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ELEnin Disinformation Coverup by NASA Now Apparent

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:56 AM
I been trying to figure out why such strange behavior from folks at NASA. I have known a guy since old college days that has worked for NASA over 12 years. It seems he has moved from a home they just bought recently, and hes left no phone, his cell phone and land line all terminated. I have talked with him for at least 20 years 2 or 3 times a month. I havent heard from him in 2 months, and cant find him.

I was also told that several big wigs up at RedStone arsenal in Huntsville, ALabama have told others that they would be leaving out of state soon, and they do not want to be contacted. This is odd since they are suppose to be able to be contacted 24-7. Its their job!

There is some strange things going on around the NASA community; however, I dont believe its due to this comet. I think some people just got really upset over the ending of the space shuttle missions. Some are loosing great jobs, I'm sure its very hard on everyone.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 06:57 AM

You can't have taken a picture of Planet X, because it doesn't exist!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by rom12345

I couldn't agree more

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:16 AM
You know what... who cares... why do you care if it's an extinction event? We're done for anyway.
Let the Nihilism begin! Predicting the end of the world is, in my opinion, the single most stupid pointless exercise in the history of human experience.
Think of all the hours you've wasted proving to all your ATS buddies that Elenin is an extinction level event... now you can sit back and for these last few weeks of your life, bask in your own self importance until you are vaporized along with the rest of us... and in that last flashing moment of you existence you'll think.... dang... I coulda been outside.

edit on 19-7-2011 by kenochs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:22 AM
OP it seems you are so busy body slamming. So I will post this again.

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Will you stop making these threads when Elenin passes in October or will you somehow try and convince us that it made a U-turn.

I would also like to ask, what preparations have you made to survive?

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Mr_skepticc
I been trying to figure out why such strange behavior from folks at NASA. I have known a guy since old college days that has worked for NASA over 12 years. It seems he has moved from a home they just bought recently, and hes left no phone, his cell phone and land line all terminated. I have talked with him for at least 20 years 2 or 3 times a month. I havent heard from him in 2 months, and cant find him.

I was also told that several big wigs up at RedStone arsenal in Huntsville, ALabama have told others that they would be leaving out of state soon, and they do not want to be contacted. This is odd since they are suppose to be able to be contacted 24-7. Its their job!

There is some strange things going on around the NASA community; however, I dont believe its due to this comet. I think some people just got really upset over the ending of the space shuttle missions. Some are loosing great jobs, I'm sure its very hard on everyone.

Muhahahaharhar! Strange things at NASA? Nah never..

They feel the dread mon.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
OP: your enthusiasm for your subject is delightful. I am beginning to understand what you're saying about the points. A previous explanation in another thread had made it seem like pixelization but, of course, if that were so, the whole thing would be pixelized. I understand also how very crude and barbaric this representation is when compared to the sophisticated software that one imagines NASA having. There also seem to be some proximity differences particularly to Mars on Elenins' way out. Perhaps NASA has contracted out this part of their interface with the public (us) to inferior technicians? Perhaps these same technicians are actually there to censor as their main function and are just multi-tasking beyond their capabilities and that's why we have crooked lines?

Heres the OTHER less known reason they fixed it so quick.

But lets travel a little bit further down the already endless rabbit hole of Elenin with this discussion about the corners as it relates to an anomaly on the more and more bizarre JPL orbit diagram of Elenin...

Is this another in your face NASA/Illuminati joke? Now I'm sure many here have already seen the JPL Orbit Diagram of Elenin right? click the link and scroll down to the bottom.
Orbit Determination Parameters
# obs. used (total) 2199
data-arc span 209 days
first obs. used 2010-12-10
last obs. used 2011-07-07
planetary ephem. DE405
SB-pert. ephem. SB405-CPV-2
fit RMS .6315
data source ORB
producer Otto Matic
solution date 2011-Jul-08 13:50:25

Note the PRODUCER of this ELE NIN diagram folks. OTTO MATIC. Now go to​ttoMatic and READ the DATE, read the PLOT, and REFERENCES. Then tell me what you see. its all just a coincidence right? Hmmm, so lets see what appears: J-3110, Release date SEPTEMBER 4th/11th?, Planet Xallamarphamorphous which they actually even state short for PLANET-X (yes you're reading right, they say that), and then Aliens SAVING HUMANS in POW "CAMPS". NO JOKE. Someone (game producer) that NASA just happened to choose to CREATE the ELENIN ORBIT DIAGRAM. NASA, a governmental space agency. NASA who we all are told is the most advanced and professional space agency on the planet concerned with SERIOUS things like COMETS hires a GAME PROGRAMMER that created this OTTOMATIC story/program. UH HUH. Riiiiight.

