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Roswell debris tested - - Not from Earth

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posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
reply to post by Ross 54

Holy crap.

I am going to give you a flag for the effort to get to the bottom of this. I personally think there is nothing here, but you are dedicated to this to a degree that I have never really seen from a "ufo'er". (that was all honesty, said in a humorous way, not sarcastic)............Checking into every detail....

I read all of you replies and I say, my hats of to you

I just say the hell with it sometimes.

Oh, and sorry I did'nt flag you along time ago.
Thanks for the flag, and the kind words. My intuition tells me there's something real behind this story. Decided to keep this thread alive until we hear the results of the new, confirming, lab tests. The more I look into the details about the Roswell metal, the strager and more convincing it looks to me. Ross

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Just suppose for a moment that the Roswell metal *does* turn out to have an extraterrestrial origin. it's an interesting way for humanity to become acquainted with the facts, not only that we're not alone in the universe, but that we have been visited, too. Far more subtle than an alien space ship landing on the White House lawn! Something that happened over sixty years ago, the lore of which has already widely permeated human culture. The discovery and its timing determined not by extraterrestrials, but by the actions of a human being, acting in response to the skeptical demand that we be shown physical evidence with scientific backing. If the test results show that a piece of manufactured metal was brought here from another world, it will be just as undeniable, just as world shaking, in the long run, as if 'aliens' had landed today at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. Ross

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:03 AM
What are the odds that the results of the tests of the Roswell metal are simply in error? Slight, I should think. The lab that Frank Kimbler chose to do the tests is multiply certified. This means that it has earned a reputation for careful and accurate work, by meeting an established set of standards, and has done so repeatedly. Errors can crop up in even the best labs, of course. In this instance, it is particularly desirable that extraordinary care be taken. For as has been said before, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And so a process is underway to test what is commonly considered an extraordinary claim, that extraterrestrials have visited Earth. Ross

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:49 PM
Today marks 21 days, or three weeks since the Openminds article, linked in the OP, was published. In that article, Frank Kimbler spoke of the possibility of having new testing of the Roswell metal done within 'a few weeks'. The general understanding of 'a few' in this context appears to be somewhere between three and five. So here's hoping that soon, or at least within another two weeks, or so, we will have something more to go on. Ross

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 12:37 PM
While the Roswell metal story has not yet been picked up on by the mainstream media, I see that it has found its way onto Filer's Files, the website of Major George Filer, USAF (ret.). Major Filer is a director in the Mutual UFO Network, both for the Eastern region of the United States, and for the state of New Jersey. Major Filer reproduces part of the original Openminds article on his website, with the permission of its author. Ross

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:17 PM
Frank Kimbler, discoverer of the Roswell metal debris under discussion here, will speak on the ParaNexus Universe internet radio program at 8 p.m. Eastern Time ( 5 p.m. Pacific Time, 24 hours Greenwich mean time), about three quarters of an hour from now. Anyone wishing to listen to the program later may do so at the website archives.
edit on 3-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: corrected website address

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:24 PM
I alluded briefly, in a earlier post, to the implications of the discovery of the Roswell metal, should it be established that it is an otherworldly artifact. As it seems obviously connected to the Roswell 'flying saucer' crash of 1947, I supposed that the official stories that contradict this scenario would quickly collapse. Would things simply stick at that point indefinitely, or would we receive additional information about the crash from the authorities? It would seem to be an untenable position, for the 'powers that be' to furnish no explanation for an obvious cover up of the incident. Beyond that, there would, no doubt, be a great interest in what the government had learned about our visitors, from its study of the remains at the crash scene. Demands for this information, now backed by the undeniable reality of the 'flying saucer' crash might well become too formidable to ignore. Once a serious crack in the dam of secrecy opened up, it would probably widen. More and more information might begin to pour forth. There is no telling what might come out. Ross

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:56 PM
We just did an interview with Kimbler last night, which airs tonight at

I think it should be mentioned he's very on the fence about this being Roswell debris, and stated that many times.

He wants to get more analysis done, and stated that the previous analysis wasn't enough by a long shot, but held some interesting aspects. Apparently, those who've been reporting that this is confirmed "not of this earth" by scientists have greatly exaggerated and taken liberties with the story's premise - this comes direct from Mr. Kimbler.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:27 PM
The fact that there is some doubt, even in Frank Kimbler's mind, that the Roswell metal is really an extraterrestrial artifact is not of the essence. It is perfectly normal scientific procedure to assume that there could be error in any test, regardless of the results, and to seek multiple tests to rule out this possibility. The same reaction would have been correct, even if the results of the first test had been twice as far from the norm as they were........... In any case, this is not simply a matter of some slightly odd numbers, where isotope ratios are concerned. There is also the matter of the very odd 20 micrometer wide layers in the metal, the crosswise divisions of these layers, of about the same size, and the resultant complex structure. There is also the location of the discovery, which agrees well with accounts of the alleged 'flying saucer' crash at Roswell in 1947. The combined effect of all these things presents a clearer idea of the reasons for interest in this metal, than any one, isolated fact, or measurement. Ross

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by jritzmann

Of course he should be on the fence -- the first test was totally inconclusive. The results of the first test said the metal could be normal Earth aluminum, but was possibly slightly anomalous.

