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Aliens = Nephilim (Demons)

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posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by annella

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by TwelveFifty
Say if true, maybe God did not look favorably upon the appearance of Nephilim because they weren't in His image?

Don't knock the things you can learn that are different from your beliefs.

Exactly because the daughters of man mated with the fallen angels which created the greys aka Nephilim.

What crackpot told you that? Throughout the numerous threads on this aliens are demons subject, nobody...not ONE person has supplied scientific/valid proof of their claims. What they DO supply are dodgy videos, quotes or links to very dodgy people ( eg: John Todd, Alestair Crowley etc) with numerous references to the mythical NWO, and other fantasy organisations none of which have ever been proven to exist.
The difference between most UFO/ET believers ( like myself) and those of the aliens are demons persuasion is that we dont say we have proof. We do not. Sadly. But apparently you alien/demon peeps believe you do have proof so OK. Where is it????
So show.

Try watching the video's before opening your mouth and claiming Christians are in favor of the likes of alestair crowley the occultist... And what has science got to do with this? Its not like "science" has proved extraterrestrial life now has it? I believe you are most likely a dis-info agent.. keep it up i'm sure your getting paid for this.

And i laugh at your comment about the NWO being fake, i guess bilderberg and the like are just imaginary too right? Do some research... the NWO is not an organization in it self, its an agenda.. You seem awfully quick to refute things, but very slow to do any form of educating yourself about these subjects. Ats motto is called "deny ignorance" how about you try and do that.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

He is speaking Italian, my second language.
And...he does NOT say they are demonic!!! How did you come to that conclusion pray tell? Also, it makes one wonder if you can take as an example the video you posted ( which is the exact one I posted upthread BTW) as someone saying aliens are demons, any other so called information you have read/watched/heard needs to be looked at again. By you.
Sheesh already!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by annella

Forget about what that catholic priest said, and try watching the 7 video's posted in the original post and then tell me aliens are not demons i will be very surprised!
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by annella

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

Originally posted by TwelveFifty
Say if true, maybe God did not look favorably upon the appearance of Nephilim because they weren't in His image?

Don't knock the things you can learn that are different from your beliefs.

Exactly because the daughters of man mated with the fallen angels which created the greys aka Nephilim.

What crackpot told you that? Throughout the numerous threads on this aliens are demons subject, nobody...not ONE person has supplied scientific/valid proof of their claims. What they DO supply are dodgy videos, quotes or links to very dodgy people ( eg: John Todd, Alestair Crowley etc) with numerous references to the mythical NWO, and other fantasy organisations none of which have ever been proven to exist.
The difference between most UFO/ET believers ( like myself) and those of the aliens are demons persuasion is that we dont say we have proof. We do not. Sadly. But apparently you alien/demon peeps believe you do have proof so OK. Where is it????
So show.

Try watching the video's before opening your mouth and claiming Christians are in favor of the likes of alestair crowley the occultist... And what has science got to do with this? Its not like "science" has proved extraterrestrial life now has it? I believe you are most likely a dis-info agent.. keep it up i'm sure your getting paid for this.

And i laugh at your comment about the NWO being fake, i guess bilderberg and the like are just imaginary too right? Do some research... the NWO is not an organization in it self, its an agenda.. You seem awfully quick to refute things, but very slow to do any form of educating yourself about these subjects. Ats motto is called "deny ignorance" how about you try and do that.

edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

The NWO is one great big fantasists conspiracy theory, show me where it is proven to exist!! Even the supposed agenda! And I have researched, trust me. Difference is I can look at things with a more critical and mature eye than you obviously possess. Governments of this world in the way they work could NEVER have some sort of familial self serving conspiracy going on. FGS! Likewise the Illuminati.
As far as science proving ET never read my post properly did you? I said quite clearly that sadly, we ET believers have no proof. So I accept that, when are you going to accept that your claims have no proof either, scientific or otherwise.
I also never stated that Christians favour Crowley etc, rather he has been quoted by many of your alien/demon bedmates as he has drawn pictures of demons that looked like greys, mentioned characteristics etc. Please read my posts properly.
BTW...I am not Christian, I no longer have a religion except a deep belief in some higher power. Just so you know.

lolol..I can assure you I am no dis-info agent...rather a woman in her 59th orbit of the sun living happily in relative obscurity at the bottom of the World.
As for the ATS motto......I am denying your 'evidence'.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

If you were a Christian you'd quote the bible for your claims.

