Dear Readers/posters,
I wonder how many of you commenting here in a negative sense to this ban are French or have actually been to France... not many I presume.
So, as a Frenchman and as someone who has been to France more than most, i'll comment on all the points you've raised.
On a security level it is undeniably a good point, yes a Burqua in it's existing format of covering all of the body except the eyes is a massive
security issue. Men have been caught wearing the Burqua before, and it isn't a far cry to imagine a bomb jacket being hidden by one.
Now to the real issue here, and all you pro democracy people might be offended, I simply don't think you have thought the issue out enough though. To
those who state France let them in as they were.. when most Muslims/Islamic followers entered France Sharia law and the Burqua were not worn. At the
time it wasn't so much a cultural issue, or even religious issue. The first generation Muslims were more than happy to integrate, more than happy to
abide by the law of the land. It is the newer more radical waves which have caused the issues in France.
When in Rome is a great point. France is, and will always be, a Catholic country. It is not a Catholic State however as religion and state have been
divided for a long time. So all the points about religion made here or thought about are kind of moot. It isn't a question of the Catholics hating the
Islamists, it would actually be more than other way around. If you go spend a little time in the parts of France now overrun by the more radical
Muslims you won't feel like you're in France anymore. You will be spat on, you will be cursed at, you will be told to "Get out of their country". Kind
of ironic isn't it? The country which allowed them to come in, fed them, clothed them, provided untold millions of healthcare to them is now "theirs"
and they wish nothing but to take over.
That is the point and I praise the French government for finally making a stand. It has nothing to do with their personal rights being ignored, it has
nothing to do with a cultural clash. It has to do with the line being crossed and people taking the p*ss. Mosques are being erected everywhere, the
law of the land being floughted and everyone is cowering in fear.. enough is enough.
Eventually every country will have to deal with this issue. I hope when the time comes "your" country will have the balls to stand up to the more
radical parts of Islam. The burqua is an abheration of that religion, it is an afront to women's rights and it stands for nothing but the complete
degredation of that gender. Please do some research on the whole issue before you post.
Edit - I would like to add to the poster questionning "noone made them move to that country" - Please research the Algerian war. A huge number of
Algerians who fought on the side of France had little to no options when the war ended, they were actually forced to move to France or face the wrath
of the Algerians, ie.. be killed.
Further Edit - Ironically the Algerians I refer to were probably in the worst of places as they were completely seperated from their homeland and
loved ones, and also to a certain degree badly treated by the French themselves. They are more commonly refered to as the "Pied Noir", literal
translation black foot, which I presume comes from the fact that due to their skin tone, they have "black" feet. A large amount of the Muslim
population which entered France is due to France's colonialisation of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. When the French pulled out of those countries,
they didn't do so in a very positive sense, there wasn't very much education of the locals happening so infrastructures failed. The educated French
are not proud of this, but well.. it happened. So lots of people from North Africa had again little option, they could stay in their country or move
to France. Many (much like the Indians in the UK) chose to move to France as they believed it was "the land of promise" so to speak. This is the
primary reason why France has so many North Africans as part of their immigration population.
edit on 11-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)
edit on 11-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason
edit on 11-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)
edit on 11-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason
edit on 11-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)