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A personal Gun story you won't see on the news!!

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by UBERxL33T
I was picturing you as your avatar in the story, lol.

LOL! Add a belly, and about 20 years on Mr. Tracy!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

S&F. Excellent thread, and point. Very astute of you in assessing the situation, and following through in the least volatile manner. Would that more scenarios like this, had logical heads in charge, as you had. Kudos to you and your wife.

Human kind has evolved to this point in history in spite of himself. Listening to our "gut" is what got us this far along in the first place. Some call it common sense, spidey sense, call it whatever you want. Without it, we'd still be swinging in trees, throwing bananas at each other. jmoho of course.


edit on 03/28/2011 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:30 PM
good stuff man. i totally agree with you. i live in new jersey and cannot carry a gun, but I carry a knife with me when necessary and have been in a few situations where knowing I have a knife in my pocket has given me the confidence to completely diffuse a situation. if only everyone were as intelligent as you.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

True, if the gun wasnt in the situation, what could have happened would probably be an entirely different story. Its sad that we share this beautiful planet with some Dark hearted people. Proud of you mate

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by traveller4

If he didn't have his gun it is my opinion that this story would have been totally different and on the news for sure.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Very nice story. Im just wondering why the lady was moving stuff in the back of the truck. It reminds me of horror movies like WRONG TURNS and THE HILLS HAVE EYES. Im glad nothing happened to you or them. Could have been a bad situation if you hadnt noticed them. Great job!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Just a heads up..

We will be discussing this thread tonite of the AboveTopSecret Live radio show (Saturday 6pm PST, 9pm EST).

You can listen "live" here on the ATS stream or on KCKN 1020AM and also WLVJ 1040AM.

And ANOTHER heads up..
It looks like we might get the post author himself to join in to share the story/experience live on air..
edit on 5/14/2011 by JohnnyAnonymous because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:05 PM
You handled it very well. It definitely sounds like they had bad intentions and it is a good thing you was there or no telling what would have happened. In Oklahoma we are allowed to carry concealed weapons but I hardly ever carry mine. I guess I should more often because you never know what situation you will find yourself in.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Ahhhh North FL / South GA. I'm familiar with that area myself. More towards the eastern part of the area. Swamps and frogs go together you know.

Anyway, just a few months back I was talking with a high school coach that lives in that area. He was telling about how things have changed since meth has came into the area hard and heavy and crime of all sorts has really gone through the roof. He himself had been a target because of his job and local fame it was thought he would "have money".

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

What if I had played a victim?
I could have attempted to just get on the bike and go, but Harleys don't always fire right up, and they likely would have gotten to me, before I got the bike started.

edit on 11-5-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-5-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

you had me at Harleys dont always fire up =) ps you should of titled this " three lil piggies mess with lil red ridding hood but find the big bad wolf." good stuff bro.

edit on 14-5-2011 by TheSR71 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:58 PM

You were wrong in what you did.
You should have let them make some stupid move of some sort, and then pulled your gun and either shot them dead or shot them wounded and called the law.
Shame on you for letting them escape to predatorize someone who does not have a gun.
reply to post by slugger9787

No he was right in what he did. If he had shot those hillfolk dead or killed one or two, their multiple relatives from the swamp would then be out gunning for him. If he had shot and killed them all, to avoid the relatives and discovery, he would have had to drag their carcasses to the swamp for the gators, dumped the truck, and all in all exhausted himself and in all likelihood been run in by the cops for highjacking those hillfolks truck. He was smarter than they were; they were afraid and left. Now he does not have to worry about being hounded by backwoods relatives in a bloodfeud.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:26 PM

I'd like to rehash the OP's origonal claim. He and his wife are separated by some distance. Not sure how that happened in the first place. Anyways, three deliverance people approached his wife. I guess they were threatening to him.

Here is where it gets crazy to me. If his situation is correct then he had the upper hand anyways. He knows he has a gun but he didn't see any guns from the three people.
reply to post by LosLobos

Los Lobos: Here is the scenario. His bike and his petite wife were the only objects on a back road near the water.
She is up by the bike, putting away the blanket. These white trash folks drive by, slow down, stop. They say
NOTHING as two men approach her. She indicates by moving behind the bike that she feels threatened. They do not pause or stop or address her but keep on approaching as someone in their truck lowers the truck gate. Add two and two. They see her, they see the bike, they decide to swipe the bike at the very least.

