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Is reincarnation possible?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by NorEaster

When moving from a lower frequency into a higher frequency, it is easy to retain the memories of that life, and of course remembering every single one before that too.

Moving back down into a lower frequency doesnt allow the same transition of those memories, probably for that precise purpose, otherwise the spirit wouldn't learn anew, and no doubt abuse that knowledge in the frequency of matter.

edit on 7-7-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

That's pretty easy to state, but there's no actual associative alignment between this "reality" that you describe (with flexible rates of vibration readily available to dynamic/conscious existence) and the well-established sub-structure that bases everything that can be easily proven to exist. This stuff about raising and lowering one's frequencies is pretty popular in New Age circles, but it didn't exist as foundational truth until the last century or so - which begs the question whether increased levels of education among the average person resulted in its emergence as foundational truth, as has been the case in so much of what is passed off as esoteric knowledge.

It's as if the spirits themselves are getting more technically savvy as we, on this side of the veil, get more and more sophisticated. I find that amusing sometimes.

Unless you can describe the technical details (and relate them to what a human being can actually physically accomplish, without leaning on faith or mystery thinking) of raising and lower the holon identifying frequency of that human being, then you're no more use in this discussion than a Tennessee faith healer or a voodoo medicine man. I can detail why a person can't possibly survive as an identified whole if they were even capable of returning to corporeal existence with a new body and brain. Right to the impact on the primordial survival imperatives that would be directly involved, and why they can't be violated by such a venture. Can you defend your premise with any real specificity?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Unless you can describe the technical details (and relate them to what a human being can actually physically accomplish

Please describe away, I am very curious to learn why you believe it isnt possible. No matter what you say i will still believe what I do, because I have texts which help me understand the different octaves of this multi-verse.

I am still interested in your view, and technical know-how, as you perceive it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Jademonkey2k[/I]

Just a quick note to the peeps advising me that the '___' theory has been debunked. I haven't heard that myself and my own personal research has led me further down the rabbit hole on this one.

However if it does turn out to be false then so be it. Its no biggie. But if nothing else its great to see people experimenting and exploring the possibilities of conciousness like this.

Well while I might be a bit skeptical after my experimentation, I certainly don't discourage others who are safe and open minded to try for themselves. Different people tend to take different things out of their experiences, but they are almost always life altering in one way or another. Usually for the better, in my case I'd say it was pretty neutral. At times you can see heaven, but you can also experience a very real hell.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

LMAO! Good one!!

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:26 PM
I am paraphrasing a chapter from the book 'Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda'-hands down one of favorite books. The whole book can be read online for free on numerous sites.

Chapter 28: Kashi, Reborn and Rediscovered

We enjoyed a picnic lunch after we reached our destination. I sat under a tree, surrounded by a group of students. Finding me in an inspirational mood, they plied me with questions.

After answering many questions, I was addressed by a lad named Kashi. He was about twelve years old, a brilliant student, and beloved by all. “Sir,” he said, “what will be my fate?” “You shall soon be dead.” The reply came from my lips with an irresistible force. This unexpected disclosure shocked and grieved me as well as everyone present. Silently rebuking myself as an enfant terrible, I refused to answer further questions. On our return to the school, Kashi came to my room. “If I die, will you find me when I am reborn, and bring me again to the spiritual path?” He sobbed. I felt constrained to refuse this difficult occult responsibility. But for weeks afterward, Kashi pressed me doggedly. Seeing him unnerved to the breaking point, I finally consoled him. “Yes,” I promised. “If the Heavenly Father lends His aid, I will try to find you.”

The father had already realized the wrong he had done in forcibly bringing Kashi to Calcutta. During the few days the boy had been there, he had eaten contaminated food, contracted cholera, and passed on.

