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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norway killer

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posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I'm finding more people who seem to be moved by Breivik's message. People calling themselves Crusaders.

Sweden seems to have a few people who are quite open to his message.

On an unrelated note - I've been delving more into some aspects of government systems, and liberal doctrine and.... yeah I'm not wrong.

The First World democracies are fracking up .... hard. This guy started off essentially just right of center, and he was considered mostly not radical enough by radicals and too radical by parties. The tyranny of the bland's consequences are starting to hatch. Others have warned this is going to happen with the usurping of the liberal classes, but I can darn well put a big red light right here and scream "LOOK YOU IDIOTS."

Co-opting the liberal democracy for bland politics and corporate interests....will have consequences. The very system you thrive on, you are sucking the life out of it.

This is like being politically attacked by a moderate. Oh, I know, people won't like that. I'm not invested in the story that he's a hard core eugenics loving fundie christian thor worshiping baby eating freemason. After years of rubbing shoulders with serious right-wingers, he's still just barely as far right as some US Republicans. And he'd still be too Liberal for a goodly number of them.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:45 AM

The better one:

Notice how the one from the Wall Street Journal is seriously less than the same one from Taiwan.

This time a candidate, not a sitting politician.

One candidate, Janis Iesalnieks wrote in July in his blog that Anders Behring Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in two terrorist attacks in Norway, was the product of years of multiculturalism in Norway.

Iesalnieks, 27, was forced to retract his statement and withdraw his candidacy from the September election.

I see some baiting out on the web about women and this guy. Yep, there be crazy women.

I can be a feminst, AND believe that people I don't agree with should be allowed representation.

Do I want to live under a system like what The Son of the Bear On the Wide Bay has envisioned? No. But I do believe he had the right to representation, and to a voice. The man he was ten years ago would not be the man he is today if there had been a working liberal democracy in place, instead of a tyranny of enforced ideological conformity.

You don't convert someone by silencing them. Even if I know that he wouldn't afford me the same.
edit on 2011/10/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Childhood must be investigated: In the face of TV 2 Tuesday, says Lippe Confirm that the defenders have found startling information about his childhood to the terror accused Anders Behring Breivik. - For me this is serious conditions that should have been addressed in a different way too many years ago, said Lippe City.

I believe I can paraphrase what I said quite some time ago: Holding responsible the people who didn't and will not protect him and his, and embrace lies that lead to disaster. Only he got older and his sense of responsibilty for "his" grew.

The disaffected are often holding onto some truths about your system that you don't want to see. Can't get your message through? Some people might not just give up.
edit on 2011/10/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Anyone stuck his head in a machine yet to take a look?

Does he get access to a computer when he gets out of isolation? I bet he's asked a few more times.

Are they allowed access to wargames? Strategy games?

Do they get access to the 'Net? At all? Supervised? None? PVP / MMO / MMORPG?

Anyone looked at how he processes dopamine?

I'm betting he's going to be very unhappy with the stupid computer relatively quickly. I bet that'll set him off just about as badly as he's gone so far.

The lazy psychiatrists are going to say it because he's got an addiction to the 'net or something to that effect after that. It isn't.

Just a guess. I'd be fascinated to find out if I'm right.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:52 PM

Used to be here.

Pic of site here:

The state prison on hearing his Minister of Justice, Knut Storberget field inspection is held, but there were guards everywhere just complaining, and the others have quit long ago. Since the decrease in the number of ads that institution up to recruit new officers, but also considering that the employees in charge of guarding Breivik reduced work shifts. Private detention extended a few weeks ago, and ever since he learned that it can be repeated up to a month for unlimited time also swore revenge. Slowly they treat, and I fear him as a bloodthirsty Hannibal Lechtertől.

Well, well, well....

Looks like I was wrong. He's feeling it already. Isolation and you've lobotomized him. Find a way to give him a 'net connection somehow, and see if he's aggression goes down. Even if it is one way connection. Just a suggestion.

