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"Tea Party GOP Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default, World Panic"

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posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by robyn
edit on 25-7-2011 by robyn because: add cite

Two Polls? I was never polled for this. Were you? I see no hard data or facts. What I do see are two articles that kind of eat each other and most other TEA party defenses that it is not just old white guys.

Poll one

40% of Tea Party supporters said they had a college degree while only 28% of the rest of the population could boast of such an accomplishment.

Some people that were polled SAID they had a college degree. I can say I have 10 when they call me and ask but I have a feeling that call is not coming.

In addition the Tea Party is actually not dominated by older people anymore than the rest of the population.

What is that now? Poll 1 says

The 18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters tend to be Republican, white, male, married and older than 45.

that it is mostly older white guys.

Thanks for the laugh.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 05:14 AM
I posted this in another thread about this topic, but it is relevant here too..

It seems that the usual problem that arises when ever something happens in the US, that is the people of the US think it only concerns them, or that the effects of a crisis is confined to the US, in this case it is blatantly obvious the the effects are far reaching and global.

This goes far beyond some welfare or social security cheques not getting paid, this has the potential to meltdown the world economy and when that happens world war will follow and untold misery for billions of people, it amazes me that so many Americans are so eager for it to happen, quite willing to let billions suffer so things can just be "reset" which it wont be, the US can't just wipe its debt away and start a new currency and everything will magically be "great" again, it most certainly wont be.

The US government knows it cannot keep raising its debt ceiling indefinitely, both the Reps and the Dems know this, the crux of the matter revolves around how the debt is reduced, the Dems want to tax the filthy rich and the mega corporations, the Rebs want to reduce government spending, reduce the welfare state, BOTH know the debt ceiling must be raised, but that raising the ceiling is only a temporary stop gap, at some point the interest you are paying becomes more than you receive in taxes and then you are completely bankrupt.

A default by the US will send shock waves around the globe, US debt is held in Treasuries, gold plated (well they used to be anyway) bonds, that guaranteed payment and at a fixed interest rate. This interest rate is typically very low because of the nature of Treasuries, they are very secure, extremely low risk. They are used by very large private investors and even by countries because they are so safe, and a good way to secure large surplus amounts of cash. If the US defaults on its payments to them, then the interest charged against them will increase drastically, thus putting even more pressure on the US economy, as it has to use more of its taxes to pay interest payments, causing more defaults and the interest to keep rising, the problem keeps rolling and compounding its self until collapse happens.

The US dollar will stop being the worlds reserve currency, nations will rush to dump their existing holdings in the dollar, the dollar will totally collapse and lose value, other nation states will have trillions of holdings lost and themselves start to become bankrupt, there will be food a resource shortages on a huge unprecedented scale, this will lead to larger and larger conflict as nations try to secure what they need. When the US dollar becomes worthless, then the alliances it has bought around the world will melt away, the US will become isolated as Russia and China step in to fill the void.

What the US needs to do is raise the limit now, but make serious plans to ensure it is never needed to raise the the limit again, the Reps are right that government spending needs to be cut, but it is not just the welfare and medicare (any civilized country should look after its people, especially when it taxes those people) it needs to drastically reduce its military spending, because that is what sucks up all the money, and it ALSO needs to start taxing the mega rich and greedy corporate assholes.

Then the next step would be after everything is settled is to kill the Fed and take down the stock exchange, those are the two most evil things in America today and the cause of all the financial woe, they suck the life blood out of the people and pass it on to the parasites at the top

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by debbrown

....from the Montana Budget and Policy Center : There are no magic bullets for solving our nation’s fiscal imbalance. These policies would force devastating cuts......

aha yes MORE scare tactics. The elite so love to use them and fund all sorts of think tanks and "grass roots organizations to disguise their manipulation.

The coalition known as the Partnership for Montana’s Future is helping members frame their issues before lawmakers. Funded partially by Foundation grants, the Montana Budget and Policy Center has developed much-needed research. Advocates now have policy briefs, analysis, talking points, and a coordinated message to bolster testimony at legislative hearings.

“In the past, we often lacked information and analysis to be effective in advocating for our values in the appropriations and revenue process. This coalition has improved our ability to advocate for things we care about and get useful information to our membership in a format that allows them to more fully participate in the legislative process,” said Kim Abbott, program director, Montana Human Rights Network ....