Nephilim, if they are aliens, are not physical. If they are demons, they are disembodied and have no bodies. Creatures of light.

A couple of parts of the Bible reference Nephelim and what they are. They are damned, and cannot raise from the dead on the last day. They cry in fear for dying, for they know what it brings. Death brings destruction, insanity, and decay. Their primary goal, if they even still exist in the physical, is to avoid death. Put their condition in your mindset. In death they can do nothing by stay alone and, assumingly, talk with others damned. They have no hope for salvation, so in death inevitably lose themselves to this oblivion.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:26 PM
There is more than one of everything in the Universe. They are not all the same.

The quickest way to tell a demon = alien theory is BS is when it tries to maintain a single origin theory.

From Cherubs to Seraphim, from Grays to Humans they all have different origins and purpose.

From a religious perspective Cherubs and Seraphim have different modes and were created for different purposes. From a scientific perspective Grays and Humans have different cultures developed independently in isolation.

There is not one theory of everything. Can we stop with the deadly waves of stupidity already?

Despite what you want to believe there is room enough in the Universe for several types of angels, demons, aliens, and unicorns. None of them have the same origins.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I enjoy giving some thought to a good conspiracy as much as the next guy.....but I would have to say that you might want to think about getting outside and taking a nice walk.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Ah so the marketing campaign "FEAR the aliens" continues.

Every corner of information has been infiltrated as this is how the "brotherhood" operates.

They MUST preserve the fear that blankets the planet.

They MUST retain control.

The hammering of the mass consciousness of the people of planet earth is their last front.

They have shown their hand as to how DESPERATE they really are.

The brotherhood has nothing left but to embrace their own fear.

Let us all send them love and truth.

Let us envision that one day they too will join us in the light.

I have a message for the people of planet earth. The message is simple.

Your star family is ALREADY here. Don't give your power away to anyone.

Simply look up to the sky and kindly ask them to reveal themselves.

And they will.


posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I was hoping for more but you supposed things that I would disagree with in part. I too am a Bible Believer and follower of Yeshua HaMeshiac but I would make this argument about DEMONS = ALIENS.

We know that Satan took 1/3 of the Angels with him, GOD created the Angels all (except the Cherubim and Seriphim) the same (no wings). So if the Greys as you called them are Demons (fallen angels) then the Angels of the LORD must also be greys would they not? I also agree with your point that we will have an Alien invasion if not two. Satan and his forces the first coming as the Messiah and the Real Messiah and his forces coming at the Last trump. This last trump invasion will be spectacular and as told see all over the world at once. What an awesome spectacle it will be in my opinion.

One must accept, that if the Bible is true, that God and the Angels are by definition ALIENS, as they do not come from this Earth. So their return will be seen as an alien invasion by most.

I actually have more issues with fake invasions as part of this new hologram technology and what some call Project blue-Beam. The people have not learned that they can be fooled by their eyes. They believe what they THINK they see and if they THINK they see an invasion, whether real (Angels) or fake (Hologram) they will freak out. Some will of course run to government seeking protection and in doing so give up all their rights and liberty for what they perceive as Security from these aliens. 911 showed how fast the people are willing to give up their Rights in some hope of security even though this never is the case. I would hope that most of the ATS group would think before reacting or freaking and take notice of everything and use rationality and common sense when acting.

For those believers we know what is coming and what will happen to many of us, but our reward is great. And never forget the LORD can protect His in any situation. (Noah in the flood, Daniel in the Lions Den, the 3 in the fire and on and on.) Trust in the LORD and be not deceived no matter what comes at you, Believer or not.

Decent thread, S&F!

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

If you were a Christian you'd quote the bible for your claims.

Nephilim, if they are aliens, are not physical. If they are demons, they are disembodied and have no bodies. Creatures of light.