They were very real HER.

Up comes hubby; calm, secure, but not aggressive and claims the wife and the bike space. The woman from the
Truck seems to be going into a back seat for something (rope? weapon? a swig of moonshine? a hit of meth?). The hubby is the first to address the men; what do they do? Back off: they can see by his demeanor he has backup.
They leave.

This was an attempt on the bike and the girl too. He read it quickly and responded responsibily without bravado.
Those men did NOT address the wife to allay her obvious fear of them; they prepared the truck to haul something
by lowering the gate....obviously the bike.

He saved his wife's life and his bike and also their worthless lives too, by not freaking out, being calm and assertive.
The gun he was carrying ensured him he could stop their approach if necessary; he chose not to brandish it nor use it. So why criticize him? He's doing his job as a man.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Erno86
Op--- Besides, pulling out your 380, you could have pulled out a stock folded Sterling submachine gun with a 34 round mag, loaded with 9 mm hollowpoints out of your backpack or luggage box on your motorcycle. They have them for sale if they are still in stock. Price $10,900

I just ordered a Sterling carbine 2 semi auto with a 16.25 inch barrel in 9 mm for just those kind of situations from J&G Sales for $400. He has 70 left in stock.

But, you always could have pulled out you cellphone first, with your confrontation with the bad guy's, if you thought you and your wife, were safe enough to make a phone call at the moment.

Even if you were out of cell phone range, you could still possibly outwit the badguys, by faking a conversation with the police, or park ranger on your cellphone.

edit on 13-5-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

The OP kindly shares his story but you reply with a wise crack mockery/nonsense about "34 rnd mag 9mm hollow-point folding stock machine guns worth $10,900“... then you use a strawman rant about how he could have avoided, bluffed or scared away the bad guys by just "faking a conversation with the police".

If you think that hiding behind your cellphone to protect you and your wife, be it one of your fake little conversations or actually on the phone with the police, is somehow enough to stop those intent on completing their objective; you live one hell of a sheltered naive life friend. I just hope that someone who relies on you does not end-up hurt or raped because of your truly stunning mind set.

You keep your terror inducing cellphone; experienced people that know better and understand real world situations will opt-in for a firearm to fall back on and with it the security of always having the ability/responsibility to defend your family and self.

Thank you for posting this great story Getreadyalready, sadly this type of true life pro gun story, will always enrage closed-mind gun haters like Erno86... who rather make a mockery or digress into stawman arguments instead of attempting to intelligently comprehend their fear of firearms, no matter how logical or useful.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:50 PM
If the story is true your a very brave man. As I see it you have no other choice when it comes to protecting your family, if some weird guys approached my women I'd be getting a bit suspicious myself. As far as all the the liberal idiots are are concerned maybe they were lucky enough that they lived such a sheltered life, that they never had to experience morally reprehensible types of people and never really learnt how some people are out to take advantage of weaker people. In a situation like that I would be thinking 'It's either you or me, and it aint gonna be me', if you don't mind me asking OP were you actually prepared to end their lives?, what was going through your mind when you were weighing up your options.


posted on May, 15 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by LosLobos

Originally posted by getreadyalready

I think the whole "spidey sense" thing is why I immediately reached for the gun. I didn't pull it out, I only reminded myself where it was, flipped the safety off, and verified that I could quickly access it.

I don't know if the spidey sense thing would work in a court of law if you shot someone for nothing.

No you can't shoot somebody for"nothing" or for "stealing your stereo" in most states. people with ccw training know this.Anti-gunners do not. The Gun and its awesome ability to unleash lethal force. is used to save "life" in self defense; not wave it around with bravado. or "provoking them to react so you can shoot somebody" as was suggested somewhere above.

