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"Tea Party GOP Drives US Towards Catastrophic Default, World Panic"

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posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by MrWendal

What exactly is the "Tea Party GOP"? That sounds like a lot of silly double speak to me. Either they are GOP or they are not.

From what I can see from the outside, it is a bunch of Americans who woke up. They finally figured out a third party is not going to work so they are staging a Palace coup and trying to gain actual control of one of the two parties and throw the Bankster out on their rears.

All The crap you see in the media is the attempt by the Elite to regain control and marginalize those who are staging the take-over attempt.

THAT is why they call themselves the "Tea Party"

I know what the Tea Party is... I know what the GOP is. I also completely disagree with your take on the subject.

The "Tea Party" at it's formation during the previous election cycle was actually made up of Individuals from both Parties, Republican and Democrat, and the tie that binded them together was Freedom. They wanted smaller less intrusive Government. The "Tea Party" was then literally hijacked by the Republican Party.

That is why I ask, what EXACTLY is the "Tea Party GOP"? The fact is, there is no such thing and what we are witnessing here with the use of such a term is an open admission that the Tea Party has in fact been coopted and is now under the full control of the Republican Party. It is my belief that you are not too far off the mark in your explanation, except that you got it backwards. There is no one attempting to take over one of the Parties, instead what we have seen is one of the Parties take over a legitimate political movement.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by inforeal

you are a fool if you buy this argument. yes, we are in a depression. yes, we are going to experience plenty of pain and turmoil, but by placing bandaids on a gunshot wound we are just prolonging the inevitable. we have already defaulted on our debt by buying 80% of it and printing to cover it. we have to pay the piper at some point, so why not get it over with? -

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by inforeal

If you paid attention to the news, you would realize who is driving us towards default. Obama wants a default. During this entire blame game, people miss the fact that Democrats haven't made a plan.

Cap, Cut, & Balance was a Republican & Democrat idea that Obama supported, but he refused to fight for it in the Senate. Two other bills were created exclusively by the Republicans and Tea Party. As all three Republican created bills failed, the Democrats have produced zero versions of their own.

Why? Democrats and Obama want the system to fail, so that the President can blame Republicans for the entire economic collapse. Other words, the economy was going down hill, due to Obama's policies, so he needed to deflect blame onto someone else. Entering default presents a perfect opportunity. Blame the Republicans for the failed stimulus and economy, so he can have a fighting chance to be re-elected in 2012.

Obama is breaking the economy, for he believes he can use it to win in 2012.


What drove us to this point was Obamacare. As a result of not negotiating with the Republicans, showing us they can work together, Obama and the Democrat dominated House and Senate in 2008 ignored everyone. Even though the original 'Tea Party' (made up of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents) protested for the everyone to slowdown, Obama and the Democrats ignored everyone's plea.

Now, we are seeing Obama's real problem. He is not a leader. Obama likes to sit back and have everyone do the work. He was not meant to be president. Since the Democrats controlled the House and Senate in 2008, Obama felt as if he didn't have to be a negotiator. BIG mistake.

Here is the conundrum for Obama... He has no clue on how to fix the economy. When the Democrats win back the House and Senate in 2012, they will only pass budgets and stimulus packages for entitlements and tax hikes. Democrats do not have a clue.

If the Republicans are smart enough, they would lose the 2012 election on purpose. Once the Democrats have trashed our economy and society, the Republicans can replace all Democrats in the 2014 and 2016 elections. Let the United States fall into hell under a Democrat presidency, so that the entire party enters permanent defeat in 2016.

edit on 7/24/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by inforeal

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Benjamin Franklin

"...a frequent recurrence to fundamental absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and keep a government free." Benjamin Franklin

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by AdmiralObamaGFOL


The saying is very apt.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
None of the posts above understand that the Tea Party is a corporate shill; it is not even a legitimate movement. You should try reading what Tarpley says about who invented them—right-wing PTB.

