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Genocide, Jews, Demonic Possession and the Amalek

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posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Zamini

You like telling me theyre sufferring from a psychosis, dont you?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by luxordelphi

In your OP you mention archetypes and possession and an entity (implied evil) that persists and displays itself again and again through thousands of years. The cauldron in which this is precipitated is a mix of drugs, psychosis and Godlessness or as the archetype: anti-God. Iran is not Godless. Israel is not Godless. From a New Testament perspective, mine, the Old Testament God is harsh and exacting and the God of Islam is strict and suffocating. It doesn't make any of us wrong and certainly doesn't make any of us villians.

The governments today mixing this cauldron and "mak[ing] a place for things and things will come," (Gremlins II) are the U.S. (waterboarding and pain drug hypnosis), Russia (the Siberian gulag) and China (the Manchurian candidate.) These techniques actively create a place for the archetype of the Amalek to manifest. That is to say, our tax dollars at work.

Very interesting read. I certainly understand your point.

"Making place for things and things will come".

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by forklift

Can you please look up Sabbateanism, and Frankism, or look up the persons, Sabbatai Sevi, and Jacob Frank. It will help clarify for you two different types of individuals.

You have a racist/bigotted and completely ignorant understanding of Judaism. If you understood Judaism, you would be able to make sense of the Rothschilds ('de' just means "of" its not apart of their lastname) and other Jewish powerbrokers.

Please. Im saying please because id like you and everyone else to get a superior understanding of the dynamics of the Jewish people. The leftist, secular Jews, are regarded as heretics by religious Jews; not because they want Israel (which by definition is a belief and maxim of Judaism) but because theyve betrayed the values and morality of Judaism. Look it up. Look up what the response to the 'sabbatean heresy' of 1666 was. The Rabbis excommunicated him and all those who believed he was the messiah because he promoted an antinomianism. He basically said the new 'torah' (heb. instruction) meant the abrogation of all the commandments, which meant an allowance to engage and allow yourself to become possessed by the power of demonic, animalistic side. THOSE people you percieve as having power who are Jewish, and whom you call Zionist, are of the Sabbatean persuasion. They are a horrendous example of what values real Jews pursue..

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

If the Amalekites existed before the Judeo Christian God created Abraham, then can we assume they are not thought to be created by Abraham's God or the scriptures would read God of Abraham... and the Amalekites. It also mentions Amalek may have been taller than normal, a part of their name means "tall."

Like everything in the Bible, the idea of Amalek also has an metaphysical interpretation. The gematria (numerical value) of this word is 240, the same as the word for "doubt" - Safuk. If you analyze the narratives in the Torah, you can see how this is. Right after the Israelites escaped Egypt - Mitzrayim in Heb., which is similar to the word for 'limitations' Mitzarim - they were accosted and attacked by Amalek on their way to the holy land. Israel is a symbol for intimacy and closeness to G-d, whereas Amalek - doubt, is what prevents that.

So in the physical, historical dimension, Amalek is a spirit that possesses those who feel an antipathy towards biblical values, to the degree where they actively try to undermine the political goal of the Jews, or in earlier epochs, to eliminate the Jews. They embody a morality that to Hitler for instance, was abominable

“They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians, it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world. This world is near its end.”

Rauschning, Hitler Speaks, p. 87

“Providence has ordained that I should be the greatest liberator of humanity. I am freeing man from the restraints of an intelligence that has taken charge, from the dirty and degrading self-mortification of a false vision called conscience and morality, and from the demands of a freedom and independence which only a very few can bear.”

Rauschning, Hitler Speaks, p. 222

“The Ten Commandments have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention, it is a blemish like circumcision.”

Rauschning, Hitler Speaks, p. 220

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

a member of the Israeli Knesset indicated in 2003 that Jewish children in Israel were being taught in religious schools that Palestinians were Amalek, and that therefore total genocide was a religious obligation

I would take that with a grain of salt.

But even if it is something taught...Think about it.

Palestinians in Gaza are taught MUCH WORSE. Go to or and see for yourself what appears in their newspapers, what theyre taught on their TV shows... The Palestinians are being indoctrinated into having a psychopathic hatred of Jews, based on their own religion...they are being taught to look at Jews as the "killers of prophets", and Ape and Pigs (although the latter the Quran attributes to Christians)... It is frightening.

With this in thought, can you blame the religious Jews for teaching their students and children that the Palestinians (who have decided to adopt the name of their biblical enemies, the philistines) are Amalek? It makes total sense according to the logic of this thread. Now, would they teach in their schools that they have to be wiped out through genocide? Of course not. That is a libelous claim that any sensible religious Jew - even if he beleived it - would be intelligent enough not to teach that in his classroom. That is probably something being interpolated into the idea of teaching students that Palestinians are Amalek, because the Torah adamantly says " wiped out Amalek, do not forget".

