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PC preschool bans words 'him' and 'her'

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl
Actually upon calming down I think I realize what is going on here.

These programs are made by government officials. These government officials, like all other humans, are worried about losing their jobs (even in seemingly secure countries like Sweden). So they need to justify their positions. So they make up all this stuff that doesn't need to be textbooks and new programs and new serivices and new job titles and so it seems they are busy and needed and so their own jobs won't be threatened.

They are busybodies who are making trouble where there is no trouble, simply to justify the need for their unnecessatry (and in fact destructive) government policies.

That's what's driving all this. If the fairy-tales need to be re-written, that gives jobs for writers. If the messed-up kids who have been put through this evil program are screwed up in the head, there are a whole slew of other new jobs: Councellors and "diversity advisors" and pundets who shake their heads dolorously...this parasitic class of secular bureaucrats wants to make society sick so they can play doctor and earn a doctor's wages!

The fairy tales weren't rewritten...I was just joking about that
the male swooping in and saving the useless damsel in distress type fairy tales, as the article said, is simply its place are relevant stories stressing no particular role, family unit structure, or anything of consistancy to allow for all dynamics to be seen as pretty normal.

Same with the dolls...they are playing with anatomically correct dolls of all ethnic representations (the school did reccieve threats by racist organizations to stop using black dolls btw...classy)

What is going on here is an experiment...the philosophy is simple...lets stop telling kids what they are supposed to be, given their biological makeup, and instead, lets see what they want to be with no pressure either way.

(would be funny to see the storys rewritten though to show men useless and women warriors saving the day all the time...although I would object simply on the fact that I personally enjoy swords!)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

The only thing I personally disagree with in their methods is the wording of him and her (hen...really)...your right, there are differences between men and women biologically...


Oh that will be the day when they fix it so we are all "born" genderless.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by AverageJoe1
I'm sorry, but someone LOVING the differences? No, not unless they're an extreme misogynist or androgynist[male hater]. I'm a guy, but I don't LOVE the difference. I just accept the ones that are based on fact as they are.........sheesh.

I love the difference...
nuture or nature...thats a good discussion to have...but I personally enjoy women I date or whatever to be girly...wear dresses, see me as the fearful and mighty warlord that claimed her, etc etc etc...

its my preference...I don't see women in general as meek and damsely storybookish, however, my preference, in my home, and especially in certain rooms, is for top male, bottom female primitive roles...

I am not sure if that makes me a misogynist considering that is just one level on a complex set of interactions known as dating/mating

I don't believe it is...but that is just my belief verses objective fact.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by burntheships

Originally posted by SaturnFX

The only thing I personally disagree with in their methods is the wording of him and her (hen...really)...your right, there are differences between men and women biologically...


Oh that will be the day when they fix it so we are all "born" genderless.

Funny you should mention that.

in the future (spoken in that future voice), changing genders may be as simple as a keystroke and a quick swarm of nanoprobes.

What then...what if you can choose, on the fly, what gender you will be from day to day. I wonder then how teaching roles will be instituted...will it become less, or more pronounced...arguable either way really.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Ah yes, that brave new world.

Its a ways off, I guess "they" cant wait.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by SaturnFX

Ah yes, that brave new world.

Its a ways off, I guess "they" cant wait.

Right, its probably a hundred years off...maybe less, maybe more, depends on a number of factors.

One could speculate though, if one was the type to speculate, that this private school may have some inside info and are being given this program to see how adaptation towards this tech will go overall...maybe they are contracted by the government before the release of the already existing technology to start testing on psychological impact of role smashing or some such.

just some wild speculation.

I can't wait...not because I personally desire to try out women skin, but rather because there are plenty in the world that simply are not the proper sex their roles demand they should be. (see: sissy boy experiment for further details on that)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
What is going on here is an experiment...the philosophy is simple...lets stop telling kids what they are supposed to be, given their biological makeup, and instead, lets see what they want to be with no pressure either way.

These are not "experiments," they are kids. And their minds and souls are being corrupted.

