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Aliens = Nephilim (Demons)

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Hydroman
Well, according to some stories, grays have been killed. It's nice to know I can kill a demon. I also suppose demons have spaceship building factories.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

Think of it more like the physical body they inhabited was "killed". Like a fighter pilot ejecting from a destroyed jet. Also keep in mind that "demon", "alien", "angels" are all just words created by people so that there's a benchmark of understanding on what is being discussed during the times. What is an "alien" to us may have been a "demon" to people thousands of years ago. Who knows, maybe they were right and we're the wrong ones. (and I'm not saying ALL aliens are demonic)

Similarly, western pacific peoples called airplanes "big shiny birds" during WWII... well we know for a fact our airplanes aren't big shiny avians with flapping wings that lay giant eggs rights?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by NeverForget
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I've heard people insist the book of Enoch shows that "angels" are infact the Nephilim/Aliens and now aliens are demons - ROFL.

I don't think anyone said ALL "aliens" are demonic... just the 1/3 that "fell from grace".

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 01:51 PM
The more I learn about the history of these symbols everyone is using the more I start to buy in that some of these paranormal experiences could in fact be spirits. Seriously the lucifer references are in just about every major movie and industry pushed product. It is always subtle but it is consistent.

Operation Gladio confirms that these secret societies can exist for long periods of time and be exposed in this day and age.
Operation Gladio [BBC Timewatch, 1992] State-Sponsored Terrorism in Europe

One quote from John Kerry about "manifesting" things when he was asked about skull and bones by tim russert continues to bother me.

Look at george bush's face in the 911 ritual video when the children are reading out loud. He smirks when they say Kite and later say it must hit steel.

Many of the "whistle blowers" make mention that "We were helped" but they never say by what and often are quoted as saying "its not what you think"

The CIA and their behind the green door is ominous, but you can go ahead and add this.
(warning mature content dealing with pornography)

At the time the song was popular, many believed it was inspired by a green-doored restaurant and bar called "The Shack" in Columbia, Missouri,

The Columbia goddess (Statue of Liberty courtesy of French Freemasonry) is the female representation of Lucifer. Just see Columbia pictures she is a light bearer standing on top of a pyramid

Columbia Disaster

Challenger (to Columbia the light bearer) disaster

Columbine Killings (4/20 hmm interesting date. Waco, Oklahoma city bombings, BP oil disaster)
edit on 13-8-2011 by MasterGemini because: more info

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:33 PM
I really get tired of how devout religious followers try to take anything outside the spectrum covered by their doctrine, and turn it into a negative thing. For example, we would like to believe that out of the unfathomable size of our universe, there could be other intelligent lifeforms; but you have to ruin it with false notions that always circulate back to the tragedy that is Biblical.

The sad part is that believing in something, may influence reality, especially when enough conscious observers make the thought their only option. Maybe you should stop trying to connect the words and stories written by MAN, with the possibility of the existence of other conscious beings throughout the universe. However you're complicating things, in the process spitting in the face of logic and probability.

What's more probable. That aliens are actually just different forms of us, from different parts of the universe, that inhabit similar Earth-like environments. Or that the entire universe is void of any life except us, and that when aliens do disclose themselves (or if we discover them), they're actually demons/fallen angels in disguise...

Your capacity for logical disconnects and attempting to connect reality with the stories of scripture is perplexing. But I suppose it makes sense to you because it HAS to fit with the guideline of your belief system, otherwise everything else collapses.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:21 PM
I have had contact with a Hopi Elder for 6 yrs and he referred me originally to a site on the web that no longer exists ( However he has a blog and he has been granted permission to take one of the chapters out of the old site and publish it on his blog. The Hopi oral traditions are much older than most written civilizations so I tend to defer to them on these matters of "aliens" being equated with "demons". The old oral traditions speak of the katsinyam ("light beings") and the kakyakyauna ("ungodly ones") so they clearly differentiate between good and bad. Soon their is to be a great deception foisted upon mankind by the kakayakyauna when out Mother the Earth begins her transition into the fifth world (called the "the great purification"). She (and us) have done this four times before. This process is referred to as the "sacred path of the migration of the planets" and is the normal process by which ALL the planets (including our Mother and us) in the solar system spiritually evolve. This is a long and involved teaching that cannot simply be presented in a few lines. I would urge you all the firstly read about the great deception and the forces that are now lining up to force this upon mankind. It is available at:

Then read about the migration of the worlds at:

Finally if you want the entire picture then this ebook basically sums up the entire process:

May God or whatever being you believe in, guide you through this evil and deceptive time to make the right choices for you to inherit your spiritual birthright which is the coming fifth world.


posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by aaronez

Im not sure what this has to do with Aliens but ok.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I was reading that some of the alien implants have a magnetic field and might be sending a radio signal or tracking signal while it is implanted, but everything stops when it is removed. To find out if the implants are from a alien/demon couldn't you have a priest do a exorcism and see if the magnetic field stops? If it doesn't stop maybe the alien isn't a demon.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

"Your capacity for logical disconnects and attempting to connect reality with the stories of scripture is perplexing. But I suppose it makes sense to you because it HAS to fit with the guideline of your belief system, otherwise everything else collapses"

See, that's the fallacy in a nutshell. Just who do you think we are? Ninety year old little Christians sitting in their rocking chairs? I'm 44, quite educated and I love science, math and just regular things. I love great films, music etc Probably just like you.
I have, all of my life, thought UFOs existed. That my government was simply hiding the truth. Until I read deeply on the NWO concept, devouring the subject which ever way the paths led me. Learning that a group of people were willing to nuke this planet, set every election result, wanted most of us "useless esters dead, and how all of the names almost always linked to the occult and Satanism. You name it, my belief in humanity was shattered. I I realised in that moment that I had been the blinded one.

That this group of individuals had a religion which worshiped the dark one.

And in the next moment, I then knew that God existed. And why my these last two generations have been utterly lied to about His existence. Why every sort of deceipt had been invented. See, you won't understand this, but this group knows that you are a child of God and that you carry His spirit. And they will do anything to have you die before you realise that yourself. They know that God requires you to make a conscious choice to accept Him, that it must be of your own Free Will.

So anyways, if you are of the darkness already my words will mean nothing to you. But if you are not, just carry them with you so that you are aware of all the possibilities. These things will come and you will be forced to worship their dark one., but not before they promise you the world, falsely.

Peace and love be with you and your family.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Nephilim = the offspring from the sons of god mating with the daughters of man.

I am really starting to believe that this is simply stating that the descendants of Seth (sons of god with god being Adam since Adam was made in God's image) mated with the descendants of Cain (the daughters of man being that Cain's wife was most likely another type of human).

I also link this to Neanderthals mating with Cro Magnons but I'm not really ready to make a clear statement on this.

As for aliens, I do believe that the sons of Anak and the Anakims are the descendants of the Annunaki. I do not believe the Nephilims are the sons of Anak.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 05:45 PM
I know for most people what I'm about to say will be very hard to swallow. I have contemplated my entire life if UFOs are robotic entities controlled by some higher power or if they are actually manned by an alien entity, I am more inclined to believe they are robotic. When I was 13 I was visited by 3 UFOs and they aligned themselves like the stars of orion in the sky, This was during daylight hours so there could be confusion with satelites or stars. I remember I was praying with all my heart and soul looking to receive forgiveness for all the sins of my life I hadn't even committed yet. I remember wanting to live a perfect life and knowing there was no way so I prayed for God to take me up with him and not let me live if I was going to live a sinful life. I cried out Jesus help me! On the exact word Jesus as I spoke it a bright light appeared int he blue sky like it had materialized. It came down and split into 3 lights. two of them moved off to my left and froze as if communicating with each other and observing me. The third light moved to and fro back and forth over my head displaying all it's glory while examining my inner thoughts. Then I began to receive telepathic communication. It was PROPHECY about my own life. I know whats going to happen in my life and how I'm going to die and I have had to live with this knowledge haunting me every single day! I don't find this to be coincidence either as my family works closely with Goldman Sachs and George S.. I believe higher powers have been messing around with me..

I was lifted away and I remember floating and losing consciousness. I awoke hours later according to my clock but in reality it felt like seconds. I have always felt I was stolen strapped up to some computer and now Im living inside a clone with no soul left. Haven't you ever heard the expression don't sell your soul to the devil? The UFO wanted me to help them with things on earth and I had an evil vibe from it and refused. That's when they took me.

So please tell me if you believe this is a government conspiracy how the government has conquered the capabilities of inter dimensional travel, time travel, and mind manipulation. Could it be? Or was I truly visited by Jesus. I know it was real what happened to me as I have found numerous texts in the bible which I had never read at 13 years old with exact words that were said in the telepathic communications.

edit on 13-8-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
Really???? UFO Sightings/reporting have been going on through the centuries. Even going far back as 29,000 years ago, why would these things be planning to deceive the world for over 2000 years and now execute their "plan" now? It doesnt make sense. Also where is the proof that Demons (which are SPIRITUAL) can do some Transformer shhh and manifest into Aliens and even Alien Spacecraft? Well the answer simply is that there is none. Other a few nice coincidences there is no substantial proof for these ET's being Demons from hell.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Zeer0 because: (no reason given)

Demons know their time is near, and so they execute their "plan" now because they know Jesus is returning soon. Remember, they want flesh, and to turn away as many people as they can from Jesus in what little time they have left.

