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'Dozens' of Women Vanish From Canadian Wilderness

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by SLAPurMAMA

Judge says "Mr. _______ , you are a very LUCKY man and the charges are being dropped against you! Please don't come back to my court room" *GAVEL* "NEXT CASE!!!" Not being given I moment to talk in my own case.

In other words - ship him out and shut him up.

I'm so sorry there's such injustice in the world, but, thankfully there are also people like you who continue through their existence - despite their troubles - with love, peace, dignity and still retain their humanity.

You win.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by bluemirage5

You're damn right it is a big deal.....43 people have disappeared off the face of the planet. Mostly women. In fact, I would safely bet the number is probably even higher because not all missing persons are reported by their families.

It's more than 500. And counting. God help us all.


The police cite 18. The other cited 43. And, now, according to someone on the interwebnet, which is full of experts, it's now 500!

Hollywood, we need some new movies out to help keep these people's imaginations in check. They are craving juice, not getting it, and so they make their own - and it is awful tasting.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by silo13

More than 500? OMG, I have not known one single serial killer to murder than many.....

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Your link is corrupt. Please fix it or remove it.
Also, if you could give us a run down of what the link is supposed to be about?
Thanks for your help.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by silo13

sorry i kinda wanna delete it now

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by daynight42

Laugh all you want, but, this post - and your earlier one - does nothing other than reflect your lack of understanding and paying attention to the facts posted within the thread.

I'll not spoon feed you. All the information is here, others have read it, so can you, so I suggest before you post again you go back and read.

If you're looking for a fight or attention - sorry, you're not going to get it past this reply. This thread is focused on 500 and more missing and murdered Native American Aboriginal women spanning over a few decades in Canada. Not trolls.

That you can post even ONE LIFE LOST (not 43) is (no) 'Big deal'?

Enough said... Night night...


edit on 11-7-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

I'll do a search later on in the day and see if there's any coroner's reports floating around.

I do want to mention that almost all of women are brunettes; quite afew of them have reasonably similar facial features but I don't want to generalize too much just yet. So someone/s have taken a fancy to brunettes and are more preferable.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

You can go back and delete it but we'd be interested to read the link - if you can tell me what it's about maybe I can help you get it straightened out?

Thank you for your input.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:58 PM
Im pretty sure that BC is one of the fable entrances to Hollow earth. Is it possible that Sashquatches are emerging from these entrances and taking these young Native american girls into the depths of earth?

OR... Possibly, Native Americans have a strong connection to spirit lore and have told tales of summoning spirit animals to do their bidding, its possble a disgruntaled Native American has summoned a spirit sashquatch to do its bidding and take these girls to perform dark rituals or even sexualy abuse and dispose of them?? I really think we need to start looking further into the possibilities of this being true and to me this seems like the most logical explaination to all this.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:02 PM

I am Jeremiah Jourdain of the Cree and Metis Nations. I am seventy four years old and went to residential school in Manitoba and had three brothers die in there.

this info here may contradict this info below?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by solids0be

Possibly, Native Americans have a strong connection to spirit lore and have told tales of summoning spirit animals to do their bidding, its possble a disgruntaled Native American has summoned a spirit sashquatch to do its bidding and take these girls to perform dark rituals or even sexualy abuse and dispose of them?? I really think we need to start looking further into the possibilities of this being true and to me this seems like the most logical explaination to all this.

Do I agree we need to start looking deeper into alternative reasons why these women/girls are missing? Why they've been murdered?


Do I believe the Sasquatch are responsible?

Well, I can't give you an opinion because I just don't know.

I can say there is a part of me that wishes these women/girls were in 'hollow earth' and living in a Sasquatch community - over being raped, brutalized and left like road kill... Yes, I would surely like to believe that.

Thank you

edit on 11-7-2011 by silo13 because: code

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:10 PM
Anyone mention a possible abduction phenomena occurance? Remote wilderness, check. Women who can offer a womb for hybrids, etc, check. Ufo sightning... maybe?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by silo13

This thread is about injustices only on one small area of land, (compared to the rest of Canada) but this institutionalized form of genocide, racism and hatred is on a global scale! Check out this story I just found about an Aboriginal that was slowly cooked to death being transported within the "Justice" system in Australia.