A couple of parts of the Bible reference Nephelim and what they are. They are damned, and cannot raise from the dead on the last day. They cry in fear for dying, for they know what it brings. Death brings destruction, insanity, and decay. Their primary goal, if they even still exist in the physical, is to avoid death. Put their condition in your mindset. In death they can do nothing by stay alone and, assumingly, talk with others damned. They have no hope for salvation, so in death inevitably lose themselves to this oblivion.

This makes no sense to me.

Nephilims are the offspring of 2 people outside of them. How in the world are they punished for arriving here on earth due to no wrongdoing of their own?

Please help me make sense out of why "God" would indiscriminately punish the offspring but the parents (well, at least one parent) are somehow okay for their actions? And what separates people who are going to "hell" from the Nephilim?

What exactly did the Nephilim do other than being born on earth? What especially did they do wrong that would cause them to suffer eternally? It's thinking like this that really separated me from my Christian upbringing.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Gorman91


I am a practicing christian, meaning i accept the biblical world view and believe the bible is the absolute inspired word of God. I have not read the whole bible yet so quoting scripture is not something i have mastered yet, but all of my claims are based on a biblical basis and i have researched extensively on the UFO phenomenon. Aliens are not physical, there is nothing to suggest this as being the case. Greys have been reported walking through walls and dispersing/appearing at will, this would imply that they are in another dimension to us and are infact spiritual entities, which would fit the description of demons and the nephilim. They have a limited time left and are desperate to mix there dna with humans before Jesus returns and earth is destroyed for a second time to rid it of these creatures. The nephilim are the greys but that does not mean demons cannot appear as other things.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:42 PM

All the debunkers on this thread want to do is troll and agitate so how about we stop responding to them?
They don't offer anything other than rhetoric, so why bother reply as they have made it clear they are not interested in pursuing any beneficial outcome.

Now if you are a hardcore materialist you most likely will only take away negative energy from this thread so it is something you should stay away from until it is less bothersome.

Okay. Has anyone here any experience with Kaballah or any other mystic teachings? I am interested in some first hand account of their experiences. This knowledge was acquired and passed down by the most ancient human civilizations who left behind the pyramids and other great monolithic structures. Therefore I would not be so quick to attack their teachings.

Now the term used in the bible comes from the Greek Daemon, meaning wise one.

Angels, daemons, spirits, inter dimensional, or intra dimensional it doesn't really matter what you call them if you then acknowledge their existence. Many performers have claimed possession like Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janet Joplin. Then there is those that claim psychic abilities like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley. You can confirm this by searching for recordings of interviews with their families and friends (too lazy to find for you). I name drop here because some people will not believe anything unless a famous person says it first.

Many theoretical physicists feel that kaballah is very similar to quantum physics (free will and observation). Dealing with things like consciousness and will to affect the material world is waaaaay out there no matter what you call it.

Most people fail to recognize that the 5 senses of man can not pick up everything around us. What we see smell hear and so on is all a translation of signals made to our brains. We do not pick up ultra violet light with our eyes or hear many pitches of sound. This means that relying solely on those senses is already foolish.

There is sooooo much that science can not explain I find it baffling that people sling around science this and science that when we all know they are throwing around an incomplete and imperfect formula. Copernicus thought he solved the mystery but it turned out he was a brilliant failure.

Anyways I challenge all these naysayers to research and make contact with these entities and find out for yourselves. Then come back and honestly tell us there is no chance such things are possibly happening.

edit on 13-8-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:43 PM
No offense to your religion, you, or anyone else here, but some parts of the bible are completely wrong. You can't take something the bible says and then claim it is proof of your theory.

^Harold Camping tried to do that. And look how it turned out for him.

There are many factual inaccuracies in the bible, I could go into a long list of things that the bible says that have been proven to be false. The bible isn't proof of anything.

Just because the bible says something, that may, or may not support your particular theory, this is not proof.

There is much more evidence that UFO's are aliens then there is UFO's are demons.

Demons are mythological creatures, none have ever been found.

Extra-terrestrials have been found. Or at least there is a very good chance of that.

Until you can prove to me that demons exist, I will not agree with your theory that all UFO sightings and all abduction accounts are simply reports of a creature that--as far as I know-- doesn't exist.
edit on 13-8-2011 by thesearchfortruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-8-2011 by thesearchfortruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by dn4cer2000
Not only that. The "gods" are also aliens.

