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Is reincarnation possible?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by Jademonkey2k

'___' has never been proven to be produced naturally in our bodies. The old myth of our brains releasing it upon death is exactly that, a myth.

After my own "experimentations" with '___' I'm more convinced than ever that the things we see and feel on it are simply figments of our imagination. We see what we want or more importantly, expect to see.

I think you may be incorrect in that statement...the documentary in question is from the University of New Mexico...fully funded legit study. If you are going to suggest they are incorrect you really should provide a source for your disagreement...

'___' does occur naturally, in plants and animals alike, additionally look at the structure of '___' and IAA the plant auxin...nearly Identical, just the methyl and ethyl are substituted...perhaps you are confusing it with '___' it does not occur naturally only LSA and LSH...

Sorry to pick you statement didn't resonate with me well

And you call it the old old could it be? how long has modern science even aknowleged these ideas, '___' is just after meletonin release...similar to serotonin aswell...tryptamines play a crucial role in our well being and circadian rhythm regulation...

Also they find a correlation between '___' and HGH...'___' might also help us live longer
And all the focus on the pineal gland through all the ancient texts and recent endocrinology....I think you are drastically incorrect..

Again sorry, you struck a cord...

edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:39 PM
I think not only is it possible, but probable.

From a parents point of view - my children were born with personalities - aspects that have not changed from day one. They had to come from somewhere.

I do not think reincarnation has to interfere with your religious beliefs (or even the idea that we'll someday go extinct). I do believe in "new" souls as well as "old" souls. I don't necessarily believe they came from another human, or will reincarnate to a human.

The purpose of reincarnation is so that you can achieve a higher level of enlightenment. We all have a goal to reach in this life, and if we do not reach it, we cannot progress (in cases of extreme and obvious evil, they may even regress). So we are sent back until we can do better (I even believe we pick our parents). It may be once, it may be several times. Whatever it takes.

Once you reach that level of enlightenment, you can ascend to the next level of consciousness, and leave your human body behind.

In a case where an extinction event takes place, and many souls have yet to reach their goal - I imagine they'll be sent to another vehicle - as I said, it doesn't have to be human - we'll call it alien in that case (as in foreign, not necessarily as in "greys").

But this is just my personal theory, don't ask me to back it up - I can't. ♥

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Drala

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by Jademonkey2k

'___' has never been proven to be produced naturally in our bodies. The old myth of our brains releasing it upon death is exactly that, a myth.

After my own "experimentations" with '___' I'm more convinced than ever that the things we see and feel on it are simply figments of our imagination. We see what we want or more importantly, expect to see.

I think you may be incorrect in that statement...the documentary in question is from the University of New Mexico...fully funded legit study. If you are going to suggest they are incorrect you really should provide a source for your disagreement...

'___' does occur naturally, in plants and animals alike, additionally look at the structure of '___' and IAA the plant auxin...nearly Identical, just the methyl and ethyl are substituted...perhaps you are confusing it with '___' it does not occur naturally only LSA and LSH...

Sorry to pick you statement didn't resonate with me well

What this guy said

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Jademonkey2k

lol i added a bit more too...but also derailed a bit...sorry OP.

To further your objective here...Energy can only change frequency....the body is much like a lightbulb or any other electrical can burn out, but once you replace the bulb the energy is still there to flow through. We are the electric...

As we learn how to think more complex thoughts/feel more complex intuitions, our electrical frequency and phonon matrix increases in complexity and field strength....then if our body/lightbulb burns out, the energy that is released will eventually find a harmonic vessel that can house this frequency/matrix again. When we die our frequency at death will attract us to the next suitable vessel(body)...

And then the messiahs....they are like the monarch butterfly, the METHUSELAH GENERATION is born and has genetic memory of how to do the flight before winter sets in....they live several months opposed to several weeks for regular monarchs...they also do not have sex and "party it up" like the others, they are born with a purpose to lead the rest to the promised land saving the race from winter...I think this is also true for us...when we are about to go into a very bad place in our world a generation of messiahs will be born to lead the way to the promised land(or golden age)....

So hows that for reincarnation....go ask a MONARCH BUTTERFLY about genetic memory
And do we have that same survival aspect built into our genes also?? I think time will prove me correct
I have no sources to site on this...
edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Hey, you get the smiles from the little ones as well. Sometimes when I am shopping I get the feeling someone is looking at me, looking up its a tiny child in a pushchair or pram that's spied me out and determined to get me to look at them. Strange I am a very average person and certainly don't stand out in any way for a child to notice me more than anyone else, but there's the little grin and that 'knowing' look. Another poster tells of his little sons, the two younger boys still aware of their links to the other realms and his older son wherein the memmory has gone from the boy (with age)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Did anyone ever heard of a real life reincarnation case?

