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Opinions needed about demonic forces regarding my son who is only 7.

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Hey ampar84 -

Let me first begin by saying I am an ordained clergyman in an Independent Catholic jurisdiction. After reading over your situation it seems a medical problem is a more likely cause for the situation you're faced with rather than a spiritual one.

Do not fast for several days, or jump off the religious deep end in any other fashion. That could only make the situation worse whether it's a spiritual or medical problem.

You need to take your son to medical professionals and build a case history. Keep a journal outlining each episode as it presents itself, and try not to exaggerate but rather be specific. I know it's difficult to emotionally detach yourself when it's your own child suffering before your eyes - but it's very important to try and stay subjective.

And whatever you do - DO NOT get religious or spiritual with the medical professionals for any reason. Depending on how far down the religious rabbit-hole you go - they could actually take your child away from you.

As you seek medical assistance keep your local clergy-person in the loop. If your local clergy-person is unwilling to assist for any reason email me privately and I will get you hooked up with a clergy-person who's experienced with the paranormal to walk down this road with you. [email protected]

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Physical locations can hold energy. Our land is haunted. We bought our house from our sister in law because she felt so uncomfortable, afraid and "like someone is watching" her. She didn't want her baby to live here. There is an energy to some of the property, that if you were not used to it, will give you the creeps. Have a priest bless your home, your son's room, his toys or anything else you can think of.

What you described with your husband is why I said look into generational curses and/or physical disorders. I wasn't trying to change your religion. Sometimes you have to go to other sources for information to get a big picture.

I've seen the artwork at the airport, as well as the sculpture of the horse. Did you know the horse actually killed its artist? It fell on the sculptor while he was finishing it. They had an article about it on, but I lost the link. Here's a link to theories about the airport itself.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:28 PM
I didn't read the whole thread, so I don't know if this has been suggested yet, but since you and your son are Christian, the most effective thing would be to tell him to ask Jesus for help anytime he feels unsafe. I would get him a necklace to wear with Jesus on it, and also a Jesus night light so when he wakes up from a nightmare or something, it will be the first thing he sees.

Don't tell him anything about demons, except that they can't hurt you unless you let them, and that the dark things are much less powerful than Jesus. He needs to know that his faith can protect him, this is the most powerful tool you have. If he knows you think he has demons around him, and gets the idea that demons are very powerful, that would be very bad for him.

Some children/people are just way more sensitive to bad energies that are given off by people. Sometimes it is residue left on old objects or old places. Sometimes it comes from the people who live or work nearby. If that is what's going on with your son, get a big piece of obsidian and place it in the room where he spends the most time. If you set it in the sun, it will get cleansed every time the sunlight hits it. You can also plant rue outdoors, but be careful because some people are sensitive to it.

This is just a suggestion, but I would also take a good look at who has access to your son when you are not around. Who is alone with him. Because it could be a real life situation stressing him beyond what he can handle.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by ampar84

i believe it a demonic possession, in our culture if someone been posses by a demon, either by contract with the demon or not, it still can be pass on to the generation, but thank god if have a cure but not very easy, only the one with more experience can handle exorcism, i had seen many cases of demonic possession in my life, your case is similar to what i experience

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Honestly I dont think you should be so frantically concerned, I know this is your son but getting paraoid will not help.

Migraines are common and the direct cause of them can be so elusive that no one may ever figure out what causes ones specific migraine.

I myself suffer a migraine at least once a week. My sister experienced migraines since she was 4 (given we found out she is allergic to fluoride).

I have read countless stories from people that suffer migraines who go to all sorts of doctors. And all of them simply shrug and say "I dont know".

The trigger of a migraine can happen from something simple as a bright flash of light, a loud sound, diet. Or be more complicated like cancer or an auto immune disease (which may or may not be detectable).

