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Aliens = Nephilim (Demons)

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:32 AM
Before i begin i would like to start off by saying this is not a religious thread, but it has religious elements to it. Please do not think i am just trying to fit aliens into my world view, we are all on a quest for truth here and it is ATS motto to deny ignorance, it is our job to connect the dots and myself and others believe we have finally solved the UFO mystery.

I will be upfront in saying i am a follower of Christ, it is not my intention to be dogmatic or try and convert you. Before you non believers complain, the reason this is posted in the UFO section is because this has to do with Aliens particularly the greys, which may help shed some light onto the UFO phenomenon that is taking place around the world. Before you dismiss a case such as this please at least here what i have to say and watch the video's that i will post.

Current world events are leading up to a grand deception on a huge scale which will change the world forever. Every day now we see more promotion of aliens and Ufo's in the movies/media which the government seem to be in support of, as we know the global elite already controls the media it is obvious that their is a hidden agenda going on here, and for the masses of people who are still asleep about the NWO they are in for a big deception very soon.

Alien disclosure is imminent, but all is not what it seems, these 'aliens' are not extraterrestrial they are in fact intraterrestrial. TPTB are experts in psychology and by waiting 60+ years to disclose aliens people will buy into the grand deception because the public will think they are finally getting the truth... but things could not be further from the truth, the Roswell incident was merely a precursor to this government operation that's been ongoing for decades. This is their end-game, and predictive programming is how they will pull it off.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to make people think he didn't exist."

If you are an atheist you may not agree with that statement, but ask yourself this...

Do you not think its weird that more people are saying that the accounts of the bible were really written by intelligent extraterrestrial beings from other planets? I hear this more and more and it seems to be a common theme amongst non-believers as it would fit into there secular world view of there being no God.

We are slowly being pre-programmed into thinking this, and when Jesus returns many people are going to be convinced into thinking he is some type of extraterrestrial being trying to deceive man kind when really they are the one's who have been deceived. It is my belief Jesus will return shortly after people have accepted the fake alien disclosure which the anti-christ will pronounce and the fake alien invasion by using Nazi UFO technology. In fact most of the scientist's who worked on the flying disk technology that the Nazi's had were part of the group of people that founded nasa.

How did the Third Reich get technology and the idea for flying disk's you ask?

Hitler was under demonic influence of course! Both Hitler and stalin were both possessed by the devil, and in Hitlers case he was commanded to build these flying disk's so the devil can deceive the world when it is time for the end of days. There is no need for a project bluebeam if these craft's are actually being developed in places like area 51 around the world, but just think how much more advanced these saucers are now since world war 2 times! It would be easy with today's technological advances to make a fleet of alien spaceships look real, they could even make them unmanned aerial vehicles!

The Alien Greys and Demons are one in the same. Why do i say this? There are many similarities between abductions and demonic possession. Lets look at some:

I. Examine the fear factor: most people would find it equally abhorrent to either be abducted from their bedrooms by aliens and to have various traumatizing experiments/molestations perpetrated against them, or to be possessed by a demon or discriminate, in either case to be powerless to stop the intrusive activities. It is observable, at least from having interviewed many percipients, and having read the UFO literature, that many percipients would rather admit to alien interference than to consider demon possession, the former offering some modicum of contact, perhaps with higher intelligence (in the extreme, perhaps, as Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, M.D. and a long list of others opine, contact with messengers of God), while the latter denotes unclean, morally corrupting contact (and perhaps even cooperation) with the ultimate evil force in the universe.

II. We can at least partially judge these entities by their affects on people.

III. Those who are abducted report never being the same again, as if their alien abductors were always nearby or, in some cases, within them (much like an infection or a possession state). Dr. William J. Baldwin, author of Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, assisted by his wife, Rev. Judith Baldwin, often refer to dark entities like this:
They are simply bacteria, no more, no less. They are another life form with a different purpose. What right do bacteria have to join our bodies? The Baldwins' statement infers consciousness as inherent with these entities.

IV. Many modern researchers are now saying that abductees are finding their experiences more and more acceptable, even spiritually uplifting and transformational. Social worker John Carpenter, director of abduction research for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), has noted a more accepting attitude in contactees/abductees. Dr. John Mack says many abductees come to love their alien captors. Author Whitley Strieber admits to his love and longing for the creatures (which had previously subjected him, without anesthetic, to medical-like experiments, including nasal and anal probes). In the case of spirit/demon possession, a large measure of the entities' success in the host depends on the host's cooperation. If the host finds power, profit or even love as a result of the visitors within (once they are recognized), then the host will naturally find the visitors presence more and more acceptable, often even transformational in the broadest sense, to the point of developing a love for and/or a dependency on them. (The Stockholm Syndrome, recognized in victims of terrorist-like captivity, is seemingly overlooked by these researchers.)