Just a tad bit bias aren't we???? Of course their are also throwing around the word "Sustainable" A word direct from SHELL OIL exec Ged Davis who wrote scenario B1 "Sustainability" otherwise known as "the "UN's Agenda 21"

Their financial statement shows no clue to the "Foundations" who have funded

All that is listed is domestic and FOREIGN CORPORATE stocks and bonds....

Seem we have a new twist in hiding funding. Instead of making cash grants the new "Think tank" is given CORPORATE stock which is left unlisted....

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by debbrown

Excellent post. I would like to add something about the big Republican push towards outsourcing.
Outsourcing is an excellent way for private corporations to suck money from the government. Outsourcing is
ALWAYS more expensive that if a government provides the services. It is easy to see why. Private companies include a little something called PROFIT in their bids. So by outsourcing, the government pays more, sometimes
way more - for less. The government provides services without that little thing called profit included in their

You are of course correct corporations add about 5 to 10% PROFIT to the cost and to increase profit they use resource and labor as effectively as possible. The government on the other hand does not have to worry about being cost effective so paying off political "Favors" by adding jobs for relatives is derigueur. Once hired a bureaucrat is made for life and even if they are caught lying or screwing up badly they will often not be fired, especially when the lies further the global elites agenda. Only when removing long term employees will further the plans of the elite is firing done. see SHIELDING THE GIANTS

The PRESIDENT'S PRIVATE SECTOR SURVEY ON COST CONTROL : A REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT stated they found 1/3 of US tax money wasted, one third was uncollected and the last third went to pay interest on the government debt.

After working for a retired government bureaucrat I can well believe it. I have never ever met anyone else who was so totally incompetent and unethical! He had a Degree in chemistry & masters in Business no less and was fired within three months.

According to a shocking new report, U.S. taxpayer money is being spent to study World of Warcraft, to study how Americans find love on the Internet, and to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam. Not only that, but money from the federal government is also being used to renovate a pizzeria in Iowa and to help a library in Tennessee host video game parties. These are just some of the examples in a new report on government waste from Senator Tom Coburn entitled "Wastebook 2010"....

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Crapspackle

Two Polls? I was never polled for this. Were you? I see no hard data or facts...

One of the polls was by a democratic party think tank the Blair-Rockefeller poll (Yeah ROCKEFELLER

results on Tea Party:

The full text of the report as well as information about the poll’s methodology is available on the Blair-Rockefeller Poll website,

the fact it is a DEMOCRAT think tank is in this report by the same woman:

The report shows the democrats are losing the support of the elderly. That is why Obama was making the threats about cutting off their SS checks. Typical Chicago mobster politician tactics that I find utterly contemptible.

Seems the DEMOCRAT'S great leader has shown his true colors at last by trying to scare the elderly into heart attacks. His supporters on this board have also shown their true colors. Instead of looking for pork to cut they bleat about "Social Programs" and raising taxes, never once seeing how contemptible their leaders actions are.

They are also showing their true colors, hatred of anyone they see as better off (the rich) and defending the continued growth of an out of control CENTRAL government, a government CONTROLLED by the BANKSTERS! How they can be aware of the Federal Reserve and K street lobbyist on the one hand and support continued government growth on the other I will never understand!

Please do not say I do not know what I am talking about. I lived in the heart of a socialist state, MA - home of the foremost Marxist scholars in the world, for 25 years. And I lived in the heart of southern baptist country for 17. I am an atheist independent and I have never met a nastier group of people that those in Massachusetts! Their hatred shows through. If you do not agree with them you are subject to verbal abuse up to and including threats like "When we take over we will KILL people like YOU!" Hatred and control was the driving force I saw in those people. Concern for "Social Justice" was just the Sheepskin over the wolf I have since found that that is the image on their shield.

50% of the tax payers carry 97% of the tax burden. FAMILIES earning $114,000 or less pay 1/3 of the taxes. those earning less than $32,000 pay less than 3% link

81% of the government tax comes from wage earners: 45% of the feds revenue is from individual income tax, 36% from payroll taxes: (SS, medicare) link



Tax on imports = excise tax, see graph:

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 07:43 AM
The president is the only one who is causing us to default, him and Harry Reid. You don't apply for another credit card if you max out the one you had. The adults in the room called the Tea Party have it correct. Congress (which makes the laws by the way), sent a bill to the Senate that was not even considered by Harry because it didn't suck more money out of the hands of you and me for their wild spending sprees. The president vowed to veto it.

So if and when we default, it will be because the president and Harry refused to accept the will of the people.

