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'Dozens' of Women Vanish From Canadian Wilderness

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:49 PM
Actually sounds like a story not unlike that movie "Deliverance". Some local mountain hermit gets lonely steals girl, uses girl, girl tries to escape or irritates the dude, dude kills girl and starts all over again for his search for "love" or so his twisted mind would call it. I would definetly start with the freaky moutain men in the area, one who really needs to brush up on his social skills prolly IMHO

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Komodo

500 in 30 years~!!!
WT*~~~!!!! That's 17 a YEAR and 1-2 per MONTH in


that's a Homicide detectives FREAKING DREAM~!!!

Why are they sitting on their hands??? Why not assign a group of police to stake out this stretch of road?? Why?? !!! The way to instill trust in the local people and the country is to get to bottom of this~!!!!!!!

Expose whatever you need to expose and announce it on the WWW and make a statement that the RCMP be vigilant to defend this type of's practically genocide~!!!!


Now for more ‘genocide’ confirmation? Watch this one...



posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by silo13

In my books, racially motivated serial killings is a form of genocide. Genocide is racially motivated.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:55 PM
I'm really sorry that I'm posting this without reading every page of the thread. From page 1 i saw the turn it took ( paranormal?)

My take on this whole thing is that he had apparently confessed to the murder of 49 women. source

So should I have read more of the thread? Because the case is pretty much closed....

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by spaceshrimp

Thank you, but no, this is another case - though tied in in many ways.

And there are some striking similarities - one being the media focused more on the 'pig farmer' than the Aboriginal women who were murdered, but no, it's another case - though by no means less horrific.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Komodo

It sure is a dream for cold case detectives.......but in the minds of state prosecutors and police depts.....that means alot of $$$ and it could take up to 5+ years to solve.....thats working fulltime on the cases because they allowed these murders to continue for too long.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Komodo

Originally posted by silo13
Finding Dawn

Documentary of over 500 missing Aboriginal women in Canada.



500 in 30 years~!!!
WT*~~~!!!! That's 17 a YEAR and 1-2 per MONTH in


that's a Homicide detectives FREAKING DREAM~!!!

Why are they sitting on their hands??? Why not assign a group of police to stake out this stretch of road?? Why?? !!! The way to instill trust in the local people and the country is to get to bottom of this~!!!!!!!

Expose whatever you need to expose and announce it on the WWW and make a statement that the RCMP be vigilant to defend this type of's practically genocide~!!!!

How does an 800 mile stretch of road fit into the description of one specific location? There are disappearances dating back to the 60's so over 50 years so if the 500 is correct that's 10 a year? IF those statistics are correct. I'm confused as to what this thread is getting at now. The highway or tears in particular? Or missing native american women in general in British Columbia. Is there a suggestion that all of these women have disappeared for the same reason, to the same place?

I stick by my original opinion that it is simply a case of neglect to give the native americans the same attention that white people are afforded when a crime is committed, and that perverts and psychos were/are taking advantage of it being easier to get away with crimes committed against the natives.

However if somebody can show me decent evidence that this is CIA, UFO, Bigfoot related than by all means please show me.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Being from BC I've heard about these killings more than once. I have to say after reading through the information on this thread I don't think I ever could have thought that it went that deep - and the more I read the more it becomes painfully clear that this is a painfully convoluted situation full of deception. My husband is first nations, as is my daughter. This is appalling. As regular church goers I will be making sure any offerings we give go to Kevin Annett's campaign to reveal the truth (instead of the church I belong to - which for the record is not one of the ones associated with the residential schools). I'm surprised he's still alive...

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
reply to post by Meekbot2000

Its not the whole highway that's considered the highway of tears, it's the part between Prince George and Prince Rupert.

My point was that the people doing this probably don't live along the highway, but they obviously know the backroads well.

To put this into perspective, if you were a serial killer, would you kill around where you live? I guess some extremely disturbed ones would, but I don't think the ones involved here are. In fact, I'm just going to take a guess and say that they are probably smart about it, probably live in a city (more then likely the two that I mentioned), and have a plan.

All they really need to do is gas their vehicle up and drive along the highway until they find a lone hitchhiker, and greet her with a warm smile.

If I recall correctly, the RCMP has been deploying special teams up there. Basically, a female cop poses as a lone hitchhiker and the plan is to signal in support the moment things go bad. But I havent heard much more about this, as it probably serves more as a deterant than as a solution.

im willing to assume that either the RCMP are in on it to an extent or they dont really know who the suspect is. I would imagine if they arent sure who it could be they are a little hesitant after mayorthorpe to go poking around on suspected killers propertys, especially if they dont know what or who is really there, hell they knew Roszko was bad and they still got capped. not saying this is the case but i bet it is. i used to have a contact in teh RCMP but i dont anymore, i used to get all kinds of interesting info.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:05 PM
One person I think we would really benefit from talking with is: Ray Michalko a detective involved in the Highway of Tears incidents.

Anyone who can find any contact information for them please U2U me. I'm dead on my seat and have to be up in 4 hours.