Probably cheaper than having to continually replace guards.
edit on 2011/10/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:22 AM

The Polish police arrested a dozen clients of a firm in Poznan (western Poland) on the internet selling chemicals and had delivered wicks Behring Anders Breivik, author of the carnage in Norway, said Wednesday the local prosecutor's office .
Police searched the homes of 85 customers of the company owned by a chemistry student of 26 years.

They have arrested dozens of customers of a legal company, and searched 85.

The powers the authorities have in Europe are truly astounding.

They can get a dump from Echelon. They can raid the houses of legal customers of a legal business. All so quietly. With barely a peep from their peoples.


This article says they arrested 19 people for:

The suspicion against those who were visited by the police yesterday on everything from the possibility of having planned the construction of bombs, that they simply have kept large amounts of chemicals in places of safety reasons, are not suitable.

Gosh, if this isn't suitable, that might indicate that you suspect that they are lying...and you have people all over Europe who are upset about by the same things he is ... and he took training with some of them ....

Me thinks that maybe this problem is a bit deeper than is being acknowledged.

Set off tribal instincts for survival, encourage and even force social changes that might make children grow up in situations that have usually only been found in societies/tribes that are experiencing ongoing war/conflict and some of them develop brain changes that facilitate them being warriors. How odd.
edit on 2011/10/12 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Aeons

You will notice that this piece of news - that Breivik has threatened revenge - is NO WHERE in the media.

Even though it is excellent media theatre. This is the sort of thing that journals normally would drool over being able to print.

The one, got yanked.

Do you see, how thouroughly the media is controlled?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 10:02 PM

version two of the story.

And from another in this paper, apparently he was a bit enraged at the isolation sentence.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Anders is getting out of isolation. Sort of.

However, he added that the decision means little in practice for the 32-year-old Norwegian, because authorities at the Ila prison still want to keep him isolated from other prisoners for security reasons. A ban on newspapers, visitors, correspondence, Internet and TV access is in effect until Nov. 14.

But Hatlo said police have found no evidence to support Breivik's claims that he belongs to a network of modern-day crusaders opposed to multiculturalism, and that two other cells are ready to strike.

The authourities are idiots.

He says that he was under the circumstances, are doing well. He has no more access to reading material and activities. He can work out and he has had access to simple computer games. We are talking about very traditional games that children and young people use, but no violent games, says Lippe City to Dagbladet.

Thank you. I appreciate it when you answer my questions so promptly.

They should give him strategy games if they don't want to give him "violent" games. Not that the violent games actually have anything to do with his crime.

He intended on the crime BEFORE he started using them to train with, not because of them.

Stupid computer is stupid.

Journals and politicians are debating if he should be interviewed.

Such an interview should never happen. The offender has no right to come out with their opinions in such a way. What he represents is completely despicable, says Raymond Johansen.

Too late. He put out a FIFTEEN HUNDRED PAGE document. The cat is already out of the bag. So this cannot possibly be the real reason.

What I will point out again is that if he were coming across as a raving lunatic, or like an charming sex-murderer, etc. they sure wouldn't be putting up this stink. Then he'd be trotted out like a circus horse.

I don’t know about you, but I’m curious why he sped his timing up, and why he decided to start off his revolution by shooting up Noob Island.

On which note - wouldn't it be smarter to put a psychiatrist who shares cultural context with him in the room?

I have no faith in the pressure cooker theory. Hate speech helps to legitimize the hateful attitudes. It will only be a spicy way to sell newspapers

He has no faith in you to direct your own thoughts. Isn't that nice?

However, he does point something here without meaning too. They know that they have people's minds....what they aren't so sure about is that they have people's hearts. And he should be concerned about that, because they don't have them nearly as much as they think they do.
edit on 2011/10/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I'd like an extended family tree on him too.

Wenche has brother(s)? Also in Oslo? How about Jens? Whose brother is Robert?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 02:17 PM
Police claim they found 186 expended shell casings on the island of Utoya:
We do not know exactly how many shots were fired there, but it found 186 empty cartridges on the island, says Hatlo.

