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Roswell debris tested - - Not from Earth

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posted on Sep, 22 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
Since one of the meteor/ite types is completely metallic, I have one, another is stone and metal - metal could be different isotopes of metals, isotopes not met on Earth, so indeed that makes them extraterrestrial. But of course if that were the case in Rosewell, why hide it lol

Yes -- but the metal found is a specific aluminum alloy that had signs of being manufactured (and, it should be noted, an aluminum alloy that is used in construction). Therefore it seems the aluminum was NOT from a meteor.

Questions about the aluminum arose because the first test of it gave an anomalous -- but inconclusive -- result when the sample was tested. The ratio of magnesium isotopes that were part of that aluminum alloy were found to bit on the far range (when the margin of error is taken into account) for native-Earth magnesium. HOWEVER, it should be pointed out that the results were still within the margin of error for native-Earth magnesium.

This margin of error is a result of both the limitations of precision of the test and the fact that those Mg isotopic ratios slightly vary depending on the part of the world the magnesium was mined.

The bottom line is that while the results were a little anomalous, they were still within the range of being earth-made. Perhaps the anomalous results should be a reason to do more testing, but it's NOT a reason to describe the aluminum "Definitely not made on Earth".

edit on 9/22/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 12:33 PM
The link I put up in the original post to the Openminds article and interview that started all this seems to have gone missing. In case anyone wishes to consult the article, it can be seen at:
edit on 23-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)
This page has a link to the originating web site, and thus to the interview.
edit on 23-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: added information

edit on 23-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: corrected name of website

edit on 23-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: removed reference to non-working link

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Imtor
Since one of the meteor/ite types is completely metallic, I have one, another is stone and metal - metal could be different isotopes of metals, isotopes not met on Earth, so indeed that makes them extraterrestrial. But of course if that were the case in Rosewell, why hide it lol
Metallic meteorites are made primarily of Iron and Nickel. I have never seen any evidence for a meteorite made of metallic Aluminum. This is not surprising, as it does not occur in nature, but must be manufactured from chemical compounds. The Roswell metal is clearly manufactured. The question remains-- who manufactured it? The ratio of the abundance of one isotope of Magnesium to another appears to be unusual, about twice as odd as that from a known meteorite, which itself is markedly different in this respect from Earthly Magnesium. An extraterrestrial origin, even an extra-solar one is suggested. Ross

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:14 PM
A reason for what Frank Kimbler himself has called the 'slow and tedious' process of having his Roswell metal retested has been suggested to me elsewhere. It is contended that finding a reputable, certified laboratory that would have anything to do with material that has, or is suspected of having a connection to the alleged Roswell UFO crash, might be very difficult. That may or may not be so. In any case, I don't suppose that it would be necessary for him to mention to a lab what must, for the time being, remain a speculative connection to the crash. He could simply specify what tests he needs done and submit the material. We see that at least two certified labs have already shown their willingness to operate in this manner. One is the lab that did the original isotope analysis, the other is at Arizona State University. The only thing that prevented the cooperation of the latter is reportedly the fact that the material to be analyzed disappeared in transit, before it reached there. Ross

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:41 AM
It's been suggested elsewhere that a laboratory that receives federal funds or has government contacts, or is connected to a institution that does, might come under pressure, relative to any testing of the Roswell metal. I suppose this might fall out in one of three ways. 1.) Refusal of the lab to do the testing 2.) Bowing to pressure to turn the material over to the government 3.) 'Modifying' the test results to show terrestrial rather than extraterrestrial origin. I do not claim that this has happened, or will happen, am merely exploring possibilities. Ross
edit on 27-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: improved typography

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:19 PM
At least three different university-based labs have either undertaken or been willing to undertake the analysis of the Roswell metal. I'm inclined to suppose that most universities receive some federal funding these days.So, does this rule out at least one of the above scenarios? Comments, anyone? Ross
edit on 28-9-2011 by Ross 54 because: added information

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:31 AM
The link is broken. Does someone else have a working link?

