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Roswell debris tested - - Not from Earth

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by locololo
reply to post by Ross 54

if you do not have evidence all you will accomplish is the angering of the staff of ATS, by repeat posting of the same thread after it is removed. Please show us the evidence to this

I can tell you with certainty that NO ONE....besides the people at wright Patterson....have ANY access to ANYTHING....involved with this event. Split Infinity
It might be better to state that no one outside a tiny circle at the foreign technology section at Wright Patterson AFB was *intended* to have access to any materials from the Roswell crash. Frank Kimbler believes that the bits he found were well underground, presumably driven there by the force of impact and/or an explosion. Long after the military left the site, he reasons, the digging action of insects and burrowing animals brought these nearer the surface, and rendered them findable. As a geologist, Frank Kimbler is in a position to know that such things can happen, and how they happen. Ross

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:23 AM
Anyone interested in viewing the supposed crash site in New Mexico, on Google Maps, may do so by putting in the search phrase 105 19 W, 33 57 N. Select satellite mode. It shows up best when the image is set to show a 2 mile scale. The disturbed area of soil appears much as it does in the image Frank Kimbler offered in the Openminds article. Ross

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:10 PM
Its been pointed out to me elsewhere that the alleged impact site investigated by Frank Kimbler may be the first of two such sites. It appears possible that the supposed object struck the first site, was damaged, but managed to fly on another 35 miles or so, before finally coming to rest. The bulk of the object is supposed to have made it to the second site. This would suggest that the mass of material at the first site should be expected to be relatively small. Ross

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by SplitInfinity

First of all, I think there is no good evidence that the sample of material in question is anything other than an Earth-made aluminum alloy. I'm open to more testing, but based on what we know so far, it seems like a normal man-made aluminum alloy.

However, and having said that, why would you think that an alien race would NOT use an aluminum alloy (aluminum mixed with other elements)?

I mean, all of the matter probably used by aliens is made of the same elements that we know about. It's not like there are other stable elements other than the 92 natural ones that we know about. What other elements would they use if it isn't one of the ones that we know are stable in nature -- and that means stable in all of nature, no matter what part of our known universe you come from. is not so much of an issue of them using different elements as how they have arranged those elements into a super strong and usable matrix. I hate to quote Star Trek,....but in this is the easiest way to describe this.

Remeber...TRANSPARENT ALLUMINUM? was a topic in the movie Star Trek IV? The Alluminum atoms were arranged in a matrix that allowed the material to become this is theoretical....but we are working on things like this.

In trhe case of an Alien Crafts hull....any material recovered from a crash would be VERY APPARENT in it's origin as this material would...after being looked at under the proper signs of matrixing that we currently...can only dream of. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Ross 54

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by locololo
reply to post by Ross 54

if you do not have evidence all you will accomplish is the angering of the staff of ATS, by repeat posting of the same thread after it is removed. Please show us the evidence to this

I can tell you with certainty that NO ONE....besides the people at wright Patterson....have ANY access to ANYTHING....involved with this event. Split Infinity
It might be better to state that no one outside a tiny circle at the foreign technology section at Wright Patterson AFB was *intended* to have access to any materials from the Roswell crash. Frank Kimbler believes that the bits he found were well underground, presumably driven there by the force of impact and/or an explosion. Long after the military left the site, he reasons, the digging action of insects and burrowing animals brought these nearer the surface, and rendered them findable. As a geologist, Frank Kimbler is in a position to know that such things can happen, and how they happen. Ross

Although I do not dispute anyones expertice in a matter of how an impact debis particle or craft hull piece....might have been..."SAVED"...from recovery by any assortment of conditions....this is taking into account a supposition of what and how pieces of a reported Alien Craft....arrived at their position or condition.

This most likely faulty do to lack of real facts and understanding of how the material came to be strewn about the ground...or in it...if at all applicable. THIS type of the downfall of modern E.T. based investigations as researchers of scientist...use standards and templates that compromise the method of the search or research....that are always based on standards confined to Human understanding or experience.

It is not the fault of the researchers that this is is all they know or understand so it is to be expected. But it is also why research of these types of issues yields very little if any results. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by SplitInfinity

First of all, I think there is no good evidence that the sample of material in question is anything other than an Earth-made aluminum alloy. I'm open to more testing, but based on what we know so far, it seems like a normal man-made aluminum alloy.

However, and having said that, why would you think that an alien race would NOT use an aluminum alloy (aluminum mixed with other elements)?