So I guess my point is dont be so frantic, you seem very religious so if prayer helps you calm down then do it, and just keep an eye out for any new unusual symptoms so you can report them to your Doctor.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Always remember Peace, Love, Tolerance, and Compassion.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Okay, I just read what you wrote about where you live. I want to reiterate that you should be very careful who has access to your kid when you are not present. I don't care if they are a close family friend or a priest. No one is above suspicion.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ampar84

i read your thread and it was very interesting, before you take everyones advice with all these crazy ideas i would suggest bringing him to a Christian church to the pastor (not catholic). whatever he has can be taken away! people in the bible got possessed many times and the only way to counter act that is to bring him to church to get help, once the demon is cast out or away from him it says that that demon goes and gets 7 deadlier demons and if they come back and he isn't a Christian (has jesus in his heart) then he will be off in a worse state then the first! I know it may sound crazy to you but this is the easiest and most effective route, i hope you take my advice! and ill be praying for you guys! good luck and god bless

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by SedonaMystic
reply to post by ampar84

Hey ampar84 -

Let me first begin by saying I am an ordained clergyman in an Independent Catholic jurisdiction. After reading over your situation it seems a medical problem is a more likely cause for the situation you're faced with rather than a spiritual one.

Do not fast for several days, or jump off the religious deep end in any other fashion. That could only make the situation worse whether it's a spiritual or medical problem.

You need to take your son to medical professionals and build a case history. Keep a journal outlining each episode as it presents itself, and try not to exaggerate but rather be specific. I know it's difficult to emotionally detach yourself when it's your own child suffering before your eyes - but it's very important to try and stay subjective.

And whatever you do - DO NOT get religious or spiritual with the medical professionals for any reason. Depending on how far down the religious rabbit-hole you go - they could actually take your child away from you.

As you seek medical assistance keep your local clergy-person in the loop. If your local clergy-person is unwilling to assist for any reason email me privately and I will get you hooked up with a clergy-person who's experienced with the paranormal to walk down this road with you. [email protected]

This by far is very valuable information. Its nice to know churches and their clergymen still believe that faith doesn't cure all.
And you are so correct when you speak of keeping religious beliefs a bit more personal. Not to say its right for doctors to judge a person, or what's happening to their son is related to religion. But, as we have all seen, when religion goes the route of pure fundamentalism its starts to get a bit scary.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Okay, I took the time to read through the whole thread to see what everyone was saying, and to get what background information you have provided.

Much helpful advice is here, although some ideas might be more troublesome than others. I would not entirely discount a spiritual component.

You mentioned that much of this started when you moved to Colorado, specificaly to the Denver area. From what I recall about the area, the altitude is somewhat above sea level ("mile high city"). Someone with migraines will not necesarily have any findings on medical tests. Much is by getting a good description of the symptoms and the situation, so more focus might be on treatment.

You already mentioned about making sure that your son is well-hydrated. That is good, but living at a higher elevation can effect the body in ways that might cause problems similar to being dehydrated - especially if dehydration is a trigger for his migraines. At your altitude, there is a slightly lower percentage of oxygen in the ambient air. The body responds to this lowered atmospheric oxygen physiologically by producing more red blood cells to increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood in compensation. Now this increased amount of red blood cells makes the blood, in a sense, "thicker", as it would seem when the body is dehydrated.

If this is the case, you might try taking him on an extended vacation (like a month) to a place closer to sea level to see if it makes any difference. Hopefully this could be done, if financially feasable, when he is out of school for the summer (maybe even a summer camp near the ocean?). You could confer with a physician who is familiar with altitude sickness as another opinion to see what they think of such a suggestion.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by PhillyisBoss
reply to post by ampar84

i read your thread and it was very interesting, before you take everyones advice with all these crazy ideas i would suggest bringing him to a Christian church to the pastor (not catholic). whatever he has can be taken away! people in the bible got possessed many times and the only way to counter act that is to bring him to church to get help, once the demon is cast out or away from him it says that that demon goes and gets 7 deadlier demons and if they come back and he isn't a Christian (has jesus in his heart) then he will be off in a worse state then the first! I know it may sound crazy to you but this is the easiest and most effective route, i hope you take my advice! and ill be praying for you guys! good luck and god bless