By refusing to allow them to take on their natural roles they are putting them under a very severe type of pressure. "No pressure either way?" Wrong. The subtext is that "traditional roles are bad." Whatever lip-service is played to actual equality, the result will be "boys = bad and girls = good."

I have been criticized by my fellow females before for not accepting these kinds of politically correct doctrines that supposedly are advantageous to women. All I can say to that is I hope someday to have children, and if I had a boy I would consider this program to be a not-very-subtle form of child abuse. I wouldn't want my son to be put through that. Nor would I want my daughter growing up to think that traditional feminine things were somehow "wrong" and that the safest, easiest way to avoid trouble and please the teachers would be by becoming a butch androgyne.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by brommas
I think it is about time we all put a stop to these idiotic things they are trying to teach our children.
I mean i.m.o it is bordering on abuse, i certainly do not want my children growing up under this utter b.s

We as parents have a responsibility to our children, come on people, this is just getting plain silly.

The mind boggles, truly it does.

Not only this is mind control, it is conditioning the next generation of people to discard the traditional male and female gender roles.

This is how the globalist elite want to transform our societies - through the children - always the children.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

I can't wait...not because I personally desire to try out women skin, but rather because there are plenty in the world that simply are not the proper sex their roles demand they should be.

Ah, so there is the crux of the matter. You cant wait to see this genderless "engineering" take place?

Wow, just because there are some people who are born confused, or feel out of place with thier
given take that and decide its best to make everyone genderless....

That is insanity.
edit on 27-6-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by guessing

Simple, Swedish women want to establish outright female supremacy. They aren't called the Feminist Taliban for no reason. But in order to establish their gender apartheid state, they need to dehumanize males totally, both in actions and in words/language.

They will "try" gender neutrality for awhile much like text books in America tried gender inclusiveness in their text books. But after awhile they will get rid of it(much like what has happened in America) and just adopt a feminine stance(instead of boy/girl, they will just use "girl" alone).

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by neo96

but wait for people they go for words like him and her but the words that create true divisions in this country will never be addressed they dont fit the pary line.

you know worlds like rich and poor and black or white or hispanic no no people they go after sex.

Dude, this isn't in the US...
Seriously. check a map one day...theres a whole bunch of other countrys outside of the US...this is sweden..

now, do some research on sweden, compare it with the US, and then get back to me on which country is more screwed up

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by burntheships

Originally posted by SaturnFX

I can't wait...not because I personally desire to try out women skin, but rather because there are plenty in the world that simply are not the proper sex their roles demand they should be.

Ah, so there is the crux of the matter. You cant wait to see this genderless "engineering" take place?

Wow, just because there are some people who are born confused, or feel out of place with thier
given take that and decide its best to make everyone genderless....

That is insanity.
edit on 27-6-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given) can right now spend a ton of money and get your sex changed.
does that make you genderless at the moment?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

Wow. Are schools really marking incorrect spelling as "creative spelling"? ... That just blows my mind. I'm more upset by that than I am by the op.

I guess that's why facebook and other forms of social websites are littered with spelling errors now. Not saying I have the greatest grammar or spelling, but it's like tweens and teens don't even try to spell properly anymore. Or most adults, for that matter.

But back to the op, I don't quite know how I feel about this. In one way, I understand creating an environment that allows kids to be kids, and as another poster mentioned, skip if they want to skip, etc. But I also seriously don't remember being particularly concerned/confused/upset with my gender growing up. When I was that age, we all (boys and girls alike) just kind of played together anyway. The only thing that separated us was the occasional, "ew, girls/boys have cooties". Pretty harmless. It just doesn't feel like we need this.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Originally posted by SaturnFX
What is going on here is an experiment...the philosophy is simple...lets stop telling kids what they are supposed to be, given their biological makeup, and instead, lets see what they want to be with no pressure either way.

These are not "experiments," they are kids. And their minds and souls are being corrupted.

Kids are constantly being "experimented" on...what is the difference between an experimentation process thats been going on for a hundred years, or a new one designed to be less harmful than the previous one already employed?
their minds are being allowed to expand...and nothing can corrupt a soul beyond the willing choice of the person.

how weak is your deity anyhow...

