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French ban on Islamic face veil comes into force

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 06:54 AM
In Iran & Saudi Arabia women are told to wear a particular garment or face persecution.

In France women are told NOT to wear a particular garment or face persecution.

In both cases , women are told what to wear or not .

So , in theory , any women who visits those countries can face persecution for their choice of clothing .

It is inherently wrong

edit on 13-4-2011 by 23432 because: gr

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 06:54 AM
Kazakh's are %70 muslims and yes they do like their drink too .

It is normal for Kazakh Islam to be different then say Iran's Islam .

Population of non muslims in Kazakhistan are set to decrease in next 20 years and beyond .

In fact the Eurasian hinterland will be a predominantly muslim in next 50 years .

Kazakh muslims don't use burqa and that is consistent with their national characteristics .

Here is a Kazakh wedding in a mosque . Note that there is no Burqa on bride .

edit on 13-4-2011 by 23432 because: gr

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Fair enough. But unlike you, i simply do not believe in the "shadow government."

Ive read the articles, including your excelent "Road to Rome". It briliantly written but flawed and one sided, in my humble opinion. The reason we see Rome wherever we go is simply because it is mankinds longest, most enduring empires. Things are bound to stick.

Dont get me wrong, i too beleive there are many things wrong with our world and our governments, and rich people do in fact try and stay rich and stack the odds in their favor. But ive simply never seen any convincing evidence of an all-encompasing, world-wide conspiracy. In fact, if you start asking why some of the things that happen in the world do happen, it tends to lead me in the other direction. USA cant possibly be in cahoots with Iran, China or Syria. If they wanted to start the "NWO", a limited nuclear war would have played out years ago and it would have already been ushered in.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by P3ACE0WAR

Originally posted by Dhimmie

I don't think those pics are of Muslim women mate. Certainly not Kazakh.
The best bit about how Islam is practiced here is there love of pork. I love cooking them a fry-up after our 'haram' night of passion.

You said "NOBODY wore a mini skirt unless they were in a club at night."

So many people are in denial, they believe denial will solve all the problem around them, grow up and accept reality.

The comment was clearly made about Kazakhstan. Don't play with my words young man. This isn't a child you are talking to. Mis-repping ones quotes is the last act of a desperate man who fully understands the impending defeat of his opinion.
Your pic is of a country where Islam hold no relevance.
Off topic, no ground, desperate, weak.

Shookran habeebi, mafi kwais, a salam au laikum.................. ZIP + KUS

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:53 AM


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:06 AM
Just a couple of observations from previous posts:

Last time I looked, it was drugs and gun violence taking over my neighborhoods...not a spattering of women in Burqas.

The Burqa and Hadith are religeous symbols as well, its not about subjugation of women or equal rights (look at our own history), so I guess we should make the mormons take off their undergarments while we are all about trying to change other peoples customs & traditions to be like our own.

The post about the burqa=terrorist, needs to go back to school.

The argument that somehow Islam has an extremely violent past...just wow. Us christians have killed more innocents in the name of God than any other religion....I beg you to simply look up Saladin. The crusades were barbaric and it was the Muslims who forbade the killing of innocents.

To fellow Canadians...a little disapointed in some of you. Our nation is built on the multi-cultural quilt, we pride ourselves as a nation for being tolerant and acceptant of all cultures and religions. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but complaining about minorities when they are definitely not an issue here, makes me sad.

I am pretty sure you are much more likely to be robbed, killed or assaulted by the kids on the corner wearing hoodies, then a gang of burqa wearing mutha******* women!

To the post about France, once again, there are 232 women in France who are required to wear the burqa according to their tradition. If this equates an wonder it was so easy by the germans.

My morning rant.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Tiste

You live in Ontario or B.C. I'm willing to bet on it. You have fallen into the textbooks that the Liberal party has helped usher into the childrens lives, promoting "tolerance and acceptance" of all things, with no true national pride. There is no such thing as a Canadian, not anymore.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by IronArm

You`ve got to accept people for who they are,. Equal respect and consideration must be given to all groups, races, cultures and religions. Thats what multiculturalism is all about, and I think it`s worth defending from white supremacist groups.

I buy halal down at the local store, have a prayer room and wash facilities at college and work, get time off for Friday prayers and Eid.