I say no more credit cards, period. If we default we default. Live with it. Get over it. And move on.

I support both the Tea Party and those brave congress men and women who are taking the stand for good and proper government.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

I am sure that if the American public got a chance to actually look at where the money goes they could cut billions from the budget without touching a single "Social welfare program" or anything else the progressive socialist are screaming about.

The USAID Operating Expenses alone are $1,564,132,000. (salaries and office expenses) The amount of aid to each of a very long list (94 pages) of countries for different programs is mind boggling. For example ”ADJUSTED INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (150 Account) ” is $58,492,754 ,000 and do not forget to add the three extra zeros when you look at the tables. See:

Here are a couple of examples just from the GRANTS that have been made.
The U.S. WWF is a superpower in the international non-profit arena, with 20% of its revenue from government tax money... $24,589,994 in 2001.

Federal Government Grants In 2011

The Federal Government has announced several grants.....

...grant programs award some $500 Billion in grants to those people and organizations that qualify for such funding....

The Federal Reserve has totally committed to buying $1.25 Trillion in poor credit card debt by way of March 31, 2011.... (Remember this is debt created out of thin air by the bankers so it is actually a BANKER BAILOUT AGAIN!

Data sources: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA),

Assembling the Tree of Life, $29,000,000 total funding (What the heck is THAT!)

CLEAN SCHOOL BUS USA ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS, $7,500,000 total funding [Do we really need the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to washout buses??? I thought that was what a Power Washer was for!cv]

Homeland Security

* 2005 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP), $214,500,000 total funding
* Department of Homeland Security (DHS Centers) Program, $15,000,000 total funding
Deep Sequencing and Haplotype Profiling of Mental Disorders, $7,500,000 total funding
* Detecting Suspicious Behavior, $440,000 total funding
* Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Conceptual Design, $1,500,000 total funding [NOW we know how the elite got their underground bunkers built!!!]

Rockefeller's Planned Parenthood

* Expanding Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services, $135,000,000 total funding
* Family Planning Services Grants, $97,333,200 total funding [I added up several grants]
Community-Based Abstinence Education Program, $36,823,000 total funding
Contraceptive and Reproductive Health Technologies Research (CTRU), $125,000,000 total funding

Grants for foreign countries

* Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law in the People's Republic of China, $15,000,000 total funding

* Building Capacity of Russian Anti-Trafficking Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to Provide Services for Victims and Provide Awareness Training for Government Officials, $800,000 total funding

Behavioral Change Communication Activities in Ethiopia - $2,000,000 total funding

[And many many more. cv]

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Many at ATS talk of the "Elite" including me. Here is a list of those who actually control the US government.

Naming Names: Your Real Government

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by PrinceDreamer
What the US needs to do is raise the limit now, but make serious plans to ensure it is never needed to raise the the limit again


Then the next step would be after everything is settled is to kill the Fed and take down the stock exchange

Uh huh, yeah. "Just one more time" right?

The thing is, the Fed is like a drug dealer. Tim Gitner is the one playing hardball. "She'll come back for more, she always does..."

Eventually, in order to reject drugs, and the schemes of those who hold you down and forcibly inject drugs (like needle-pimps who do this) you have to sweat it out, cold turkey.

You are suggesting just one more hit, then we get clean. That is the way of the addict. And to what, is America and the world markets addicted? Well everything. So the panic and fear, if they don't get their fix of material wealth, that new car, that barrel of oil, is enough to keep them addicted, aka enslaved.

It's like a worm that burrows into your arm before you realize it. The when you grasp the last bit of it before it disappears into your flesh, you pull it out. But it is attached to some vein or tendon in your arm, and there is great pain as you try to pull it out. So there you are. You can't let the worm go deeper into your arm, it will disappear and be lost, free to eat you from the inside. You can't pull it out because perhaps it is attached to a vein, and pulling it out will cause internal hemmoraging! Oh dear, what a dilemma! Gotta get this nasty worm out of our body, but the worm's trying to make a deal to get in just a bit deeper.

One side of the family says "Yank it out and live worm free!" and the other side says "No! That's too dangerous it will kill us! Live in symbiosis with the worm and forget the past! There can never be a worm-free existence!"

But really, this is generational game, that is to say the Fed took over America in 1933, and that was what 4 or 5 generations ago? So your grandfather and your grandson, are as helpless to defeat this as you are.

