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PC preschool bans words 'him' and 'her'

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posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by Rhebefree

Hmm...I watched all those Disney movies as a child and I never viewed the women as inferior to the men. You probably didn't either until the feminist proaganda told you that the women were depicted as inferior and completely useless. The women were actually characters that I admired greatly and saw as superb human beings. It seems to be only certain women that have a problem with the way they are.
edit on 6/26/2011 by HarmonicNights because: (no reason given)
Feminists that have a chip on their shoulder, this is how they see the world, whats wrong with that? lol

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:25 PM
this has less to do with gender identification than it has to do with gender roles.

not placing predetermined fates on the children's lives by imprinting gender roles based on outdated gender based stereotypes.
edit on 26-6-2011 by CaDreamer because: typos

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by AverageJoe1

I'm sorry, but someone LOVING the differences? No, not unless they're an extreme misogynist or androgynist

A man who likes a woman's femininity would make him a misogynist? Sounds like you got that backwards.

I've never heard the word "andogynist"...unless you mean "androgynous", which is NOT hatred of males.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by guessing

This is similiar to the situation here that I posted on (and was attacked LOL!)

Be ready for it. The "gender neutral nazi's" are easy to frenzy

btw, allow me to be the first PLEASE!


Ok. You've been inoculated.

edit on 26/6/11 by felonius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:59 PM
the indoctrination never ends and continues to get even worse.

but wait for people they go for words like him and her but the words that create true divisions in this country will never be addressed they dont fit the pary line.

you know worlds like rich and poor and black or white or hispanic no no people they go after sex.

beezers right HOME SCHOOL!!! they will get a better education that the public system will ever provide.

remember people the world has gone stupid and we are all along for the stupid ride

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by sliceNodice
Communism is taking over the world, and it is very close. Dare I say, in 15 years, if WW3 doesn't annihilate us, you will all be praising this junk. There is no him and her in a true communist society, there is no you and me, there is only us. There is only the team. That is why him and her must be abolished. Here is the scary part, you will believe yourself worthless. All dignity gone, no real life, only your part to play in the state. Life becomes a job, instead of what it should be, a free experience as an individual; you work and so you are. A cog in the machine. The commies want you to believe you have this enlightened state brewing inside of you, but really it is just smoke and mirrors.

edit on 26-6-2011 by sliceNodice because: (no reason given)

You pretty much nailed it....comrade!

hmmm. sounds strangly similiar to Ayn Rands "Anthem".

Never read it? Here it is free and legal.

very timely for some of the ATS posts.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by guessing

Originally posted by gnosticquasar
Him and her refers to a biological constant in the vast majority of cases. It has nothing to do with preconceived gender roles; it has to do with simple anatomy. Are we to become so PC that we can't even acknowledge that anymore?

Depends on what the motives are....

Control? Duh.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by neo96

or if you have the money, private schools can be very good. my family is middle-middle class (was), and they paid for my brother and i to go through a private school. we were taught a college level curriculum, and from what i've seen, lowering the standards doesn't make more people pass. putting them high up does.

"gender roles are outdated"

yeah, and so is breathing, care to stop? its hardwired into our brains, and "experimenting" like this could really mess some kids up.

do you think thousands of years ago there was a worldwide conspiracy to establish sex roles? or do you think most people naturally fit in based on how their brains are wired?

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
reply to post by neo96

or if you have the money, private schools can be very good. my family is middle-middle class (was), and they paid for my brother and i to go through a private school. we were taught a college level curriculum, and from what i've seen, lowering the standards doesn't make more people pass. putting them high up does.

"gender roles are outdated"

yeah, and so is breathing, care to stop? its hardwired into our brains, and "experimenting" like this could really mess some kids up.

do you think thousands of years ago there was a worldwide conspiracy to establish sex roles? or do you think most people naturally fit in based on how their brains are wired?

Oh no. We have to change society to make the very small percentage of those who are "different" feel good about themselves.
You know how important self esteem is nowadays.

When everyone is confused, will they make allowances for those that are STILL wired "straight"?
Doubt it.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:43 PM
This seems like overkill for the want of a non-gendered pronoun.

Seriously, many languages have a non-gendered pronoun. This over reaction is all for the want of a word to describe a single human in an non-specific way (not by name) without need to refer to gender.

Language - its so powerful, it literally defines your World. In this case, the want for a single word is making people utterly insane.