Thanks -

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by spaceshrimp

From what I can see, the Highway of Tears cases do not match his MO. From what I've seen it looks like he is targeting women in general, not indigenous women. My guess is that if there is a serial killer they will be from the aboriginal community. More often than not killers tend to target within their same race. Furthermore, these cases lack the sexual sadism that would be expected from a racially motivated killer.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by spaceshrimp

Thank you, but no, this is another case - though tied in in many ways.

And there are some striking similarities - one being the media focused more on the 'pig farmer' than the Aboriginal women who were murdered, but no, it's another case - though by no means less horrific.


As for the pickton case no these women were not all aboriginals.
So I think you could knock that one off the list for targeted specifically towards natives.
edit on 11-7-2011 by seeker11 because: forgot link

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by spaceshrimp

Thank you, but no, this is another case - though tied in in many ways.

And there are some striking similarities - one being the media focused more on the 'pig farmer' than the Aboriginal women who were murdered, but no, it's another case - though by no means less horrific.


I understand, thanks for the quick reply. Oh and I did a little bit more reading in the thread, and I see the bigger subject you are on.

It is indeed an OUTRAGE that aboriginals, first nations etc are not given a proper form of respect from any government operating in Canada. I mean, they were the ones ORIGINALLY here before Europeans of that time decided to check them out....and pretty much decided to whipe them out!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by seeker11

The highway or tears in particular? Or missing native american women in general in British Columbia.

Like I explained in my lat post to you it's morphed into encompassing both issues as the are so tightly related. Scroll back a bit for my explanation.

As for the 'Highway of Tears' being simply a case of neglect on the part of law officials? Well, for all the women missing/ murdered? I guess whatever the reason doesn't really matter, what matters is more needs to be done.

As for people looking into Bigfoot, ufo, etc? They're trying to help, we all are. Who knows, in the their search for more, maybe they'll find something. I'd rather leave no stone unturned than miss one pebble.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by silo13
One person I think we would really benefit from talking with is: Ray Michalko a detective involved in the Highway of Tears incidents.

Anyone who can find any contact information for them please U2U me. I'm dead on my seat and have to be up in 4 hours.

Thanks -

Ray Michalko P.I. from Valley Pacific Investigations Ltd.
Is asking for our help, Ray has released a sketch done by RCMP in 1996 in hopes to ID and speak with these 2 men.
Ray has set up a toll free phone number
that you can call to report any information about the sketch or any information you may have about The Highway of Tears Cases.

You may also be able to contact him here, and he has a blog as well.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by seeker11

It' definately a case of severe neglect, no doubts about it......but I still strongly believe there is one or more serial killers out there roaming free and I'm not blaming them on all the murder victims. Just my take.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by silo13

I understand, and if more people felt so strongly for justice for the victims in the first place we might never be in this position now.

So, I am glad you are caring so much, and hope you are able to piece more together than others have. Personally I am wary of jumping to conclusions so fast and want to be sure to look at the evidence provided first, like the cases that have been solved and the bodies that have been found then going from there.

Good work though.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by seeker11

It' definately a case of severe neglect, no doubts about it......but I still strongly believe there is one or more serial killers out there roaming free and I'm not blaming them on all the murder victims. Just my take.

Definitely not a comforting thought. And I don't see why there wouldn't or couldn't be a serial killer roaming around, because as I see it nobody has been brought to justice for these murders? As far as I know...which means...whoever did it is still out there somewhere.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by silo13

I wonder if there might be some similarities with serial killer Gary Ridgway, known as the “Green River Killer”.
He murdered 48 women, all prostitutes, and dumped their bodies in King County, in Seattle, near or around the Green River.

This does sound like it might be the work of a serial killer, an opportunist who lives or works along this area, like Ridgway. Ridgway was married, had a low IQ (82), and was obsessed with prostitutes.

I'm wondering what commonalities these highway of tears women might have other than nationality.

SEATTLE - Gary Ridgway pleaded guilty Wednesday to aggravated first-degree murder in the deaths of 48 women. They are, in order of their disappearance:
1.Wendy Lee Coffield, 16 - July 8, 1982, in Tacoma. Body found in Green River July 15, 1982, near Kent.
2.Gisele Ann Lovvorn, 17 - July 17, 1982, near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Found Sept. 25, 1982, south of airport.
3.Debra Lynn Bonner, 23 - July 25, 1982, south of Sea-Tac Airport. Found Aug. 12, 1982, in the Green River near Kent.
4.Marcia Faye Chapman, 31 - Aug. 1, 1982, south Seattle suburbs, headed for Sea-Tac strip. Found Aug. 15, 1982, Green River.
5.Cynthia Jean Hinds, 17 - Aug. 11, 1982, near the Sea-Tac strip. Found Aug. 15, 1982, on bank of Green River near Kent.

This lists all the victims. All these in summer months?


Hope this isn't too far OT, one case reminded me of the other. I am interested in other commonalities the victims had, as well, but youth and race appear to be the outstanding characteristics of the victims. God, this is so sad, and so awful.
edit on 7/11/2011 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:25 PM
anyone here with any more insight into the cases? Read most of the thread and really have not found any specifics, like where were bodies found? ( one mention of a body found in a basement, vague) How were the found bodies found? Were the victims identified as local to the area?

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