I'd really like to see this article, as I remember when they first started collecting samples from the Roswell site. I was really looking forward to their findings. Roswell still holds my interest years on.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

1. Alien Craft do not fragment in any way similar to Human craft upon crashing.

Can you describe how they fragment differently, and explain the specific aspects of alien metallurgy that leads to the metal fragmenting differently?

It just seems to me if you have detailed insights as to the way alien ships fragment, then you must have detailed knowledge as to how alien ships are constructed.

Sorry...I did not see this post until just now. Although E.T. craft use the same basic elements that exist on Earth as well as existing many other places in the Galaxy...and although the periodic table is incomplete...with the exception of E.T. using an element that is not on the periodic table for methods of propultion....craft design uses elements that are also found on Earth but have developed ways to Atomicly Matrix Elemental compounds in ways we can only dream of doing.

It is this matrixing that gives E.T. craft extrordinary properties that are not limited to just strength and durability but also lends itself to charachteristics of energy generation and concervation. As example...Diamond...made of Carbon the hardest substance known to man. Yet a diamond can be easily split by a jeweler. USAF advanced aircraft use carbon composites for their strength yet in a stealth craft...these composites musy also serve another purpose for radar absorbtion....thus the material must take into account several purposes.

Same with the material used in a E.T. craft. It must be strong yet have the ability to channel energy that is used in creating a singularity or gravity well....A LOT OF ENERGY. Thus the material of the craft has it's atomic structure "alligned in a specific matrix" that makes it highly unlikely to be damaged or splinter upon crash.

An example of such matrixing is carbon atoms arranged into a virtual indestructable construct known as a BUCKY this. This is not what E.T. craft are constructed of....but you will get the idea.
Split Infinity

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
The link is broken. Does someone else have a working link?

I'd really like to see this article, as I remember when they first started collecting samples from the Roswell site. I was really looking forward to their findings. Roswell still holds my interest years on.
The link in the original post quit working. It seems to have had the term 'no link' inserted into it. When I tried to repost the link, a few posts back, on Sept. 23rd, it automatically included the 'no link' term, so couldn't be made to work. I posted a link to another site instead, which has the article. The Openminds site can be accessed through the article, and the recorded interview of Frank Kimbler listened to, through that site. Ross
edit on 1-10-2011 by Ross 54 because: added date of relevant previous post

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

Thank you.

That is a pretty interesting read. I like that he is cautious, but optimistic, about the findings. Maybe he will get a few more tests done, and the results might spark more interest in re-examinaing and investigating the Roswell site.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
reply to post by Ross 54

Thank you.

That is a pretty interesting read. I like that he is cautious, but optimistic, about the findings. Maybe he will get a few more tests done, and the results might spark more interest in re-examinaing and investigating the Roswell site.
I, too, liked Frank Kimbler's calm, reasonable approach to the Roswell incident. It appeared to me that if anyone could find the evidence and get it a serious hearing, he could. He's said that he intends to see the metal fragments tested repeatedly, so as to make a good, sound scientific case, if there is one that can be made, for the extraterrestrial, manufactured nature of the fragments he found. Its been about a month since the proposed testing at Arizona State University fell through, when the sample went missing. At that time, other tests were proposed, under conditions that would prevent a repetition of such a mishap. Nothing heard since; Perhaps such tests are being done as this is being written. Ross

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Lacking any further information about the analysis of Frank Kimbler's Roswell metal fragments, at the moment, I thought it would be worthwhile to explore the possible social, political, and psychological effects that might ensue, should the metal be determined to be both manufactured and extraterrestrial. It's often been suggested that an extraterrestrial presence would tend to diminish political and nationalistic differences, as people began to see themselves primarily as human beings, encountering the reality of an another intelligent species from a different planet. Does this seem probable or improbable to anyone, and why? Ross
edit on 4-10-2011 by Ross 54 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

Ross...even if this fragment was proof positive....and was declared so in the mass media...this is what would happen.