Anyone want to calculate the odds of all these anomalies showing up connected to NASA, ELENIN, PLANET-X, SEPTEMBER 11TH 2001, and the number 311? need i remind everyone what happened on 311 that pretty much started the entire ELENIN hysteria by linking the pattern of Alignments and Earthquakes? You can't make this sh#t up. No way can this be another coincidence. And NASA along w/skeptics wonder why people are waiving their hands screaming cover-up, Illuminati and CODED MESSAGES. As several have said, NOTHING COULD PRODUCE THESE NUMBERS AND STORIES EXCEPT INTELLIGENT DESIGN. Then ask yourself why NASA would hire/utilize/out-source OTTO MATIC to be the PRODUCER of the ELENIN ORBITAL DIAGRAM parameters that they claim is just another comet. And Of course its just another coincidence AS IF everything else with DEEP IMPACT and LEONID ELE NIN wasn't previously enough!
More Info here:

and for good measure, visit pangea's FIRST game NANOSAUR​anosaur The rabbit hole goes deeper still with that game but at this point, I can't take it anymore folks. i'm speechless. Oh wait, there's one more!! their NAME : PANGEA​angaea

just wow. But we're the crazy ones?!

The key question to ask yourself is why NASA would hire OTTO MATIC to produce the ELE NIN Orbital Diagram ESPECIALLY knowing OTTO MATTIC has a game with many OBVIOUS coincidental references to what NASA has ridiculed and can't figure out why anyone has concerns about ELENIN based on its DIAGRAM depicting direct issues surrounding PLANETX!

You can't tell me "NASA" didn't know about Otto Matics background especially as it relates to all the REFERENCES in the GAME. Is it just a coincidence again that a game about PLANET X etc etc etc, has direct connections to all the issues associated with ELENIN? NO WAY. No rational minded person can look at this evidence let alone so many other coincidences and patterns, and say nothing suspect or odd. This was part of their plan and either an inside JOKE, or hidden code to the elites. Then again, BOTH would be somewhat GAMES in the same way 9/11 was orchestrated including MOVIES and GAMES etc having 9/11 IMPRINTS LONG BEFORE which was only understood and decoded better AFTER the event. Numerology, hidden codes and occult symbolism are well-known to be used and employed throughout the Illuminati NWO reptilian cult of which NASA is part of and controlled by for which there's ample evidence to support this notion. Its an almost irrefutable fact.

Then there's this as well......

Why does this Comet make "FOUR TURNS" in the JPL Orbit Diagram?" Elenin is the only one I could find that makes (no less than 4) turns after crossing Mars' Orbit on the way in, and on the way out. Is this normal? If this is because they are unable to project the precise orbital path, then why wouldn't they simply project Elenin's path... WITHOUT ... inserting these turns?
In case anyone else claims they can't see the obvious turns on the JPL link here are the approximate dates this Comets turns... like no other!

9/11/11 (hmmmmm)

View the animation and stop on each of these dates... then tell me you don't see Elenin turn along it's path... If you think this is normal then just find another Comet that makes these turns on JPL's site... I couldn't and I am honestly hoping someone else can.

Just don't tell me you don't see the damn thing turn... when it TURNS and IT'S OBVIOUS!!! Richard C Hoagland statement during the Project Camelot Roundtable

There are two versions of orbital calculations for Elenin, one was calculated by JPL which defines the orbit as hyperbolic which means it's a one time visitor to our solar system and will never return.

The other is the discoverer of Elenin, Mr Leonid Elenin who has calculated that the object is in an eliptical orbit of 13,000 years which is half of Earths Orbit around the Galatic centre.

So that's interesting in itself, which is correct?

At the end of July and the beginning of August Elenin is going to cross the orbit of the Earth at about 1.5 AU (astromonical unit, one unit being the distance from the Sun to the Earth. 1 AU is 93 Million Miles). Richard says on or about 2nd August.

NASA has two satetelites in orbit one is Stereo A the other is Stereo B. On the 2nd August Elenin will pass close to Stereo B (4.5 Million miles from Stereo B) NASA plans to turn SB (Stereo B) around to face Elenin rather than the Sun which it does now so that it can get the data of the make up etc of Elenin.

