posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Looks like I'm late to the party! This is a fantastic thread thank you to getready for posting.
After reading the thread I am aghast at the reading comprehension of some of the posters here! Getready did this exactly correct in my opinion and he
never even drew his weapon or threatened these folks the wild accusations are almost funny if they weren't sad.
The entire point is to illustrate how the confidence instilled by knowing you have back up allows you to both not be a victim and resolve a situation
without the use of force.
There also seemed to be quite a few who believe these people may have not had bad intentions. First off... so what? He never even so much as
threatened them, a few deliberate motions will not scare off backwoods locals especially on their home turf unless they had ulterior motives and
simply decided the pay off wasn't worth the risk.
This is understandable among the young and inexperienced of the bunch here. I am consistently amazed how many older people have been able to remain in
a sheltered middle class life without experiencing the darker side of it all. Once you've been around the block a few times you learn to recognize
through body movements and actions when you're about to be rolled. If even half the stories I've seen Getready post are real (I believe them all by
the way) he knew what these folks were about in the first few seconds.
The world is not a pleasant place all the time. If you enjoy freedom the chief of these must be the freedom and ability to protect yourself and be
confident. This freedom makes your freedom of travel without fear a reality and not being free inside your dull lifeless gated community.
I do see where there is some fear about people being allowed to carry. I am not for restricting citizen armament period. If you want an RPG I think
you should be allowed to own one. But I also think that safety, training, and responsibility should be required. An untrained kid who knows nothing
about fire arms is indeed dangerous with one. The solution is not to ban firearms but to train in their use!
I live in California so I can't carry legally, though many here do. I think it is still just a misdemeanor to carry a loaded and concealed firearm
you legally own. Plus how often do you really get the pat-down from the fuzz? If you use it to defend yourself and can show your life was in danger
you are technically not breaking California law by having the firearm you just can't say it was concealed (at least as of 5 years ago).
I personally carry a knife with a pocket catch release. I am well trained and practiced in knife fighting and defense. Back to the most important
point: If you are carrying a weapon for defense train with it! If you are not confident you can effectively use your weapon in defense leave it at
home, it will hurt more than help.
For those that don't know here is a pocket release knife