reply to post by poet1b
I think if you reread my post you will see that I don't feel people are physically, emotionally and intellectually mature enough to make quality
decisions until they are 26 and the full frontal lobes are finally fully developed which are the key decision making process area of the brain.
I pointed out simply that in some places the age of consent is as young as 13.
By the way by the age of 13 I was in fact making most of my own critical decisions, and by the age of 14 was basically out on my own in the world
having to make them all.
This though however was all my own decision.
So we as a society can say you can't make legal decisions or enter into contracts, drink, drive, have sex, or smoke until a certain age, but that is
not going to always stop young people from deciding differently for themselves.
What can you do about that? Not much, since everyone has a mind of their own.
You gravitate towards extremes alot and what you percieve as 'enemies' or 'dangerous' elements within society, while igorring the very real
dangers in determining through the law in what people can and can not wear in a free society.
It's not only a deflection but a cop out.
I try to be a friend to you, well to everyone here on ATS, and all I can tell you is this.
I can respect someone saying "Hey I honestly don't like the Burka, I think it's ugly, and I stops me from checking out of the woman underneath it
is pretty to look at".
That's an honest statement, I don't agree with it, but I can respect someone who just honestly comes out and states a preference.
All the phony baloney excuses and reasons you are coming up with are really just that phony baloney excuses and reasons.
There have been a couple of women now posting to the thread who have worn the burka or lived in those societies and you all but ignore what they have
to say, like you know more about it as an American male than they do about it than a Muslim female.
So yours is very much a chauvenistic attitude where if a woman says something you don't agree with it's because some man brainwashed her, and you
are here now to help her find the light.
I at least know when I am coming across like an obnoxious self centered narcissist with mysoginsitic tendencies and can admit it.
While you pretend your involved in some chivalrous crusade that wholly and completely discounts anyone you are wanting to 'save' that doesn't want
to be saved.
That's pretty sad.
Let the ladies do what they want to do, and if they want to do it just to please or get along with a man, respect that's their choice too, that they
either love that man, or are dependent on him, and chose to be both.
Muslim women are free to divorce, they are even gauranteed their pre-marital property no questions ask. If their father sent them into the marraige
with 50,000 they come back out of it with 50,000, they have the right to manage their own finances and own their own property even within marraige and
in fact were centuries ahead of western women in that regard.
If you are really confused about these things, talk to real Muslim women and a variety of them not some internet source that is either pure propaganda
or done by some agenda driven group looking for funding.
Listen to what they have to say, respect that they are human beings and adults, and be man enough and grown up enough to accept and let them make
their own choices.
It's simply not your place or wise to insitst law dictate what can be worn or not, trust me in the New World Order you are creating you will end up
wearing a uniform, because that's where all this heads, uniform thoughts, uniform actions, uniform speech, uniform clothes.
Anything else will be against the law, and you will have helped open the door for it.
Sometimes indulging your fears ends up leading to your worse nightmare.