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Ron Paul votes against the "Cut, Cap, and Balance Act". Why?

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by haarvik

.....What a crock! If you can't pay your bills, you look for what you can cut so you can meet your debt load. We have a s**t load of programs that can be cut. Subsidies - cut, money to other countries - cut, grants - cut. Those are just a few examples of what has gotten us into this mess to begin with.....

I wish everyone could see that.

What about all those supposed "Bank Bailouts" As far as I am concerned they should be declared unconstitutional or fraud or theft or whatever and WIPED from the books!

“Simply put,” says Parker, “the government bailout of AIG has actually encouraged foreclosures because the taxpayers continue to fill AIG’s coffers with enough cash to pay out insurance on defaulted home loans.”

Here is some background info on what REALLY happened:

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I agree. I was on another post and someone from Romania was on there. The average citizen earns $600USD per month. That's $7,200 per year! So how can they live on that and yet we can't? Because we have falsely inflated our currency to give the illusion that we are wealthy. In fact, I would venture to say that nearly 70% of the middle class is in debt for more than they will ever be able to repay with their current wages. The only way for them to escape it is to either die, or sell everything they own, and even that may not be enough. Credit comes easy, cash does not.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by robyn

Here he explains his vote

Good to know there's good guys up there at least

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

...It can crash now, and we can recover, or we can wallow and pander and pretend and then watch it crash 10 or 20 years from now when it may not be recoverable....

It seems that is exactly what is planned. A long drawn out agony as was done during the Great Depression so the people finally become desperate enough to grasp ANY solution.

What solution??? why "Global Governance" of course.

Good grief folk they are TELLING us what they plan and have been for years.

"Global Governance 2025" and the Clinton admin/Congress's 25 by '25 resolution, expresses the sense of the Congress that by the year 2025, at least 25 percent of total U.S. energy will come from renewable, domestically produced sources. That resolution and other laws indicates Congress is on board "Sustainability/Agenda 21 AND the DATE is 2025. President's Council on Sustainable Development is just more evidence.

What is happening in D.C. shows they are deliberately pushing us into another "Great Depression"

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

...After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

So the Bernanke changed the name to QE1, QE2....

It is the SAME failed policies and they darn well know it just as they knew it when the bankers had FDR use them to prolong the Great Depression almost a century ago.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

This is an older article (10-6-09) however it exemplifies the ability of the federal government (if it behoved them and it would behove them OINLY IF they had less of our cash to play with) to cut spending.

50 Examples of Government Waste

Congress has allowed government employees to spend tax dollars on iPods, jewelry, gambling, exotic dance clubs, and $13,500 steak dinners. If lawmakers cannot even reduce this kind of waste, fraud, and abuse, taxpayers will be less likely to trust them to reform Social Security and Medicare.

Federal agencies are delinquent on nearly 20 percent of employee travel charge cards, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars annually.[9]

The Securities and Exchange Commission spent $3.9 million rearranging desks and offices at its Washington, D.C., headquarters.[10]

Washington recently spent $1.8 million to help build a private golf course in Atlanta, Georgia.[46]

This is one reason that the fearmongering undertaken by this administration and the corrupt MSM is so completelt abhorrent. When cuts are mentioned they always drag out the poor, sick child in a wheelchair or threaten the elderly. It's a manipulative and dishonest tactic.

This is Wahington conducting busineess as usual and is what Ron Paul objects to.

edit on 21-7-2011 by robyn because: addition

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by haarvik

...nearly 70% of the middle class is in debt for more than they will ever be able to repay with their current wages. The only way for them to escape it is to either die, or sell everything they own, and even that may not be enough. Credit comes easy, cash does not.

As I have Posted before:
According to Ron Paul, since 1913, when the Fed was created, the dollar has lost 96% of its value.

Federal Reserve Notes and coins together compose less than 3 percent of the money supply. The other 97 percent is created by commercial banks as loans

That means those POOR bankrupt banksters are collecting, 5% or more interest (YOUR labor) on 97% of OUR money.