As you contemplate the worm today, ask yourself how deep it'll be in 5 more generations.
edit on 25-7-2011 by smallpeeps because: splng

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:37 AM
Saudi Arabia unplugged their currency from the US Dollar.

Nobody wants the US Currency to be the worlds Reserve problem....

We will be trimming US dollars and our technology from the world for awhile....sorry for the inconvenience.

Best of luck living in the stone age.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

...As you contemplate the worm today, ask yourself how deep it'll be in 5 more generations.

The "worm" has announced "Global Governance - 2025"

A year ago in The Global Journal this article appeared Of What Use is Global Governance? written by Pascal Lamy, Director, World Trade Organization (WTO) He speaks of the European Union as sort of an intermediate stage.

...the very incarnation of an international organization of integration in which Member States have agreed to relinquish sovereignty in order to strengthen the coherence and effectiveness of their actions.

...If there is one place on earth where new forms of global governance have been tested since the Second World War, it is in Europe. European integration is the most ambitious supranational governance experience ever undertaken. It is the story of interdependence desired, defined, and organized by the Member States. In no respect is the work complete—neither geographically nor in terms of depth (i.e., the powers conferred by the Member States to the E.U.), nor, obviously, in terms of identity....

Our challenge today is to establish a system of global governance that provides a better balance between leadership, effectiveness, and legitimacy on the one hand, and coherence on the other...

And lastly there is "Global Governance 2025" by by US & EU Intelligence Agencies courtesy of Freedom of Information Act, at

The Atlantic Council has a summary HERE

This report analyzes the gap between current international governance institutions, organizations and norms and the demands for global governance likely to be posed by long-term strategic challenges over the next 15 years. The report is the product of research and analysis by the NIC and EUISS following a series of international dialogues co-organized by the Atlantic Council, TPN, and other partner organizations in Beijing, Tokyo, Dubai, New Delhi, Pretoria, Sao Paulo & Brasilia, Moscow, and Paris. ....

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Pervius

Saudi Arabia unplugged their currency from the US Dollar.

Nobody wants the US Currency to be the worlds Reserve problem....

We will be trimming US dollars and our technology from the world for awhile....sorry for the inconvenience.

Best of luck living in the stone age.

I am afraid you are 70 years too late. The largest US employers are the US government, Walmart, Kelly temp services and McDonalds in that order. link

We are now a nation of sales clerks and burger flippers not technical giants.

The Fabian Socialists, that is John Dewey, founding member of the American branch and Father of Progressive education, have succeeded in reducing American education to the level of African countries. WE are no longer technologically competitive.

See: Dumbing Down America by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld

"For 10 years, William Schmidt, a statistics professor at Michigan State University, has looked at how U.S. students stack up against students in other countries in math and science. "In fourth-grade, we start out pretty well, near the top of the distribution among countries; by eighth-grade, we're around average, and by 12th-grade, we're at the bottom of the heap, outperforming only two countries, Cyprus and South Africa."

Is it any wonder Corporations now import workers from other countries?

... Surveys of corporations consistently find that businesses are focused outside • the U.S. to recruit necessary talent. In a 2002 survey, 16 global corporations complained that American schools did not produce students with global skills. United States companies agreed. The survey found that 30 percent of large U.S. companies “believed they had failed to exploit fully their international business opportunities due to insufficient personnel with international skills.” One respondent to the survey even noted, “If I wanted to recruit people who are both technically skilled and culturally aware, I wouldn’t even waste time looking for them on U.S. college campuses.” Junk Food Diet

....In 2000, 28 percent of all freshmen entering a degree-granting institution required remedial coursework....

Americans incompetent to fill jobs, corporations must import foreigner workers to meet demand.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by smallpeeps

...As you contemplate the worm today, ask yourself how deep it'll be in 5 more generations.

The "worm" has announced "Global Governance - 2025"

Hmm, yes. Thanks for that.

The real pivot of this struggle, imo, is the "nationalism" versus "globalism". Personally, I was raised up to young adulthood, in a religious group that hold international YHWH-ism as their highest ideal. And their modality, is exactly like the Marxists. They spy on their members, they allow no personal opinions as to rhetoric and agit prop. So the Marxist and the religionist, are often the strongest propellers behind this "Internationalism" move.