As there were 69 dead and 67 wounded, that is about 136 victims who were hit by gunshots(minus one or two people who were killed via drowning when swimming away from the island). So you have 1.36 bullets fired to produce each wound.

However, that does not take into account victims shot multiple times. Nor does it take into account the fact that many shots were misses, as told by witnesses:
Renate Tower, 21: He fired several shots at me, but none of them met.
Andrine Johansen: Breivik, 32, found the young Labour party member and looked her in the eye before firing three times at her.(was lightly wounded)
When the shooting stopped for a while. I poked my head out to see where he was. Then he looked at me and shot. He hit a tree just twenty inches from my head.
Between runs they saw that the bullets had hit the right side of the boat.
Stine Brandvik: "And when I ran, I felt four bullets fly past my head.”
He charged at me and then I started to run into the forest, said Anzor.
He ran, saying the shots chased him into the forest and hit the trees above him.

Taking into consideration all the misses plus victims shot multiple time, it would not surprise me if they end up with more shots fired than they can account for. It's just more stuff that doesn't add up.

edit on 13-10-2011 by starviego because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-10-2011 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 02:28 PM
They missed a JAW BONE on Noob Island. I'm sure that they are missing some shells. Your count doesn't include the number of bullet holes in walls or doors. Some of them are in water probably.

But I would suspect that a good ratio of his shots hit targets. Most of them it would seem.

Which should be very interesting to anyone looking at the use of PVP games combined with IRL training in combat effectiveness. A little look at how his PFC is wired might give you a clue as to what the difference is between him and the people who play the games that prefer graphics and story over game-play, and the difference between PVP vs. Player-vs-game-mechanics as a training mechanism.

I would also suspect that you could overcome his reluctance to be studied by psychiatrists if you instead had the those with an interest in military applications come talk to him.
edit on 2011/10/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to the bomb and shooting attacks that killed 77 people in Norway in July, says there are up to 80 cells in Europe with militant anti-Islamic ideals like his own, Norwegian investigators said on Thursday.

He said the police had intentionally played down Breivik's alleging of 80 like-minded cells in order to avoid causing panic across the continent at the time.

"The number I now have is between 60 and 80," he said. "But I don't think they (investigators) trust what Breivik is saying on this matter."

Oh. They've been PLAYING DOWN THE NUMBER of cells. So as not to panic you.

Or at least to hope for you to stop paying attention.

I believe it. Man is thorough.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:46 PM

“The regulations say that he can only have contact with inmates who are in the department for very high security. He is the only one in Norway that is in the department of special high-security, and therefore he may not have contact with other inmates,” said the prison director to NRK.

Even if the isolation is very strict, Breivik has been given permission to read selected books. He has also been allowed to see a limited number of non-violent TV shows on a PC stripped of software.

So he's out of isolation, but he's not out of isolation.

Buck passing at its finest.

I guess I'll have to wait until Feb 2012 to find out why a level 80 character shot up Noob Island.

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Back to the photoshopped Breivik to look like Hitler image. Is this what they mean by "Journalistic Freedom?"

Breivik Edited to look like Hitler

Actual Image

Meanwhile, a psychologist said Breivik felt horrified by his actions when he began to methodically shoot young people dead.

"He says it was very difficult ... it was horrifying at first on Utoya, the first executions," Superintendent Asbjorn Rachlew told The Times. Breivik has since indicated that he was pleased that his acts of violence had succeeded, according to Rachlew.

"He was not looking forward to the day of the operation because he knew it was going to be hard. But he had a mission. There was a lot of planning. It was hard work and it succeeded. He has a satisfaction that all his preparations, all his determination, ended in success."

From the article the real photo is from. It somewhat contradicts the assurances that he's got no reaction to his crime. He has reactions - they are two different sets running in parallel.
edit on 2011/10/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Professor of Law, Alf Peter Hogberg, says there is unrest in the legal community about whether the lawyer Geir Lippestad protects the legal rights to their terror accused client, Anders Behring Breivik.

