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"Tea Party GOP Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default, World Panic"

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by desert
reply to post by Janky Red

Although the bulk of the "rooting for default" is being done openly among the GOP/conservatives, and what I say next is not in any way speaking for poet, I have heard some diehard Dem/liberals also express the idea of "rooting for default".

Americans have had their behavior shaped to not use the word "why". Questioning can involve delving deeper, digging up nuances. Rooting for defaulting can come from two completely different reasons. Conservatives see this as something positive. A liberal would see default as negative but necessary to destroy the country and the crazy thinking that got the US to that point, with the nation rising anew Phoenix-like from the ashes.

I think I get it...

I am just saying, we expect that America will always be what it has been in our lifetimes, it is simple
psychology. How can any of us beable to predict what it will be like to become a second tier nation???
We cannot... I suspect that many of us think this will be a bump in the road, based upon our current
Construct of what the US is and has always been. I suggest that no body here will like the actual
effects of this proposal, will not a bump, but a complete shock that could very well terminate America's
standing in the world, for generations.

I am a joker and a snake at times, but I hold this prospect in high regard and I respect the weight of this
decision. The frat boy cheers of the majority of ATS and the corresponding mentalities, is
not dissimilar to the calls of retribution over 9/11, like an inch deep of thought to initiate a huge to do,
nobody expected a 3 T dollar 10 year long war and expenditure. This proposal is on the magnitude of
World War, this is making a unitary choice for the WHOLE world. The capacity of the people who are
yelling (like a football game is about to begin), is a concern to me, many of the cheer leader here cannot discuss
an issue beyond the points of platitudes and taunting. Yet collectively, they are leading to charge towards
a cliff, they are the angriest too... bling foaming retribution against who??? The government,,, that they pay for?

I suspect they should be smart enough to know that they will pay for the damages they inflict.

I am in such a minority I actually am fearful for the first time, this eclipses a war, to many this many be considered an assault on the world. The U.S single handedly goes into every pocket and devalues everyones

Luckily I don't have far to fall, these country club ATSers are gonna hang themselves

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Even Ronald Reagan lambasted those at his time who played with the threat of not raising the debt ceiling, as he knew the damage it would do to the economy.

Reagan on raising the debt ceiling:

“Unfortunately, Congress consistently brings the Government to the edge of default before facing its responsibility. This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the Federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility—two things that set us apart from much of the world.”

What is not understood is that liberals are not the ones who have blackmailed the country with a threatened vote NOT to raise the debt ceiling. It is the CONGRESS PEOPLE IN TEA PARTY that has threatened the destruction of the American economy, BY NOT RAISING THE DEBT CEILING, if they don’t get their way, similar to how a child acts, not a sane adult.

It is now 100 percent the Tea party that is acting like immature, spoiled, and selfish children, whose actions threatens the livelihood of millions that will get layed off their jobs, soldiers not getting paid, social security recipients not getting their checks, and numerous awful consequences to their actions.

For people here to defend this lunacy and adapt the reckless notion of “they want to default” in the face of all the suffering it will cost the American people and also do the very damage these people claim they want to prevent in the first place, reveals them for what they are: Dangerous and reckless people

I just hope that the American people see these types for the dangerous people they are and vote them out of office

edit on 24-7-2011 by inforeal because: typo

edit on 24-7-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by inforeal

The 16 people that gave the OP stars are idiots and have no clue as to what the Tea Party is, much less for which they stand. Probably part of the unemployed that keep getting extensions on their checks and love a nanny state.

Please pack your bags and head to one of the countries in the European Union... oh wait, they can't afford you their because their socialist programs are BANKRUPTING THEM!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by FusionInFL
reply to post by inforeal

The 16 people that gave the OP stars are idiots and have no clue as to what the Tea Party is, much less for which they stand. Probably part of the unemployed that keep getting extensions on their checks and love a nanny state.

Please pack your bags and head to one of the countries in the European Union... oh wait, they can't afford you their because their socialist programs are BANKRUPTING THEM!

Ya, loosen your chin strap bucko.