By refusing to allow them to take on their natural roles they are putting them under a very severe type of pressure. "No pressure either way?" Wrong. The subtext is that "traditional roles are bad." Whatever lip-service is played to actual equality, the result will be "boys = bad and girls = good."

the subtext is not traditional roles are is forcing a role limits the potential.
that is your result, and that has nothing to do with this trial

I have been criticized by my fellow females before for not accepting these kinds of politically correct doctrines that supposedly are advantageous to women. All I can say to that is I hope someday to have children, and if I had a boy I would consider this program to be a not-very-subtle form of child abuse.

I want you to go google "the sissy boy experiment". you can find some short youtube videos on it,
Come back and give your analysis on what they did (hint: they were enforcing a proper gender role...guess how that turned out).

I wouldn't want my son to be put through that. Nor would I want my daughter growing up to think that traditional feminine things were somehow "wrong" and that the safest, easiest way to avoid trouble and please the teachers would be by becoming a butch androgyne.

there is nothing wrong with feminine things, there is nothing wrong also if said daughter wants to play baseball, or race a bike.
there is nothing wrong with a boy wanting to play football, or spend the day baking...thats the point...its not to say somethings wrong...its to say nothing is wrong in what you desire to do as a person.

You know, for someone whom once made a thread discussing how people over what, 40, should step aside and let the youth run things because of their fresh new ideas and certainly sound like a grumpy old much for innovative progressive youth.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

blah yeah someone does need to do some research there are idiots like that over here and its not too far off before that stupidity hits here but wait it already has.

the nerve whatever

blah its not worth it to say anything further people seem to think that ats is a oneway street the thought never occurs the thoughts of others who dont waste their time or thread space because it adds nothing to the topic.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by SaturnFX

blah yeah someone does need to do some research there are idiots like that over here and its not too far off before that stupidity hits here but wait it already has.

the nerve whatever

blah its not worth it to say anything further people seem to think that ats is a oneway street the thought never occurs the thoughts of others who dont waste their time or thread space because it adds nothing to the topic.


more like a senario actually:

Lets say this trial has outstanding success...they teach class after class, and the kids grow up,. each one appears to have a happy and successful life. They are well balanced, they feel incredibly secure in themselves, and the results overall show conclusively that their formulative years of self growth and role identification played a major part...

then the success spreads these schools all over...private schools everywhere doing the same program, all showing the same results of a new generation of secure people...

Would you then send your kids to this crazy new way of doing things, or would you subscribe to the current and old methods of doing things (that have shown the results we have today of division, anger, insecurity, etc)

Which would you choose?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by guessing

Thanks for the post, guessing.

I have a question that goes a little beyond this "delusional fairytale" they are calling a "preschool".

Just how do they suppose they will introduce these brainwashed children into the real world,
and what will happen to these children when they are introduced to real world literature,
art, and history, and God forbid, even science.

I wonder, is this "school" getting a government grant to carry on this insanity?

Your welcome.

I think by the time 'assimilation' in society is upon these children and other children in the world who will no doubt be 'involved' in this kind of brainwashing, I am sure that the rest of the worlds population will already be ' conditioned' to accept the ' new' way. For me the scariest thing is the governement is behind it, not private enterprise.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

These are not "experiments," they are kids. And their minds and souls are being corrupted.

You're not seriously suggesting that everyone in a country where there is no gender specific words like that have their kids minds and souls corrupted? Like here in Finland for example?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Same with the dolls...they are playing with anatomically correct dolls of all ethnic representations (the school did reccieve threats by racist organizations to stop using black dolls btw...classy)

you see I have no problem with this concept as it is normal for all races to be on this earth. There will of course always be racists.

The problem I have is that children should just be children, innocent and not tools or pawns. This is disgusting.

They are children for goodness sake.. let them be normal children....

edit on 27-6-2011 by guessing because: italic quotation

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Aww! Geez! It's easier on young minds to differentiate between genders. And when the person later on decides how he/she/it wishes to be labeled, then it is up to the ADULTS to handle the situation with a fair mind and open heart. Must we then remove/re-define certain "commonly used" words from the dictionary now?

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