If the debt limit is raised, how will it be "paid" for???

No one wants to buy US debt anymore, they are not stupid. So the Fed will write a BIG RUBBER check to pay for it. Americans will then actually pay for it several times in depreciated wages, inflated prices and AGAIN as taxes. (read interest payments to the bankers)

As an illustration of how the common people are being raped:

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.

The updated version:

In the past ten years, average wages increased 36%. For CEOs, it was 340%. (Business Week May 6, 2002)

In 2000, CEO compensation was 531 times that of the average worker. In 1980, CEO compensation was 42 times that of the average worker. (Business Week April 22, 2002) quoting from

I just wish more people could see through the con game.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Now that the wars had ended and scaled back and spending expected to be less, the deficit CAN BE CUT, along with a raise in taxes on the super rich,

Its a proven fact that raising taxes does not increase revenues but in fact lowers revenue. God I wish Americans would pull thier heads out! I am so sick of the ignorance that abounds....

It is simple logic if you cut tax rates people make more money and thus even though the rate is lower the amount paid is larger because they made more money. Also the Rich create jobs and expand business etc. bringing in more profits paying more money in even at the lower rates.

Raising taxes makes them lay off more people cut where ever they can and cost them more to do business so it stifles the economy etc. The politicians know this so it is a control mechanism only. Dummy up America!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Kudos! Someone gets it! It is what I call the McDonald's economic approach. Why make .50 cents on a hamburger and only sell 1 million, when you can make .10 cents and sell 100 million. Which makes you more money? More money in peoples pockets means more spending. More spending equals more tax dollars. Lower the rate=more money in pocket=more spending=more tax revenue. Got it?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by robyn

.....This is one reason that the fear mongering undertaken by this administration and the corrupt MSM is so completelt abhorrent. When cuts are mentioned they always drag out the poor, sick child in a wheelchair or threaten the elderly. It's a manipulative and dishonest tactic.

It is also very likely to backfire on them.

They could pull this rabbit out of the hat thirty or more years ago and people would believe it, but it just doesn't work that way anymore.

I do not know if it is thanks to the internet or thanks to the Tea Party but the information is spreading like wild fire. My own personal experience is that since the 2010 election, education on the Federal reserve has blossomed.

This is from a "Rockerfeller" poll so it is biased as can be seen by their characterization of the Tea Party as Maxwell’s report, titled “Tea Party Distinguished by Racial Views and Fear of the Future,” See bottom on how the actual questions were slanted.

NOTE:: 10.6% of those polled (over 3,400) defined themselves as Tea Party members. So this is based on responses from about 340 to 350 people.

...Her analysis of poll results shows that while Tea Party members are politically sophisticated and vote at high rates, they are also fiscally and socially more conservative than other Republicans, sometimes dramatically so.

...The Blair-Rockefeller Poll found that Tea Party members are predominantly white, middle class, educated, Christian males over the age of 45 and that 37.4 percent of Tea Party members believe that “the Bible is the actual Word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word.” In contrast, 29.7 percent of other respondents, who were not Tea Party members, shared that belief.

Although Tea Party members tend to have a higher income, more education and lower unemployment rates than non-Tea Party members, they are more pessimistic about the future. When asked about their personal situations, 36.9 percent of Tea Party members reported they expect things to be worse or much worse in the coming year, in contrast to 23.6 percent of non-Tea Party members. The gap was even greater for views about the country’s future: 62.1 percent thought things will get worse or much worse in the country over the next year, while only 38.8 percent of non-Tea Party members held that view.....

this bit - the reason the Tea Party is considered "Racist" is very interesting

...Maxwell identified race consciousness and divergent views about equality as characteristic of the Tea Party. For example, in a comparison between white Tea Party members and white people who are not part of the Tea Party, Maxwell finds that white Tea Party members are more strongly opposed to federal support of housing, school, job and health care quality for minorities. Additionally, whereas support for “equality of opportunity” — as opposed to “equality of outcome” — remains a political value shared by most Americans, Maxwell wrote, she found that 30.7 percent of white Tea Party members disagree with the concept. Nearly two-thirds of white Tea Party members think “we have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country.”

