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We (Muslims) are going to stone obelisks this Friday.

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
There are some govt which are doing evil things and they are not leaving Muslims alone.may because the know that Muslims are not passive people who prefer to sit there and do nothing. Islam is always a do some thing religion.

The biggest problems for Muslims are that:

a. They live in countries which are typically despotic and run by a few self serving imbeciles who constrain civil liberties and “keep them down”. They are indoctrinated and hobbled.
b. Muslims don’t get along with each other. Much of the violence in Iraq was due to Sunni and Shia Islamic violence. The respective “leaders” play these divisions for their own ends.
c. They tolerate extremes – or rather their leaders do. The Taliban are just nasty piece of work, to name but one bunch.
d. I am sure there are other things which I could add, but you get the drift.

Hope this is viewed as a positive input into your post.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by Rosha

Islam preaches death to apostates.

He means they don't have a choice in that sense. You will be killed in most cases if you stop being a muslim.

Then you would be killed for making the choice. That would be the consequence, it doesn't alter the existance of the choice it doesnt 'remove choice'. Religion isnt genetic. Its not hardwired into your DNA or an appendage like an arm or leg you have no power to alter. God didnt create religion, humans did.
The people you are refering to ARE choosing, they are just making 'different' choices . 'In that sense' by staying when they'd rather leave, they are choosing to believe fear is bigger than God, religion is bigger than God, mens power is bigger than Gods power etc.. all choices, all choices that can be rethought, recanted and changed - any time.

This is not to judge another human or say that acting in fear is necessarily "wrong" per say, in some cases acting in fear is extremely sensible, its only that I know many so-called apostates, people from many religions, who are living freely, living well, who have made the decision to act upon their choices to 'truely believe' and so, have choosen to act from a basis of faith rather than fear. They were not killed for no longer being muslim, or Jew or Catholic. I know a few who were killed. I know a few who no longer have faces owing to their choices.

I know just as many who have made other choices, like to aquiese, to stay and secretly believe differently etc.. and I respect them no less. Its not about judgement, *I* am not God either, its about recognizing choice does exist and learning where and when and why you're making them. Its about re-empowering choice in your life and taking back what "they" have tried to steal by trying to make you believe it doesnt exist.

It does.


edit on 21-8-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Have fun, no one here will stop you. I can never get this answered so maybe you cna help me out. Is it hard to believe in the quran knowing it is a basic copy of the christian bible? The quran contains many of the same stories of the bible. How can you feel faith in a religion that is almost a word for word copy of another older religion?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by paraphi

Originally posted by hmdphantom
There are some govt which are doing evil things and they are not leaving Muslims alone.may because the know that Muslims are not passive people who prefer to sit there and do nothing. Islam is always a do some thing religion.

The biggest problems for Muslims are that:

a. They live in countries which are typically despotic and run by a few self serving imbeciles who constrain civil liberties and “keep them down”. They are indoctrinated and hobbled.
b. Muslims don’t get along with each other. Much of the violence in Iraq was due to Sunni and Shia Islamic violence. The respective “leaders” play these divisions for their own ends.
c. They tolerate extremes – or rather their leaders do. The Taliban are just nasty piece of work, to name but one bunch.
d. I am sure there are other things which I could add, but you get the drift.

Hope this is viewed as a positive input into your post.


Do you have a problem with the Christian faith also? All you have to do is replace Muslim with Christian and everything will be just as true.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I didn't read any comments except the original post mainly because I know what type of response such a post would get from ATS members. I won't even read it after posting this because I'm hundred percent convinced..

That being said, I'm one of the two people who flagged your post, but mainly because it is information some could inform themselves about.

Stoning the symbol of Satan is mostly a ritual, it isn't a religious duty, nor a practice, merely a ritual showing dissatisfaction to both Satan and his followers.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by PapaEmeritus
Have fun, no one here will stop you. I can never get this answered so maybe you cna help me out. Is it hard to believe in the quran knowing it is a basic copy of the christian bible? The quran contains many of the same stories of the bible. How can you feel faith in a religion that is almost a word for word copy of another older religion?

The Qur'an hold's many stories of Jesus is because they revere Jesus as a prophet of God. And to say the Qur'an is a copy of the bible is laughable at best.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Yes I know they revere him as a prpohet of god blah blah blah. No it is NOT laughable at best 1/5th of the quran is from an early christian song book and also contaisn the old testament/talmud. So now instead of trying to deflect the question try answering it.
edit on 21-8-2011 by PapaEmeritus because: ghfs bhn

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:37 AM

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Assalamu Alaikum , in the month the book came down Ramadan should we focus such efforts on Dajjal? How many people die being trampled clamoring to the obelisks of Dajjal to stone him during the Hajj or Ramadan? Why do we break the simple command of leave all focus on Allah (saws)? Stoning a rock wont hurt Dajjal? Focusing on him only makes his ego bigger....only takes from what we were asked...Indeed you make us look do what u think pleases God and not what he wants...more will die...needlessly...and more will view us as savages and unintelligent beings...