I intuitively felt that Kashi would soon return to the earth, and that if I kept unceasingly broadcasting my call to him, his soul would reply. I knew that the slightest impulse sent by Kashi would be felt in my fingers, hands, arms, spine, and nerves. With undiminished zeal, I practiced the yoga method steadily for about six months after Kashi’s death. Walking with a few friends one morning in the crowded Bowbazar section of Calcutta, I lifted my hands in the usual manner. For the first time, there was response. I thrilled to detect electrical impulses trickling down my fingers and palms. These currents translated themselves into one overpowering thought from a deep recess of my consciousness: “I am Kashi; I am Kashi; come to me!”

“Please tell me, sir, if you and your wife have been expecting a child for about six months?” “Yes, it is so.” Seeing that I was a swami, a renunciate attired in the traditional orange cloth, he added politely, “Pray inform me how you know my affairs.” When he heard about Kashi and the promise I had given, the astonished man believed my story. “A male child of fair complexion will be born to you,” I told him. “He will have a broad face, with a cowlick atop his forehead. His disposition will be notably spiritual.” I felt certain that the coming child would bear these resemblances to Kashi. Later I visited the child, whose parents had given him his old name of Kashi. Even in infancy he was strikingly similar in appearance to my dear Ranchi student. The child showed me an instantaneous affection; the attraction of the past awoke with redoubled intensity. Years later the teen-age boy wrote me, during my stay in America. He explained his deep longing to follow the path of a renunciate. I directed him to a Himalayan master who, to this day, guides the reborn Kashi.

edit on 7-7-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Drala

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by Jademonkey2k

'___' has never been proven to be produced naturally in our bodies. The old myth of our brains releasing it upon death is exactly that, a myth.

After my own "experimentations" with '___' I'm more convinced than ever that the things we see and feel on it are simply figments of our imagination. We see what we want or more importantly, expect to see.

I think you may be incorrect in that statement...the documentary in question is from the University of New Mexico...fully funded legit study. If you are going to suggest they are incorrect you really should provide a source for your disagreement...

'___' does occur naturally, in plants and animals alike, additionally look at the structure of '___' and IAA the plant auxin...nearly Identical, just the methyl and ethyl are substituted...perhaps you are confusing it with '___' it does not occur naturally only LSA and LSH...

Sorry to pick you statement didn't resonate with me well

And you call it the old old could it be? how long has modern science even aknowleged these ideas, '___' is just after meletonin release...similar to serotonin aswell...tryptamines play a crucial role in our well being and circadian rhythm regulation...

Also they find a correlation between '___' and HGH...'___' might also help us live longer
And all the focus on the pineal gland through all the ancient texts and recent endocrinology....I think you are drastically incorrect..

Again sorry, you struck a cord...

edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

Then you need to rethink everything.

This might open your eyes. You have been watching the usual youtube videos that show what people want to see, without the usual disclaimers, such as:

Quote from Rick Strassman
"I did my best in the '___' book to differentiate between what is known, and what I was conjecturing about (based upon what is known), regarding certain aspects of '___' dynamics. However, it's amazing how ineffective my efforts seem to have been. So many people write me, or write elsewhere, about '___', and the pineal, assuming that the things I conjecture about are true. When I was writing the book, I thought I was clear enough, and repeating myself would have gotten tedious.

"We don't know whether '___' is made in the pineal. I muster a lot of circumstantial evidence supporting a reason to look long and hard at the pineal, but we do not yet know. There are data suggesting urinary '___' rises in psychotic patients when their psychosis is worse. However, we don't know whether '___' rises during dreams, meditation, near-death, death, birth or any other endogenous altered state. To the extent those states resemble those brought on by giving '___', it certainly makes one wonder if endogenous '___' might be involved, and if it were, it would explain a lot. But we don't know yet. Even if the pineal weren't involved, that would have little overall effect on my theories regarding a role for '___' in endogenous altered states, because we do know that the gene involved in '___' synthesis is present in many organs, particularly lung. If the pineal made '___', it would tie up a lot of loose ends regarding this enigmatic little organ. But people seem to live pretty normals lives without a pineal gland; for example, when it has had to be removed because of a tumor.

So there you have it from the horse's mouth. It has never been proven and is simply conjecture. Ill post the entire article.

