reply to post by confreak
People need to stop being so sentimental about this issues.
Humanity is slowly stepping away from it's own sins, from it's own stupidity, and while it's a still long battle ahead of us, it keeps going.
People become more aware, people love more and hate less. People demand for rights, and will take actions without thinking twice in the defense of
those oppressed.
It's actually a beautiful time to live in. We are provably under the hardest control (economic, by our wallets) that humanity has ever been, and at
the same time, mostly because of our technology, we see true demonstrations of conscience and "peace keeping" from thousands or millions of
Most western countries had a slap to their faces when the true oppressed of this world united, and against all odds, and against all atrocities,
turned down the table. In the future, it might be pointless, it might be just the same. But at least, for a period of time, people united and did what
was right, no matter what. And this came from a couple of countries that many western people consider "inferior" or "still living in the stone
However, this is not only sunshine and rainbows.
We also need to calm down, and use the information that we have available in order to make a better world for our-selfs and to our future
can't, I seriously mean it, we
can't allow emotions to be the decisive standard on justice or any other matter.
Emotions, is what got people hanged because they were "witches" in the middle ages. Emotions, got us the cruzades. Emotions, got us slavery.
Emotions got us WW1, and WW2.
Yes, emotions are a beautiful thing, but we're all better than that. We are better than the first impulse that comes to our minds. We are better than
the fear and horror that our brains input into situations.
It is heart-breaking what some people live through, or die of, in this world. It is, I've seen it first hand countless times. But gladly, that
didn't bring me down, nor didn't burry my feelings. It actually opened my eyes.
Justice, is not about punishment. It's about balance.
You are all here saying "eye for an eye", and "punishment is too soft on these pieces of garbage".
I do agree with you, on a general term. Justice is too soft, too often, on these types of crimes.
But instead of discussing how much pain we can inflict, how much suffering we should put into these people, I'll ask you to forget about all of this,
and do this thought practice:
Imagine that you are at home. Just browsing some websites, just chatting and debating or simply trolling in ATS. You're a friendly guy, you have a
GF/BF. You have a job, where you are either respected or simply a common employee.
Now imagine, that someone out there, with the wrong reasons (whatever they might be), wants to frame you. Imagine that he puts photos of naked
children on your laptop. Imagine that he actually is good enough to photoshop you into some.
You're saying "Oh, I would go to court and defend myself". Would you? The Justice system isn't perfect, and everyone knows that, for a fact. It's
composed by humans, and humans are flawed. "Beyond REASONABLE doubt" isn't a linear thing... It means just that. It means that you just have to
convince a jury.
What if you can't prove the photos aren't yours? What if, somehow, you can't prove they are photoshopped? Provably, all of you guys here standing
by this sort of "justice", would say "he is just making it up, the sh!thead! Photoshopped? give me a break!"...
Imagine, if that person would be really you. Would you like to have acid on your face, for something you didn't do? Would you like to be castrated
for something you didn't do? Would you like to say goodbye to your family before being hanged, for something
The punishment system in justice has to be a balance, between the hardest you want to inflict on those who are guilty, and the sustainable by those
who fall in the trap of justice and are INNOCENT.
Remember that before you claim death is a good justice sentence... Put yourself in the situation.
This is not a discussion about this guy being guilty or not. I'm not even adressing that. I just think people should consider those who are convicted
guilty, and are innocent.
I don't want to live in a country/world where if I'm at the wrong place and the wrong time, my head will be chopped off for something I didn't do.
Or to be dead before I can even make my defense case...
Just think about it...