Every (lethal) human shooting incident is a"homicide"whether it's "murder" or not is decided in a court of law.A legal,justifiable, application of lethal force is NEVER about killing someone(i.e. the "assailant")

.Lesson#1 you shoot for one reason: " to STOP mr criminal toothless redneck rapist from KILLING ME OR MY LOVED ONE.Repeat after me:"Your honor" I shot the assailant to stop him from killing us".the fact he died of his injuries is secondary.
edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by kneverr

Originally posted by Erno86
Op--- Besides, pulling out your 380, you could have pulled out a stock folded Sterling submachine gun with a 34 round mag, loaded with 9 mm hollowpoints out of your backpack or luggage box on your motorcycle. They have them for sale if they are still in stock. Price $10,900

I just ordered a Sterling carbine 2 semi auto with a 16.25 inch barrel in 9 mm for just those kind of situations from J&G Sales for $400. He has 70 left in stock.

But, you always could have pulled out you cellphone first, with your confrontation with the bad guy's, if you thought you and your wife, were safe enough to make a phone call at the moment.

Even if you were out of cell phone range, you could still possibly outwit the badguys, by faking a conversation with the police, or park ranger on your cellphone.

edit on 13-5-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

The OP kindly shares his story but you reply with a wise crack mockery/nonsense about "34 rnd mag 9mm hollow-point folding stock machine guns worth $10,900“... then you use a strawman rant about how he could have avoided, bluffed or scared away the bad guys by just "faking a conversation with the police".

If you think that hiding behind your cellphone to protect you and your wife, be it one of your fake little conversations or actually on the phone with the police, is somehow enough to stop those intent on completing their objective; you live one hell of a sheltered naive life friend. I just hope that someone who relies on you does not end-up hurt or raped because of your truly stunning mind set.

You keep your terror inducing cellphone; experienced people that know better and understand real world situations will opt-in for a firearm to fall back on and with it the security of always having the ability/responsibility to defend your family and self.

Thank you for posting this great story Getreadyalready, sadly this type of true life pro gun story, will always enrage closed-mind gun haters like Erno86... who rather make a mockery or digress into stawman arguments instead of attempting to intelligently comprehend their fear of firearms, no matter how logical or useful.

Hey erno:

You realize; you are implying that particular bad guy is afraid of cops and can't do his dirty deed and hide the bodies before the 911operator can get a patrol car out to where ever ( in the boonies?) you may be? Whats an excellant response time in the city 5 minutes? Good luck with that. The fact remains law enforcement tactical shooting studies have proven a determined assailant with a knife "has you" inside of 21feet.Meaning:
You can recognize/evaluate and address the threat; draw and shoot the person and if determined he can still closed the distance to sink his blade into you before losing consciousness.
So calling the cops is completely useless. Yes they'll show up with rolls of pretty yellow crime scene tape and cameras and fill out nice reports decsribing your lacerated dead corpses.hope for your corpses sake billy-bob isn't into necrophilia too.You see the gun is no guarantee but it is your ONLY chance of of defense.

edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:43 AM

A big thank you from all us staffers at ATSLive for your participation in Saturdays radio program. Reading the event was one thing, but to hear you tell and explain it live was really great.

edit on 5/15/2011 by JohnnyAnonymous because: Typo Doctor called.. said to make some changes..