The main point is, no matter how much is produced in your pineal gland, even if it does produce it, is never bio-available. You stomach enzimes disolve it before it can be aborbed into your bloodstream. The '___' is a complete waste without a MAOi restriced diet.

Id love as much as you to believe that '___' is a magic tool to open our minds, and have delved deep. I simply at the end of it all dont believe that it is some magic chemical that makes us see what is truely out there. I do believe in a spiritual or more intricate universe than we can presently see or experience, i just dont see why '___' is the answer. No one has taken it and suddely "trancended". While they might believe they were travelling beyond earth and the stars, in reality they were just drooling on themselves.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by thetruthseeker789

Energy can neither be create or destroyed only changed. And it must degrade as it changes forms. So no, you "mind" or soul could not survive as is

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:48 PM
Ayahuasca has been linked to the afterlife. It is a very interesting plant that I wish I could get my hands on.

The main psychoactive agent in ayahuasca (Psychotria viridis) is the short-acting compound dimethyltryptamine ('___'). The only published study of the qEEG effects of '___' was done on mice with implanted electrodes (Morley BJ, Bradley RJ, 1977). These authors found a dose-dependent hypersynchrony with increased power in the low frequency (delta/theta) range following the ingestion of '___'.

'___', when applied intravenously in humans, almost instantaneously elicits visual hallucinations, bodily dissociations and extreme shifts in mood (Strassman et al., 1994). It is the mind-altering properties of ayahuasca which have been used for healing and spiritual purposes in shamanic ayahuasca rituals by indigenous people throughout South America for maybe a thousand years (Metzner, R. et al, 1999).

In many respects, the changes in consciousness induced by drinking ayahuasca are comparable to other states of deep relaxation and increased subconscious awareness, such as the meditative, the hypnotic and the hypnagogic states which are all characterized by increased theta activity in the EEG (Hoffmann E., 1998; Ray WJ, 1997; Budzynski TH, 1986). Thus we expected to see increased theta and possibly increased alpha activity following the intake of ayahuasca.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 11:58 PM
'The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' gives a more formal philosophy regarding reincarnation, they use a term in this sutra called Abhinivesha which does not describe what reincarnation is, but it descrbies that it is the mechanism of ignorance/avidya that makes one cling to the cycle of life or even just the fear of death can fall into this cause of desiring a body again. So its what draws our collection of experiences (our spirit or ''our'' Chitta defined loosly) back into a body rather than into the infinite (an animal body or a human or even a god body like the devas depending on the collection of experiences this creates our next body) thats how I understand it, feel free to correct me if anyone is into eastern thought.

just wanted to add, there is more information about how the elements compose our ''spirit body'' to be found in 'The Holy Science, by Swami Sri Yukteswar' I find it a little complex since my brain is hard wired to western thinking with regard to science and "church", it is quite abstact but deep knowledge.

back to Patanjali

the actual sutra is in the second chapter, ninth sutra (II:9)

9. Flowing through its own nature, and established even in the learned, is the clinging to life.

`This clinging to life you see manifested in every animal. Upon it many attempts have been made to build the theory of a future life, because men are so fond of life that they desire a future life also. Of course it goes without saying that this argument is without much value, but the most curious part of it is, that, in Western countries, the idea that this clinging to life indicates a possibility of future life applies only to men, but does not include animals. In India this clinging to life has been one of the arguments to prove past experience and existence. For instance, if it be true that all our knowledge has come from experience, then it is sure that that which we never experienced we cannot imagine or understand. As soon as chickens are hatched they begin to pick up food. Many times it has been seen, where ducks have been hatched by hens, that, as soon as they came out of the eggs they flew to water, and the mother thought they would be drowned. If experience be the only source of knowledge, where did these chickens learn to pick up food, or the ducklings that the water was their natural element? If you say it is instinct, it means nothing — it is simply giving a word, but is no explanation. What is this instinct? We have many instincts in ourselves. For instance, most of you ladies play the piano, and remember, when you first learned, how carefully you had to put your fingers on the black and the white keys, one after the other, but now, after long years of practice, you can talk with your friends while your fingers play mechanically. It has become instinct. So with every work we do; by practice it becomes instinct, it becomes automatic; but so far as we know, all the cases which we now regard as automatic are degenerated reason. In the language of the Yogi, instinct is involved reason. Discrimination becomes involved, and gets to be automatic Samskaras. Therefore it is perfectly logical to think that all we call instinct in this world is simply involved reason. As reason cannot come without experience, all instinct is, therefore, the result of past experience. Chickens fear the hawk, and ducklings love the water; these are both the results of past experience. Then the question is whether that experience belongs to a particular soul, or to the body simply, whether this experience which comes to the duck is the duck's forefathers' experience, or the duck's own experience. Modern scientific men hold that it belongs to the body, but the Yogis hold that it is the experience of the mind, transmitted through the body. This is called the theory of reincarnation.