You are advocating bankrupting the nation to prevent bankruptcy.


edit on 24-7-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by desert
reply to post by Janky Red

Although the bulk of the "rooting for default" is being done openly among the GOP/conservatives, and what I say next is not in any way speaking for poet, I have heard some diehard Dem/liberals also express the idea of "rooting for default".

Americans have had their behavior shaped to not use the word "why". Questioning can involve delving deeper, digging up nuances. Rooting for defaulting can come from two completely different reasons. Conservatives see this as something positive. A liberal would see default as negative but necessary to destroy the country and the crazy thinking that got the US to that point, with the nation rising anew Phoenix-like from the ashes.

A lot of these idiots think it's gonna be some paradise for them when it happens. Just like the anarchy mongers-They will be the first to get burned when it goes down. Be careful what you wish for....

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:14 PM
The audacity of blaming the Tea Party.

I remember once upon a time when this group was being called the Astroturf Movement, now it's turned into a force to be reckoned with. But blaming them for our financial crisis is extremely careless.

There is a repeated pattern that has become extremely obvious over the years.
Whenever the Progs constantly make fun of something or someone, it usually backfires on them.
Example(s): Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, Michelle Bachman,...

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Ya, loosen your chin strap bucko.

You are advocating bankrupting the nation to prevent bankruptcy.


Would you ask your bank for a credit increase for the purpose of maximizing your card yet again?
That make no sense, where is the logic in that?

It's probably time to pay the piper.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Originally posted by Janky Red

Ya, loosen your chin strap bucko.

You are advocating bankrupting the nation to prevent bankruptcy.


Would you ask your bank for a credit increase for the purpose of maximizing your card yet again?
That make no sense, where is the logic in that?

It's probably time to pay the piper.

Would you stop paying your 9% interest in order to trigger 35% interest and a raid on your checking account?

There are a million other things that would be more intelligent than this which would serve to cull spending

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Two quick points here:

Point 1: Keep reminding that the facts are:

It is only the Tea party and other republican fanatics that is threatening to not approve the debt ceiling

Liberals, ALL DEMOCRATS, and common sense republicans [ the few of them) if they got a clean vote to raise the debt ceiling would raise it. It is ONLY the Tea party congress people who have threatened to deny raising the debt ceiling therefore bring the nation into default

Point 2:

This reminds me of what happened in World War I where people were actually rapturously happy about going to war! At the declaration of war people in some of the countries in Europe went into the streets cheering and were in ecstasy to have a war.

Of course when the war bogged down to the foul, deadly and awful hell it truly is they stopped being happy about it.

This situation is similar where people think this default will be some kind of good thing

Very strange

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Most of the Tea Party republicans voted in favor of Cut, Cap and Balance which included an increase in the debt ceiling.

edit on 24-7-2011 by robyn because: add link

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro

Would you ask your bank for a credit increase for the purpose of maximizing your card yet again?
That make no sense, where is the logic in that?

It's probably time to pay the piper.

Not if the 'credit card' was actually only used by people I don't know, people far ore wealthy and powerful than I, who used it to buy guns and bombs and booze and women, all the while gutting those programs which are actually supposed to benefit ME and the people around me (Dare I say Community without being labeled a NAzi?).

No, that is not debt I accept, and no piper needs to be paid.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:10 PM
The substance of this interview with Dr Tarpley baffles me.

His premises and conclusions really don't make any real sense.

(1) "We have a mass of fanatics inside the Republican Party; this is known as Tea Party.."

The Congessional Tea Party caucus includes (from Wikipedia
:Members, 112th Congress

The caucus chairman is Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. As of March 31, 2011 the committee has 60 members, all Republicans.