Insha Allah we can wake from the same mind control the same propaganda as we claim to preach against

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by PapaEmeritus
reply to post by buster2010

Yes I know they revere him as a prpohet of god blah blah blah. No it is NOT laughable at best 1/5th of the quran is from an early christian song book and also contaisn the old testament/talmud. So now instead of trying to deflect the question try answering it.
edit on 21-8-2011 by PapaEmeritus because: ghfs bhn

The old testement was taken from the Torah, not the Talmud which is completely different in design and purpose.


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Rosha

I mean there is also talmud in there, All I ever get is people nit picking and never answering the actual question....typical

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

The bible teaches Love your neighbor as yourself the coran teaches the opposite and before you begin don't compare cathoics with christian philosiphy they are not the same,
just as muzlims and christians are not the same.
And have fun with your stoning.
edit on 21-8-2011 by AmericanDaughter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by PapaEmeritus

To answer you question...have you ever stopped to think that all religious books are copies of stories from other civiliazations from different time periods...that makes your book no more valid than mine...only difference between the bible is we go from a monotheistic religion to a trinitarian religion...just like the egyptians...think the virgin mary with jesus in her arms as a baby is a Cathloic painting? or Egyptian...I for one do not clamor towards any religion because i am surrounded by all those bout Paul do u not see his lies....Did Jesus say he was God worship me? did he say my father whos in heaven hallow be our names our kingdom come our will be friend all religion is flawed...the bible states in Jer 10-10 i believe that dont be dismayed by the signs in the heavens as the heathens who pluck a tree from the forest and deck it with silver and gold....and what does that sound the same God who said DO NOT is now allowing the religion to follow suite...and what book says thats what we should do now under Jesus? The Quran which again is compiled from stories included in the bible but it also includes scientific facts...which cannot be found in the expansion of the universe or the formation of says certain words days months etc coinciding with how many times a perfect year is...while i am not for or against either religion i believe that more ppl should be educated on it all...Many things are misinterpreted as i dont beleive my God would want to be paid in penises ....the old testament God has an obsession with these things....i believe religions are put here to keep us away from thinking on our own who God truly dont find him in a dont find him by bowing and then running to stone a dont find him by being born into a specific find him when you cut out all the bull#...all the books and simply be still and find yourself....this post has brought many good questions...but i do believe the OP was tryin to bash...and the term muzzie is so dumb...ya know...we dont advance by regressing to childish behavior...if the tone of this came out wrong my apologies i was excited to answer as it seems ppl just want to argue instead of explain

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by AmericanDaughter

If you had any actual knowledge on christianity, islam or judaism you wouldnt have made such an incorrect/uninformed repsonse.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Beavers

have some repsect for this man's faith.

just because you don't believe in it, it doesn't mean you have the right to be a tool.

at least approach the subject with some kind of tact, or educated stance if you must challenge it.

I'm sorry, but this post just makes me shake my head. Why do these defensive postys always arrise in the Muslim threads? The anti-Christian threads are full bore hate fests, but for whatever reason a lot of these same haters defend Islam.

I'm not a Christian and don't believe in religion, so don't dismiss me as defender of Christianity. I'm just pointing out a pretty blatant contradiction I see often on these forums.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by loudmouf428

I am not for any religion but for all education. All I am saying is, of all the major holy books the Koran was written last. Yet the followers are blinded by the bullsh*t as if it were the only book written, how can that be the "one true religion" when it borrows from so many others?. By the way I think you have me confused with someone else I never said "MUZZIE" to anyone.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Was this the origin of the cairn?

Are you penalized if your rock misses the pillar? Do they start deducting virgins from your afterlife or something? Inversely, if your rock knocks down the pillar, what do you win? A kewpie doll, maybe?

Just kidding. Tradition is important. Have a good time at the stoning.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:22 AM
As long as it is your tradition in your land involving your obelisks - this is really fine, However i am getting weird vibes about

They will stone and burn the symbols of evil this Friday.

Kind of hard to burn rocks. I really hope that nobody is going to do something stupid in the name of what he thinks is right.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

He means american flags, israeli flags, and effigies of western leaders.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 10:28 AM
I just wanted to point out that the obelisk doesn't appear to be a Masonic symbol.

I was shocked to learn this myself. I had always been under the impression that the Washington Monument was Masonic in origin but, apparently, the obelisk has no significance in masonry.

The obelisk is a phallic symbol of Egyptian origin which predates Masonry by thousands of years. I guess it makes sense to have a phallic symbol in Washington with all the big dicks that hang out there (both literally and figuratively
edit on 8/21/11 by FortAnthem because: [atsimg][/atsimg]

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