We have seen that all our knowledge, whether we call it perception, or reason, or instinct, must come through that one channel called experience, and all that we now call instinct is the result of past experience, degenerated into instinct and that instinct regenerates into reason again. So on throughout the universe, and upon this has been built one of the chief arguments for reincarnation in India. The recurring experiences of various fears, in course of time, produce this clinging to life. That is why the child is instinctively afraid, because the past experience of pain is there in it. Even in the most learned men, who know that this body will go, and who say "never mind, we have had hundreds of bodies, the soul cannot die" — even in them, with all their intellectual convictions, we still find this clinging on to life. Why is this clinging to life? We have seen that it has become instinctive. In the psychological language of the Yogis it has become a Samskara. The Samskaras, fine and hidden, are sleeping in the Chitta. All this past experience of death, all that which we call instinct, is experience become subconscious. It lives in the Chitta, and is not inactive, but is working underneath.

edit on 8-7-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-7-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by alex655320
No I do not agree with you. Our souls do survive and go back to roam the universe with billions of others until they get bored.Then they find another planet with intelligent life and plunge in to take their chances on another life adventure. It would be like plunging into a movie you are watching and becoming one of the characters. Just a tid-bit of what I believe, more to come later. CURESEEKER

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

I have never used '___' but for a few years I experimented with mushroom, this was before learning about mediation or active concentration whatever we want to call it, there are huge simillarites and some big differences.

I would say the perceptions of the outer reality is altered identically on shrooms or when meditating (and pretty much always after mediating a while consistantly). There is a sense of time being illusory, awareness of the finer energies all over and hearing or seeing flashes of ideas while interacting with others....

the major difference is the inner world, when I am on mushrooms I find I have no freedom of choosing whether I want to go into that heaven or hell, There is a fluctuation I cant quite grasp. While in meditation, turning on the inner senses are voluntary and under your control, so you can go as deep (or not) down the rabbit hole.

Again, there is an element of courage that is lacking (at least for me) with meditation, in the sense that I am afraid of some deeper levels or interaction that can come in a meditation, where on mushrooms I have no choice, and thus experience thing that otherwise would be barred for the time being by my own free will. So it is a topic that isnt black and white thats for sure real bittersweet!

I think overall the experiences are wonderful (even the terrible trips) are appreciated, I was just waking up spiritually when I started using mushrooms and they definately were a step towards what is now a more controlled practice of mediation.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Here is an interesting video about a boy who believes he died in WWII, not sure if it has been already posted or is a hoax but is interesting no less.

Also there is a good book called "The Big Book of Near Death Experiences" by P.M.H. Atwater which covers many subjects including NDE's, OBE's, reincarnation, alternative realities, debunkers, and the '___' theory.

I think the '___' theory is bogus personally, it's just a theory and the book I mentioned above has some good arguments against it. It may be part of the mystery but I don't think it explains everything.
edit on 8-7-2011 by asmall89 because: clarity

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by chrismicha77
I'm about to go set an ant bed on fire, stomp on a bug, shoot an animal, and chop down a tree. They'll thank me for it!