• Sandy Adams, Florida
• Robert Aderholt, Alabama
• Todd Akin, Missouri
• Rodney Alexander, Louisiana
• Michele Bachmann, Minnesota, Chairman
• Roscoe Bartlett, Maryland
• Joe Barton, Texas
• Gus Bilirakis, Florida
• Rob Bishop, Utah
• Diane Black, Tennessee
• Michael C. Burgess, Texas
• Paul Broun, Georgia
• Dan Burton, Indiana
• John Carter, Texas
• Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
• Howard Coble, North Carolina
• Mike Coffman, Colorado
• Ander Crenshaw, Florida
• John Culberson, Texas
• Jeff Duncan, South Carolina
• Blake Farenthold, Texas
• Stephen Fincher, Tennessee
• John Fleming, Louisiana
• Trent Franks, Arizona
• Phil Gingrey, Georgia
• Louie Gohmert, Texas
• Vicky Hartzler, Missouri
• Wally Herger, California
• Tim Huelskamp, Kansas
• Lynn Jenkins, Kansas
• Steve King, Iowa
• Doug Lamborn, Colorado
• Jeff Landry, Louisiana
• Blaine Luetkemeyer, Missouri
• Kenny Marchant, Texas
• Tom McClintock, California
• David McKinley, West Virginia
• Gary Miller, California
• Mick Mulvaney, South Carolina
• Randy Neugebauer, Texas
• Rich Nugent, Florida
• Steve Pearce, New Mexico
• Mike Pence, Indiana
• Ted Poe, Texas
• Tom Price, Georgia
• Denny Rehberg, Montana
• Phil Roe, Tennessee
• Dennis Ross, Florida
• Ed Royce, California
• Steve Scalise, Louisiana
• Tim Scott, South Carolina
• Pete Sessions, Texas
• Adrian Smith, Nebraska
• Lamar Smith, Texas
• Cliff Stearns, Florida
• Tim Walberg, Michigan
• Joe Walsh, Illinois
• Allen West, Florida
• Lynn Westmoreland, Georgia
• Joe Wilson, South Carolina

Notably, Ron Paul is absent from the labove list.

(2) "They are founded by extreme right-wing business men, like the Koch brothers,"

In the video, Tarpley states "funded" not "founded". I am aware some Koch money has gone to various self proclaimed "Tea Party" organizational groups (allegerdly - FreedomWorks). But has money gone to fund the above listed reps?

(3) " they want the United States to go bankrupt"

The Cut Cap and Balance Act was passed the House with a majority of the “Tea Party causus’ support. The Bill includes a $2.4 trilliion debt ceiling increase.

Seems to me if anyone wants to force the US into bankruptcy/ implode the economy, it's the folks attempting to borrow MORE, MORE, MORE money and print more money while not seriously addressing out of control spending/rampant corruption and waste..
Partly also motivated by a desire to:
(a) placate political supportes without consideration for long term deliterious effects,
(b) create chaos to puch through "fundamental change" to the fabric of American society,
(c) misdirected heartfelt concern for others

(5) "they (the Tea Party) want the US to default because they figured that if the United States can no longer borrow, they would be able to destroy the social safety net that we have had left over from the new deal, that is to say Medicare, Medicaid, social security and so forth."

(6) "they (the Tea Party) are trying to go outside of the government and the constitution to force the bankruptcy of the country, thinking that in that case there won't be any money for these programs."

The Tea Party (as I understand it) wants a return to a more constitutionally based, limited federal government.and the restoration/protection of our most basic liberties. There’s a big difference between wanting to reform social programs and return power to the States, and eliminating them.

These are about the most INSANE statements I've heard in while.

“Tea Party” members are a diverse group. No agreed upon platform just largely disgusted with “business as usual” in Washington with no common list of solutions.

“Tea Party” politicians are a diverse group. No agreed upon platform. Most of which are simply trying to make political capitol out of the disgust with Washington.

The Tea Party movement has caucuses in the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States.[15] The Tea Party movement has no central leadership but is composed of a loose affiliation of national and local groups that determine their own platforms and agendas. The Tea Party movement has been cited as an example of grassroots political activity, although it has also been cited as an example of astroturfing.[16]

On its face the “Tea Party” caucus claims to stand for fiscal responsibility. This is a far cry from desiring to bankrupt the country.

Lots of folks are trying to organize the disgusted electorate into an official “Tea Party” -- politicians (Bachman, Pain) and conservative talk show hosts (Beck, Levin).

But, none speaks for the Tea Party. The Tea Party is not united and is certainly not united under any one political banner. So, Tarpley’s statements are ridiculous.

