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Opinions needed about demonic forces regarding my son who is only 7.

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posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
This sounds pretty similar to what I experienced when I was young, and no it wasn't a demonic possession it was my parents being wack jobs. My mom was outta this world mental and needed anti-psychotics and my dad was just never home. When moved to 3 different countries in 4 years, got picked on daily, mother insulted me and treated me like crap daily, I was stressed out of this world. I had massive headaches and stomach pains etc... Went to the doctors like your son, MRI's, CT Scan's etc... the works and in the end it was simply stress. The doctors just didn't want to believe that a 8 year old could be that stressed out. So my advice is chill out, tell your husband to chill out and support your kid, rather than treating him like a possessed demon.


posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
Derek Prince: Breaking Curses. Get rid of cursed objects in your possession. Oija Boards, Tarot Cards, jade idols from Mexico or whereever. Breaking Curses: We can break curses over our lives because Christ became a curse for us. Find the verse in the Bible that says that. Sometimes curses are placed on us by witches, satanists, or whatever. Have your priest come to your house and pray a blessing on it with Holy Water.
Prayer and fasting is good. Ask God what is the ground of the curse. If it is coming intergenerationally, then it is often a familiar spirit, through the blood line; break curses over your blood line.
Do you have regular personal prayer. If not, it is very much time to have personal prayer time. Do you receive regular communion; if not, it is time to get in the habit. Do you make confession; if not, it is time to make confession with the intention of finding repentance and not just getting out of hot water.

Deliverance and breaking curses has been very useful and practical part of my walk with the Lord. But if you are being brought into a crash course, ask God to lead you to some people who have experience, and also show personal maturity.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by ampar84

The following is only my opinion..

Sorry to hear about your situation and know it can be a very trying time for your family. If you are dealing with the demonic I suggest you go to your diocese for help. Don't worry a priest will not think you are crazy and will help with the course of action to take. First before and type of deliverance can be performed the priest will require your son have a full battery of psychological tests be performed to rule out illness. After that he will guide you in the correct action to take. I will pray for you and your family.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:51 PM
Lady, you need to spank your son, and don't let him have a trophy if he loses in T-Ball.

posted on Apr, 28 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ampar84

This is my first ATS post, so if I mess something up - please be kind. May I suggest a trip away from Denver. Make it a spiritual get-away. This will help answer many questions you may have. First, if it's something in the air or if your house is the problem, putting distance between you and the house may fix it. If it's a problem for God, you'll find no better place to connect with him than the mountains of Colorado. If he still has the migraines, at least you know it's not smog or ancient burial infringement. Anyway, thats my suggestion. I'm not a doctor or a priest... Just a Joe.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by ampar84

migraines can effect your vision and cause you to see lights, auras and other crazy things. i've recently been having some eye issues and have been looking into what they might be - and have read about that common occurrence.

i don't doubt what you're saying - just trying to help.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:11 AM
Don't listen to people who blame everything on the parents. As a parent, I know what the job entails, and there are no crash courses for how to be a good parent(although liberals today have plenty of pc advice) and Big Pharma wants your kids on ritalin, adderall, or any other number of medications which give big profits-which is why I gave the link to the Pfeiffer Institute which has a more wholistic approach to ADHD and schizophrenia and depression. Every individual soul has to deal with the karma of its past. The individual pyschology of the soul has to be resolved but there is not going to be any one way to do it. Wholistic approaches should take into account individual genetic tendencies, personal psychology, and/or any other relevant issues. I liked reading Thomas Moore's book "Care of The Soul" because he understands the soul on an individual basis, that we all have a personal psychology that is different, and some conditions are just manifestations of our individuality. Society wants us all to fit into it's norm, and when we don't they slap labels on us.
I think, OP, that you do not want the labels, but you want ideas. You want to transcend the typical stuff. Like so many others who embark on a spiritual path, we need to know what it is we are missing. Even being Catholic, something is missing and you feel it. Atheists think they are happy eliminating God from their lives. I think they are not as happy and fulfilled as they pretend. Otherwise why do we see them in this forum criticising and ridiculing those of us who Love God?
I like the path of Paramahansa Yogananda because he embodied the love of God. He was pure love and brought the magnificent teaching of yoga to the West.
Today we have the mindset of Big Pharma that one can either control all manifestations with a pill and some psyche sessions, or one cannot have any healing. Another problem I see in society today, is that we have lost our deep connection to the soul and ignore it, and anything less than the norm tends to be condemned. The eugenics/depopulation agenda is particularly pernicious because the eugenicists feel that only the normal healthy perfect and smart people should be allowed to exist on this planet. Every one else to them is a useless eater. This is fallacy to the umpteenth degree.
Every soul born has a God-given right to be here. We do have certain norms that have to be addressed legally, like murder and stealing are against most societal norms. Abortion itself is murder of God in the womb. There will be consequences. The eugenecists and de-populationists want to convince everyone that their agenda is consideration for the planet, but this planet is here for us to evolve on.
Those who promote the Nanny State believe that we do not have the soul facilities to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and therefore require the State to take care of us. And yet, they have provided the very things which have ruined that ability with all the rules and regulations and taxes and more taxes and the Police State. The Police State is necessary to control the populace so they stay within the bounds of the Totalitarian prison. The Police State and the Nanny State go hand in hand.
Pray without ceasing, love God, and continue the search for answers.
edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:17 AM
If they have not harmed you in anyway then there is nothing to be scared of. 90% of the time if you sit down with your whole family and ask the entity to leave, they will. If your dealing with a poltergeist that had followed your father, and is now with you or your son's then the same applies. Ignore it. The more you look for it and for thing's to happen the more they will.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:20 AM
I am a christian and I fully believe in demonic forces. I didn't have time to read through the entire thread so forgive me if I'm mirroring what someone else has already said.