LOL, yeah i always thought evolution just copied the idea that we start from a single cell animal and work our way up (thru incarnations) to our human form where we have the power to tell the illuminati and bilberbergs to GET STUFFED

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Drala
which often gives us the feeling we have done this before...and we have

edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

Oh yes, we have definitely been here before!
If you look at the new souls being born today, their eyes are so BRIGHT and full of LIGHT

Compare that to 10-20-30 years ago, babies had more "frowns" than looks of "pure bliss"
The new generation is the answer to the worlds problems

Business people who would LAUGH at conspiracy theorists...
Are getting married, and having kids, who are growing up to educate their parents on these matters

How ironic

edit on 8-7-2011 by northEASTukPIMPStheSYSTEM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Jordan River
Yes, reincarnation is real, and the creation of "fresh new" spirits are real too. Let us move on.


posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by northEASTukPIMPStheSYSTEM

Originally posted by Jordan River
Yes, reincarnation is real, and the creation of "fresh new" spirits are real too. Let us move on.


I do not know, trying to transcend away from this world. Not dying, but living a life of simplicity. In my opinion, for us to move on is a bigger operation for G-d imo. I am a theist after all.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by chrismicha77
Ayahuasca has been linked to the afterlife. It is a very interesting plant that I wish I could get my hands on.

You can, its legal and very easy to find in the US and Canada. Or at least it was last time i checked 6 month or so ago.

I dont believe we can discuss sources here, so ill simply leave it up to you to find a good source. If i may, i would also suggest salvia. Its legal, easy to purchase, and at times can send you beyond body and soul to places you would never imagine. Mushrooms, '___' and the like are relatively tame compared to what powerful saliva can do. I recommend being with someone who has experienced it before to watch over you. Its VERY brief, often no longer than 5 minutes, and certainly a good primer before moving to '___', as it can be a much longer, and even still more intense experience.

Savlia has also been known to be used by shamans and the like to invoke a religious or mystical experience. Some believe it, like '___', can open the mind to the unknown.
edit on 8-7-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by LightAssassin

Unless you can describe the technical details (and relate them to what a human being can actually physically accomplish

Please describe away, I am very curious to learn why you believe it isnt possible. No matter what you say i will still believe what I do, because I have texts which help me understand the different octaves of this multi-verse.

I am still interested in your view, and technical know-how, as you perceive it.

A brief overview of how context delineates and identifies.

It’s All About Context

Now, before I can explain your own true existential nature, we need to do a little work to establish the proper foundation upon which that explanation can rest. As indicated by this sub-title, we’re going to take a moment and look at the nature of internal and relative context, and while I realize that context is not what you came here looking to learn about, without this short lesson in how context works, there’s no possible way that you’ll be able to grasp the information about who and what you are, let alone what God is and why He decided to have you exist in the first place.

I will try to make this as accessible as possible, and lay off the dry technical stuff when I can. In fact, like I warned you, I’m going to go ahead and attempt a narrative analogy to help with my first point. In this analogy, I’m going to try to illustrate how internal context works to make even the least of things – that exist within a great collection of similar things – unique and special. Afterward, I promise to relate it to you as a person.

  • Soaring high above a full orchestra’s rendition of a symphonic masterpiece, a solo violinist offers a packed house a stunning performance. Some in the crowd swoon under the spell of each note’s strength and nuance, while others focus on the entire presentation as a whole. There are those who find themselves enjoying the performance in spite of a preference for other forms of entertainment, and then, there are those who can never be satisfied with what this or any other violinist can produce.

    In fact, the music that each mind in that hall hears is unique, even though the notes that soar from the stage to the farthest reaches of the hall are simply what they are and nothing more or less. With this in mind, as the violinist pulls passage after passage from his instrument, and fills the evening with the art that drives him to such intense devotion and disciplined dedication, a question becomes, at what point does the man, himself, end, and the man’s art begin?

    When the violinist draws his bow across the strings of his violin, where does the violinist – the human being wrapped in skin – end, and the music that transcends that corporeal confine, begin? Is it at the end of his fingertips, where the strings are set to vibrate? Is it as the sound waves leap from the violin’s soundboard to touch the air in the hall? Is it where those sound waves press against the inner ear of the listener? Or is it within the mind of the listener as the whole of it is translated into what that specific mind has determined to be music?