While I am sure there are politicians funded by nefarious elements with the destruction of our society and demise of the US dollar as their aim, it is impossible for that dubious honor to be given to the “Tea Party”.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:30 PM
Pop quiz, who said it?

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Click to find out -

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Pop quiz, who said it?

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Click to find out -

I KNOW! i KNOW! ------------ OBAMA
(When he was saying anything to get elected.)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by inforeal

Blaming the Tea Party for the financial mess we're in is about as effective as blaming the fork and spoon for a lousy meal.

You're right. We shouldn't blame the Republicans even though it was the Republican Party who drove this country's economy straight into the ground. But that's ok. No need to blame them for anything, right? After all, Republicans are about "responsibility" and American values...which means Same Sex Marriage is wrong and women's rights aren't important. Yep. The Republicans sure are responsible adults.

I mean, that's why they got voted into Congress in 2010, right? All going to fix the economy and give everyone jobs! Yeah! Republicans!!! CUT SPENDING! WOOO.

Wait, what? Cut funding for Planned Parenthood which provides basic health care needs for those without health insurance?

Cut funding for NPR?

What? I thought these buttholes were responsible and cared about the American people?

Well, screw it. Blaming them is...oh what did you say? Something about sticking a fork in it and open your eyes: The Republican Party fu*ked America.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by inforeal

Blaming the Tea Party for the financial mess we're in is about as effective as blaming the fork and spoon for a lousy meal

May aswell face up to it now because borrowing more will only make it worse and all these hand outs have been going to zionist controled banks anyway.

Sorry if people go hungry in the USA but if thats what required to rid the country of cancer then it's well worth it.

The US$ and shares are going to take a kicking just as soon as the markets in Japan and China open and thats any time now and do quote me on this post if this turns out to be wrong

my advise is to stock up on food/water/gold or silver

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by civilchallenger
reply to post by inforeal

The point of the Tea Party is to reduce government spending. Therefore the title of this posting suggests that a reduction of government spending would "Drive the US towards catastrophic default". Its such a laughable joke. No, the tea party people have a little thing called common sense. Common sense is that the US is on a path to catastrophic default right now and that because of that, we have to stop raising the debt limit.

The blaming of the Tea Party on this is simple proof that people are complete suckers and Democracy is failing because complete idiots with zero understanding of reality are in charge. The collective of intelligence in the US is supposed to be something bordering at least mild intelligence but it obviously isn't.

Simple common sense is gone entirely. Common sense being that if you're heading towards bankruptcy borrowing even more money isn't going to help you out. I mean I have to say that? LOL

edit on 23-7-2011 by civilchallenger because: (no reason given)

The steadfast determination of the Tea Party to cut government spending is a sham. Our system (through taxes) generates a ton of money every year. More than enough to fund social services and medicare. Unfortunately, a good portion of our tax dollars has been syphoned off over the last decade to prop up banking systems, both our own and foreign. Also, a bunch has been funneled into security and defense in the name of fighting terrorists. The Tea Party are mouth pieces for the ultra-rich and business interests (they want a constitutional amendment to keep corporate tax levels below what everyone else pays). The revenue increases are created by closing loop holds where business pay reduced tax rates, and by increasing the tax on those making more than 250K. They say raising taxes destroys lob growth but how? If a company is going to expand, they are going to expand. Are you saying that a company owner wont hire a new employee so they can spend that money on a new boat? A trip to Spain? I don't think someone growing a new company thinks like that. That's very selfish.
These politicians are acting like children (Dem and Rep) and they all should be fired. Is there a way to send them all home? Legally?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

You're right. We shouldn't blame the Republicans even though it was the Republican Party who drove this country's economy straight into the ground. But that's ok. No need to blame them for anything, right? After all, Republicans are about "responsibility" and American values...which means Same Sex Marriage is wrong and women's rights aren't important. Yep. The Republicans sure are responsible adults.

It's human to want to belong to a tribe and served us well in the past but today it's replaced with football teams and political parties but can you not see that you can vote for the left hand or the right but you still get the same puppet master.

God even Obama acts more like GW-Bottom Feeding Bush than the man himself.