...Maxwell wrote, “Their extreme racial views will make them less appealing to American Independents and centrists.”....

My reading is the "white Tea Party members are more strongly opposed to federal support of housing, school, job and health care quality for minorities." is all about the Constitution and FEDERAL interference.

The statement “we have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country.” can also be viewed as stand not against equality for everyone but as a stand against SPECIAL PRIVILEGES for certain classes of people, something entirely different.

Amazing how poll results can get twisted isn't it. Of Course since this was a UNIVERSITY sponsored statement it now has a lot of weight.

These are some of the actual questions and results (I enjoy digging and I like Statistics :lol
It shows how much TPTB lies.


Question (Answer) Tea Party Members (TP) Non-Tea Party Members (O)

We are also interested in peoples' perspective on the future and whether they believe things are getting better or worse. Do you think your own personal situation will get much better or much worse? (somewhat worse or much worse) TP=36.9% O=23.6%

We are also interested in peoples' perspective on the future and whether they believe things are getting better or worse. Do you think the country will get much better or much worse? (somewhat worse or much worse) TP= 62.1% O=38.8%

We are also interested in how people are getting along financially these days. What do you think your financial situation will be a year from now? (worse off) TP=39.2% O=21.9%

Number of observations = 3406 Source: 2010 Blair-Rockefeller Poll
[Look like the Tea Party types were more aware of economics to me cv]

Question (Answer) Tea Party Whites (TP) Non-Tea Party Whites (O)
Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have job equality with Whites, even if it means you will have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government) TP=84.5% O=66.9%

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have schools equal in quality to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government) TP=69.3% O=46.2%

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have housing equal in quality to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government) TP=83.0% O=63.4%

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have health care services equal to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government) TP=81.4% O=53.2%

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country? (strongly agree or agree) TP=62.8% O=39.4%

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Our society should do whatever is necessary to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. (strongly disagree or disagree) TP=30.7% O=12.3%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? (strongly disapprove) TP=69.3% O=19.0%

Thinking about Barack Obama’s religious beliefs…
Do you happen to know what Barack Obama’s religion is? (Christian) TP=31.5% O=49.4%
Thinking about Barack Obama’s religious beliefs… Do you happen to know what Barack Obama’s religion is? (Muslim) TP=38.8% O=16.7%

Number of observations = 2469
Source: 2010 Blair-Rockefeller Poll

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Its a proven fact that raising taxes does not increase revenues but in fact lowers revenue. God I wish Americans would pull thier heads out! I am so sick of the ignorance that abounds....

It is simple logic if you cut tax rates people make more money and thus even though the rate is lower the amount paid is larger because they made more money. Also the Rich create jobs and expand business etc. bringing in more profits paying more money in even at the lower rates.

Raising taxes makes them lay off more people cut where ever they can and cost them more to do business so it stifles the economy etc. The politicians know this so it is a control mechanism only. Dummy up America!

I wish I could reply in your arrogant indignant anger mix with lies style to push your views forward. But I cant, not in these critical times and would need your help.

Please admit it - tax cut for the rich causing more jobs and wealth to the nation had been a lie and proven consistantly during the bush era when it had been prevalent. That money didnt go into creating jobs. It only went into either hoarding or gambling in the casino called Wall Street. It's a fact that it is easier gambling in this casino where the house are the rich elites rather that face the stresses and worries of setting up manufacturing, unless there is slave labour to be used.

I am sure even a manager of a company or professional earning above $200,000 a yr would not be setting up a factory anytime in this life.

Even many of the more rich elites with conscience knew tax breaks for their class was a lie and had been calling the current administration to tax them higher. They could have voluntarily done it on their own, and many had so, but they would very much prefer that it be done as a class so that everyone of them makes the same contribution and be spared as being labelled as greedy traitors to society.

If we do not tax the rich, then who should we tax for social expenditure - the sandwiched middle class and the poor, whom are struggling to make ends meet putting food on the table for their young ones?