V. Often, the ETs and spirit entities present themselves to percipients in identical ways.

VI. There are many cases where percipients are unable to separate the identities of these entities as being one or the other, ET or demon, which suggests that the entities, at least some of them, may be one and the same. (Conversely, many percipients confuse entities' identities with ETs and angels, as well.)

VII. In addition, both sets of entities are or seem capable of:
1. telepathic communication

2. hypnotic / altered state induction, regression, suggestion

3. hiding, both in the sense of successfully convincing the host /percipient to deny their existence AND at convincing a huge portion of the public that they don't exist. Also, both are capable of hiding in the physical sense, as well, within the layered psyche and often within the physical or quantum or interstitial body of the host.

4. reprisal when discovered, often in equal measure to the level of emotional distress caused by the discovery

5. time travel

6. obtaining some measure of physical and mental control over their subjects for extended periods

7. cajoling, manipulating, or in some way forcing their subjects to perform acts against the subjects' wills, including forced sexual intercourse (rape), violent crime, and suicide. The Solar Temple cult could be an extreme example of this concept: Leader Luc Jouret claimed contact with ETs, and said the only way to go to their planet was through the Glory of Fire, which resulted in the fiery deaths and in some cases murder of all cult members in 1994 and more recently.

8. physically moving their subjects from one location to another through various means, including a compromise of the percipient's free will through mind control / manipulation

9. interacting with percipients/hosts at the soul level

10. establishing highly organized, hierarchic networks capable of interacting with and controlling to some degree vast numbers of minions and human beings simultaneously

11. according to Dr. Gregory Little, a psychologist and UFO researcher/author, these entities, at least the ones who do harm to human percipients, enter or manifest into the human perceptual levels from the lower frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum (per his book, Grand Illusions)

12. interrupting the transitory journey of the soul after death. Examples can be found in the Bible, in the book Matrix II (per the Nexus Group), various works by Maurice Rawlings (To Hell and Back), et al.

13. claiming to represent the Light, i.e. a higher spiritual power, even though the literal translation of the name Lucifer can be Light Bearer.

14. Neither set of entities ever occupied human bodies of their own.

15. Either set of entities can or could have been abducted or possessed. Without going into great detail, it is convenient to think of the possibilities like this: Demons, or fallen angels, are said to have fallen from grace, even though they were originally created by God. In effect, they may have been influenced, even possessed and/or abducted, by Lucifer at the time of the Great Rebellion in Heaven. ETs (generically meant here to encompass UFO-related entities) are vulnerable to possession and abduction, as well.

16. Both sets or subsets of these entities may have volunteered to interact with humans in these ways.

17. Dr. Baldwin mentions the similarity of the little demons to stinging insects. Many UFO percipients report interactions with UFO occupants resembling insects.

18. Worldwide, many government, military and industrial leaders (in addition to the general population) can act in many ways identical to these entities because of the relatively high level of possession or influence the leaders have been subjected to by these entities.

19. performing their tasks in a highly compartmented fashion, much like our intelligence agencies and are subjected to a need to know protocol that protects the higher echelons and the knowledge base of their organizations from close scrutiny.

20. able to create robot-like minions capable of performing physical tasks.

21. Possessed ETs have reported through percipients that they have performed similar abductions/tasks on other planets.

22. emulating voices in the percipients' minds.

23. Many credible researchers see a direct connection between the so-called UFO phenomenon and black magic. (Keel, Pacheco and Blann, Wilson, et al.)

24. convincing percipients that they are special chosen ones, and often promise rewards for cooperation and implementation of the entities' agenda.

25. trying to hybridize corporeal bodies of their own through genetic and soul level manipulation of human donors.

26. inducing the dream state, where coded and/or occult (i.e. hidden) information is often implanted in the percipient's mind for later retrieval or implementation of a designated action.

27. attempting to dissuade a percipient from using free will, or to exercise that use toward ways that would benefit the entities; both sets of entities also at times appear to outright disregard a percipient's free will.

