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Women are better endurance athelettes than men.

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Scramjet76

Thank you for the thoughtful post. I really hope that some people here have maybe changed their views about women but it looks like most everyone is locking into what they think. Including myself.

edit on 21-8-2011 by Thestargateisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Thestargateisreal

You show me a real endurance runner that weighs 250 lbs and I'll show you 20 of them that only weigh 160. That's the target weight for males in endurance athletics. The target weight for the average 5-11 3/4 tall man.

Only a fool would try to win endurance runs against much smaller competition, they would just drop weight if they really were serious about it.

But even in that it can be done. It just depends on the individuals in question who are racing.

A 250 lb man whether he be fat or have bulky strong muscle could never EVER beat a woman in a foot race that weighed 125.

If were talking about speed here in a short distance then it can be done, even with all that weight disadvantage the dude would have. But realistically most professional runner outweigh the professional females as well, and they still come out on top in both record speed and distance/endurance.

Though I admit 250 pounds is a lot to carry around in a running competition, so how about would be at 220 or so against a 125 female, because if they were the same weight then It would be a no contest me thinks.

And 160 is freaking light at that weight I should hope they can run around all day.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Thestargateisreal

why dont you start a program to encourage taller women to run? in order for you to claim that woman are better endurance athletes then men you have to have actual evidence of the fastest woman beating the fastest man. you can't base it on height weight or anything other then their times in races.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:07 PM
I will crush puny woman.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:24 PM
You know who the better endurance athlete is?

The athlete who puts in more effort, and keeps good nutrition and doesn't injure themselves.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Yes, and cheetahs aren't the fastest land mammals, because, pound for pound, shrews are way quicker.

Is there no end to this dishonest feminist bollocks ?

I agree, although I don't know why this thread even exists other than to rile people up.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
The point is that women are faster than men when graded by distance covered proportionally to height. So all things even, a woman that's a given height racing a man that's the same height will win if they're maximizing each of their bodies in training and diet. Whether it be sprinting or endurance.

Why have you decided to compare proportionally to height? Height is a physical factor. If men are superior endurance runners because of their height, they are still superior. You're just twisting words to adhere to a feminist agenda of some kind.

Women would be just as good as men if XYZ, therefore, women are as good as men. Right, and if I were 12 feet tall and great at jumping, I'd be good at basketball. Shame I don't have those physical traits, yeah? Quit grinding that axe before you break it.
edit on 21-8-2011 by humphreysjim because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 03:42 PM
I consider myself a great athelettes......

If we combined women and mens sports there would be zero women playing because men are much better athletes....We're faster, stronger, quicker, and we also have greater endurance....

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:09 PM
Men are the only superior specimen.

I compare things on fights , its about the battle of life that puts true resilence to test and fights (Controlled) can produce this kind of scenario.

Im pretty sure if you put a very physically fit male , in a ring with a very physically fit woman with the same amount of training , and in one style of Matrial combat (Martial Arts is crap now days - Martial Combat is the way to go). The Male would most likely win. We are heavier , simply have more muscle mass , and stronger bones.

However yeah a woman would have a easier time doing distance routines .... because she is much lighter than a male (if she is in shape). Muscles do not help with distance running / speed in a significant way ... its actually worse. You do not want bulk. You want slimmed down , toned muscles for distance running .... however men can be just as effective as a woman if they train specifically for that.

Again , men are the superioer fighting / weapon when it comes to the human body ... (Survival). The woman is a very good supporting weapon for a man. Mentally, and physically when needed , Men are much stronger with women helping them , and women are more effective with a man helping her. Two is better than one.

However ... if a male punches a female in the face .... the male wins. End

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Very good response kind sir. I completely agree with the way in which you talking about this equality thing. I was simply attempting to come at it from another angle, which you apparently understand and have done, so kudos you you!

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by Jepic
Men are superior athletes because they have physical advantages over women.

I do however believe that a man and women with equal height and fitness have a 50/50 chance each of winning if pitted to fight against each other.