First...a person who is somehow associated to the discoverer or people doing the tests....would suddenly and on camera...doing an interview that subject would be how the tests were faked or how the material supplied was a hoax perpetrated on the populous...because prior to the release of proof positive...his friend was in a bar the night before bragging...and drunk....about how he was going to make millions on guest appearences and book deals.

Then the real proof would be taken...and then the public would laugh and quickly forget about it. Split Infinity

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by Ross 54

Ross...even if this fragment was proof positive....and was declared so in the mass media...this is what would happen.

First...a person who is somehow associated to the discoverer or people doing the tests....would suddenly and on camera...doing an interview that subject would be how the tests were faked or how the material supplied was a hoax perpetrated on the populous...because prior to the release of proof positive...his friend was in a bar the night before bragging...and drunk....about how he was going to make millions on guest appearences and book deals.

Then the real proof would be taken...and then the public would laugh and quickly forget about it. Split Infinity

That's a remarkably confident and specific prediction. We shall have to wait a bit and see if it comes to pass. I would rather not believe that knowledge about such an important matter can be obscured forever by subterfuge, as it may well have been in the past. Perhaps in this case, 64 years is as long as the truth can be delayed. Ross

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Its been five weeks since the metal sample that Frank Kimbler sent to Arizona State University went missing. It was then proposed to make other arrangements for testing the Roswell metal. Nothing more has been heard about this, since that time. I'm sure we'd all like to hear how this is going. I will contact Frank Kimbler privately, tomorrow and ask him about this. Will report the results of my inquiry here. Ross

posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 09:31 AM
While waiting for Frank Kimbler's reply, will continue to consider the possible effects of the certain knowledge of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. One possible effect that has been discussed, is a sense of inferiority, and a feeling of the futility of any attempts to accomplish anything. This would apparently be based on the realization that a species advanced enough to travel the galaxy would long ago have already done what we aspire to do; learned what we strive to learn. The abstract possibility that this has occurred somewhere in the galaxy seems not to have this effect. The realization that such accomplished beings are here, now, very well might. What might we, or extraterrestrial visitors do to deal with such a problem? Comments, anyone? Ross

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:19 PM
It's been three months since Frank Kimbler got out the word on his discovery at 'Lost and found' rules usually state that the finder has to wait 90 days before he can keep whatever it is he's found. I guess Frank can assume that the aliens aren't going to come asking him for their bits and pieces back now!

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 05:09 PM
It may be that the diversity of life in the universe allows each intelligent species, regardless of its level of technical development to have unique abilities. These could interest other intelligent species, and allow any species to contribute meaningfully to galactic civilization. In our own case, the inability to travel the stars may be balanced by, for instance, our invention of music. A symphony may count for as much as a star drive in the greater scheme of things. Ross

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Ross 54
It may be that the diversity of life in the universe allows each intelligent species, regardless of its level of technical development to have unique abilities. These could interest other intelligent species, and allow any species to contribute meaningfully to galactic civilization. In our own case, the inability to travel the stars may be balanced by, for instance, our invention of music. A symphony may count for as much as a star drive in the greater scheme of things. Ross

That would be all good and fine if you were to make an assumption that E.T. races have a sence of hearing or even if they do...something akin to a human ear that would allow the sound we be in anyway enjoyable....or to a further extent....if they have the capacity for joy.

SLIPPERY SLOPE....when asuming what Humans and any of the known E.T. races may have in common....ESPECIALLY a common form of LOGIC.
Split Infinity

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:57 PM
I merely gave one possible example, of many, of what humans might contribute to galactic civilization. I don't think it unreasonable to conclude that a sense of hearing is likely possessed by many galactic species. There is an order and pattern to music that might well be appreciated by any thinking beings that can perceive it. Birds are separated from humans by millions of years of divergent evolution, yet humans can still enjoy bird songs. Ross

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