Genocide is an evil thing, we can all agree on that. But, whats also dangerous, and evil, is having to tolerate people who want to destroy you. It becomes a situation of, its either you, or them. I would say the situation between the Palestinians and Israelis is this. The Palestinians are being pumped with religious fanaticism that teaches the Jews are to be utterrly destroyed before the 'kingdom of heaven' is established on earth. And the Jews.. what can they do but respond rationally to this problem? What else can they do. If they wont stop till theyre killed then by all logic, they have to completely wipe them out.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Although biblical history is fascinating having read through a few blogs on Amelek its quite horrifying how easily this winds up the pure hatred button. One actually wonders if any good has come from the early part of the bible when you read that hatred that is still present today - what sort of legacy is that for the world and its different peoples?

I hold the view that when the Israelites left Egypt, they were somewhat more involved in commerce than stone masonry. 'Amelek' etc it is told attacked the weak and the slower moving at their back end. This says to me they had precious little common sense or any military training. No soldier would leave their slowest and most vulnerable unprotected at the rear. I think its obvious that Yahweh (and Moses) took them to the desert and had to train them in the art of warfare and he had to galvanize them into hating a perceived enemy - Amelek. if you look at Yahweh, he was the God of War from the Canaanite Pantheon, which was discovered a few years ago. Also if you are from the Canaanite Pantheon, the land you would know is Canaan.

I also noticed a very subtle choice of different words concerning the land God decided they should all live on. Its usually accepted as the 'promised' land, but whilst reading about Amelek in the Jewish literature its referred to as the 'chosen' land, which it would be both due to Yahweh's familiarity and because it had water, huge resource even now.

Its a huge leap of faith to accept that the supernatural God could not give to his chosen people a perfect unencumbered land in the first place, especially if one accepts the claim he created the world in the first place. That is unless you go down the road of the mythical Amalek and consider it a powerful weapon used by the early priesthood to ensure that Jews stay united against a common enemy.

According to the articles under the Wiki one on Amelek there is no mention in the ancient tablets from trading areas around Babylon or the City States on any Amelek or Amelekites deals. They are missing from the lists of well know groups of people who traded in those days.

I do wonder that, because we know the Torah was constructed by Ezra and taken from earlier civilisations so consequently was never a Hebrew experience in the first place, when you read about Amalek eg the suggestion of the height of Amalek and Yahweh's pure hatred for this cruel and cowardly creature - are we possibly back so far as to the stories on the clay tablets about the Anannaki and their relationship to mankind and mankinds attempt to get away and start up on his own? The only end we appear to have to the Anannaki is that odd giants died out but the memory to never let them come back, rob our land or enslave us, runs deep and we need to keep a level of hatred ready incase they ever come back? Its just a theory who knows.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by dontreally

You like telling me theyre sufferring from a psychosis, dont you?

I don't like it, far from.

But they are.

In fact, every person who keeps himself busy with religious scriptures is, by definition, in my book(and hopefully science will back me up on this in a few years), crazy. Bat# insane. That includes you if you sincerely keep yourself occupied with learning things from the religious point of view.

Look at it this way; religious nutters had so many thousands of years to achieve what they wanted. Now that is failing, you should step aside and let those free from these repressive bonds do a little thinking. You know, without trying to defend one or the other group of nutters, much like what you are doing now.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Zamini
every person who keeps himself busy with religious scriptures is, by definition, in my book(and hopefully science will back me up on this in a few years), crazy. Bat# insane. That includes you if you

Be careful that the hatred you say you oppose is not countered with hatred of your own. Thats what happened to Stalin. He opposed hatred so much, that he became...hatred.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Be careful that the hatred you say you oppose is not countered with hatred of your own. Thats what happened to Stalin. He opposed hatred so much, that he became...hatred.

Of course. That's why I believe the reason people believe is something to be taken serious and respected. However, the organized religions that are in connection with organized crime - should not be able to tell people how to live their lives because obviously their interests are somewhere other than with the peoples beliefs. This allows them to corrupt minds.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by dontreally

Please. Im saying please because id like you and everyone else to get a superior understanding of the dynamics of the Jewish people. The leftist, secular Jews, are regarded as heretics by religious Jews; not because they want Israel (which by definition is a belief and maxim of Judaism) but because theyve betrayed the values and morality of Judaism.