Considering that the first testing lab used outdated values for the "normal" ratios of magnesium isotopes -- and even then the sample fell withing the error tolerance for "normal" -- the first test should be thrown out and ignored.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with having more tests done, but until more testing is done, all we have is an unremarkable piece of metal that was found at or near the alleged Roswell crash site -- nothing more than that.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:36 PM
As I observed in a previous post, it was the figures for the natural abundances of the stable isotopes of magnesium that were slightly off, not the ratios between the isotopes observed in the Roswell metal. One does not directly affect the other The ratios are displayed in the only graph in the Openminds article, linked in the OP. These are compared with the same values for many samples of magnesium, and objects containing magnesium. The values for the Roswell metal appear markedly different from those of all the other specimens. I computed the ratios due to the updated published figures for the natural abundances of the magnesium isotopes. Assuming my math is correct, it plots out on this chart slightly above the curve established by the many samples. The Roswell metal values lie well below this same curve. If anything, this appears to strengthen the case for the unusual nature of the Roswell metal. Ross
edit on 8-8-2011 by Ross 54 because: added information

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Here is a link to the only mention so far located, about Frank Kimbler and his discovery, in a website connected to the mainstream media. The connection to the 'memory metal' nitinol is tenuous at best. None of the metal fragments Mr. Kimbler found have any apparent 'memory metal' properties. Further they are not made of a nickle-titanium alloy, as nitinol is, or of any of the other alloys reported to have similar properties.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Someone on another website wondered why Frank Kimbler hasn't been interfered with in his quest to learn the truth about the Roswell metal fragments. He raised the issue himself in a recent internet radio interview, reporting not a hint of trouble in this regard. The answer might be that to cause him trouble, or confiscate his specimens, or anything equally crude could be counterproductive. It would raise very awkward questions, and make it look all the more likely that he was really onto something. Perhaps it is hoped in certain official circles that the metal will prove to be nothing special. That would solve the government's problem for them, eliminating the need to take any action.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Perhaps the select few who may have had access to the original site findings sold or patented this particular combination of materials & produced this alloy for construction, probably the biggest possible market. The differences between our version & the original may be the reason its nothing special as far as material goes. It would be interesting to know what they call this material in construction & what properties it has. Or perhaps they use this material in their secret "flying machines". I believed most of my life but changed my opinion when the theory of "electronic harassment" started, this deserves investigation as maybe the organization that hushed it up are also victims of its unknown power released "harassment"? electronic? If they copied it for construction purposes, what else did they copy that we use today?

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:56 PM
If the Roswell incident is confirmed as having to do with extraterrestrial visitors and their technology, it will probably tear a hole in the shroud of secrecy and denial about UFOs and extraterrestrials in general. That alone could justify the governments wanting to keep the subject in the dark. If nothing else, they would be very reluctant to admit that a vastly more powerful civilization can come and go on this planet, and there is nothing that can be done to control it. A humiliating admission for politicians and militaries to have to make. Ross

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

Or it could put an end to 60 years of hyperbole.
edit on 11-8-2011 by Thestargateisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 07:42 PM
The various labs that have looked at the Roswell metal in terms of its elemental composition have likened it to different familiar alloys. None of these comparisons is apparently an exact match, though the abundance of the elements in a specific alloy is allowed to vary considerably. The difficulty in this seemingly simple task of identifying the alloy may be a clue that a truly unusual metal is involved; one that can not be properly understood, using the standards of our metallurgy. Ross

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Ross 54

These links help understand the connection to the other ufo crash excavation in New Mexico ...The Plains of San Augustin July 1947 ufo crash researcher Art Campbell rediscovered crash plus many "artifacts" that were found at the site and the analysis.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 09:55 PM
Is it impossible that it may be fragments from nuclear testing of some type?

Being in an area where most of the US testing was done I do not see as impossible that it may have change from being exposed to nuclear effects

Being that it is foil I also see a possibility that it may be pieces of a high altitude balloon which could undergo atomic structural change from high altitude flight and being exposed to radiation from space.

I know that further speculation does not prove anything but once speculation is started if it is limited it can create attachments which can draw erroneous conclusions.

I will be interested to follow this and look forward to peer reviewed analysis

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

That in a nutshell is what can stifle serious research in my opinion

I am in no way disrespecting the OP but it appears that this has become a jumping off point for a personal speculation fest.

OP seems to have too much emotional investment in it being proof of a crashed UFO

It either is or it isn't

I do credit that there was not the often shouted "POSITIVE PROOF OF ROSWELL UFO CRASH" and the like

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