Aus tralian Aboriginal Man Cooked to Death

And what, they are given a fine! I bet you anything, the company already had some insurance to cover such "Mishaps!!" Do you think any amount of money is worth a human life? I think those guards must be taught a lesson of bunch of years in a hard core, Aboriginal filled prison. Then they might know/feel what JUSTICE really is!

They maybe from another land, but I consider the Australian Aboriginals my brothers in the same struggle of existence!!


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by habfan1968

From the Four Directions and all my Relations,

I am Jeremiah Jourdain of the Cree and Metis Nations. I am seventy four years old and went to residential school in Manitoba and had three brothers die in there. I have worked for over ten years now with Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice and I know him to be a very good, brave and honest man and a man of God.

I have been sick for some months or I would have spoken before this.

Many things have been said about Kevin Eagle, mostly by people who do not know him and have never really spoken with him. I do know him well, and I am disgusted with the latest plan to destroy his character that is being done by staff workers at Coop radio in Vancouver. They are the worst scumbags and liars for the garbage they are saying about Kevin. Have they no honor and shame?

I am ending my silence now because they're trying to destroy Kevin Eagle is not stopping, and their lies are becoming enormous. People lie about an innocent and just man because they fear and hate him, or because their own garbage is being exposed by him. In Kevin's case, both of these are true.

I am one of the people who shared the truth with Kevin that he talked about on his radio program and that got him banned, about how the Mounties are killing our indigenous women and have worked with the Pickton murderers. I used to work for Indian Affairs and the RCMP as an advisor so I know many of these people and I know how they operate.

I have known for some time that Vancouver Coop radio is one of the listening posts the feds keep going to monitor who is doing what in the downtown east side. The station won't get its funding unless it does this. The RCMP E Division is controlling things at the station. I know their agents work at the station and they get rid of programmers like Kevin who get close to exposing the really bad things like child rapists and the body dumping sites the government uses with the Americans.

Years ago they murdered a coop radio programmer called Tom House because he found out about the drug money being laundering through Coop radio. Guatemalans knifed him on hastings street. Those Guatemalans worked for the CIA and are contract killers.

Kevin Eagle has already met with the woman who helped to frame him at the station and she admitted in writing what she did. She is part native and part Arab and she has worked on the street for 20 years. We all know her and she is a bad drug dealer and is in debt with a pimp called Eduardo who does jobs for the feds like kill people. Eduardo is Guatemalan and is the cousin of one of Tom House's killers. It's all in the family like they say.

The feds paid this woman to fool around and do drugs with a man called Justin who they made up to look like Kevin. Justin is out of the country now and will never be traced because he has CSIS connections. He's ex military and does protection for the child traffickers.

There is a woman on coop radio staff named Leela who is the liason for the feds and she knows everything. She arranged with the Mounties to set Kevin up at the station that night, she got another staff guy to let the woman and Justin in to do their # in front of the cameras. Leela is the one behind getting rid of Kevin and blackening his name. She and a lawyer for the feds called Freya Zoltz who was put on coop radio board by the feds.

That's what's behind what's happening to Kevin and it will get worse. Freya is telling every alternate radio station they'll be sued if they allow Kevin on the air. They are really scared about what Kevin knows about how the government is involved in child trafficking and the snuff films, and they are out to destroy him once and for all.

I know more including names and dates. I am putting that in another document I will put in safe keeping.

I want to say to any honest man or woman left at coop radio, stop playing along with these criminals and liars. Kevin Annett is the best white man I have ever met and he is the one person who helps the real Indians, our homeless men and women who don't sell themselves for a dollar like all the chiefs do. He has never taken a penny for his work even though he is in poverty and blackballed. He has given his life for people like the woman who framed him and all the thanks he gets is abuse and lies.

I don't have any hope for our world when these lies can win like they are doing and good men like Kevin are being so easily destroyed. For god's sake stop this and know the truth. Help Kevin Eagle and everybody being wronged.

I am Jeremiah Jourdain and I thank you from the four directions. I give permission for this email to be sent to anybody.

