posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 10:01 PM
I've read through several pages of responses and would definitely support SedonaMystic's advice. I've also read your post several times, and some
of the follow-ups, not sure I got them all.
As conditions have not gone away, it would be useful to maintain an active diary of what you are observing with your son. Note times of day,
environmental issues (lighting, weather), activities, etc. The more detail the better. This is relevant whether it is is medically related or not.
An ongoing record is the #1 tool that can help with that, whether rooted in a medical condition or not. This is the #1 most important thing to help
establish trends, and to help you be more aware of things that might otherwise go unnoticed.
As you are asking for input from someone with experience on the occult side of things, I'll offer what I can based upon what you've related so far.
From your posts:
1. You've been to several doctors, have tried to factor in all possibilities to reach a root cause without result so far...
2. Your son's father (and his mother) had involvement in the occult at some point -- does have the potential to be passed along "genetically".
3. You've stated that your son is exceptionally sensitive - and that is important in several contexts.
4. You've related that he's seeing things (lights, shadow, etc.), on occasion talking to things.
5. You've sensed an "aura" about him - which I would interpret as a superimposed change of facial features and possibly color of skin.
There's more, but we can go with this. If the doctor's aren't finding anything, there's some basis to question the other side of the equation.
I've studied, trained in and practiced the occult for about 25 years. I've kept a journal of oddities for most of that period. I would say I'm
retired now, but some things just don't go away. Some will call me crazy, other's satanic, don't much care. I've got a pretty good sense of
humor while also taking it seriously. One of my primary interests was and to some extent still is the "classification of discarnate entities", but
not exorcisms or possessions, per se.
Based upon what you have related, but without a record, my recommendation on the "psychic" side of the equation is to stick with things that might
help while causing no harm (1 - 5). #6 and 7 are more touchy
As you prefer ---
1. When you see the aura, **mentally** (not verbally) talk to it in a commanding tone that it is not welcome in your home or near your child, that it
has no permission to be in or near your home or child, that it would do well to leave - while envisioning yourself as a sword of bright light. Add
any prayer or commands from the Bible as you see fit to which you feel strongly and personally attached. Emphasis is you are talking to it, you are
not allowing it to talk back... mentally or in any other way.
I'm not certain that things come back three fold if you are not successful in personally persuading/forcing an entity to leave. I've not
experienced this - though there have been things I have not been able to banish; they have not manifested any stronger than before. Will note more
below. If you feel that you are not strong enough - well, you are both right and wrong - you are strong enough until you believe that you are not.
In that case, you can either prove to yourself that you are strong enough or start with #5 - in requesting the aid of something you honestly believe
is strong enough. Then ... you will be strong enough, even though you already were - for this specific situation.
2. Establish a basic routine for you and your son to go through each night - whether a prayer, uplifting bedtime story, or just talking about his
likes, dislikes and what he thinks about something. Again keep your record for anything odd that may come up. Might ask the same questions a few
nights later to see if it changes. Also, consideration may be given to when you sense the "aura" to try to create a totally different positive
setting, "I was thinking about what we talked about the other night, about how you said you liked.... can you tell me more about what you like about
it?" See if there's an unusual variation to his response.
3. It can help to have a nightlight in the room - again noting whether this has a positive or negative effect. Electricity makes it more difficult
for something to manifest from the astral. There is good basis for children wanting the lights on at night. For some adults, too.
4. Fashion a gift for your son - something he likes - maybe a superhero action figure... teddy bears back in my day, something to take on the role of
a psychic ward/guardian. Won't hurt if you can get it blessed by a priest. Put some of your own mental energy into it - light, life, love and
liberty - and a bit protection too.
5. Prior to sleep, concentrate on reaching out to a religious/spiritual figure you believe in - Christ, an Angel, etc. to help remove the presence
from your child and home. Ask directly for help and protection. Whether you can consciously astral travel or not, your mind/spirit will act upon the
instructions you give it and given the leeway to do so, can be extraordinarily effective. If you pray, this should be done in addition to prayer.
6. Examine if there is anything meaningful to your son that was at some point meaningful to his father. If so, remove them (all) from your
household if at all possible (i.e. possible to have connection to his father's previous practices?). See if this helps or worsens matters. It could
do either, but for completely different reasons. If the child is attached to an item that does not worsen things, no harm in letting him keep it...
just a matter of isolating whether there is a specific item involved. Otherwise, just keeping something from your son that belonged to his father at
some point that he cares about can generate a negative result independent from anything else.
7. A lot more touchy, but talking with your son about what he is seeing and feeling can be useful. This depends heavily upon your own state of mind
though and whether or not you desire to validate or invalidate what he is/might be experiencing. That is not easy and either way comes with the
strongest of caveats especially to not be angry with him, but simply to listen and assess... I think probably from a very neutral perspective. This
can get into belief systems which do not always allow for acknowledging things like this. The main point, from my perspective is that it gets you
away from guessing about what he is seeing to getting his first hand account... which ties directly into the journal.
As you noted that your son is very sensitive - picks up on other's emotions, this is probably not going to be easy for either of you - perhaps ever.
It may take him a while to understand the difference between his own feelings and what others are feeling. Invalidating his feelings, even if they
are someone else's - is, imo, the court of last resort. If he is overwhelmed as an empath, it will be up to you to help him sort things through and
to understand why he feels what he feels even though there is no "rational" explanation for it. If you go by the Bible, I believe in Romans and I
Corinthians there are lists of "gifts of the spirit", and some others scattered about. Being an empath lends itself to a mercy that others might
find difficult to give.
Even the Chief Exorcist of the Roman Catholic Church has noted that it can take him many attempts to exorcise a possessed person.... presuming he is
exorcising a possessed person. Even to the extent of my own involvement, I'm pretty skeptical about many (not all) possessions. I've had some
experience but I see obsessions much more frequently resulting in changes in personality, extreme irritability, etc.
The vast majority of entities that would attempt a possession or attachment to a person are generally of a pretty weak nature. No harm in calling
them demons - which even by Christian/Biblical/even Judaic/Kabalistic references are weak... until they have a name AND demonstrate characteristics
corresponding to that name. That spirits lie frequently asserts they've had a past life as a politician...
The uncertainty for you and your son's situation I can imagine is nervewracking. Keeping a record of your observations is the #1 thing I'd
recommend. It may be a medical issue, it might be psychological, but as you've stated - you want the perspective of someone on the occult side. So,
there's some basic things to try that should not cause any harm - and a couple things to consider. If it is an entity, I think it is within your
ability to deal with simply by virtue that your son has been able to resist it a good portion of the time on his own.
I can understand your reluctance to attempt anything on your own, but that does not diminish your ability to seek help from things you believe in.
I'm not a prayer and candles-type of person in the least, if you "earnestly" ask for help it will come - maybe not in the form you expect but it
will come. There'll be plenty of people to ridicule this... which is cool. The one thing I've learned if nothing else is that Ignorance really is
Bliss. The ability to see things in one way simplifies our options. Once options are introduced, it becomes more difficult to make a decision in the
absence of someone to tell us what to think and do.
Finally, one last word is to strive to be as happy as you can be in all that you do. Things can always be worse. In Iraq, I remember our bathroom
trailer getting hit by a mortarshell. We were all pretty darned happy they didn't hit our babywipes. That is to say, that the more you are able to
laugh and be happy demonstrates directly that whatever this thing is, it does not have power over you.
That's my book for the night.