There was a documentary made of a young boy who talked about dying in a plane crash during World War II. This is one case that really baffles me. The kid gives names, the plane name and where his plane crashed. Here's an article on this kid. You probably can find the documentary on YouTube.

Parents Think Boy Is Reincarnated Pilot

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:01 PM
I have been very curious and interested in this topic for a while now. The question I many times do you think you get reincarnated? How many chances do you get? Do you keep "moving up the ladder" so to speak?

I am going to watch the documentary posted on here, maybe that will answer some questions, I sure do have many.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by summer5

Eventually we move up out of physical completely....but how many incarnations is up to you and tetragrammaton

And many of us believe after you leave physical, you often choose to return to earth to help teach others how to free themselves, this karmatically is great way to evolve further, to help those that are learning the same path brings you closer to your goal...its self perpetuating love in a way
reproducing generation after generation of student and teachers...always happening...just a big spiritual assembly line of sorts
feeding back into itself...which often gives us the feeling we have done this before...and we have

edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by thetruthseeker789

I am certainly sure that, we can not deny the reality of reincarnation. There are thousands of examples about it. Plus, God wants us to evolve. so, how can you evolve, if you die at 2 years old.? Another example; only 1 lifetime is not enough for human being. Evolution needs too much experience. Why only 1 chance? is it logical?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 05:43 PM
OP thanks so much for asking about reincarnation. You have started an informative and tantalizing thread. I am an atheist. Overall, I believe we live, we die, we rot. Science has never found any evidence for life after death at present. However, because one cannot prove a negative, I hope that I am wrong and life does continue once our body gives out and we die.

In my world of idealization and fantasy, I long for the concept of reincarnation to be true. It makes no sense to me that we only live once in the eternity of time. There is so much to learn and experiences to enjoy. A mere 85 years or so simply does not cover it.

I am a 46-year-old grandma of a wonderful 3-year-old toddler. For most of his life, I was his primary care giver. My son recently married, and now the little one has a new mommy that he adores as much as his granny. Since he entered my life, I have been amazed at the mannerisms he has developed that resemble no one in our family. He says "sure" when asked questions. Other things he does has often fascinated me. Overall, If reincarnation were true, he is an old soul.

I recognize that our science remains in its infancy. We know much more than our ancestors but really we know very little. Things like dark matter, black holes, the seat of human consciousness and more, remain mysteries that the best minds in the world still puzzle over. Perhaps, one-day science will find a way to measure and communicate with different dimensions, states of being and more. Today, these ideas are speculated about and exist in theory only.

As for my own life, I know I have had at two states of existence that I cannot remember but are factually documented. My life in the womb remains a mystery to me. I have no memories until I was around 3. It is obvious these times occurred. Maybe there is life after this state of being and we are now in the womb preparing for it. I wish it but it probably isn't so.

Cheers and just live for the now.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:01 PM
I dont think it is, I believe we move on to the spirit world afterwards

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:02 PM
you get as many chances as it takes. remember eternity is FOREVER! So what we would consider "alot" of lives isnt even a spec when compared to the infinity. Its said that we will be able to understand infinity/nothing at the next level.
I sure hope thats true. And some may ask, well if you think your ready for the next level, then why dont you just kill yourself. And the answer to that is easy. If you were truly ready for the next level, you would understand that killing yourself would be the last thing you want to do. This frequency level, I believe, is the best place to get alot of you learning and karmic work done. There are many levels within the levels, so killing yourself would cut your chances short of gaining a higher level. So suicide bad, living (while you are able to experience life) good.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:05 PM
Researchers at the University of Virginia's Division of Perceptual Studies have undertaken a great deal of work in this area, documenting cases in which children claim to remember past lives.

The late Dr. Ian Stevenson pioneered this work and his efforts continue today under the leadership of Dr. Bruce Greyson.

Dr. Stevenson wrote a number books on the subject, all of which are riveting.

I also recommend reading the work of another faculty member, Dr. Jim B. Tucker, who was featured in the documentary about the little boy from Glasgow who remembered a past life.

These doctors' books don't claim to reach any specific conclusions but in my opinion, the sheer volume of detailed cases over many decades and from around the world speaks for itself.