Your story reminds me of one told to me by a woman at my church. She has apparently been trained to sense the presence of demonic entities and shared a story about a man in her class. He was followed all his life by a demon. (And no, he wasn't schizo). He led a normal life, other than this demon hanging around. His son saw it too. The same one. (Two people cant share the same hallucinations at the same time as their visions/voices are generated by the subconscious). It would talk to him, threaten him. I don't remember all the details, but. I'm going to call her tomorrow and get back to you with what she recommends.

I'm not sure about all catholic beliefs, but I saw a few posts about your past sins possibly being the cause. Not so. I just want to ensure you that your faith in Christ wipes away all sin, past, present and future. Your sins are not coming back to haunt you. I believe demons are real, and they have power to terrorize whom they will.

Definitely pray. Look into a book, perhaps at your local christian bookstore, entitled "Prayers That Rout Demons". It can't hurt. And, to echo what many have undoubtedly said alreeady, don't give up on the medical approach. Modern medicine is, as far as I see it, a gift from God. Don't waste it.

I get back on tomorrow with more info from my friend.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:21 AM
Lawl @ this thread

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:26 AM
I think your son has been given the gift of being able to see into the spirit world. He can see angels and he can see demons. He himself will go to heaven. Be careful...and don't destroy his gift.


posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Care of The Soul website

Wayne Muller-The Legacy of The Heart-The Spiritual Advantages of a Painful Childhood
I have been to one of his lectures. He is a deeply caring person who has done work with Hospice and been involved in Buddhist communities.

Dr. Margaret Paul (Do I Have To Give Up Me to Be Loved By You, Inner Bonding)
author and Inner Child work pioneer

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by ampar84

It's demons, most people simply don't believe in them, but they're very real.

They come in succubus and incubus varieties, as well as djinn. Most of western civilization ignore them.

I made a thread about them on another forum, I wish you luck as they can be difficult to get rid of.
edit on 29-4-2011 by jimmykeller because: Yellow ^_^

edit on 29-4-2011 by jimmykeller because: djinn

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:35 AM
New age Scriptural Rosay for healing

Spiritual Healing podcast
edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Blog Talk Radio program
edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:36 AM
I really have no methods or techniques to offer you and your son in dealing with this situation. Each person's spiritual path and battle is as unique as there are people. I suspect that your strong protective love for your son will be the most important bulwark in carrying you both through this difficult experience.

That being said, let me assure you, very real, tangible, profoundly dark and malevolent forces may indeed be encountered in the coarse of one's life. I know this first hand. I have come to believe that God intended his creation brim with life existing on many levels and with a nearly infinite variety and impetus. Some dark life very unlike to ourselves, usually unseen but kept at bay by our immersion in the material, may yet at times intrude and assail us.

