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What muslims really think about Terrorism, Democracy and the West

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by solid007

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by solid007
This Thread is like Im Watching from FOX NEWS

Are you then claiming that the radical Islamic extremists pose zero threat? Please expand on that?

The number one victim of radical Islam are the Muslims themselves. What the West has supposedly done to the Muslims, pales in comparison to the slaughter taking place involving Muslim on Muslim violence. Most targets of Terrorist attacks are in fact other Muslims. That is a simple fact and an indisputable one. Sadly some fall for the propaganda from the Terrorists and their sympathizers. Burying their head in the sand is easier than having an adult conversation I suppose.

Some of us are capable of chewing gum and walking at the same time. We have the capacity to seperate radical Islam from the general Muslim population. It's actually quite easy when you let critical thinking take over and set your (childish) hate of anyone with different political views than you aside.

The only people on this planet who should side with or sympathize with radical Islam, are members of it or propagandists working on their side for whatever reason. Of course some do it out of illiteracy and let others do their thinking for them, while being unaware of facts as they would rather someone else think on their behalf. Question is why would any rational person side with them? They would not.
edit on 6/28/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

The tone of your Text seems contradictory.You Believe every Muslim is terrorist?Your clearly a racial farcards and minor IQ to begin with.I don't have time to correct loosers like U

edit on 28-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

Thank you for proving my point. I assume you speak or can read English so you resort to the same lie I described in my post. You are a propagandist it would seem. Exactly as I described if you had taken the trouble to read the post above my question and statement to you.

I count many Muslims among my friends in fact. Being rational decent people they would fully agree with my posts as would most Muslims not brainwashed and a part of the Jihad. I do not consider radical Islam to even be Muslim and most real Muslims would say the same thing. If you are incapable of separating the two, it is your burden to bear.

The problem is a rational discussion is not possible with extremists and delusional people who see the world through a warped perspective where reality and truth simply do not matter. When faced with facts you strike out with childish name calling, ignore facts or even what the other person is saying, as you can't respond when faced with facts. Not an issue for me, but leaves you with not many tools to work with.

Even though I clearly made the point that Muslims and radical Islam are separate, you willingly ignore that. That pretty much defines you does it not?

You are clearly one of the Race Card crowd with so little knowledge of what is happening around them, you know no other way to debate or discuss the world than resorting to childish name calling, repeated lies and insults. Good luck with that.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:36 PM
It's pretty disturbing to watch all the Muslim hate on here and in our country right now.

This is a perfect example of the power of the media and/or the politicians in office in shaping people's opinions. Scary stuff.

What percentage of the Muslim population are actually terrorists?

Another scary aspect to this kind of attitude right now is what exactly is the endgame with this kind of sentiment towards what amounts to be millions and millions of people? Nothing good that's for sure.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by origamiandurbanism

What's even scarier is that so-called conspiracy theorists who supposedly don't fully fall for the whole msm bit and call others "sheeple" share this same anti-muslim sentiment, which all stems from the lies of the mainstream and the actions of a few terrorists.
Not all muslims are extremists and they have all the right to worship as they wish no matter how ridiculous and foreign their beliefs may be, but alas, I sound like a broken record.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

I can read.I can Smell.Your disgusting blain.You prove me your a Hater, Eitherway.
edit on 28-6-2011 by solid007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by origamiandurbanism
It's pretty disturbing to watch all the Muslim hate on here and in our country right now.

This is a perfect example of the power of the media and/or the politicians in office in shaping people's opinions. Scary stuff.

What percentage of the Muslim population are actually terrorists?

Another scary aspect to this kind of attitude right now is what exactly is the endgame with this kind of sentiment towards what amounts to be millions and millions of people? Nothing good that's for sure.

You're kidding, right ? The so called "hate" is going to grow and grow, every time some non muslim gets the TSA hand pat (if ya know what I mean..). Every time they want to desecrate a place where good Americans died by putting a mosque on it, etc. Playing the victim card just isn't believable. " Oh look dear, those boys are picking on those poor Muslims with the swords and IED's.."

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by solid007
reply to post by Blaine91555

I can read.I can Smell.Your disgusting blain.You prove me your a Hater.

Sorry, but you clearly can not read. You have proven that.