Elenin then comes only .482 AU away from the Sun on Sept 11th that not really possible which makes that is one of the first indications that this object may not be a normal object!

On the 17th Oct it passes in front of the Earth at .232 AU which is only 22 million miles heading out into the solar system , (is it a comet? nibiru or brown dwarf?) its not nibiru (supposedly)


So for me are still TOO MANY in one place. And As to the J-3110 ... I mean reaaaly? Its uncanny enough that otto's particular game has that number sequence 3 1 1 (not 113 or 131) in conjunction with the REST of the unique references to Elenin and the controversy... but its not just the 311 portion i just realized... what are the odds again that the letter "J" is put in front AS IN "J"apan??? and it can also be another date code as in the 3rd month of 11. HELLO!?!?!

Ya i know i know, all these anomalies are just random innocuous coincidences, numbers and patterns which keep appearing that people are twisting to fit their conspiracy theories

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by sagigirl
reply to post by Mizzijr

you are a heartless lier. I took pic of Planet x by myself and saw a winged gas planet which can move 20 degrees from night to morning. i dont know how to put tht pic here. All the news on PX are true. before it's too late, be prepared and save urself. For more info, read

Wow.. it's been a while since I've been called a liar.

Listen.. I know you feel like there is a great change coming and all but the cause is NOT "EleNibiru"

I'm not lying at all. For one thing, that was a simulation of what a brown dwarf like "EleNibiru" would do to the solar system, not a picture. The truth is, none of it has happened. "EleNibiru" is going to come and go. I'm not saying nothing will happen because I just don't know, nobody does. But I do know that if something does happen, it won't be the cause of "EleNibiru"

And when you are looking for real truth, you have to keep trying to prove yourself wrong. Don't believe everything you hear because it "sounds" true.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by jedi_hamster

Jedi the photo shot given the fact that, when a comet nears a star here the sun starts to warm up. Usually a comet is made up of frozen particles even water. If it nears the Sun and all the water is turned into vapour, also a concern some bacteria's and Viruses can survive extreme heat and cold. Now what if the sun blows some of rock chunks towards earth and it has that virus which was discovered in Antarctica and there is a Pandemic which is the real cause of worry among goobbements. Please Make a thread of what you know!!!!

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by MACchine
reply to post by Pseudonaut


Is this what you are trying to say?

Non sequitur (pronounced /nɒnˈsɛkwɪtər/) is Latin for "it does not follow." It is most often used as a noun to describe illogical statements.

If so, 'll leave it to others to point out the obvious.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:48 AM

There are two versions of orbital calculations for Elenin, one was calculated by JPL which defines the orbit as hyperbolic which means it's a one time visitor to our solar system and will never return.

The other is the discoverer of Elenin, Mr Leonid Elenin who has calculated that the object is in an eliptical orbit of 13,000 years which is half of Earths Orbit around the Galatic centre.

You need to understand orbits before you can solve this apparent dilemma....

The JPL calculation uses the centre of the Sun as the centre of mass of the orbit. This is essentially correct when the comet is within the orbits of the outer planets. However, objects beyond the orbits of the outer planets (like long period comets) orbit the Solar System barycentre. This is the centre of mass of the entire Solar System, and it is NOT the same as the centre of mass of the Sun. That's because the giant planets perturb the Sun as they move around it, and cause it to move as much as 700,000 kms away from the centre of mass of the Solar System (an entire solar radius).

In short, C/2010 X1 Elenin's orbit is ever so slightly hyperbolic with respect to the centre of the Sun, but it was a very long period ellipse prior to entering the planetary region. In fact, the semi major axis (half the length of the longest axis of the ellipse) has been calculated to be 50,000AU. This in turn means that the aphelion of the comet (furthest distance from the Sun) was roughly 100,000AU, which is 1.6 light years! This is why astronomers think that C/2010 X1 Elenin is making its first visit from the Oort Cloud (a vast, hypothetical reservoir of comets that lies at the very edge of our Solar System).

Now, on to the second orbit calculation. The period of 13,000 years is (very roughly) the calculated orbital period of the comet after it has left the planetary region. The latest calculation makes this around 11900 years, which equates to an elliptical orbit with a semi major axis of 521AU.....much smaller than the original value.

Why is this the case? Well, it's due to gravitational perturbations by the planets, particularly Saturn (a shallow encounter at 2.66AU in December 2008), and Jupiter (an upcoming shallow encounter at 2.40AU in December 2012). The comet does not pass very close to either planet, but very large orbits are susceptible to major changes in orbital period by even relatively weak perturbations. The gravitational spheres of influence of both Jupiter and Saturn are very large, and they can significantly affect the orbit of a long period comet, even at distances of over 300 million kms.