I mean, all of the matter probably used by aliens is made of the same elements that we know about. It's not like there are other stable elements other than the 92 natural ones that we know about. What other elements would they use if it isn't one of the ones that we know are stable in nature -- and that means stable in all of nature, no matter what part of our known universe you come from. is not so much of an issue of them using different elements as how they have arranged those elements into a super strong and usable matrix. I hate to quote Star Trek,....but in this is the easiest way to describe this.

Remeber...TRANSPARENT ALLUMINUM? was a topic in the movie Star Trek IV? The Alluminum atoms were arranged in a matrix that allowed the material to become this is theoretical....but we are working on things like this.

In trhe case of an Alien Crafts hull....any material recovered from a crash would be VERY APPARENT in it's origin as this material would...after being looked at under the proper signs of matrixing that we currently...can only dream of. Split Infinity
The Roswell metal may indeed have an unusual and complex structure at the molecular and/or atomic level. It has already been observed to have unexplained 20 micrometer thick layers, and divisions crossing these layers, of about the same size. These could be indicative of structural domains built up from smaller structures, just as hexagonal snowflakes arise from hexagonal arrangements of water molecules. Ross

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

Ross...forgive me but I don't think you are getting this. I understand what you are trying to convey as far as certain things or materials or compounds such as H20...taking on a pattern or layers of structure when changing to a different state.

As to what I am refering not a simple change of structure based on change of state...say liquid to solid crystaline.....which makes a sheet of ice on a pond alot more difficult to dive through than a non-frozen surface.

I am talking about arrangements of multiple identical atoms....such as Carbon....arranged into a NANO-METER SIZED SOCCER BALL CONSTRUCT OF 60 CARBON BUCKY BALLS....or CARBON NANOTUBES...both of these Carbon atom matrixes are extremely tough and strong to an unbelievable degree.

E.T. has the knowledge and ability to construct all types of Atomic elemental matrixes. This leads to purported statements such as the crash at Roswell and the recovered untra-light and super strong MEMORY FOIL.

Point is...if it is a recovered piece of E.T. created would take very little time and be unquestionable that it was special. When I see a researcher stating that they believe they might have a piece of recovered alien craft...but need to study it or need to wait for a Spectroanalisis to come back before making a declaration....LOL! I know it is not Alien in nature. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:01 PM
I don't know that space ships from other civilizations would be made of aggregated diamond nano-rods, which I guess it what you were referring to. Quite a coincidence if the hardest substance known to a civilization thousands or millions of years older than ours happens to be the same as the hardest material known to us! I guess we could speculate about neutronium as a construction material, too. Whatever the hull of the supposed Roswell UFO might have been made of, it's conceivable that it had a thin cladding of an aluminum alloy, which was blown or scraped off when it struck the ground. Ross
edit on 27-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Quite a coincidence if the hardest substance known to a civilization thousands or millions of years older than ours happens to be the same as the hardest material known to ours!
reply to post by Ross 54

I'm sorry, I don't see how finding diamond in an alien spaceship justifies assuming that it is the hardest substance they know?

We make some boats out of wood, that's sure not the hardest substance we know.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:23 PM
I was responding to a post suggesting that we should expect a space ship from an advanced civilization to be made of something extraordinarily durable. Ultra-hard Fullerite was suggested. I went him one better, suggesting nano-diamond, or neutronium, which are progresively harder than Fullerite. This is all highly speculative, of course. As you say, we don't know that it would be necessary or practical to make a space ship of the hardest substance known to the civilization that produced it. Given field neutralization of the force of gravity and inertia, aluminum might be more than sufficiently strong. It also has excellent electrical properties, which might figure in the technology used. Your idea is a good one. The fact that the Roswell metal does not appear to be extraordinarily unusual material, only slightly so, does not invalidate the possibility that the metal could be from an extraterrestrial technology. Ross

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:40 PM
It's really funny that all the other threads get a pass from the ATS community but this thread is being criticized and scrutinized so hard. And this is the only thread that shows some possible evidence of something extraterrestrial.

Ross, don't buckle. Don't even blink. If this is proven true, you'll have a field day.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:44 PM
Ross....I was not saying that Carbon was the material used. I was just using it as an example of exotic Atom matrixing. It has been said that certain aspects of Alien craft is of Bio-molecular construction. A craft that can heal itself would have advantages. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I'm not sure that an alien craft necessarilry would need to be made of someting like a carbon nano-material.

It is possible that aliens could develop magnetic shielding technology that can protect the craft without the need to make the craft out of exotic materials. Perhaps simple aluminum is good enough.