Sounds perfectly logical that they would wait until now to go into full force.
edit on 13-8-2011 by Lionhearte because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:29 PM
UFOs are demonic. If a person does a thorough investigation into this you will find that the main 'message' UFO occupants preach is this....Christ didn't do any work on the cross for the sins of mankind. Why would 'aliens from space' fly a kazillion miles to tell us that? That's because they didn't. They are nothing more than fallen angels who can appear and disappear at will. The same entities responsible for hauntings, crop circles, marian apparitions and all of the paranormal lies.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Lionhearte

They could of had "their" time when we were uneducated about the real things thats happening. Now alot of people know such things dont exist. Plus wheres the proof Spiritual Demons (because Demons, if real are spiritual and not at all physical) can transform into not only Aliens but into advanced technology? This is starting to sound like a children bed time story.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I have thoroughly investigated this and all this is, is that Religious Nuts take a few verses to the Bible and make draw little coincidences to the UFO and Alien Phenomenon and claim that what ever is visiting us are Demons. But no one shows not a bit of actual Evidence of Angels and Demons existing. So saying that demons are manifesting into Aliens is a stretch.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Zeer0
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I have thoroughly investigated this and all this is, is that Religious Nuts take a few verses to the Bible and make draw little coincidences to the UFO and Alien Phenomenon and claim that what ever is visiting us are Demons. But no one shows not a bit of actual Evidence of Angels and Demons existing. So saying that demons are manifesting into Aliens is a stretch.

That's not what we're doing at all... if you look at the evidence there is many similarity's between these so called "Aliens" and Demons, and there agenda seems to be inline with the occult. Now of course you are not going to believe it if you don't accept the spiritual realm exists, and I'm not going to try and convince you it does.

So i suggest if you are going to base your argument on that then not to bother posting in this thread, since its not really for atheist's since they hate God.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

See, that's the fallacy in a nutshell. Just who do you think we are? Ninety year old little Christians sitting in their rocking chairs? I'm 44, quite educated and I love science, math and just regular things. I love great films, music etc Probably just like you.

Did I say that? No. I was raised Christian, my family is Christian, and I know exactly how they feel; and why they make their decision to follow their belief. I believe it's possible for one to be Christian and still be very knowledgeable about 'Earthly' things. And obviously enjoy the same things as just about anybody else (except abstaining from premarital sex and drug use). We're all human and have human instincts, hopes, and ambitions.

I have, all of my life, thought UFOs existed. That my government was simply hiding the truth. Until I read deeply on the NWO concept, devouring the subject which ever way the paths led me. Learning that a group of people were willing to nuke this planet, set every election result, wanted most of us "useless esters dead, and how all of the names almost always linked to the occult and Satanism. You name it, my belief in humanity was shattered. I I realised in that moment that I had been the blinded one.

This is your account of an accumulation of events that led you to believe there must be polar opposites in the conscious existence, and that they must be Satan and God. People base their religious inclination off the intuition that feels most viable in their mind. Does coming to a conclusion that the Bible is true and impeccable word for word because you researched NWO/UFO theory, make your belief the only possible outcome? Of course not. Many of us research these things and come to completely different conclusions, and actually for many they are already religious but this research pulls them AWAY from it. You believe the concept of body and spirit is black and white; and that you either reject spirituality as a concept or accept it (but only your version). One of the things about humans that makes us so unique is that we accept different truths, and in our minds these truths hold true. Some of us believe in truths but not that every truth can be known; therefore you must remain open-minded and ready to absorb, compare and contrast information leading us to the greatest conjecture regarding existence.

And in the next moment, I then knew that God existed. And why my these last two generations have been utterly lied to about His existence. Why every sort of deceipt had been invented. See, you won't understand this, but this group knows that you are a child of God and that you carry His spirit. And they will do anything to have you die before you realise that yourself. They know that God requires you to make a conscious choice to accept Him, that it must be of your own Free Will.

And in the next moment, the Buddhist in his state of nirvana, knew the meaning to his existence. And so did countless followers of countless religions throughout time as we know. Your notion of God is a truth relative to you as a unique human being. It cannot be absolute unless proven otherwise, and probably will never be proven because it's not meant to be. Perhaps we all create our own afterlife. Saying that all of human history is an elaborate conspiracy by "the dark ones" to further us from God is reason limited by the state of your own psyche.

So anyways, if you are of the darkness already my words will mean nothing to you. But if you are not, just carry them with you so that you are aware of all the possibilities. These things will come and you will be forced to worship their dark one., but not before they promise you the world, falsely.