    And what of the mind that is – due to any of a host of reasons – incapable of perceiving that sound as music? How do we factor in the unique perspective of the listener, and how that perspective was built until that instant when the violinist’s sound waves struck that listener’s mind to be either accepted or rejected as that which can be defined as music? Or does the music always remained trapped within the mind of the violinist, and the effort to release it, a repeating failure that can never be rectified?

That’s a really good question. In the same sense, where does the human brain become the human mind? Does it ever become the mind? Where does the person emerge from the human being, or does the person ever truly emerge? This is basic philosophy, and you can debate it forever, as evident in any freshman college classroom in the early weeks of the fall semester.

But first, we need to focus on the issue of context, and to look at how internal context creates unique identity. After all, the person does not exist if it cannot be fully delineated. Again, let’s look at this violinist and note all that his performance delivered to his audience. This time, let’s shift the focus to the question of context and what it is that establishes the isolation of unique identity. Maybe we can find a transition point between the effort and the art if we dig in deep enough?

  • When we look at just a short list of unique physical components that came together as the music that was created – the brain-nerve-muscle coordination of the violinist, his hands and his fingers acting upon the strings, the bow drawn across those strings, the strings vibrating and resonating against the bridge of the violin itself which caused the wood to resonate, the sound waves pushing through the open air of the hall, the reverberation of the walls and ceiling that smoothed out the harsh tone of the raw sound of the strings and made it sing as it did, the ears of the listeners, and finally, the minds of each listener at that instant that the sound became music as interpreted by each mind – we have to accept that if we took away any single stage of this list of contributing aspects alone, the result would cause the music in question to either be radically altered, or destroyed entirely.

    Then there are the preparatory components. When the violinist struck his first note of the evening, that note was a C#, but to simply state that it was a C# is to lose sight of all that this single note presented to the unique identity of this particular moment. This C# note did not, does not, exist in a vacuum. It didn’t simply appear from nowhere to launch this specific performance.

    As the first note of a composed symphony, it was selected and placed by that symphony’s composer. That choice imbued this C# with all that came about, as historical context, to create that choice. What historical context? Let’s see.

    This composer lives (or once lived) a life that contributed to the notion of choosing and placing that note in that specific part of the composition. In fact, it stands to reason that the composer spent some time and thought about which note to place in that specific part of the piece, and likely spent considerable time deciding how long the note should last, how loud it should be played, and whether it should be physically manipulated by the musician in such a way as to provide it a specific expressiveness at any point within its existence as a performed musical note. All this thought came as a result of study and experience, as well as the direct impact of those specific events on the inimitable human expression that separates that composer from any other composer – or any other human being, for that matter.

    As the definite result of such a causal chain of events – education, experience, consideration, and even the invention and establishment of notes and staff as a form of written musical documentation (if one wishes to run the history of that note all the way back to its origins) – this C#’s historical context becomes a primary identifier when selecting it from any such expression suite for precise examination.

    In this case, history is not the only progressive chain that brought this C# to lead off this orchestral arrangement. There is also the direct contribution from the author’s own intellectual continuum to consider. That composer provided a full level of intellectual context to that note, and that context grants a distinction to that specific note that is not shared with any other C# note in that or any other musical piece. The identity of that note is affected by that very specific context, and makes that note unique before it is even performed.

    Of course, on this particular night, that note was performed, and this isolated it even further as its singular identity was further amplified with the additional impact of the performer. After all, this was an audible note, and not just a conceived note, within this particular composition.

    When the violinist struck that note, he added his own contextual contribution to that specific note on that specific evening. This piece was not composed by him, but the creation of that C# note as sound – the physical interpretation of that note by way of the violin as a sound generation tool – was accomplished solely by the violinist. What flowed through the hands and fingers of that violinist as he struck that C# note, represented all that had been his life to that point in time, and the whole of it caused that C# to suddenly belong to him as an artist who had taken the composer’s suggestion and had had his way with it – for good or ill, as the case may be.