Follow the money it all leads to one place.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by robyn

Your long post, with all due respect, doesn’t deal with the reality that the Tea Party fanatics (RIGHT NOW) are trying to methodically, through their votes in congress, allow FOR THE DEFAULT OF THE AMERICAN DEBT, by not raising the debt ceiling based on fanatic dogma that will cause pain and suffering NOW!

They are forcing, through the threat of not raising the debt ceiling, the president and the senate to cater to their fanatic beliefs, or they WILL CAUSE THE COUNTRY TO DEFAULT and this is what is called BLACKMAIL!

That is what Tarpley is saying. Its not complex it is very simple.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:56 PM
In the year 2000 we had a surplus, correct?

Since that time we have un-ending wars that were not budgeted, correct?

Since then Medicare Part D was enacted, correct?

Then once the Nation was about to go belly up we gave the Wall Street Traitors and Banksters our Tax dollars, correct?

On the Day we made the bail out of 1.2 trillion dollars from the threat made by the Banks for their Bad Bets a law was enacted that they could collect interest if they re-deposited in the Fed Accounts, correct?
That was never true before that day.

So they were bailed out to bail us out, yet they sat that money back into the Fed where it came from and now collect interest on these American Tax dollars.

Now we forget raising the Defense Budget every year also.

These un-funded Wars cost ever higher do to privatizing services from Defense Contractors such as food service and supply delivers and the Mercenaries we decided would be of benefit at 150,000 each per year. They are even used in all our Embassies, Why are is our Military not able to protect our own or provide the needs for our own people? The costs are staggering, wouldn't you think?
Why does a 1/4 20 nut cost $35 when it cost a dime at Home Depot?
Why when delivered does a gallon of gas for our Military cost $400 per?
Why do our soldiers get Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches cause the KBR sub doesn't get money for real food.
Why does a Bottle of water end up costing $20.
This could go on and on forever.
It is the Military and Defense Industry first and the Seniors and handi-capped last in this the Brave New American Police State.
Why is it that a CEO gets paid so much more then the CEO of the USA?

Why is it that we who shout the loudest always win, is it for we are like Sparta in to many ways?

The American Public are so dumb as to only hear the shouts of the Ass holes over the shouts of the sane.

Have we lost our minds to feel it is OK to abandon our Parents to a life of want?
First thing we should do is stop spending on any and all programs that don't support the Citizens of the USA.
Would you abandon your own for the purpose of killing others for the few?

Are ways now are for the needs of the few over the needs of the many. All wrong, un-Godly wrong.
Do you want God to curse you or Bless you?
Read the Beattitudes, this is the attitude expected of us all. Not to do as commanded will bring the worst destruction upon the Few.

I used to install security and survival station for the UBER RICH. Even back in the 80's and 90's and even today they have been preparing for what may be-fall them. Look behind those gates.

Here's an example of a paranoid UBER RICH.
In Westin Florida a Secured Gated Community there is this Baseball player Don Mattinglys house. He had built a mote and a draw bridge with ex Marines as Guards. The house looks like a Modern day castle. Inside is a secret stair case behind a mirrored wall that opens by a hidden switch. He has bunk-beds and air handling systems with fully auto weapons and MRE's up the ass. There was dug into the Coral an underground fuel tank and generator. I made sure it was super duper secured area. Only a Nuke could get in.
Across the street is Pearlmotors home of 19 bedrooms and largest residential pool in the World. Same deal there. He owns Pearl art Supplies and charges through the ass for Art supplies from starving artist.
Then there is this other home which is so well equipped it freaked even me.
Then there was Visach's place in South Beach. How the Hell he got killed just outside His gate under complete security and homeless looking guys with UZI' all around Him is weird. I guess when some one wants you you die. No matter what we did to protect Him He still got killed. Had to be an inside job for sure. Man you should of seen the Gold fixtures in the 19 bathrooms and Italian Marble baths. It was incredibly awesome to see how rich these Guys are.
One thing though is if I know what they got and where they are others do to.

So when # Hits the Fan they maybe the First piece to hit.
Not me though, I am secure where I am.

One thing is they need to share at least a dime.

Hey brother can yo spare a dime?

Guess not.

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