Not sure what you mean by me being in darkness. Although I'm not Christian at this point, I'm still agnostic with a proclivity for ontological thought. I think that to reject the concept of God is naive and close-minded; but at the same time I understand why atheist think the way they do. They want to escape from this stasis between [most] religions that outline how you should live and think; and that to question said belief is the path to damnation. The path to damnation is one took where you don't allow your awareness to expand.

I hold by my statement that connecting ET life with Christian ideology is only a method for you to cope in-case it ever occurs within your lifetime. If aliens really appeared and they were genuine conscious beings with no ties to your man-made belief system, it would shatter the frame of your spirituality.

Peace to you as well

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:01 PM
I find it hard to believe that demons are in fact aliens, why would demons come from the sky? I was always inclined to believe the bible says demons live in hell, which is below us (or somewhere below). I do believe in Aliens though, there's no way we are the only species in existence, but to say these other species are simply demons would be nonsense..

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Ok but we practically do the same thing but are we Demons? And the characteristics of these UFO's doesnt mean anything Demonic, why cant it just be Advanced Technology that breaks the Laws Of Physics? Theres no reason that it couldnt be just beings from another place in the Universe.

And i believe in a "God" but Religion isnt the One Truth, not by a long shot.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Damn i havent logged in for ages, but been a lurker since,, just had to throw my 2 cents into this discussion..

I definitely believe that Aliens etc are mistaken for demons etc.. Not sure if i agree fully with the Christian analogy but ill bring forth the Islamic viewpoint, im sure it will add to the evidence of Djinns etc.

First of all yes we believe that there are INTRADIMENTIONAL beings, we classify them as Djinns. Same as the Christian Demons, and can be applied to all the spiritual being from all faiths tribes and backgrounds..

We believe they are describe to be made from smokeless fire.. not sure how that would be explained, but my opinion is that it is outside our plane of existence.

Yes definitely djinns are attributed to all the same properties the OP describes in aliens with possession etc..

In Islam we also are told of the rebellion in heaven where Satan/Lucifer through his pride disobeyed God in prostrating to Adam who he thought was inferior species etc than him... Im not totally knowledgeable of the history but i think it goes something like, most djinns were eradicated by God and Satan was one of the few remaining, he was in heaven for a long while before being banished to Earth..

Where we contradict with Christian theology, we believe that Satan is a Djinn, made from the smokeless fire, and it is because of this that he believes he is superior to Man - Clay/Carbon.. We do not believe he is a fallen angel as Angels do not have free will, they only conduct that which God desires of them. And that Angels are made from Nur/Pure Light.

This comes to the conlusion why Lucifer/Satan would disguise himself as a fallen angel to show that he is still from a high rank etc, and to make him seem infallible when in fact he is but a Djinn. We belive that There are only 2 species that have the ability of FREE WILL, and that belongs to the Djinn and Mankind only..

To put more insight into Islamic teachings of history etc.. giants etc.. I dont think im totally knowledgeable but ill tell you all i know

There were 2 angels through whom God had instructed to be sent down to Mankind to teach them occult arts AKA black magic.. as a test to mankind.. These angels Harut and Marut were instructed to do this because they fell in love with human women etc.. So Allah sent them down to Man kind on his behalf to teach them about black magic, though this was a test and that the Angels whilst teaching men the occult arts, they were instructed to say that 'All praise belong to the One God, and that learning these occult arts is a test unto you humans, and that if you learnt these arts you will lose favour with God' or something like that lol.
As for the Angels, we believe they do not have free will and that them falling in love with humans and being punished to spend time on earth to teach mankind was all a scheme by Allah to TEST MANKIND..
As to offspring between Angels and humans, nephilim etc, i dont know whether its possible if angels can reproduce with humans, im sure we were taught that it was impossible, im not sure i need to do more research, But Allah knows best..

As for Giants we are taught that The first Humans aka Adam Noah etc, they were all Giants, and in the hereafter we will go back to full height. Or something like this..
These giants werent the offspring of Angels etc, not unless within the Djinn etc there is another race that may have been as tall etc..

We believe that there are malevolent (majority) and benevolent (minority) of djinns, and that they can shape shift etc etc.. they have the ability to possess, whisper, perform sexual acts with Humans etc.

We believe that Satans throne is located on the bottom of an ocean.

We believe that Jesus will descend from the heavens accompanied by angels, he will descend to the white minaret in the east of Damascus.

Peace be upon all the Prophets i have mentioned.

I think thats about it for now, there are looads more i can write about djinns etc, feel free to ask more, and i shall hopefully ttry to answer as best as i can from an Islamic viewpoint.

Peace and may blessing be upon all in this holy month of Ramzaan
And awesome thread OP! good work and i agre whole heartedly except on a few little things

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by nastyj

Nice posting your beliefs but it doesnt provide any Evidence that Aliens are Demons.

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