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:17 AM
Good thread.
originally comming from the U.K. we are brainwashed one way and I know people in the U.S. are often brainwahsed the other way depending on whitch state they live in guns are either good or guns are bad..anyhow as I have lived in more than one country including the U.S. in particualr florida..i will put in some input.
growing up in a notedly "bad and anti social" part of the UK, as a teenaged male i could not walk out of the house without either getting verbal abuse and provocation or physically beaten up .
now, bearing in mind I was not skinny or over weight and should not, on paper anyhow, have attracted all this negative attention from various other males of the same age.
the reason this was happening was due to the fact that I was not a percieved threat to this elemment and thats all it takes to be a vctim where i come from..generally i only ever hung out with one or two friends etc and not a gang.
my mother suggested I get into a gang and then i would be safe...i said I aint gonna be one of them a55holes, as then I just become as bad as them.
its against my nature to carry a weapon after having them pulled on me by scumbags, it reinforced this thing in me not to become like them as i believe most a55holes who wind up carrying weapons do so out of fear that someone will use one on them..not saying that about the OP so thats not my message at all, he is obviously a good and decent man..but most gun owners just live in fear of having one pulled on them.
growing up. I then figured out the invisible gun and invisible knife bluff as .someone else mentioned in this thread...yes, it works maybe 7 out of 10 times but some attackers are just complete phsycopaths and really dont care if you do stab them, weather you have a knife or not, but if you stab someone your gonna get locked up in the U.K., self defence or not, as the law states u cant cary a weapon even for protection and Id rather not wind up in prison with even more scumbags to defend myself against.
So you might think the only way round this cr4p is to carry a weapon, but even people who pack or know martial arts freeze and panic when the 5hi7 hits the fan, even if your in the U.S. and are allowed to carry a weapon.
Afterall you can incapacitate an attacker with your finger if you stay calm., even a sharp poke in the eye will do the job often.
Staying in control of your mind when under pressure is the best weapon of all, something everyone should train in.
i dont get into may confrontations these days...but unfortunatley they still happen but i am so used to this senario after years of emmersion that the adrenalyn doesnt even kick in anymore and i can keep a level head...then i can either choose to use force or just walk away.
If you can walk away without throwing a punch or unloading a weapon then you won anyhow.
And if your dealing with a real nutjob, he could for all you know jump you from behind or he most likley will also have a concealed weapon...isnt that what most evil phsycos are like anyhow, they make sure they abduct people etc, when most vunerable and least expect it to happen.
So going back to the OP.. these trailer trash were mentally out manouvered, but if they were crazy then they would have proceeded anyhow and pulled their own guns out.
luckily these oppertunist trash were not as crazy as you might think, bad yes, but not so crazy.
In short a gun wont work against the most dangerous predators, if its going to get you that way its going to be your fate i guess.
One time a guy, who belongs to a serious and well known criminal gang threatened me over a minor dispute...he didnt have the nerve to fight me but instead made a death threath..."someone will visit you one night, in your home, wearing a mask, and you wont be around to tell what happened to you"...i said fine, ill leave my window open...and i did leave my window open every night to send a message..not a bluff that I dont care, but i wasnt ready i was fast asleep and couldnt do fvck all if a guy comes in to slit my throat anyhow so may aswell sleep like a log... but worrying about it means they win and would cost me alot more than literal death, they cost me my life as in right now every moment, filed and wasted by stress and worry...that was many years ago and nothing happened and recently i moved anyhow but this fool who threatened me moved long, long ago anyhow...and i didnt worry about it, buy a gun or get bars on my window and burglar alarm. if some nut want to kill you, they will do, but nutjobs dont make threats, only idiots make threats, nutjobs just kill you.

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: i spot spelling mistakes..correct them and then just see a bunch more...