If hating murderers and Terrorists is wrong, and separating them from real Muslims is wrong, what sane person would want to be right? I can only assume your grasp of English is not so hot.

I'll tell you what, my Muslim friend from Ethiopia and his Wife from the Sudan are next door right now. You know, real Muslims as opposed to the fake ones we are discussing here? I'll ask them if I'm a Bigot. We have been friends since they moved to the US. It's a shame you don't believe that the Terrorists exist as they do. They had to leave their homes to escape them. Perhaps Google recent articles on the Sudan for some insight? We have three thousand refuges here in Anchorage. Some of the nicest people I've ever met in fact. They don't lie though to cover up for the radicals who were slaughtering their Muslim families. Catholic Community Services brought them here to save them. You know those evil Muslim hating Christians

Since you are attacking me for pointing out that the Jihadists are not actually real Muslims and you claim you read English just fine, I can only assume you are a propagandist for radical Islam? You actually believe that the Jihadists are true Muslims and representative of all Muslims if you're disagreeing with me that is. I'm not confused here, you are reading what words you imagine to be there instead of the things I'm actually saying here. That much is obvious. I think the hate rests squarely on your shoulders here. Good luck with that. Must be miserable carrying that kind of hatred around all day.

I'm immune to your kind of hate though, so no harm done. Best wishes. You may want to read my posts again with an English dictionary at hand. You will find no hate in my posts directed at anyone other than radicals who kill in the name of God, who are not by the way, real Muslims. Worrying about millions of them existing is not hate, it's being sane.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:57 PM
I keep hearing Obama's a Muslim.

He even says it himself!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Athee
reply to post by ollncasino

I said the PEOPLE of the UAE, not the government. The government is partly Sharia yes, and therefore enforces laws like these, but that was never my point. Everyday people like you and me, that you meet on the street, do not think like that, far from it.

So lashing a Bangladeshi man 100 times for having sex with a Pilipino maid is alright then?

If the people in the UAE are so moderate, can you give me a link of the people condemning the punishment?

By the way, do you agree with the ruling by a UAE court that men are ALLOWED to beat their wives and young children (as long as they don't leave any marks)?

edit on 28-6-2011 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

Look I've really tried my best to stay out of this, but I have to point out that I read articles almost daily that detail serious human rights abuses at the hands of the US government. Old women tasered to death for yelling at police officers, innocent men put to death by the state, it just isnt done in the name of god, well sometimes it is.

I also need to point out to you that many of your thoughts about Islam and Muslims are simply incorrect, and seem to be based on nothing more than the sensationalist propaganda that people read in the papers and see on tv. I have quite a few muslim friends, a few have made the journey to Mecca and so forth and some are more strict with their practice than others, but all muslim none the less. Some of the statements youve made about muslims during the thread (based on my experience) could not be further from the truth. None would support any of the things you've claimed muslims do. As far as suicide bombings and anything terrorist related well that is just ridiculous, they were just as horrified when those two planes hit, believe me, and to suggest things like that about such a giant group of people is incredibly narrow minded and idiotic, and it's also really hurtful.

I always find that the people who say things like this about Islam and Muslims are people who have generally had no experience with Muslims themselves. I was having a chat about Islam with my mate and became quite interested, well the next time I saw him he bought me over this beautiful gold leaf copy of the Quran as a present, a really beautiful book, still sits on my shelf. I guess my point is that it's not a big deal, people shouldn't see such a divide between us and them, I mean both Christianity and Islam are basically just useful (although outdated) guides for how to treat each other, the core of both religions seems to me to be a positive thing. It is terribly unfortunate that over time some of the original message may have been distorted to serve an agenda and it's also sad that people misinterpret these texts and use them as justification for horrible acts. But that is just extremism for you, I'd love to do a poll on extremist Christians and their views on certain issues.....Anyway I guess that's my point of view, it just comes to extremism and fundamentalism...

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:33 PM
Even if it is only a few thousand people that were asked for this survey, its still concerning.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by MareBellator
reply to post by origamiandurbanism

What's even scarier is that so-called conspiracy theorists who supposedly don't fully fall for the whole msm bit and call others "sheeple" share this same anti-muslim sentiment, which all stems from the lies of the mainstream and the actions of a few terrorists.

Great point and I couldn't agree more.