Well what's interesting is that both of these arms, are said to be "non materialists". That is to say, the largest international conspiracies, are rarely based on money. These Internationalists be they atheist-political, or occult-globo-cultists, they are often trying to skate on a "commune" type of "Christianity" or the obverse which is complete atheism and class war. Anyway, when I left that globo-YHWH church, the main argument I got from my family was "It's nationalism! Why would you love America?! That is nationalism!" See because some people are brainwashed to hate their own nation, and to love the globo-think. So my point is that these globo-thinkers, will always fall back on the idea that the globo-tribe, is a priori, superior to the nation-tribe.

See, I differ with that. I think the nation-tribe, is better. I think that the globo-tribe is a trick. I am not saying the UN is a totally useless Marxist body, but it is damn close. Oh and the UN uses all kinds of NGOs, including those who claim to hate the UN and see it as a tool of Satan. So essentially the globo-moneylenders called Rothschild, will always see every nation, as their enemy.

That is really what it boils down to: One tribe Earthwide, under our yoke, or no tribes, anywhere on Earth. Their deal being offered is this: "Accept the globo-tribe, and dis-adhere from your nation-tribes, or face death and destruction." It is really as simple as that.

They offer you a bowl of gruel or a razor across your neck. Wow, what a choice! And this coming from globo-bankers who themselves cannot produce anything, except tyrants and schemes. The worm is nothing but a mouth that eats at the bones of every nation. When all bones of all nations are feeble, the worm is happy.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Hi. It was late and I was tired and I figured a couple of articles pointing you in the direction (sources and dates)of the polls would be sufficient if you were really as interested in the subject as you claim.

I'm glad I gave you a good laugh.

You are welcome.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

The real pivot of this struggle, imo, is the "nationalism" versus "globalism". Personally, I was raised up to young adulthood, in a religious group that hold international YHWH-ism as their highest ideal. And their modality, is exactly like the Marxists. They spy on their members, they allow no personal opinions as to rhetoric and agit prop. So the Marxist and the religionist, are often the strongest propellers behind this "Internationalism" move....

Take a look at this thread. In my last post, pg 2, I make the Fabian socialist (Bankster) religious connection.

They are really starting to turn up the heat.
Just before the formation of the World Trade Organization in 1995: David Rockefeller said on Sept. 23, 1994 "This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long — We are on the verge of a global transformation."

They need to ram this through as quickly as they can before too many people wise up.

Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke is trying to break the US by printing money. One way to ruin an enemy country is to flood it with counterfeit money and that is what the central bankers are doing.

The second move is to take over the food supply. George Soros and the US government is buying up farms. If you haven't followed the FARM WARS I did a synopsis here:POST It is a classic example of how the Elite manipulate the masses.

The point where we will be completely sunk is when they insert an amendment to the "Food Safety Modernization act" stating "in any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction SHALL BE PRESUMED TO EXIST."

As a lawyer who specializes in commerce clause cases pointed out in his article THAT clause gives the government control of home gardens.

And Forget the "Survivalist" stuff too. The USDA uses very good satellite surveillance to study US farms on a routine basis to predict crop harvests.


NASA is a partner in Ag 20/20, a long-range research project that involves remote sensing.
A satellite-mounted sensor looks down on farm fields, distinguishing as many as 256 light wavelengths. Similar systems that work with land-based and plane-mounted sensors are also in the works....

The use of satellites in agriculture is already a reality. The government of the southern Pacific island of Tasmania is using GPS technology on some 600 farms as part of an identity protection pilot program, which it plans to extend to all of Tasmania's farms by 2005. In Argentina, satellite surveillance is being used to catch farmers who cheat on their taxes by underreporting the size of their fields, and to prevent them from saving seed, which is illegal there....

Satellite Surveillance: Environmental Applications?

Satellite surveillance is one of the fastest-growing businesses in America precisely because it helps other businesses grow Whatever your business, from geology to insurance to intelligence, you can cash in on satellite surveillance technology....

1. satellite surveillance images cover large tracts of ground. This makes such imagery ideal for government agriculture agents to monitor districts or for farmers to obtain a profile of their whole farm. Therefore, large trends can be monitored with ease. For instance, a plant parasite or disease can be tracked as it moves, giving farmers an opportunity to isolate and attack it before it progresses.

2. Each type of plant has its own reflective pattern. Therefore, two different types of crops that appear to be the same from an aerial picture would look drastically different from a multispectral scanner.

3. Plants change their reflective patterns as they mature. in many cases, these patterns have been studied and analysts can tell how far the plant has progressed and if illness or stress has retarded growth. Based on this information, analysts can tell when a crop is ready for harvesting and the potential yield. Farmers can even tell if they will harvest before their neighbors and, therefore, receive higher prices.