Also, they are threatening to bring down the economic system because of their adherence to no taxes for the rich, they don’t really care about the deficit. If they had they would have made a deal with Obama.

The only good that can come from a default is that people finally will see the Tea party and their Republican conservative matrix for what they truly are.

Thats it with the left isian't it ?If you don't agree or adhere to Obama and his socialist agenda then you must be trying to destory America, that all you have for talking points these days??

I would like to see this default you fear mongers keep pushing,everything else the left has said would "destory America" has been a lie so YA lets get it over with and go all in with this and see bothsides for what they truely are..........................I think THAT is the true fear of the progressive left is that they will finally be seen for who they truely are.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 08:49 AM
Why do people not get it? This is really easy to see. Every person who works and has their own household should be able to understand this whole thing.

We spend more than we make.
We need to stop spending so much and live within our means.
You can't get out of debt by borrowing more money.

If you as a person woke up one morning and lost your income for any length of time you would eventually have to file bankruptcy because you could not afford to pay the bills. Our country is in this situation. It's time to face reality and get hour proverbial s**t together. It's not a right vs. left thing, it's economics and finance 101. PERIOD!

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Section31

The Republican George Bush already trashed the economy and the country with his tax cuts for the rich and illegal Iraq war. Bill Clinton left Bush in 2000 with a surplus in the budget. Where have yiou been in the last 10 years?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:08 AM
I have a novel idea on dealing with the "debt crisis".

For years BigGov has noticed we are close to the debt limit and INCREASED the limit DOZENS of times.

Each time we are told by BigGov, "...we are now going to get it under control."...they don't.

Obviously we don't cure the "debt crisis" with more debt.

This time lets JUST SAY...

..............................................N O.....................................

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:22 AM
It's not enough to say "Stop the debt"

You have to root out and remove all evil people in the government, who give tech to the enemy, and bankrupt us in the process.

Good luck with that, because you elect them regularly.

I would suggest this solution: Simply begin electing children.

Yes, because you see, if you elect say five kids per state (or whatever), to be your Congressboys and Congressgirls, you can thereby accomplish two goals. 1: You can preserve the COTUS and all the machinery of government, while 2: reducing waht you EXPECT OTHER PEOPLE TO DO.

Get it? So by electing children, you are essentially saying that you expect nothing from the Congress, and also the Senate, the Judiciary, etc. Elect kids, and it will force the adults, to finally think.

If you don't do this, then you will be forever doomed to having adults and their schemes, rule you. You can never, ever elect people, who will carry out your wishes. Don't you get it yet? You cannot ever, ever, expect some dude or gal, to be elected, and then go do what you say. Won't happen. The only way forward is to agree on this point, and then elect children, so that you the people will still have to make the actual decisions, or to help the Congresskids and Senatekids, decide. See?

So some might say "How silly! Why bother electing the kids at all and going through the motions?" and to this I would say, "Because you need figureheads, and the best figureheads, are children." Just like Jesus said "If you do not become like this little child, you will not get into heaven." Well what did he mean by that?

Many of these problems today, we are all charmed when some little kid innocently explains how dumb adults are. YES, and do we have the wisdumb, to listen?? Face it y'all: Politicians and lobbyists, are poison we've sewn into the bones of our governmental systems. I am saying that the only way to purge the system, is to hand it over to the next generation immediately, and to actually listen to them, and to build a world according to what they say. It will be for us, as adults, to wonder and marvel at the things our child leaders will say in this future I describe. I am saying this will happen eventually. The only question is, what generation of adults will be wise enough to understand this solution? There are so so many adults, and disciples of Jesus as well, who would shove the kids to the side and tell them to shut up. That, is anti-Christ.
edit on 24-7-2011 by smallpeeps because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:39 AM
Oh look.The blame game.

That's so 90s.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by Section31

The Republican George Bush already trashed the economy and the country with his tax cuts for the rich and illegal Iraq war. Bill Clinton left Bush in 2000 with a surplus in the budget. Where have you been in the last 10 years?