I think this is the new "threat", the new "enemy" that has been created by the media and some people in power. There always seems to be one that is needed for American consumption. It's amazing to me how prophetic in some ways the book 1984 really was.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

You're kidding, right ? The so called "hate" is going to grow and grow, every time some non muslim gets the TSA hand pat (if ya know what I mean..). Every time they want to desecrate a place where good Americans died by putting a mosque on it, etc. Playing the victim card just isn't believable. " Oh look dear, those boys are picking on those poor Muslims with the swords and IED's.."

Are you being sarcastic? I honestly can't tell. IF you're being serious, then by using your logic, we can condemn any, and I mean ANY, group of people by any sort of guilt by association.

Also, blaming millions of innocent Muslims for the TSA's incompetence? Great logic there as well.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Hey Sky, you know I respect you and all, but stats can be said to prove anything.
80% of people know this.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

10 years of lubricious propaganda against anyone would decrease their favorable ratings. This isn't surprising, if people didn't know, Osama was only guilty because his speech spread a more realistic viewpoint of world order which the West including other powers were against.

US tried to silence Osama many times, US tried to kill him in Afghanistan, and also put pressure on the Taliban government to ban him from public speeches. Why was US against Osama's speeches? Because it had a lot of truth to it.

He was after all from a very powerful family in Saudi Arabia with a lot of political connections with world powers, deeply connected with US elites, including the bush family, he knew what he was talking about.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:06 AM
As a muslim and a follower of ATS forums I appreciate this posting.

I'm always open to educating people about my stance, general viewpoints and feelings when people ask.

but sometimes I feel like its necessary to say things without people actually asking.

1. Islam is not organized religion. There are no humans in charge of our religious teachings. Muslims are in charge of their own.

2. There is no such thing as moderate or extreme Islam. There is moderate and extreme Muslims. The difference between the two may not be obvious at first. But Islam as a religion, and all of Gods religions were sent for social coherence. Since the number of humans have increased over time, we believe that God sent rules to regulate social life. Thus Islam aims to give us codes of conduct. Which we are free to follow or not follow. The choice is ours. The aim is moderacy in all things. Islam inherently dislikes extreme behaviour.

3. Only the main commandments are mentioned in the Quran, the rest are pretty much left upto the religious scholars to develop rules and regulations based on the culture and time theyre living in. This allows for flexibility, which most people havent been able to recognize in 3rd world countries.

Hope that clears out a couple of things for people.


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:09 AM
First Polls can always be fixed. It depends on how the question is asked. For Example did anyone ask the Taliban what they thought? Nope didn't think so. Whoever did those polls, did they go in the streets of these nations or was it an online poll? Two words that do not belong in the same sentence. Polls and Accuracy.

Change of direction.

Yes you can yell at me if you choose after the statements I'm about to make. * Putting on my tin hat*

I believe terrorism at least in the United States has been blown up into a type of media entertainment. Terrorism has been around forever. Long before anyone on this board was born.

Just a few questions I have started asking myself lately.

If terrorist want to cripple and/or destroy the west. Why do they always go after Government buildings? Don't you think it would be more effective if you hit the heart of America. Our resources? Our money, our food, our homes, our families, our fuel?

Do terrorists have rules? I don't think they do. So why don't they attack in neighborhoods? Places that would scare everyone? Not just events, Gov Building, Subways or Airports? I would be scared out of my mind if something blow up in the neighborhood down the street. I understand the killing mass people. But to cripple a nation fear is the key. How terrified where the people of DC when the DC sniper was plucking off random people?

If they are smart enough to pull off something like 911 don't you think they are smart enough to take down pretty much anything they want?

Why are there not any type of protection from our military around our power plants, gas lines, oil tankers, gas stations, our farms, our water supplies?

Why does the Gov only seem to protect their own buildings? But not the actual people of the United States?

Why since 911 have we not been attacked again? The U.S. is a huge place. The U.S. can't keep Mexican Citizens from coming over the border. So how can we stop all Terrorist activity?

Every report of any type of Terrorist activity in the U.S. is a "suspicious package" but never pans out to be anything? Is this to keep Americans on their toes and afraid?

If Terrorism in our country is such a big deal, why doesn't it happen ever?

Why is it that all of the terrorism = more freedom killing laws, for our own protection?