Please, do reconsider your position seriously. This is a serious matter of our time and one of the solutions to salvation of not just americans but mankind as whole, there is a much bigger picture than you can realize, and it lays very much with the rich elites to SHARE their wealth.
edit on 21-7-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

It is simple logic if you cut tax rates....

If you want to improve the economy....


It should be a bumper sticker on every car. The UNIONS should be giving the out free and sending them to every member...

NO, WAIT... the is right Union Leadership is in the Banksters pocket too.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:00 PM
It seems like these Politicians intentionally give deceptive names to these bills. "Patriot Act", "Food Safety Bill", "Cut Cap and Balance"...

I keep trying to find issues with Ron Paul but the more I look, the more I admire the man.

Thank you for posting.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:02 PM
As much as I like Ron Paul, I honestly don't understand why he even tries anymore, no one ever listens to him fully in the government, or the media.

I can't figure out if they are just this stupid, or if there is other motives for raising our debt. I'm no economist, but I can't see how raising our debt limit helps us in any way. Then again, I'm the kinda person who hates being in any debt, whenever I have the extra money, I pay that debt off asap.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

...Please admit it - tax cut for the rich causing more jobs and wealth to the nation had been a lie and proven consistantly during the bush era...

I dislike Bush but I REALLY dislike fudging and distorting the truth MORE.

Tax cuts do not exist in a vacuum.

The economy responses to a complex set of factors like labor, raw materials, energy, regulations, competition as well as taxes.

Clinton enjoyed the Dot Com bubble and the housing bubble adding jobs to the economy. As I have already said Clinton was responsible fro the free trade Agreements and the Banking laws that set the US up for the present economic CRASH.

Reagan started it with hostile takeovers POST
Clinton gave it a really BIG shove as I have shown POST

Clinton's free trade trade pact that cost America 20 percent of its manufacturing jobs in just 14 years,

HOW THE HECK can Bush's piddling little tax cut compete with SLAVE WAGES with no import duties???

Seeker of Truth DENY IGNORANCE
That is what I mean by


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Thank you for that. The conclusions drawn by the writer (Maxwell) are certainly not reflective of the questions asked nor the responses given. Ironic and predictable that this is being used to characterize Tea Party members as "racist".

Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities have housing equal in quality to Whites, even if it means you have to pay more taxes? (not the responsibility of the federal government) TP=83.0% O=63.4%


Gee, I bet Bill Gates lives in a nice house, is the the federal governments resposibility to provide me with just as nice of a house? And, shouldn't all of you pay for it? Gosh, I guess if you don't agree then you're a misogynist.

That's nuts.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Please, do reconsider your position seriously. This is a serious matter of our time and one of the solutions to salvation of not just americans but mankind as whole, there is a much bigger picture than you can realize, and it lays very much with the rich elites to SHARE their wealth.

You are correct that this is a serious matter but your approach is flawed and destined to fail miserably.

Relying solely on tax increases for the rich to aid in deficit reduction -- even when paired with significant spending cuts -- doesn't cut it for two reasons, said Tax Policy Center senior fellow Roberton Williams.

First, the income of the top 2% of taxpayers is typically more volatile than that of taxpayers lower down the income scale, so when the economy sours, so often do those high-end income streams. That means less revenue than expected will flow into federal coffers.

Second, even if that weren't true, there just aren't enough rich people to generate the kind of revenue needed to substantially reduce deficits.

Therefore, "sharing the weath", so to speak, is not a serious solution. It is a tag line for a product called "Obama". A simple solution for simple minds.

Here's an idea...

We do need to cut spending, and by a significant amount. Going back to 2008 levels of spending is not enough. We need to cut back at least to where spending was a decade ago. A recent news article stated that we pay 35 percent more for our military today than we did 10 years ago, for the exact same capabilities. The same could be said for the rest of the government. Why has our budget doubled in 10 years? This country doesn’t have double the population, or double the land area, or double anything that would require the federal government to grow by such an obscene amount.