Where have you been for the last three years?

Second, Bill Clinton's success was due to policies created by the Republicans.

During the last two and a half years. Obama's policies have been doing more damage to the economy.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Section31

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by Section31

Second, Bill Clinton's success was due to policies created by the Republicans.

During the last two and a half years. Obama's policies have been doing more damage to the economy.

There was no success under Clinton. During the greatest boom time in the history of the world what happened under Clinton? More debt. Every shred of common sense from a personal finance perspective suggests you'd have to be a complete idiot to actually increase your debt for simple bill-paying while you're getting record income. But the same should apply to the US government budget. During Clinton's term it should have become obvious to everyone that the US is going to crash and burn quite spectacularly in a horrific debt default. Debt during that time should have decreased by two trillion rather than increase by one trillion. There was no impressive budgeting under Clinton.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by inforeal

You nailed it. The ONLY thing with which I take issue is that most realize it, we just aren't sure what to do about it since Obama is such a "criminally weak sister." (Seven Days in May)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by haarvik

We spend more than we make.

We don't spend too much money. Your free market, big corporation loving, republican politicians spend too much money. Almost all of the debt this country owes was created under free market politicians, Reagan, Bush, and Bush, and our current deficits are a result of expenses forced on U.S. tax payers by republican policies.

Why do we have such huge deficits now? Banking bailouts is where all the money has gone.

Why do you insist that we give every penny we make to the bankers?

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

Only someone completely ignorant of history could make such claims.

Where ever you learned such nonsense, don't go there ever again. Those people are not your friends.

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by haarvik

Almost all of the debt this country owes was created under free market politicians, Reagan, Bush, and Bush, and our current deficits are a result of expenses forced on U.S. tax payers by republican policies.

Where did you get the idea that Reagan, Bush I, or Bush II were free-market politicians? They are not free market politicians. Also, the US has been shifting away from the free market. Also, the banking system is 100% fascist to the core, so its downright ignorant to say how terrible free-market economics are and then point to a government monopoly as a gleaming example of how the "free market" doesn't work. Were Bush's economics advisors from Mises or Cato? Or were they yet more keynesian people who are anti-free-market?
edit on 24-7-2011 by civilchallenger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by inforeal

Well, well, well. It's really funny you know? It's funny, after 9-11 every time President Bush would speak, the press and left would slam him for "fear mongering. Now with obama he pushed fear mongering to a new high shoving national health care down our throats and the press eat it up. obama pushes the fear mongering even higher with the debt ceiling and the OP buys into it with the title of this thread.
obama knew we were reaching his spending limits long ago, why didn't he do anything when he had control of both the Senate and the House? Why hasn't he come up with any ideas? He's great at shooting ideas down, but none of his own.
obamas words are coming back to haunt him. Wasn't it senator obama that voted down the rise of the debt ceiling saying that it was due to the lack of leadership. Soon as I find the link I'll post it.
Found it:

edit on 24-7-2011 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2011 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Chance321

It's funny, after 9-11 every time President Bush would speak, the press and left would slam him for "fear mongering. Now with obama he pushed fear mongering to a new high shoving national health care down our throats

How can you equate starting a war for oil with bucking insurance mandates and trying to give people affordable health care?

Since when is pointing out the real possibilities
(the country will go into default if the debt ceiling is NOT raised)

rather than the made up
and purely hypothetical scenarios that are not even likely to happen
(i.e. THEY might attack us again on our own soil,
so we must invade foreigners and feel you up in airports)
how is that called

"fear mongering?"

edit on 24-7-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 10:32 AM
my god this is the worst thread on what is rapidly becoming the real Internet Hate Machine

I mean really, the first page is nothing but maniacs of the exact sort pointed out in the OP. They're capitalist fundie moonbats, footsoldiers in the cyber-army of the super-rich. Gross. Is ATS just a Tea Party echochamber? A faux-libertarian circlejerk?
edit on 24-7-2011 by SmedleyBurlap because: (no reason given)

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