I'm not saying that I think that is the case with this material found in New Mexico. I'm still going by the assumption that the metal found is just common Earth-made aluminum until I'm presented with evidence that would convince me otherwise -- and that evidence has not been presented yet.

However, as a general argument, nobody knows anything about potential alien spaceship construction, therefore nobody can say that aliens would not use aluminum.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

One of the problems with UFO evidence studies is that most researchers think in terms of super-materials for an ET craft. You could make the ship out of anything, rubber, plastic, steel you name it. As a previous post mentioned all you need is the shielding and add a some anti-gravity. As a new breed of researcher you can best bet I'm going to check everything down to the last nut and bolt if it came from a crash site where there are not suppose to be any nuts and bolts laying around. As I mentioned in a previous post a Canadian government official said one particular ET alloy was similar to aluminum cookware in composition, just harder. It just so happens that particular cookware alloy is everywhere, it is the main alloy for our beer cans. So if we find a shard of aluminum alloy in a remote place, far from the public camping areas, at a known and well documented UFO crash site, do we ignore it or do we test the hell out of it? Magical properties or not, its worth the time and the money to check it out.

edit on 28-8-2011 by ICAND because: Noticed a previous post following the same line of thought.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I'm not sure that an alien craft necessarilry would need to be made of someting like a carbon nano-material.

It is possible that aliens could develop magnetic shielding technology that can protect the craft without the need to make the craft out of exotic materials. Perhaps simple aluminum is good enough.

I'm not saying that I think that is the case with this material found in New Mexico. I'm still going by the assumption that the metal found is just common Earth-made aluminum until I'm presented with evidence that would convince me otherwise -- and that evidence has not been presented yet.

However, as a general argument, nobody knows anything about potential alien spaceship construction, therefore nobody can say that aliens would not use aluminum.

Aaaa....the last sentence you typed is not correct. Split Infinity

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by Ross 54

Coke cans are made of aluminum and manganese. Just because the concentration doesnt match earth is silly its man made. If nature made it it will fall neatly into elements from earth.But again its man made and as such we can vary the amount of each mineral we put in it. If you wanted a shinier aluminum can add more manganese. oh and the banding Aluminum-manganese alloys are non-heat-treatable and may be strengthened by cold work (strain hardening).

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:07 AM
I'm sorry for this. I don't know where else to write this, but I registered simply to send a U2U to SplitInfinity, but there is the 20 post requirement which is problematic as I don't believe I can offer 20 well-informed posts on many of the subjects in here in the next day and would like to find another way?

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
However, as a general argument, nobody knows anything about potential alien spaceship construction, therefore nobody can say that aliens would not use aluminum.

Aaaa....the last sentence you typed is not correct. Split Infinity

I can deduce from this post and your previous posts contending that aliens do not use aluminum that you are trying to say that you have specific knowledge of what aliens use to build their craft. Please tell us the source of this knowledge.

For the record, I'm not necessarily a big believer in alien visitation of Earth (although I believe intelligent life almost certainly exisits elsewhere, somewhere). I don't think there is good enough evidence to say that aliens are necessarily visiting the Earth, but I think it may be a possibility....

...I'm only making the general argument that we ATSers can't say what materials are used to build potential alien craft because from what I know about the knowledge of UFOs, there have been no reputable reports (reputable to UFOlogy in general, not just to me) of someone analyzing a piece of alien craft material before...

...but it seems you are saying you know that someone has, and you know that results of that analysis show that material was something exotic. Can you give us more info about that specific case?

edit on 8/29/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:53 AM
Umm, I think you need evidence before assuming something that might not be true.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ICAND
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

One of the problems with UFO evidence studies is that most researchers think in terms of super-materials for an ET craft. You could make the ship out of anything, rubber, plastic, steel you name it. As a previous post mentioned all you need is the shielding and add a some anti-gravity. As a new breed of researcher you can best bet I'm going to check everything down to the last nut and bolt if it came from a crash site where there are not suppose to be any nuts and bolts laying around. As I mentioned in a previous post a Canadian government official said one particular ET alloy was similar to aluminum cookware in composition, just harder. It just so happens that particular cookware alloy is everywhere, it is the main alloy for our beer cans. So if we find a shard of aluminum alloy in a remote place, far from the public camping areas, at a known and well documented UFO crash site, do we ignore it or do we test the hell out of it? Magical properties or not, its worth the time and the money to check it out.

edit on 28-8-2011 by ICAND because: Noticed a previous post following the same line of thought.
Thank you, Mr. Kimbler for your thoughts. I hope that the testing of the metal fragments you discovered is going well, and that we will soon have more information bearing on the fascinating question of their origin. Ross

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