Much to many good language people's horror, the english world has been perverting the world "they" to this effect with varying results.

If everyone speaking english could just adopt a word for "a person" that didn't require a reference to your penis or vagina, everyone would be so much less stupid about it.

"It with vagina likes to read." "It with penis wants to play in the sand box." "It with vagina's t-shirt." "It with penis's baseball bat." When you really think about how we use language, and how stupid it actually sounds when you see it, well we look like freaking chimps with language.

edit on 2011/6/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Bob Sholtz

well for thousands of years men acted like men and women acted like women

today we gotta bunch of men acting like women and women acting like men.

personally i dont think "schools" can brainwash people when their roles were specially designed for the survival of the species.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Aeons

will changing one word really change that much? reducing it down to one word takes away meaning.

"i'm gonna go chill with some friends"

"i'm gonna go chill with the guys"

"i'm gonna go chill with the girls"

each sentence provides the listener with different information. i wonder what these people think of spanish, or any other love language? objects having masculine and feminine connotations?

are societies that have one word to refer to all people that much better, or utopian, or accepting? i doubt it.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

If everyone speaking english could just adopt a word for "a person" that didn't require a reference to your penis or vagina, everyone would be so much less stupid about it.

edit on 2011/6/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

So what you are saying is that people actually use other peoples names, in the way they were intended. Hello Mary, how are you today? I am fine thanks Bill. Nice day isn't it?

But that is too much common sense to actually call people by their names.

Next we will have females called Bill and males called Mary. Everyone will be bisexual.

I just thought we were called humans.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Do you agree then that giving your children names when they are born is foolish as well? I mean you obviously have a problem with referral terms that can't be used for everyone.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by guessing

PC preschool bans words 'him' and 'her'

What is the specific mental illness that makes leftists and athiests think there is no difference between men and women?

I'm sure it has a name...

These people frighten me. Deeply.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:04 AM
I will raise my little boy as a little boy, I'll raise my little girl as a little girl. Try and change my kids and I'l wreck your spinal cord. Plan n simple

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl

Originally posted by guessing

PC preschool bans words 'him' and 'her'

What is the specific mental illness that makes leftists and athiests think there is no difference between men and women?

I'm sure it has a name...

These people frighten me. Deeply.


felt like just sticking that in there?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Actually upon calming down I think I realize what is going on here.

These programs are made by government officials. These government officials, like all other humans, are worried about losing their jobs (even in seemingly secure countries like Sweden). So they need to justify their positions. So they make up all this stuff that doesn't need to be textbooks and new programs and new serivices and new job titles and so it seems they are busy and needed and so their own jobs won't be threatened.

They are busybodies who are making trouble where there is no trouble, simply to justify the need for their unnecessatry (and in fact destructive) government policies.

That's what's driving all this. If the fairy-tales need to be re-written, that gives jobs for writers. If the messed-up kids who have been put through this evil program are screwed up in the head, there are a whole slew of other new jobs: Councellors and "diversity advisors" and pundets who shake their heads dolorously...this parasitic class of secular bureaucrats wants to make society sick so they can play doctor and earn a doctor's wages!

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by guessing

Thanks for the post, guessing.

I have a question that goes a little beyond this "delusional fairytale" they are calling a "preschool".

Just how do they suppose they will introduce these brainwashed children into the real world,
and what will happen to these children when they are introduced to real world literature,
art, and history, and God forbid, even science.

I wonder, is this "school" getting a government grant to carry on this insanity?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights
This is insulting to both males and females. Suppressing human nature to such a great extent can only cause harm. There is absolutely NOTHING positive that can come from this. People are not born blank slates and there would be no purpose of having TWO sexes if they were exactly the same.

The only thing I personally disagree with in their methods is the wording of him and her (hen...really)...your right, there are differences between men and women biologically...

I understand the concept they are doing, I do not understand the removal of a biological descriptive word though, him or her is role neutral, its gender specific
I think they make the mistake in suggesting gender specific also means role specific (which is ironic considering that is exactly what they are trying to deprogram).

The rest seems fine and acceptable...they are not supressing development of roles in a child, they are allowing the child to simply find the role that suits them with no peer pressure or "oddness" about it from peers

I think the kids will turn out great personally...I see no logical reason why they wouldn't...I would bet a nickle that they will be far more secure in their personal self image, ego, and orientation than most others under a traditional role upbringing.

What part of the article, beyond the naming thing, do you find objectionable and why?

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