28. These things that the entities are capable of doing, so too, if even in lesser degree, are their minions/victims.

29. displaying high degrees of familiarity with and command of exotic technology. They also seem capable of influencing humans to develop and utilize technologies considered to be exotic or unique. These latter technologies often owe their genesis to areas having to do with human conflict / destruction.

30. Smell of sulfur shortly before there experience takes place.

31. Both seem capable of interfering with electrical equipment.

And many more...

All the evidence points to the alien abduction phenomenon as being demonic. It's not a matter of if flying saucers are real, it's a matter of what they are.

In the bible these creatures are called the "Nephilim"... which are the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men". God did not look favorably upon the appearance of the Nephilim, why was this? Was it because he knew there appearance would scare humans? Much like the Greys do everytime they abduct someone?

Aliens are the demons of old and they are still terrifying man. They have been stripped of their apparel, go naked and have horrible faces, according to Early Jewish Writings.

This will be hard for many to accept, that there is no life beyond the Van Allen belt, and that aliens are intraterrestrial, but the truth does not change and will not do so.

This is not a matter of accepting religion, this is a matter of truth versus deception. Oh how so many people are going to be deceived, some already are.

I encourage all UFO enthusiasts to watch these video's and investigate the claims made on this thread. Leave no stone untouched... The nephilim are now disguised as the alien greys and deceiving people as we speak.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (changed topic title to "Aliens" instead of "Greys")

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:36 AM
The more people keep trying to say that aliens will cause harm or are demons, the more I think they're not. This world is upside down, and if we really want to find truth, start looking in the opposite direction of what we're consistently told. It is a sorcerer's trick to hold up one hand while doing something with the other.

Not that I think you're trying to deliberately deceive, but you may just be parroting the same theme I've seen on ATS recently.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Enlightenme1111
The more people keep trying to say that aliens will cause harm or are demons, the more I think they're not. This world is upside down, and if we really want to find truth, start looking in the opposite direction of what we're consistently told. It is a sorcerer's trick to hold up one hand while doing something with the other.

Not that I think you're trying to deliberately deceive, but you may just be parroting the same theme I've seen on ATS recently.

If you were wise you would investigate these claims before being so quick to scoff.

I agree with you about the world being upside down, but this is the sharp reality my friend, and i know thinking of these 'aliens' in a negative light may be to hard for some people to accept, but their are already many reports of them causing harm. The reason this is being more talked about now is because the truth is finally coming out... the UFO mystery has been solved. People will realize this soon, but many will also be deceived because they will not want to accept them as being demons.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:49 AM
And people wonder why Non-Human Entities do not manifest for all to see.

When a significant proportion of the planet has been taught to demonize that which is different is it any surprise that the only encounters are personal. Larger scale encounters are limited to lights in the sky, sufficient for those who are not open to contact to dismiss them, while those who are open can embrace the experience for what it is. A gentle push at the edge of society...almost as if an-other conciousness is just making itself known at the edge of peoples awareness.

Anyways, peace be with you OP.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Most likely some of them are malevolent, while others might be benevolent. I've heard stories of Greys showing no emotion whatsoever because they can communicate telepathically. They have their own agenda and it involves us, sort of like an exploitation relationship between two organisms. We don't necessarily need them (from what I've heard) but they need us.

But I thought that their Reptilian overlords were the true Nephilim

I just wouldn't use the term "demon" to define them.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by kayA1

This is not about "demonizing" others this is about identifying what they really are. Many people like you will not accept it, i know. But feel free to continue believing they are intergalactic spacemen, some people just love being deceived.

Also these so called 'aliens' not making a mass appearance only further add's to the evidence they are demons.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

What do you mean by a demon? An extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional being? Its called an alien or in your language a demon. Demon is a name. Whats in a name?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:56 AM
I, too, l think that ETs are demons, as they share the same characteristics.

Your video, in opposite, is a bad example for programming people to the ET agenda.

I would also add to your list:

30. shapeshifting abilities of ´aliens´.

31. manifestation appereance ( go through walls)

32. shapeshifting abilities of UFOs and color changing ( light demons )

edit on 13-8-2011 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by radkrish
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

What do you mean by a demon? An extraterrestrial, inter-dimensional being? Its called an alien or in your language a demon. Demon is a name. Whats in a name?

