil things and they are not leaving Muslims alone.may because the know that Muslims are not passive people who prefer to sit there and do nothing. Islam is always a do some thing religion.

And, Muslims are aware these days and they won't leave those govts to do as they like. Mumens obey the one and only God and they don't tend to obey any Satan.

So , Muslims will reject The axis of evil this Friday. They will stone and burn the symbols of evil this Friday.

if the one and only God wills
edit on 21/8/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

Further proof that these people in that land are not the original inhabitants. Abrahm or Ibrahim was not a jew, a muslim or a christian. You can PBUH all day long but that does not make him a muslim. Read you Quaraan and see who his teacher was. And You should not be living by Hadith. The Prophet told you not to and dealing with a corrupted Koran that's written in persian script and not the original Language that the prophet wrote in is wrong.
You should talk to some Sufis and find out the truth about Masonry before you post junk like this. I would call you a Kafir, but I don't think you have a clue about what you are talking about.

Keep throwing those stones boyo, in a minute some of them are going to come back.
edit on 21-8-2011 by DeNaga because: (no reason given)

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