I also think you have to add age to the equation. Older men and older women in their 30s have better endurance than men and women in their 20s.

My guess to who has the best endurance between men and women depend on who has most will to Winn at the end of the race. A fit male who is not determined to win, has a less chance to win over a female that is determined to win.

I agree with everything you said but I have no idea which decade is the prime of a human. I think it's the 20's. Since I'm 20 and feel as strong as ever.

Feeling strong is not the same as being strong. Being strong is when you are capable of enduring past what you feel of pain.

All male 20 year olds who are fit feel they can conquer the world, Or beat the living daylight out of anybody. But that does not mean they have the strength, brains or the will to do so.

Just look at all the 20 year olds who wants to become combat divers. 100% of them feel strong enough to finish. But only 5 - 10% of them have the will and strength to finish.

Feelings have nothing to do with endurance. But will and determination does.

In Norway we have had a lot of males trying to beat Therese Johaug in rollerblading and mountain runs. But the males who have challenged her have lost big time. She is the women's World champion in 30 km cross country skiing.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:35 PM
Men are more active, explosive athletes. A woman could never compete with a man in a sport involving sheer eplosive athleticism; in jumping, running etc. Basketball beings a prime example.

A woman on the other hand can ENDURE. Both emotionally (as any man should know) and now we can establish, physically aswell.

This archetypal phenomena appears in every reality that is 'feminine'. In nature - which takes the raw vitality of the masculine spirit, and brings forth an enduring creation. In a family context, in which the man works outside the home and brings in the 'vitality' and sustenance for living, which is then transmuted by the woman into a living, thriving and enduring household.

This aspect or endrance appears to be apart of a womans very nature.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:16 PM
There is no woman playing in NBA, NFL, MLB, and NHL.


Women's endurance cannot compete those level. Period.

World #1 woman golfer Annika Sorenstam played in Ladies PGA tour for many years and did make it to men PGA tour, like, few rounds. I remember I got all excited for Annika when she make it for PGA but unfortunately she didn't play so well on men's level. Michelle Wie might be the next one who might make it for men PGA. Time will tell.

Golf is 95% mental and 5% physical, in my opinion. Some say golf is 100% mental.
edit on 21-8-2011 by whiteblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

You need to meet more women. All of us are not some fragile thing that's had life oh so easy. My Dad wanted a boy, need I say more?

Hmmm now it's all starting to makes sense.

Haha just joking.....or Am I?.....

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:14 PM
It is a fact that women are better at giving birth than men.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
It is a fact that women are better at giving birth than men.

No men are just as capable!! Haven't you seen the Movie called "Junior" with Arnold Schwarzenegger getting pregnant?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by whiteblack

Youre confusing agility with endurance...

Endurance is how LONG you can do something.

Agility is how well you can do it.

There is not a single physical sport that a woman can beat a man in; this is all well known, even to feminists.

You put the best female boxer up againt the best male boxer, or the the best female soccer player, or basketball player, or hockey player, tennis player etc, up against the best male, and it would be no competition.

Males move faster. They are larger, stronger and quicker ie; explosive.

Long distance running doesnt seem t be anything like the above sports. It tests not only the physical mettle of a person, but his emotional resliance. I wouldnt doubt for a second that women are stronger here.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Thestargateisreal

That's a foolish belief you hold..

As I have been in the past about 250lbs, male. And I would routinely run in a park going faster than 120-130 lb females, and I would last longer.
edit on 21-8-2011 by Miraj because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Thestargateisreal

Lebron James

6'8 250 LBS

Would destroy any woman and most men in a foot race.

But than again, lebron James is a total freak of nature.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
Lebron James

6'8 250 LBS

Would destroy any woman and most men in a foot race.

But than again, lebron James is a total freak of nature.
I think someone has already mentioned this, but everyone is different. Some women can beat men at things, some men can beat women at things, some women can beat other women, some men can beat other men, etc. It is up to each individual and how serious they train, how coordinated they are, and what kind of genetics they have.

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