Most likely. Back in the day people were awed by technology they couldn't understand, and so labeled the ETs who possessed this technology as "gods", or "angels", or "demons", and more correctly in the case of many ancient cultures "star people". I see no reason to think the the religious ideas of ancient people thinking these were "angels" and "demons" to be any more relevant than Native American or African beliefs that these were "star people". I just think the people who say aliens are demons have it backwards, "demons", "angels" and "gods" were actually aliens, ancient people just didn't have the knowledge to understand this.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by cry93

Nephilim are evil creatures, just look at the reports of what the greys do to people and you will get some idea. Even God himself said there appearance was not good and i believe this is because God knew it would scare us. They are evil because there are the offspring of 2 rebellious groups... The fallen angels of God who sided with Satan, and the "daughters of men" who are the female descendants of Cain (these were sinful woman).

If you watch the video's they might help explain it better.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by OMsk3ptic

I couldn't have said it any better.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:49 PM
Alens dont fit with the bible and now it is becoming more apparent that they do exist so how will christians deal with this? saying they are demons...then it fits with the bible and they dont have to question their faith.

much more reasonable that aliens are just that.....aliens.

i do believe in aliens but have yet to see any real proof and this is probably due to the huge amount of fakers, media manipulation including cover ups and I don’t think it would be so bad if it wasn’t for religion and not wanting to start upsetting people who believe in Christ in case there was mass panic.

Dont forget that the Church throught history has done some pretty demonic things as well all in the name of Christ. Priests abusing children and the church covering it up, crusades and witch burning that was nothing more than to keep women in their place. Holding back science and development and executing (burning) anyone who said that the earth was not the centre of the universe and the list goes on. The church and its senior members are extremely wealthy while many go hungry and there is nothing saintly about that and I’m sure if there was a god he would be looking down with disbelief at what was being done in his name.

I’m not trying to upset anyone but if you look at the evidence and put religion and UFO's side by side you can ask yourself which could be classed as is more demonic?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I am claiming that the Nephilim are they greys, but you are also forgetting that some demons can shapeshift and even the devil himself appears as an angel of light

Angels are not aliens! this is a common mistake people are making on this thread including yourself, Angels/Demons are not extraterrestrial, they are angelic and are apart of the heavenly realm but can manifest on earth if they so wish.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: spelling error

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by Gorman91


I am a practicing christian, meaning i accept the biblical world view and believe the bible is the absolute inspired word of God. I have not read the whole bible yet so quoting scripture is not something i have mastered yet, but all of my claims are based on a biblical basis and i have researched extensively on the UFO phenomenon. Aliens are not physical, there is nothing to suggest this as being the case. Greys have been reported walking through walls and dispersing/appearing at will, this would imply that they are in another dimension to us and are infact spiritual entities, which would fit the description of demons and the nephilim. They have a limited time left and are desperate to mix there dna with humans before Jesus returns and earth is destroyed for a second time to rid it of these creatures. The nephilim are the greys but that does not mean demons cannot appear as other things.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

I take umbrage with many of your statements here.

1/ How do you KNOW Aliens are not physical? Even I, a believer, cannot state that as fact.

2/ How do you KNOW that Greys ( as Aliens) do not possess the ability to ' walk through walls' or ' appear/disappear' regardless of a ' dimension'? If it is true they come from star systems millions/trillions miles away why would it not be possible for them to perform amazing things precisely like that?

3/ How are these ' demons' mixing their DNA with humans? I cant remember the last time I read a report of some human female/demon rape.

It appears that you are newly Christian, given you have not read the complete Bible yet. I have to say that most people who have started threads on this very subject are new Christians also. So I can deduce two things from that. Either you have been converted by a bunch of crackpots and taken their word as scripture, or the Devil is making you say it.

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by theindependentjournal

Angels are not aliens!....

....Angels/Demons are not extraterrestrial, they are angelic and are apart of the heavenly realm but can manifest on earth if they so wish.
edit on 13-8-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: spelling error

You continue to claim this.

Where is the evidence that makes you so sure?

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