4. satellite surveillance images also identify the condition of the ground. An analyst can look over a large area and tell if the fields are too dry or muddy for planting. By carefully monitoring ground condition, farmers can choose their planting time and the right crops.

IF you thought the NAZI's or Soviet Union was horrible.....

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
So the Marxist and the religionist, are often the strongest propellers behind this "Internationalism" move.

So why are the conservatives postering in a way that can baseline currency globally?

Default could be the event that intiates "internationalism"


posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

They need to ram this through as quickly as they can before too many people wise up.

why go through all the trouble

when they can just default and get 'er done in a weeks time?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by smallpeeps

The real pivot of this struggle, imo, is the "nationalism" versus "globalism". Personally, I was raised up to young adulthood, in a religious group that hold international YHWH-ism as their highest ideal. And their modality, is exactly like the Marxists. They spy on their members, they allow no personal opinions as to rhetoric and agit prop. So the Marxist and the religionist, are often the strongest propellers behind this "Internationalism" move....

Take a look at this thread. In my last post, pg 2, I make the Fabian socialist (Bankster) religious connection.

Oh I'm with you there.

But really what needs to be done, is to argue against the people who are advising to let the worm crawl deeper. There are shills in this thread who are good at playing up the fear. But yes, I feel they are right, we are facing a huge crisis. The degree of that crisis, depends on one's ability to tighten ones belt and live on less. Yes, I understand those with "wealth" (if that's what you want to call the electronic debt-ciphers and FRNs) are the most scared, as of course, they have the most to lose.

But the poor, have nothing to lose. It is folly to say, "Oh well then how will you get welfare to work?! What about Social Security?!" ...FACT: They are now admitting Social Security funds are a lie. The trust relationship implied by the SSN card (which is a coupon that you hold for them, note that the back of the SSN card says it has value and must be returned, hence A TRUST) has been fraudulent, and is a lie. So they are wrapping up the lie of 1933, which lie only really allowed them to propagate the massive occult bloodletting and creation of Israel which they call "World Germanic War #2". So they lied in 1911 to get the US to assist with the Balfour theft, then they lied again in 1933 to get us to cinch it even tighter with version 2.0 of that Germanic/Judeo Globo-War. Now years after that, they are saying "Oh damn, we have no money for Social Security!" So this was all planned, because lies built on lies, can only produce, tragedy.

I have written, in the "goverrments" thread on another domain (search goog for it) that Ayn Rand and A. Greenspan were psychopaths. How can anyone say otherwise? Her book "Atlas Shrugged" is a blueprint for the destruction of the US.

Occult blueprints are designed to be floated in plain site of the common people, which common people, the authors of the Atlas-blueprint, hold in highest contempt. So therefore the idea that "John Galt" and his buddies destroy the world economy, then hide out in the mountains to re-write the COTUS, is actually the way they see their future.

Notice that A. Greenspan sewed weeds for his whole tenure. He destroyed the US housing market by giving banks incentives to give loans that would become CDS defaults. Greenspan made a bunch of people rich, and now all these people who got rich of poison, are begging for another shot in their veins. They don't want to address how Rothschildian psychopathic tools like A. Rand and A. Greenspan wage long-term war on America.

edit on 25-7-2011 by smallpeeps because: grammer and splng

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by smallpeeps
So the Marxist and the religionist, are often the strongest propellers behind this "Internationalism" move.

So why are the conservatives postering in a way that can baseline currency globally?

Default could be the event that intiates "internationalism"


I see your short little quips which engender fear and betray a lack of understanding.

Yes, either way we will be put into a headlock. You got anything other than fear to offer?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Fromabove

I am sure that if the American public got a chance to actually look at where the money goes they could cut billions from the budget without touching a single "Social welfare program" or anything else the progressive socialist are screaming about.

Here's a good recent example. It makes my hair hurt.

U.S. trucking funds reach Taliban, military-led investigation concludes

The unreleased investigation provides seemingly definitive evidence that corruption puts U.S. transportation money into enemy hands, a finding consistent with previous inquiries carried out by Congress, other federal agencies and the military. Yet U.S. and Afghan efforts to address the problem have been slow and ineffective, and all eight of the trucking firms involved in the work remain on U.S. payroll. In March, the Pentagon extended the contract for six months. .html?wpial_national

edit on 25-7-2011 by robyn because: typo

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