Whats wrong with Catholic? Nothing. Its her religion, don't ask her to change it. That is rude and not helpful in the least.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by AmethystSD

Thank you for your insight. He is very sensitive to energies. I use to be but had to ignore all of it because it was just too much. But from Day 1, I have noticed it. He picks up on moods. There is no fooling this kid when you are upset, anxious, etc. He is a very compassionate and empathetic child. Which is great! But I think it's too much for him to handle sometimes.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by ampar84

If hes hearing voices have him taken to a church and talk to a preacher tell them whats goin on they will know what to do

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by topherman420

Thank you for your info. And I have not brought up anything religious to the doctors. I keep things in my life very separated. I am not ill-educated when it comes to how things and people and systems work.
But really, over 4 years he has had every test imaginable done. Pediatric specialists, endocrinologists, neurologists, and so on. This is why I brought up the paranormal aspect of everything.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Bingo. I get Migraines myself, both the standard ones with vomiting, vision affected, speech affected. numbness down the entire left hand side of my body, all of it. AND I also get whats known as "Silent" Migraines, which is ones without any pain, and only some of the symptoms.

Had one so bad, was hospitalised for it, and several Neurosurgeons thought I had a brain tumour. Did all the testing just like you have gone through OP, and was eventually told by one of the leading Neurosurgeons in Sydney that I had whats known as "Pubescent Migraines". Some people get them worse when they are going through puberty. So maybe ask one of the Doctors/Neurosurgeons to look into that.

And now I have found out I have Bipolar as well, doesn't help. Have read that some people who have Depression/Bipolar are affected by Migraines worse than other people. So that could factor into the equation.

Edit to Add - Also, certain type of lighting will trigger Silent Migraines for me as well. Mainly it's the Flourescent Lighting they have in Shopping centres/Malls etc. So now whenever I go into them, I wear sunglasses, and I am fine. So maybe have the Doctors have a look at that as well, because the same thing happens with my mum, who gets Migraines too.
edit on 28-4-2011 by TerribleTeam2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:14 PM
Hey OP,

I believe that demons are real. What they are, remains to be determined, but I don't think it matters very much.

1) Being Catholic will not "necessarily" help you, or give you any advantage over these kind of spiritual attacks. You have to be a believer in Jesus Christ, He has to be your Lord. There is a huge difference between being religious and having the Spirit of God living inside you (as is the case for "born-again" believers in Jesus).

I do not presume to know where you stand with God. Please do not be offended by my saying this. I don't know where you stand, so I want to be as safe as possible. There are plenty of protestants who are religious, members of a church, etc. but are not in relationship with Jesus Christ. So, again I say, religion is not what you need here - Jesus is what you need in this situation.

Please take the time to read the story of the Sons of Sceva in the Bible in Acts 19:11-17 (even if you are already familiar with it, please read it again - this is serious!)

2. Decide whether or not this something you want to tackle on your own. There is nothing wrong with seeking help from other strong believers who have more experience in regard to deliverance from evil spirits.

3. If you decide that you want to pursue this on your own please pray about it - long, and hard. Jesus has authority over everything; as a believer, you also have this authority in His name. However, the seriousness of this endeavor cannot be overstated. If you haven't ever performed deliverance on someone before you may find yourself face to face with a demon. This is not a problem in and of itself, because Jesus has given you His authority. However, if you freak out, or let that demon in by saying something you should not, then you have a real problem on your hands. You need someone with a level head. If you feel that you can do this, go ahead. Jesus is with you. Otherwise, please find a professional minister of deliverance.