Didnt the leftist/atheist Jews become so because they were traumatized by the discrimination experienced under Hitler and said "Never again will we dare claim we are the chosen ones. Lets push this equality thing from now on" or some such idea?

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 03:53 PM
Hey, Sky. Great thread. I always felt Hitler was truly taken over by evil but I never knew the other things about Stalin and Mao.

I don't care if someone laughs at me for believing the following or chalks it up to religious mumbo jumbo but I do believe antisemitism is demonic. And you simply cannot be spiritually well if you lead a genocide that kills tens of millions.

Thanks for sharing this and doing the background research. S&F, as usual.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Lynda101

Thanks for your contribution. "Exterminate all Amalek" certainly produces bad karma. However, my understanding is that most religious Jews dont see it this way. They say that they can be safe from Amalekites not by exterminating them, but by being more devoted to their Religion. Those are the ones with a more friendly attitude.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I think you forget to Mention Rothschild Family(Zionists) The main funders of Both World Wars which killed hundreds of Millions. I guess you can't read that in the Forbes magazine of Richest people in the world though.

Google Video Link

Also this link to a comment may help shed some light on the subject other than the 4 hour documentary you should watch. To learn who's really in control.

Comment on Info wars please read
edit on 7-6-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by louieprima
Also, I believe the Palestinians have their own "Amalekite" nemesis. The Israelites. And they are probably hoping that the dang real Amalekites would hurry up and get er done already.

According to tradition, there are new Amalekites in every epoch. Last epoch it was Nazi Germany. This epoch it is the Hamas/Hezbollah faction. Thats what some Jews secretly believe. Palestinians on the other hand, have their own ancient beliefs about the Jews. Thats why its not likely that the MidEast conflict will be resolved anytime soon.

Quoted for truth!!!! You nailed that one on the head. The so called Palestinians who are nothing more than Arab terrorist bread to terrorize Israel are forced to be in Israeli land because they're own Arab nations wont take them back even when they hold Jordanian, Egyptian or Lebanese passports.

The Arabs have what a million square miles of land, yet Israel a tiny nation is supposed to give them more land that rightfully belongs to the Jewish people by Divine grant from God.

This all just proves the devil is behind the whole Palestinian cause to punish Gods people, the Jews. The terrorist who attack and the nations who try to partition Israel will all get the same punishment from God. Someone needs to tell Obama to keep his hands out of this issue unless he does the right thing and tells the Arabs to go pound sand into mud huts till Muhammad saves them or we all pay from Gods Wrath.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
you simply cannot be spiritually well if you lead a genocide that kills tens of millions.

True. And by their fruits we can know what evil really is. And if we have seen its behaviours often enough, we can even predict where its going to strike next.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Lynda101

Thanks for your contribution. "Exterminate all Amalek" certainly produces bad karma. However, my understanding is that most religious Jews dont see it this way. They say that they can be safe from Amalekites not by exterminating them, but by being more devoted to their Religion. Those are the ones with a more friendly attitude.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)


I think you slightly misunderstood - or I didn't expain it well enough, I felt that the Amalek was a type of 'potent energy' initially. This force was merely the potency (or fire into their bellies) Yahweh wanted to put into the non military minded people that he was training into becoming a potent military force. Its also involved control using fear. I think yio can see this because the people did not accept Yahweh initially preferring Baal. I think this is partially why Yahweh decided to keep the people busily occupied daily following his laws. If I were to seek the Amalekites of today I would look at the Zionists whom many Jews don't identify with because of usery. No Nation is devoid of its 1%.

I am probably out of step with many on the demonic side of this thread because I believe that a small number of people are highly dangerous psychopaths. There has been a test devised for this condition I think since the 1990's created by a Dr Hare and also a wealth of work done by a Dr Newman. Basically Newman says that 1% of humans are psychopaths and it has nothing to do with their environment whatsoever.

These people have an inability to feel guilt, remorse or anxiety about their actions - tack on the use of violence and intimidation to control others to satisfy their selfish needs. You can see this in varying degrees existing in top CEO's Doctors Lawyers, Politicians and Scientists. Everyone that people say are demonically possessed - Stalin, Lenin, Mau, Hitler etc all fall into this 1% for me. I shrink from and wonder if karma with this 1% can even be applicable because I suspect they are totally unaware or unenlightened to the serious consequences of their actions - its their nature. For the rest of us (again in degrees), were we to carry out an evil act, our consciences would either kick in before or certainly afterwards regardless of whatever religious/non religious background we came from. I believe all humans except that small group are basically of generous disposition.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 06:06 PM
As a Celt I think the Jews need to remember they aren't the only ones who've been roughed up over the ages.