I for one, am a firm believer that reincarnation exists.
edit on 7-7-2011 by Reaching because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Reaching

Thanks for the info. I will look into it closely.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:30 PM
short answer.. Yes i believe.. however, who we reincarnate as depends on our speciality and whether we're needed
( on a tangent) I believe that my life started at Thermopoly ( think 300.. lol) and I've been around every now and then since.. primarily as a warrior but with the ability that the gods gave me.. so Roman, Viking, both crusades, italian renaisiance ( i know.. spelling.. lol), American war of independence and finally world war two.. now i'll be the first to admit i'm not proud of what i've done in those lives but it's prepared me for what i need to do.. which is live again and again doing what i do best.. War..
Now i tried to join the army when i was 23.. did ok until i got asked why i wanted to join.. I gave the only answer i could.. i said " because i want to go to war" now a few years on having learnt what i have.. i understand why i gave that answer.. every life that i've had.. warfare has been a constant

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by believer74
short answer.. Yes i believe.. however, who we reincarnate as depends on our speciality and whether we're needed
( on a tangent) I believe that my life started at Thermopoly ( think 300.. lol) and I've been around every now and then since.. primarily as a warrior but with the ability that the gods gave me.. so Roman, Viking, both crusades, italian renaisiance ( i know.. spelling.. lol), American war of independence and finally world war two.. now i'll be the first to admit i'm not proud of what i've done in those lives but it's prepared me for what i need to do.. which is live again and again doing what i do best.. War..
Now i tried to join the army when i was 23.. did ok until i got asked why i wanted to join.. I gave the only answer i could.. i said " because i want to go to war" now a few years on having learnt what i have.. i understand why i gave that answer.. every life that i've had.. warfare has been a constant

I hope this may be of value to you, the last 2 parts of your post, may I humbly suggest you have been repeating the same mistake...many of us have chosen not to bear arms against the mirrors of ourselves, and therefore have been released from its grasp...its time for all the soldiers to lie down their arms for they are just lashing out at themselves in the mirror....I hope this wake up call resonates to your core, you need to chose not to will always be your choice and you will remain in that self prophecy hell...please wake up.

I might be wrong to suggest this to you, it is your choice, always has been, always will be...but I assure you, will not get another result until you change your action...But the 'Fool' is a card we all play from time to time...

Not that you are a fool...its just the saying...fools do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome...

And you can let go of the guilt from all the lives...the bad is just the balancing of the equation of thought and no thoughts are evil, the actions if destructive are the real evil...if you have been on that side of tha line so long, its time to cross and face your 'other' self....

Sorry for directing so much towards you, just know it comes from the heart

edit on 7-7-2011 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Reaching

You absolutely beat me to the punch on this one Reaching! I would definitely suggest looking into the work done at the University of Virginia. They are using the scientific method to trace past life evidence (as well as out of body and near death experiences). Dr. Tucker's book: Life Before Life blew my mind, and I would recommend it for anyone wanting specific documented evidence of reincarnation. In that book, Dr. Tucker investigates evidence of reicarnation in youth around the world based on details given by children, birthmarks, etc.

I would recommend starting with (more scientifically derived) documented evidence, and then move your way to specific belief systems. That's just my 2 cents though....

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
I believe in reincarnation, to me it just makes sense.

My Mum believes Im my great grandmother who died while she was in labour.
A few things made her think this.
When I was 3 we were driving to visit some family whos home I hadnt been to before, on the way I asked mum to go down a street, she did and when we got half way down I said "I used to live there" It was my nans old house.
Same year I was at my grandfathers looking through some photos, I grabbed the wedding pic of nan and pop and said " I remember that day"
and finally when I was about 5, one day when I should have been at Kinder I was at home tearing around the house (mum said I couldnt sit still for more than 5 sec) when all of a sudden I stopped and sat down in front of the TV. Australian TV at 11 am on a weekday isnt exactly kid friendly and mainly consists of boring talk shows.
Mum didnt say anyhthing just watched me sitting there not blinking. When the ads came on the spell broke and I got up and started running around again. Mum asked me "what was that you were watching" and I said " I used to watch him everyday" It was Ray Martin, my nans favourite show!!!!!!

I dont know what to make of this, to be honest its kinda cool yet gross at the same time to think I could be my great grandmother

Wow, I 100% fully believe that story
Wow is all I can say

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:18 PM
Yes, reincarnation is real, and the creation of "fresh new" spirits are real too. Let us move on.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by TheAncientsKnew

Someone here on ATS recently commented that before we spend more resources exploring space we really ought to figure out life here on Earth. I thought that was a very insightful comment.

I wish there were more people like the doctors at the University of Virginia studying this subject. There really is no bigger question.

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