A side note on deliverance ministers: I understand that you are catholic. The catholic church has excorcists; however, they don't use them a whole lot, and there is a pretty good reason for that. Basically, until a person is exhibiting EXTREME signs of deep posession the catholic church won't touch the issue. They don't want to wreck their credibility, or tarnish the name of Christ. I respect them for this. However, it can be a problem when confronted with a "smaller occurence" of demonic activity. After all, cancer is cancer no matter how small, right? In the same way, any demonic activity is NEVER good.

Now, on the other hand, a protestant deliverance minister is much more free to administer deliverance even in the "small" issues, because he is not tied to a huge worldwide "denomination". I highly recommend pursuing this route if the catholic church will not take your case, or if that process seems too tedious and exasperating.

4. To understand deliverance on your own, as a believer, please read the book, "Pigs in the Parlor". This book is awesome, and very honest about these type of situations.

May God bless you, and help you in this.

edit on 28-4-2011 by DarkATi because: Clarification

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ampar84

First I want to say that my thoughts and Prayers go out to you! It does sound possibly demonic and if you don't feel strong enough to fight it, then you can't fight it, thats all about intention. It really makes me mad that your priest would treat you like that! you can't ask people to believe in God and then pretend that there is no spirit world! And the Vatican has been teaching exorcist classes again now for about 2 years, so your priest isn't even following his own churches values. You should get a new priest because he should have at least talked to you, but anyway. There are many good priests that WILL help you and look into your case for you, Theres a priest named Father Bob that does blessings and he can help you determine if it's a demonic issue. You should be able to find him online, but you really need a good exorcist to look into the whole thing. But that can be tricky because there are a lot of charlatins out there too. A good priest usually won't ask for money. Thats a good rule of thumb.This might sound like a weird idea but you could contact the people from the show "Paranormal State" they have handled a lot of cases like this and if they can't help you, they will know who can. I hope this helps and I will send Gods love to you and your family. Much Love Pauline

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by ampar84

This is probably not so helpful, but I hear that people under the influence of demons HATE the smell of frankincense... worth a try.

I found this out because I am a pretty advanced energy healer and after doing some successful healing on a woman once she asked me to lead a prayer together. I'm not Christian so respectfully declined (but offered a moment of silence for us to do our own thing). Next thing I knew she's lighting this "incense" and waving it all around me asking sorta frantically "do you like this!?? what do you think of this smell!!? Bad!!??" .... sheesh... it smelled fine (lucky for me!)

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:30 PM
You know what, I take everything back that I said. Because after reading the last couple of posts after mine, it HAS to be demons. I mean, what else could it be??? It couldn't be anything medical! Sorry to say it OP, but your son is going to Hell. The demons are preparing him to become a Hellspawn. That's the only possibility it could be.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:40 PM
My theory is that you have a pathogenic problem. Likely it is a fungal pathogen which are easily spread and manifest differently in people of different physiology and genetic predispositions.

Migraines and Fungal infection:

Fungal infection and Mental Health issues:

It fits the pattern perfectly.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by ampar84

You haven't indicated any signs in what you've shared to indicate your child is possessed, but he may be a victim of oppression, which can take the form of mystery illnesses. Occult practices in the family are a common source of demonic oppression or infestation (poltergeist). If these activities were in your family's past, you may need to "heal your family tree" to purge the generational manifestations. There are deliverance ministries that can help with that. But if it's still on-going, try your best to get it to end! But you'll also need to build a good defense. Bless your home with holy water - preferably by a priest, but you can always do it yourself. Bless your son every day. And prayer and fasting - of course! Read the Acts of the Apostles - you'll see that prayer and fasting were part of the apostles ministry. Look up Catholic spiritual warfare prayers to protect your family and pray faithfully and full-of-faith every day specifically for your son's health.

I recommend Fr. Gabriele Amorth's book "An Exorcist Tells His Story" to get a better understanding of how oppression works, written by a man who's been fighting the good fight in the trenches for many years.

For the non-spiritual causes, the effects of the elevation change from your location sounds like a good recommendation to check out as well.

God bless!

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