The Roman Empire treated the Gauls, Celts and Celtic-Britons far worse than the Jews (for the most part).
Indeed there's some who suggest the Jews and Christian's who moved to Rome (after the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD) influenced Romes conversion into Christianity. An officially 'sanctioned' Christianity that is

At least in the Middle East the 'shadow' of Rome doesn't fall as heavily as it does on 'occupied' Europe. I'd say as it stands Israel is pretty much standing independent albeit with support from the USA

The Amalek idea is an interesting one though and I've often wondered why or what the 'thing' was or is that continually hounds and harry's Jews through the ages.

What is it though that continually saw the Jews abused and harrassed from Egypt and from country to country though?
There's no smoke without fire they say, or was it a case of blind fear and anti-semitism EVERY time there was a wave of Jew killings??

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

What evidence do you have of a widespread genocidal agenda carried out by Nazi Germany? Hearsay doesn't count. I can still find you plenty of interned persons who would swear they saw them making soap with their own eyes. Didn't happen.

It's not cruel to question propaganda and the bias of written history, it's cruel not to.

Like I said, Countless Jews died during WW2, Countless Jews encountered starvation, disease, and torturous events. However, a structured genocide?....not in my opinion.

Not to mention the fact that many ethnicities died in far greater numbers, and found equal treatment during the same time period.
edit on 7-6-2011 by Tephra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Didnt the leftist/atheist Jews become so because they were traumatized by the discrimination experienced under Hitler and said "Never again will we dare claim we are the chosen ones. Lets push this equality thing from now on" or some such idea?

Thats a strange idea. No. The "left" formally began with the 1666 (and this year was by no means a coincidence. Sabbatai's father was a wealthy merchant who corresponded with British, European and Ottoman nobility. He for sure became aware of the Christian prediction that the antichrist would be born in the year 1666. Sabbatais philosophy embodied the concept of the anti-christ, seeing "christ" represents a morally conscience mentality, while the anti-christ represents the opposite) and swept over the Jewish world... From morocco to Palestine to Ukraine, to Netherlands. The entire Jewish world was shaken by this heresy. Then, about a generation later, Jacob Frank came around, and according to even Gershom Scholem (who could very well be called a neo sabbatean) he was "a degenerate". He probably said this because unlike Sabbatai, he lacked the charm, suave and depth of thought to make his antinomianism look like anything other then a gross hedonism. Jacob Frank was known to engage in massive orgies with his followers; men or women. The more corrupt, and counter-intuitive, the more of a 'tikkun' (a massive corruption of a beautiful concept) it was. Then, a few generations alter, the 'haskalah' arrived.... this was the Jewish enlightenment which occurred concomitantly with the European enlightenment. This saw the creation of "Reform Judaism" with Moses Mendelsohn as its chief architect (some even say that Moses Mendelsohn was the 'last' of the great Moses'. Moses, Moses Maimonides, and completed with Moses Mendelsohn). Moses Mendelsohn was clearly influenced by Sabbatean and Frankist thought in its philosophical/mystical dimensions. Then came the conservative movement, whos founders was known to have come from a sabbatean family (the name 'conservative' is ironic).....

So, those who think the Jews all of a sudden became secular after the holocaust really dont know a thing about Jewish history, or even the history of the Jews in Germany. The Jews of the Weimar republic were FULLY assimilated, German Jews - German, before Jews. They were nationalists who cared more about the fatherland then they did about being Jews. This was the basic train of thought of the Reform and Conservative movements in Germany.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by newcovenant

a member of the Israeli Knesset indicated in 2003 that Jewish children in Israel were being taught in religious schools that Palestinians were Amalek, and that therefore total genocide was a religious obligation

I would take that with a grain of salt.
But even if it is something taught...Think about it.
Palestinians in Gaza are taught MUCH WORSE.

A pillar of salt would be needed.

And believe me I did not know this until now.

Looking for an image of Amalek - you find clear association with a modern enemy from numerous Jewish websites, Jewish Press, Zion and Jewish theology websites. It seems to be reinforcing, stoking an ancient fear and bringing it alive for today.

This is a story from Atlantic Magazine
The Specter Of Amalek

I recently asked one of his advisers to gauge for me the depth of Mr. Netanyahu’s anxiety about Iran. His answer: “Think Amalek.”

But the story of Amalek is an unfortunate one for Netanyahu. It is unfortunate because the bulk of the literature in the Jewish scriptures points to massive Jewish over-reaction to the Amalekites - to the point of religiously commanded genocide. In fact, the existential threat in legend is from the Israelites against the Amalekites, not the other way

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