They are not extraterrestrial! They are "intraterrestrial" meaning of this world, not some other planet far in the universe. Both 'Aliens' and greys are demons meaning fallen angels of the bible...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by anti72
I, too, l think that ETs are demons, as they share the same characteristics.

Your video, in opposite, is a bad example for programming people to the ET agenda.


No its not, watch all the series.

Kind regards.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:03 AM
IM one of those few who also believe most UFOs are demonic extradimensional beings.

Research Collins elite
edit on 13-8-2011 by AzazeI because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

ok, I´ll watch ..
see changed reply above .

Also, there must be stated, there are different kind of ´aliens´..the grey aka hybrid-robotic beeings etc..

edit on 13-8-2011 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by IEtherianSoul9
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Most likely some of them are malevolent, while others might be benevolent. I've heard stories of Greys showing no emotion whatsoever because they can communicate telepathically. They have their own agenda and it involves us, sort of like an exploitation relationship between two organisms. We don't necessarily need them (from what I've heard) but they need us.

But I thought that their Reptilian overlords were the true Nephilim

I just wouldn't use the term "demon" to define them.

All demons are malevolent even the friendly "aliens" try and brainwash people with new age occultism stuff. They are actually highly intelligent and can read minds, so its not unlikely some appear as reptilians to those who believe that theory, after that's what satan did in the garden of eden appearing as a serpent.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:05 AM
The greys aren't demons, they just have a selfish agenda.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by sir_slide
The greys aren't demons, they just have a selfish agenda.

I have provided enough evidence to support the idea they are, i'd ask you to watch the video series it may help you understand what they are.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Great post, we are on the same boat. I also made a thread on this subject (including the book of Enoch and other scripture). See my thread "the great deception". Keep up the good work!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration
It's good manners to give credit to any sources we use in threads and posts. A fair chunk of yours is from Demon Possession and Alien Abduction.

I don't know where God stands on plagiarism, but we don't do it round here.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:20 AM
The Grey's are short the Nephilim are tall. And there are a lot of lies and deception in the bible. Most of the stories in the bible are based on symbolism. I am an Aethiest because there is no point in believing in something that does not exist.

Aliens are probably beings from other worlds. There are billions of galaxies out there. What proof would there be to say they are all home grown. Yes there may be some but not all. There are also inter dimensional beings too. 'Apparently'!!

And u said Hitler was posessed by Demons? lol. The correct statement was 'Hitler was obsessed with UFO's'. hence the reason he tried to build his own UFO. The Vril craft he built had 8 BMW engines in it and wasn't very fast and couldn't do right angle turns.

Never mix God and Jesus BS with Aliens.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by stevcolx

I find your post offensive and is an insult to my Creator.
edit on 13-8-2011 by AzazeI because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by WeZet
Great post, we are on the same boat. I also made a thread on this subject (including the book of Enoch and other scripture). See my thread "the great deception". Keep up the good work!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Glad you are aware of the deception my brother, i hope others see the truth in this too.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by RevelationGeneration
It's good manners to give credit to any sources we use in threads and posts. A fair chunk of yours is from Demon Possession and Alien Abduction.

I don't know where God stands on plagiarism, but we don't do it round here.

Added the source... (this is my second topic on ATS).

Originally posted by stevcolx
The Grey's are short the Nephilim are tall. And there are a lot of lies and deception in the bible. Most of the stories in the bible are based on symbolism. I am an Aethiest because there is no point in believing in something that does not exist.

Aliens are probably beings from other worlds. There are billions of galaxies out there. What proof would there be to say they are all home grown. Yes there may be some but not all. There are also inter dimensional beings too. 'Apparently'!!

And u said Hitler was posessed by Demons? lol. The correct statement was 'Hitler was obsessed with UFO's'. hence the reason he tried to build his own UFO. The Vril craft he built had 8 BMW engines in it and wasn't very fast and couldn't do right angle turns.

Never mix God and Jesus BS with Aliens.

Actually if you watch the first 3 minutes of the video you will find out why "Nephilim" actually doesn't mean giants, so you are wrong about them being tall. And you also have to understand that demons can take the shape of any form, they manifest into what you believe an alien looks like in your head as they can read your mind. Fallen angels are highly intelligent beings. I don't mind if you insult my creator, it will be God who you answer that too, but i would appreciate if you try not to turn this into an anti-religious thread since i clearly stated this is about exposing aliens for what they really are. There is no life outside the van allen belt, and its well known hitler spoke to demonic entities.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

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