In short, both orbits are essentially correct, but you have to know how the orbits are calculated to see the true picture!

It's also worth noting that the Solar System takes 250 million years to orbit the galactic centre, not 26,000 as you have suggested.

Elenin then comes only .482 AU away from the Sun on Sept 11th that not really possible which makes that is one of the first indications that this object may not be a normal object!

There is nothing unusual about a perihelion distance of 0.482AU. Many comets have passed a lot closer to the Sun than that in recorded history.

Oh, and as for "Otto Matic", that is not a real name. Can't you guess what it actually means......?

Congratulations to the bright kid at the back! It actually stands for "Automatic", which means that the calculations were automatically made by the computer

edit on 19-7-2011 by Mogget because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Taking the corners out a trajectory is a cover up?

The first flaw was to take the corners literally, which we were clearly not meant to.

You know I kind of understand the comet fear, afterall if we are alive today that means out ancestors (going back to the begining) have come to understand that when big things fall from the sky, a bad day is on the way. However we have more information now then ever and you can drop the fearmongering.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:14 AM
LOL So if elenin is a brown dwarf were fraked to a cold existance in the outter edges of the system in an eliptical orbit. We'd all be dead by the gravitational pull.

I think it's just a load of bullocks if u ask me. We'd definately be feeling and seeing some gravitational effects by now.

Elenin = brown dwarf = We'd sure as hell know by now.
Elenin = comet = True

Elenin = paranioa = true
Elenin = disinfo agents working by governments = possibility

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by MACchine

Originally posted by xacto

Originally posted by MACchine
reply to post by xacto

I think the term you were lookin for was nonsecretor.

There was an original Star Trek episode where Kirk talked a computer into going insane and then it blew-up !!!

When he died he kept saying: Nonseclator, nonseclator, nonseclator, nonseclator, nonseclator, nonseclator !

It means it can not resolve conflicting data.

No, I would imagine it was actually saying 'non sequitur' which literally means 'it does not follow'. Kind of thing you would say if someone said, say, that the Beatles broke up because a comet was going to hit the earth decades later - it doesn't follow logic.
edit on 19-7-2011 by something wicked because: clean up

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:17 AM
This is not my Forte and I am not up to speed so i have some questions. The comet must have already passed so other bodies in space...did it effect them in any way?

Other comets have passed without any serious effects so why is this one different?

How can a comet aligned with other planets cause EQ's on earth ?

Why if NASA is covering this up are they suppling the very info you are using to claim an extinction level event...seems they would not provide any data or info if they did not want us to know and most certainly would not have something posted that showed anything other than what they want us to believe?

just a couple of serious questions tied to your theory that need an explanation...make me understand because so far this just does not add up.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

Otto Matic???? really??? you believe that is a real name??? Coincidently pronounced as "automatic""??

Did you ever met the person?


posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by MACchine
reply to post by Pseudonaut


I appreciate English may not be your first language, but perhaps you might want to check if a word even exists before you start trying to be clever with it. I'm sorry to pull you up on this, but you have posted so much nonsense so far that this just adds to you looking foolish. It's non sequitur (again) and your posts have been full of them.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Pauligirl

Originally posted by MACchine
reply to post by Pseudonaut


Is this what you are trying to say?

Non sequitur (pronounced /nɒnˈsɛkwɪtər/) is Latin for "it does not follow." It is most often used as a noun to describe illogical statements.

If so, 'll leave it to others to point out the obvious.

Apologies, you beat me to it.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by MACchine

LOL i dont get it, why would they warn people from NASA to prepare for a EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT, dont we all become extinct? if it is a EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT and we (ALL) die, why would you spend all this time worrying about it? We all die some day and the only way to prepare for that is to try to enrich your spirit with all good thing this life gives you, i know i sound like a religious bastard but just relax and be happy, who cares about ELEnin

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 10:00 AM
Yes nasa please tell me that a massive chunk of ice is flying towards Earth and it is large enough to eradicate most life! Tell me nao I want to know of my impending doom!

Seriously though. If there IS a massive comet heading straight for us then it doesn't make one single shred of difference whether we know or not. YOU don't have a space craft to escape in, or a bunker deep enough. If this is true aren't we all just screwed? We're all going to die at any point from this split second after you read this to whenever so let's all just forget about the comets and doom and have a good smoke.

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