- It's about the way he refers to the client in negative terms, that he says he does not see any extenuating circumstances in this case, the way he speaks of the possibility of madness, and the way he speaks about the prospect of punishment, he explains.
He cites an incident he reacted especially.
- According to the police did not shoot Breivik the smallest kids on Utøya. Lippestad commented on this by saying that his client did not do it on moral grounds, but because it would be a waste of time since they had not yet been brainwashed. To add the information to defense counsel, so that does not know that is something positive, is far beyond what a lawyer should do.
Hogberg says he will not be surprised if Breivik will change when he defends at a time can access the media.

Well I'm glad to know that there are lawyers in Norway who care enough to notice that the defense has some serious problems about their client that they seem unable to overcome.

However.... Anders only has one goal in mind and it isn't getting out of jail. If making his point means allowing some discussion on social issues he'd prefer not to delve into, I'm sure he'd overcome it so as to get the platform he's looking for.

The lawyer's goals and the clients goals are not aligned. Which person's goals prevail? Who is playing who?

Gleffe - is this guy Superman? He's everywhere people need him to be!
edit on 2011/10/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 04:34 PM

About being amoungst other prisoners.

He feels that he is exposed to risk if he gets out among the others, said the defender.

About youth experiences.

In the past police interrogations should Breivik have claimed that he was prone to violence repeatedly when he was young.

- It's about things he experienced during adolescence that is about clashes between gangs and groups that he has experienced here in Oslo, said Lippe City to NRK.

Gangs are bad enough, gangs that get the blind eye because it is too touchy to deal with them due to being called bigoted if you do just gives them a bit of extra charm.

Worse when you are amoungst them, and you come from a class where you don't end up with any contacts to make them leave you the frack alone. I gotcha.

Not far enough up the chain to be taken seriously. Too far up for people to think that you might have a problem. Police that can't help you. Nobody admits there is a problem, and the ones that know there is just laugh about it. Not far enough down the chain to have the right "contacts" to make people leave you alone if you run into the wrong people - up or down. And then you are too low on the chain when you run into the people of "higher class" who do the same thing but consider it their special place to be allowed to.

Oh, and they like to lecture you about how you got it so good too, and how if you're saying anything you must be just a horrid person.

Gangsters running for office, and gangsters on the street, and then the upper class who acts the same but pretends their way of doing it is more refined.

I get it. When you run into trouble, literally no one has your back. And if you say something about that, then you are scum. If you find people alike to you who got your back, then you are a different type of scum.

You get punished for the crime of believing and wanting the life that you've been told is the way things are.

Sucky place to be.

edit on 2011/10/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Look how different he looks. In this photo he looks quite a bit more like his father. He even holds himself differently.

Wild. From bureaucratic daddy clone to the son of bear indeed. Lot of dedication to becoming a living Halo Character.
edit on 2011/10/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:40 PM
I missed this little bit of stupid. Remember Lacoste's little pretend temper tantrum?

Notice the year in the commercial? 2083.

Breivik's document is 2083: A European Declaration of Independence.

Now see that is the sort of thing I expect my conspiratorial friends to pick up. This commercial has been around since ??? 2008? They put it out again in September, making the 2083 more prominent, and reloading it onto Youtube themselves.

I'm ONE person people. One. One working woman with a family. You're looking for red outlines in Photoshop and non-existent second shooter..... in the meantime, interesting tidbits go by that are actually worth noting. You're killing me.

They are begging to be linked to Breivik's crusade.
edit on 2011/10/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Match online
Many of those who have been approached by the police are active online debate. PST has noted that an increasing number now choose to take the discussion with the extremists on the Internet.

PST has noted that an increasing number now choose to take the discussion with the extremists on the Internet. - We realize that some of Islam hostile people, bloggers and the like, have drawn more into the closed forums and away from the major discussion sites, because they have been put up against a wall of the others.

Really? You don't say.

So you're driving them further into themselves, and think that the people online who are arguing with them are bringing good arguments? They aren't. Frankly, their arguments for the most part are somewhere between pie-in-the-sky and indoctrinated insanity. Mostly not dealing with the fundamental problems they have.

I bet they actually think this is a GOOD thing.

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