Is our U.S. Gov so smart that they have been catching every single terror plot since 911? But cannot secure a border in Mexico but can stop terrorist all across America?

Why doesn't Canada have terrorists?

Why is it that every time the U.S. claims to have caught a terrorist. We never get to see transcripts, video or any pertinent information about the trial? Better yet. Why are some Terrorists killed with out a trial? *Osama bin laden, Saddam Hussien are great examples of this.

Why were we able to get video of Saddam Hussien being hanged by the neck but can't even get a picture of Bin Laden? nothing just a news report. And an awesome name. Seal Team 6.

and last but not least.

Why does the media now spell Osama Bin Laden.... Usama Bin Laden.... Barrack Hussein Obama.... Osama.?

These are thoughts I ponder. These questions have me believing that Terrorists are not as big of a threat as the Gov claims they are.But the laws they are passing are!! Thus passing the (constitution killing) Patriot act.

I believe the Gov is protecting itself from the ever growing anger of the American people. What better way to do this than to keep the fear of god in people and tell them that they are protecting us.

Is it just me or does anyone see this?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by solid007

LOL yes it is!!!. ATS is fox news. J/K.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by bftroop
First Polls can always be fixed. It depends on how the question is asked. For Example did anyone ask the Taliban what they thought? Nope didn't think so. Whoever did those polls, did they go in the streets of these nations or was it an online poll?

I can answer that one for you.....

Country: Egypt
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Arabic
Fieldwork dates: May 24 – June 11, 2009
Sample size: 1,000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Indonesia
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia
Fieldwork dates: May 29 – June 5, 2009
Sample size: 1,000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population excluding Papua and remote areas or provinces with small populations (excludes
12% of population)

Country: Israel
Sample design: Probability with Arab oversample
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Hebrew, Arabic
Fieldwork dates: May 18 – June 16, 2009
Sample size: 1,201 including an oversample of Arabs that brought the total number of Arab respondents to 527,
the sample is weighted to be representative of the general population
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Jordan
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Arabic
Fieldwork dates: May 24 – June 11, 2009
Sample size: 1,000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Lebanon
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Arabic
Fieldwork dates: May 20 – June 3, 2009
Sample size: 1,000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Nigeria
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, English, other local languages
Fieldwork dates: June 2-14, 2009
Sample size: 1,000
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Pakistan
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Sariki, Hindko, Balochi
Fieldwork dates: May 22 – June 9, 2009
Sample size: 1,254
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Disproportionately urban, excluding areas of instability particularly in the North West Frontier and
Baluchistan (the sample is 55% urban, Pakistan’s population is 33% urban). All four provinces of
Pakistan are included in sample design. Towns and villages were under-represented. Sample
covers roughly 90% of the adult population.

Country: Palestinian territories
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Arabic
Fieldwork dates: May 23 – June 11, 2009
Sample size: 1,204
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Country: Turkey
Sample design: Probability
Mode: Face-to-face adults 18 plus
Languages: Turkish, Kurdish
Fieldwork dates: May 20 – June 15, 2009
Sample size: 1,005
Margin of Error: 3%
Representative: Adult population

Two words that do not belong in the same sentence. Polls and Accuracy.


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

You don't realize that the muslim God "Allah" and the christian God are one and the same.
because Allah literally translates to God.

We say God for our deity they say Allah.

Just like we say car and they say siyara. They both mean the same.

I know this because i live in a muslim country. Dubai, UAE and i have muslim friends of which we have had heavy discussions over religion and had come to the conclusion that we are talking about the exact same thing.

As a christian i can say this is true.

Jesus is Prophet Isa, Both say he will return.
Shaitan in satan , both say he will return
Mariam is mary, both say that prophet Isa/ Jesus is her son

One of the differences between the two is that muslims say that Prophet Isa/Jesus was not crucified but god raised him up to the heavens via ascension and that in order to find salvation we must not turn to Jesus alone but all of the Prophets.

This is the truth, but seeing as Jesus is said to be the one to return, i keep my faith in christianity.

i would utter more but i dont have the time.


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy

Whats up with your pic? A little suspicious.

How so? Explain.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by operation mindcrime

So your source says that the accuracy is on the order of a few %. That is pretty accurate to me, and it is no surprise with thousand+ respondents in every country.
edit on 29/6/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

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