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:26 AM
I see a lot of responsible and smart adults in this thread, from people who undertsnad how the world works. I also see a lot of brainwashed sheeple who think that cellphones may have service in the woods, or that a cop is on every corner even in the swamps. Your safety and health is your concern so If you think somebody is going to rescue you in the nick of time you are dead wrong.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by splitlevel
Good thread.
originally comming from the U.K. we are brainwashed one way and I know people in the U.S. are often brainwahsed the other way depending on whitch state they live in guns are either good or guns are bad..anyhow as I have lived in more than one country including the U.S. in particualr florida..i will put in some input.
growing up in a notedly "bad and anti social" part of the UK, as a teenaged male i could not walk out of the house without either getting verbal abuse and provocation or physically beaten up .
now, bearing in mind I was not skinny or over weight and should not, on paper anyhow, have attracted all this negative attention from various other males of the same age.
the reason this was happening was due to the fact that I was not a percieved threat to this elemment and thats all it takes to be a vctim where i come from..generally i only ever hung out with one or two friends etc and not a gang.
my mother suggested I get into a gang and then i would be safe...i said I aint gonna be one of them a55holes, as then I just become as bad as them.
its against my nature to carry a weapon after having them pulled on me by scumbags, it reinforced this thing in me not to become like them as i believe most a55holes who wind up carrying weapons do so out of fear that someone will use one on them..not saying that about the OP so thats not my message at all, he is obviously a good and decent man..but most gun owners just live in fear of having one pulled on them.
growing up. I then figured out the invisible gun and invisible knife bluff as .someone else mentioned in this thread...yes, it works maybe 7 out of 10 times but some attackers are just complete phsycopaths and really dont care if you do stab them, weather you have a knife or not, but if you stab someone your gonna get locked up in the U.K., self defence or not, as the law states u cant cary a weapon even for protection and Id rather not wind up in prison with even more scumbags to defend myself against.
So you might think the only way round this cr4p is to carry a weapon, but even people who pack or know martial arts freeze and panic when the 5hi7 hits the fan, even if your in the U.S. and are allowed to carry a weapon.
Afterall you can incapacitate an attacker with your finger if you stay calm., even a sharp poke in the eye will do the job often.
Staying in control of your mind when under pressure is the best weapon of all, something everyone should train in.
i dont get into may confrontations these days...but unfortunatley they still happen but i am so used to this senario after years of emmersion that the adrenalyn doesnt even kick in anymore and i can keep a level head...then i can either choose to use force or just walk away.
If you can walk away without throwing a punch or unloading a weapon then you won anyhow.
And if your dealing with a real nutjob, he could for all you know jump you from behind or he most likley will also have a concealed weapon...isnt that what most evil phsycos are like anyhow, they make sure they abduct people etc, when most vunerable and least expect it to happen.
So going back to the OP.. these trailer trash were mentally out manouvered, but if they were crazy then they would have proceeded anyhow and pulled their own guns out.
luckily these oppertunist trash were not as crazy as you might think, bad yes, but not so crazy.
In short a gun wont work against

Pretty good post
; just taking issue with this one point. The gun works as a final option because:

IF the "perceived confidence" from a concealed but ready weapon doesn't diffuse the entire incident( BIGGEST WIN; the best possible outcome);
OR actually displaying the weapon with the implied threat to use it doesn't work( 2ndplacebutstill a positive outcome if it diffuses things).
AND THINGS GET COMPLETELY ( how do you brits put it?) "PEAR SHAPED"!

And you are unfortunately forced to follow through .By shooting into the "t zone"( the "t" shaped soft target area formed by the human: nose/soft palate and eye sockets) at close range with a suitable caliber weapon:

The projectile can physically,mechanically separate the voluntary nervous system ( spinal cord) from the brain. The assailant loses the ability to voluntarily move his muscles. And drops like a sack of potatos.

Pure biomechanics.
( big LOSS for him; you are still alive "WIN") albeit to face hours of courtroom scrutiny and Monday morning quarter-backing by a jury of clueless cellphone waving nincompoops.

Yeah it's a gruesome nasty thought; and a heavy responsibility not taken seriously by the "you shoulda' provoked them then shot them".clueless movie world/video game kids.
This is not the movies.
somebody dies in your living room at 2a.m:

Once the adrenalin rolls off abit you will be overcome by the sight and smell of blood mixed with the contents emptying of the deceased bladder and bowels. you will be arrested, tried by a jury of the above nincompoops. and weapons removed from the house.Your life changes forever; but you are still alive. He's not. overall a (high--priced)"win".

Originally posted by splitlevel

the most dangerous predators, if its going to get you that way its going to be your fate i guess.
One time a guy, who belongs to a serious and well known criminal gang threatened me over a minor dispute...he didnt have the nerve to fight me but instead made a death threath..."someone will visit you one night, in your home, wearing a mask, and you wont be around to tell what happened to you"...i said fine, ill leave my window open...and i did leave my window open every night to send a message..not a bluff that I dont care as I an ready, i was fast asleep and couldnt do fvck all if a guy comes in to slit my throat but worrying about it means they win and cost me alot more than literal death, they cost me my life as in right now every moment, filed and wasted by stress and worry...that was a few years ago and nothing happened and recently i moved anyhow but this fool who threatened me moved long ago anyhow...and i didnt worry about it, buy a gun or get bars on my window and burglar alarm. if some nut want to kill you, they will do, but nutjobs dont make threats, only idiots make threats, nutjobs just kill you.

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by splitlevel because: i spot spelling mistakes..correct them and then just see a bunch more...

edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: spelling errors....

edit on 15-5-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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