We need to cap spending, and then continue decreasing that cap so that the federal government grows smaller and smaller. Allowing government to spend up to a certain percentage of GDP is insufficient. It doesn’t matter that the recent historical average of government outlays is 18 percent of GDP, because in recent history the government has way overstepped its constitutional mandates. All we need to know about spending caps is that they need to decrease year after year.

We need to balance the budget, but a balanced budget amendment by itself will not do the trick. A $4 trillion balanced budget is most certainly worse than a $2 trillion unbalanced budget. Again, we should focus on the total size of the budget more than outlays vs. revenues.

-Ron Paul

edit on 21-7-2011 by robyn because: format

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

tax cut for the rich causing more jobs and wealth to the nation had been a lie....

I want to take another stab at this because it is so important.

First what is taxed???

Isn't that correct???

What is the biggest characteristic of the Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs....???
They have ALREADY "earned" their wealth and have it safely tied up in tax exempt trusts, foundations and physical assets.

What about corporations???
This is the real important part!

Statistics (courtesy of Bridgewater) showed in 1990, before WTO was ratified, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002 this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP.

So who are the owners???

Remember all those "leveraged buyouts during the 80's and 90's???
An analysis of the 2007 financial markets of 48 countries shows the world's finances are in the hands of a few mutual funds, banks, and corporations. This is the first report of global concentration of financial power

Remember mutual funds VOTE much of the public corporate stock and control it for individual investors.

This is the part that most people do not understand - how mega-corporations avoid US taxes.

Ever wonder why something is partially built in one country and then shipped to another to be finished???

THAT is the accounting trick used to avoid taxes.

Part of the manufacturing process, even if it is only the packaging, is done in a low corporate tax country. The local branch "BUYS" the product from the parent plant at a price that means the American/Canadian/European factory is operating at a loss. The product is then sold throughout the world and all profits are attributed to the plant where the packaging was done even though the actually product was MANUFACTURED in America/Canadia/Europe often with the government giving tax money so the plant will remain.

I worked at a factory where this "creative" accounting method was used to ship all profits to another country. The factory NEVER "turned a profit" during its entire existence. Therefore the US and the state where the product was made never ever collected a single dime in tax even though the CORPORATION turned a very healthy profit.

Did you really think the rich would allow themselves to be taxed????

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by robyn

Thank you for that. The conclusions drawn by the writer (Maxwell) are certainly not reflective of the questions asked nor the responses given. Ironic and predictable that this is being used to characterize Tea Party members as "racist".

I am not a member of the tea party and did not wish to be associated with it because of that "Racist" label.

Frankly I was completely SHOCKED at the very flimsy evidence used to write a report titled:
Tea Party distinguished by racial views and fear of the future
By Angie Maxwell, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

Certainly shows she is a BANKSTER shill doesn't it?

I wonder what grants she gets and just who they are from...

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
Can we throw the whole bunch in debtors prison yet? Usually when people wright checks and dont pay up they go to jail. Dont they?


WE are the debtors. It's the American people with the government that we elected and is representing us. When someone does something on our behalf, we must take responsibility for it.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by robyn
Not to derail the tread but I sincerely doubt that "those loans" will do anthing but increase the size of government and encourage regulatory agaencies to promulgate regulations that in effect enact laws that firther stifle the public sector.

The PEOPLE aren't fools. The gov cannot increase their size without public outcry if it was not necessary, nor will the PEOPLE tolerate the corporatists and biz owners from fleecing the People dry from corporate irresponsibilities such as the lies of globalisation, and will impose their WILL upon them to measure up for the benefit of all through their elected legislative.

Have faith in the system. It's all we have and up to us all to correct and change it to work as 'for the People, by the People'.

Stop that loan -...there will nothing left.....for any human left alive if any this time.

Melodrama isn't the answer. This won't destroy the world. What it will do most likely, is put some hurt on the people and pain is usually required in order to remember a hard lesson. With the pain,. people will demand more from their representatives and we'll likely get people focused on the issues rather than the distractions.

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