    The years of study, practice, and personal sacrifice; the career that he’d already had, or still envisioned; the surging elements within his own body and brain; all coming together as he hit that first C# and gave its execution his own unique signature. This is the historical and intellectual context that the violinist provided, which combined with the historical and intellectual context that the composer had already provided, to further distinguish this first C# note as a contextually isolated unique whole that expressed the unique identities of both artists in a manner that is both actual and logical.

    But there are other contextual layers to consider. There is the instrument itself.

    The musician’s violin is a rare and valuable model that was produced by a celebrated craftsman who died hundreds of years ago, and since its creation, it has been played by a line of brilliant musicians who’ve carefully preserved its beauty, its tone and its overall utility. The very fact of its unique excellence, and the history behind that excellence, contributed its own level of context to the sound of this first note, as well as the causal impact on the violinist’s psyche (again, flush with critical context) as he skillfully honored this rare treasure with his committed effort to produce that sound.

    This blend of circumstantial and intellectual context – somewhat different in nature than the blending of purely intellectual context that two artists in tangential collaboration would contribute to the identity of the piece, but just as powerfully isolating in its impact – was yet another contribution to what had already come together to distinguish this first C# of this particular musical piece.

    Then, we must include the actual event and physical environment into the contextual whole, since the note did reach into a real environment during a real moment in time. For this, we must include the environmental aspects of the concert venue itself, the relative humidity of the atmosphere and its impact on the violin’s tone and the “carry” of the note within the structure of the hall, the impact of competing and sympathetic frequencies from the other notes filling the hall, and whether people were buzzing among themselves as this note was struck, or even if the hall was full or whether people were still finding their seats. From there we can continue to add contextual qualifications until we run out of atoms and quarks and strings to pick over.

    So, where does the artist end and the art begin? I don’t know. There may not be a point where one ends and the other begins, and that may be exactly the point. Context identifies and isolates, but it can also unify and relate one unique with another. Our violinist – as he struck that C# – became forever associated with that composer through the contextual confines of what both men contributed to that one note, even as that C# broke free and isolated itself from the whole of reality with its full load of inimitable context, never to be duplicated again as the fact of its existence lives on into eternity.

    The artist adds to the whole, while establishing his or her art as both contribution and identification. Of course, as humans we each experience reality in relation to ourselves and to our own need for unique identity, so we focus on the identifying-isolating aspects within the artistic expression, and we look for that point where the art itself becomes released from the artist. After all, that release must exist if we are to take from the artist what we see as beautiful and claim it as part of our own identity.

So, what was the point of that analogy? Besides enjoying a bit of philosophy and realizing that the separation between the art and the artists may not even exist, we established how internal context divides and isolates things – even information – into unique and identifiable wholes by way of combining and contrasting specific aspects that are associated with whatever it is that is being examined.

excerpt - Taking Down the Curtain

Okay, so we've established that it is context that creates Identity, and that Identity is primordial to the existence and survival of whatever it is that comes into existence. Let's now look at the human being, and what the human being actually creates of itself - in reference to the contextual nature of it, of course.

The Real You That You Are

So, we’ve gone over the concept of context, and how context establishes and provides identity to and within the contextual environment. Keep this section handy, since referring back to this now and then will help a lot as we now move ahead to describe how the human being is generated from the amazingly complicated organization of atoms and molecules that we all know as the human brain. Yes, this will be the first issue to address – this false notion that the human being is the arms, legs, skin, skull and torso. I suppose I will end up beating this issue to death, but it is probably the most insidious fallacy of all. Unless I can help you to allow your body to take its rightful place in the development process, I’ll never be able to teach you the truth of what you actually are. I will also be reiterating that this corporeal life – the one that you’re living – is actually a second phase of developmental gestation, since this fact will also be critical for you to understand and internalize if you’re ever going to get to the truth of human existence.