(from your quote)

This is the person who is originally repsonsible for the lengthly Kevin Annett material I posted (with permission) earlier in the thread.

In my opinion I feel this only garners more credibility for Kevin Annett's claims of mass genocide in Canada and the knowledge and responsibility of that genocide being firmly placed at the feet of the government, the church and the authorities.

Thank you so much for finding this.


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by bluemirage5

You're damn right it is a big deal.....43 people have disappeared off the face of the planet. Mostly women. In fact, I would safely bet the number is probably even higher because not all missing persons are reported by their families.

It's more than 500. And counting. God help us all.


Source? Because I know there have not been 500 missing from the highway of tears alone. If you're counting the pickton women that's at least 50 that they know of, and women who have just disappeared over the years. I really don't see this as a conspiracy, just some messed up people thinking they have a free pass because of the desolate roads and vast wilderness and women who put themselves in bad situations.

I wonder how many women have gone missing in the past 30 years in a place like California.

ETA I really don't see a conspiracy here against the native women, I see a lack of care for them, which makes me very sad.
Probably a bit how the situation in some places in the USA are when black women go missing as opposed to white women.
edit on 11-7-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by silo13

I am pretty sure Sam and Dean are on their way.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:15 PM
Still doing some checking but found this link; most have gone unsolved but afew have been solved:


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by seeker11

Hi Hi again!

That was my original quote, and, there is source earlier in the thread. My eyeballs are crossing, it's after 2300 where I am and I've been up since 0400.

Let me go back and see if i can find the (numerous) confirmation threads, but, I think what's happening here also is this thread is morphing and taking on a life of it's own. It's genesis was the article focusing on the 'Highway of Tears' and it's grown into the all encompassing missing/murdered Native American women in Canada and the gross lack of attention being paid these victims by the government. Who it seems may be the ones responsible. I'll get back to you later on that one, it's still in the investigation process.

Thank you again for your input!


posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by silo13

=) no problem whatsoever. I'm just lending my opinion, from having lived in the area and being best friends with a native girl growing up.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:19 PM
I cross referenced BC vancouver with Sasquatch abduction and immediatly got a hit...This just makes me more positive that this is what is really happening.

1924 - Vancouver, British Columbia. Albert Ostman is one of the few people who claims to have been abducted by Sasquatch. It happened while he was searching for a lost gold mine that he heard existed somewhere near Toba Inlet. He had heard from an Indian guide about the legendary Sasquatch, but didn't take them seriously until he discovered that something was stealing food from his campsite at night. Then one night he was awakened by something picking him up in his sleeping bag. "I was half asleep and at first did not remember where I was," Ostman said. "My first thought was - it must be a snow slide... Then it felt like I was tossed on horseback, but I could feel whoever it was, was walking." After hours of being carried, Ostman was finally dropped to the ground where he heard a strange-sounding chatter. It wasn't until dawn, however, that Ostman made his way out of his sleeping bag. He was astonished to find himself in the company of four Sasquatch - what appeared to Ostman to be a family: adult male and female, and a young male and female. Ostman was able to provide detailed descriptions of the creatures, all of which, except for the young female, were enormous. Ostman claimed to have spent six days in the company of the Sasquatch family. When he decided he had had enough, he fired his rifle into the air and made a run for it.

1928 - Vancouver, British Columbia. A trapper named Muchalat Harry also claimed to have been kidnapped by Bigfoot. The powerfully built Indian of the Nootka tribe was plying his trade in one of his favorite hunting grounds around the Conuma River that autumn. Like Ostman, Harry was picked up in his sleep, bedding and all, and carried for about three miles by a large Sasquatch. When set down, he found himself surrounded by about 20 of the creatures, both male and female, which he at first thought planned to eat him, as their campsite was littered with large bones. The creatures poked and prodded Harry, seemingly puzzled by his clothing. After a while, they appeared to grow tired of the human curiosity, and many left the camp. Seeing his chance, Harry made a run for it - running right past his own camp to his canoe on the river. He never went trapping in the woods again.

edit on 11-7-2011 by solids0be because: added Important supporting evidence

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