To be a spiritual person is to believe in the possibility of unseen realities. Science is very helpful in uncovering and utilizing natural laws, but as a view of the whole is akin to looking through the wrong end of a telescope, and provides a limited pinhole view of the vastly larger realm of the real. Like it or not, that is where we find ourselves residing.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Atheists think they are happy eliminating God from their lives. I think they are not as happy and fulfilled as they pretend. Otherwise why do we see them in this forum criticising and ridiculing those of us who Love God?

Err how exactly do you know someone is 'pretending' they're happy without god in their lives? I let go of god and his bogeyman act ages ago and I've never been happier. In fact I was pretending that everything was fine and dandy when I believed in god, when deep down I knew better.

And in case you haven't noticed most people only criticise you 'godlovers' when you give daft advice to people who have serious mental problems or illnesses. It's YOU people and your spiritual hogwash that ruins more lives than it saves.

If people spent more time doing the things they love to do and just chilled out instead of constantly using a space ghost as a crutch the world would be an infinitely better place. FACT

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Fatgoblin

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Atheists think they are happy eliminating God from their lives. I think they are not as happy and fulfilled as they pretend. Otherwise why do we see them in this forum criticising and ridiculing those of us who Love God?

Err how exactly do you know someone is 'pretending' they're happy without god in their lives? I let go of god and his bogeyman act ages ago and I've never been happier. In fact I was pretending that everything was fine and dandy when I believed in god, when deep down I knew better.

And in case you haven't noticed most people only criticise you 'godlovers' when you give daft advice to people who have serious mental problems or illnesses. It's YOU people and your spiritual hogwash that ruins more lives than it saves.

If people spent more time doing the things they love to do and just chilled out instead of constantly using a space ghost as a crutch the world would be an infinitely better place. FACT

I have not told this person she or her son have any mental problems. I see all problems as manifestations of our out-of-alignment condition. I have neither named the condition nor given her any medical advice but have provided a link to a wholistic facility. It is anything but random. I have provided some interesting spiritual tools for spiritual growth. I have abstained from making any specific diagnosis. And every single recommendation I have given has been a part of my spiritual growth in a personal way.
And thanks for providing the exact confirmation that atheists condemn the spiritual life.
Take george Soros for example of an atheist. He has billions of dollars at his disposal, and what is he doing with it? He is actively destroying the US currency so he can collapse our economy and create a Socialist SuperState. He will carry his karma with him to the grave, and he may be in for a rude awakening if he thinks, like the pharoahs of old, that he can take his riches with him to the tomb.
edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-4-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by wayouttheredude

My previous post, I gave him references to two people that are world renowned paranormal experts that could help him.

Thanks but how bout you give him advice instead of putting the rest of us down!

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:10 AM
To me sounds like he is very receptive to paranormal, because of age mostly and the possibly of anyone in his life who has these being attached to them, that could be feeding off of your son because he may be not only receptive, but unknowingly communicates with the being or beings. I suggest a visit to a Clairvoyant, informing and possible questioning his dad and other family members who are in contact with him abut your paranormal linked suspicion and a cleansing of where he is living, because that may be the source of the issues.
I always looking at both side, is it medical or is it supernatural;
As you stated, medically, nothing can be found, or found at the present time... there's always a possibly that something was missed. I'll use an example from medical cases, where many Drs. and specialists were baffled, but finally found that the patient was carrying a parasite, such as Pork Tapeworm. Not to say he has anything as such, because of the rarity, but Drs., may have missed a less obvious clue into what might be causing his problems..

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
I have not told this person she or her son have any mental problems.

Obviously you didn't. I was pointing out that all the spiritual/religious/new age whatever people on this site always seem to pop up on topics where someone is asking for advice (which in itself is ridiculous by the way considering the nature of this site) and give them a whole load of tripe that confuses them more than anything else.

And anyway this woman needs help herself if she thinks her son is possessed by demons and ATS is the best place to seek help

I see all problems as manifestations of our out-of-alignment condition. I have neither named the condition nor given her any medical advice but have provided a link to a wholistic facility. It is anything but random. I have provided some interesting spiritual tools for spiritual growth.

Out of alignment with what exactly? And spiritual growth for a seven year old? What he needs to be doing is rolling about in the mud and riding his bike and playing football (real football, with FEET

I have abstained from making any specific diagnosis.

A) Because you don't know what's really wrong with him just like everyone else on this thread and
b) Because that's a doctors job.

And thanks for providing the exact confirmation that atheists condemn the spiritual life

You're most welcome. You find sprituality in spirits, I find spirituality in another kind of spirit

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