When you think, your brain actually creates informational configurations out of residual information (memory) and incoming information (from the data gathering systems - ears, eyes, and other senses), and as information, it shares physical existence with everything else that exists. Like the music that is generated by the vibrations of the violin strings as the violinist draws the bow, your thoughts have physical substance. Call it energy if you like. It’s not energy, but like energy, it is not visible to the naked eye, while it certainly does affect the corporeal realm. Of course, there will always be those who reject anything they can’t see with their eyes or hold in their hands, but even they have to admit that as they believe or disbelieve whatever it is that they choose, they are producing thoughts as they do so, and as information, those thoughts do exist.

You aren’t that pile of flesh, bone and wet fixin’s any more than a violin and its strings are the music that is created through their use. The circumstances in your life that shaped you, and inspired your reaction to their impact, are like the hands of that violinist in my previous analogy and the physical effort he contributed to creating that music note through the physical tone generating structure of the violin itself. And the ever evolving impact, of every bit of information that still exists within this environment – giving your thoughts the historical context they require to form as the progressively unique creations that they are – is like each note and rest, written by the composer of the music piece itself, guiding the efforts of the violinist within a defined parameter, and providing him the platform from which to create the music that lifted the hearts and minds of those in the concert hall.

And you? The real you? You are like that musical note, that first C# – and if not that first C#, then that second pure, clean note in the piece, or possibly the three-hundred and twenty-first note – with your own clarity, power and unique identity. Whichever note you are, you are an eternal gift of inimitable creative expression that came into physical existence as a result of many contributions that can never be duplicated. Please take a moment to consider this one critical fact of who and what you are. This will be the basis of everything that you’ll learn as we go forward.

excerpt - Taking Down The Curtain

Like I said, this is extremely barebones, and the study of ramification, progressive development, existential qualifiers, survival imperatives, and the true physical nature of information within both the corporeal and informational realms, is literally enough to pack a book that probably very few will ever take the effort to read, let alone fully internalize as knowledge. Still, this gives you a very quick look at the barriers to simply taking on new corporeal identities.

You see, this issue is the human brain, and the contextual information that is provided by the structure of the brain itself. Like the analogy of how the violin's own historical context affected the note's identity as it launched from that soundboard. The unique bio-chemical construction of that unique human brain - along with the DNA coding determinants that isolate that one human brain, and all its component pieces - from every other brain (human and otherwise) also isolates the generated information that emerges from that brain. That generated information is the human personality, and there's not possible means of blending that unique signature (that human being's Primary Expression) with the unique signature of another human brain. The uncountable layers of contributing context within each configuration of generated information associated with the one authoring brain cause that sort of thing to be beyond prohibitive.

You may want to do some research on the logical requirements of identity, and then do what it takes to associate what you learn with Identity as a foundational survival expression. Once you've dug into that issue, you'll see what I'm suggesting concerning the impossibility of a fully gestated and physically viable human being returning for a whole new reconstituted 2nd stage development phase of its existence. Not only is it impossible(like climbing back into some other woman's womb for re-gestation after being born from your mother's womb), but it's absolutely unnecessary, since once you drop the body you have now, you're physically developed and ready for full human existence.

But, you're free to believe whatever you like. You asked for an explanation, and this is a quick explanation.
edit on 7/8/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin

Unless you can describe the technical details (and relate them to what a human being can actually physically accomplish

Please describe away, I am very curious to learn why you believe it isnt possible. No matter what you say i will still believe what I do, because I have texts which help me understand the different octaves of this multi-verse.

I am still interested in your view, and technical know-how, as you perceive it.

Very interesting that you have texts that explain to you the innermost workings of our so-called multiverse.

Funny thing is, the most brilliant minds of our time, particle physicists, are currently trying to unravel these mysteries using such tools as particle colliders and advanced mathematics you or I could never begin to grasp. Yet these people dont understand the most basic things. They dont know if our universe is one, or one of many.

Your belief in your multiverse and reincarnation is no different than catholics, muslims or anyone else who use blind faith to believe in God.
edit on 8-7-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Hmmmmm very interesting indeed!!!

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