This is all about freedom to practise ones religion, you should be supporting that cherished right.
Oh I forgot, white supremacists only believe in rights for whites.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by IronArm

Alberta...and this is what makes Canada great. That is national pride...and unless you were full blooded 1st nations, then you have nothing to complain about. The maple leaf is respected around the world and as a canadian, I am proud to display it in any country I visit without the fear of discrimination.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by P3ACE0WAR

This comment deserves the wall of laughter.

I made the same assumption by pointing out that women and little girls are forced by their husbands and their dads to wear miniskirts.

Clearly you have abandoned all logic and reason to come up with such a ridiculous assumption.

Only a twisted and mangled psychy of a man wants his daughter, or even wife to wear minskirts.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Tiste

Really? Drugs and gun violence are taking over Alberta?

You live in the worst neighborhood in Alberta or something?

The Burqa and Hadith are symbols of religious oppression, and the need of weak men to dominate their women.

The argument that somehow Islam has an extremely violent past...just wow. Us christians have killed more innocents in the name of God than any other religion....I beg you to simply look up Saladin. The crusades were barbaric and it was the Muslims who forbade the killing of innocents.

Who ever it was who taught you this nonsense, you should look them up and slap them silly. This slanted view of history is completely wrong. Somehow in your view, anything Christians did was terrible, and the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem was honorable? How is that? Pray tell.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Nammu

A huge concern is that now these woman who we are supposedly helping, the ones that are forced to wear it and not the ones that choose, now wont be allowed out the house at all. Way to go France.

And then the men will be as miserable as the women on their own homes.

The law doesn't go far enough. Ban the headscarf as well. If it is cold and rainy outside, wear head covering, but when you get inside, take it off. No head gear should be allowed inside of heated buildings.

Those free men of the first crusade knew what they were doing.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:25 PM

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Saracen1

I'm not a white supremisist. I don't know where you get this idea, if you are to assume I am as such, then I am to assume you are a Islamic supremasist? After all, you have been nothing but praising the advancements and glory of your empires of old. Is being proud to be white a bad thing? It is if you are not white, because that is automatically rascist. But pride in being brown, well hell! We all need to respect your self-ordained pride. If I were to walk down the street carrying a sign that stated "Proud to be white!" or, "White rights!" then I'm obviously a terrible person. But a crowd carrying signs and chanting "Allah Ahkbar!", no one would contest this. As for the Fridays off, I used to work a job where I was made to work Sundays, my church day. I told them I wished not to, for religious reasons, and I was fired. That wouldn't dare happen to another racial group, lest their be llynching and lawsuits aplenty right?

And about the statement "thats what makes Canada great"...what about the ancestors who tamed the wild wasteland around here? People who spent years creating a civilization in what is otherwise a very very harsh environment? The pioneers and the people who made this country is what makes it great. How about the Hudson Bay Company? Created by the original Canadian traders. What about burning down the White House cause we were pissed off at the Americans?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Tiste

Really? Drugs and gun violence are taking over Alberta?

You live in the worst neighborhood in Alberta or something?

The Burqa and Hadith are symbols of religious oppression, and the need of weak men to dominate their women.

The argument that somehow Islam has an extremely violent past...just wow. Us christians have killed more innocents in the name of God than any other religion....I beg you to simply look up Saladin. The crusades were barbaric and it was the Muslims who forbade the killing of innocents.

Who ever it was who taught you this nonsense, you should look them up and slap them silly. This slanted view of history is completely wrong. Somehow in your view, anything Christians did was terrible, and the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem was honorable? How is that? Pray tell.

I have to fully agree with poet here. Albeit this is a treacherous slope to an all out fight of religions, but what is different about the Crusades and the current state of affairs? The major thing that comes to mind, one was a war, everyone knew where it was being fought, and casualties were warriors. Now, its civilians in shops, pizza parlours, clubs, streets, apartments, etc, all without any honour.

As for the Alberta thing, I've lived here my whole life, and I know full well that a majority of the crimes commited involved gangs, and we all know what gangs are primariy comprised of in Alberta right?

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

There is a term for what you are saying. It is called denial.

France has Western Europe's largest Muslim population. Several Facebook groups sprouted late Tuesday to announce they planned "Sausage and Booze" cocktails in other French towns and in Belgium after the Paris protest was banned.

The first crusade was a brilliant response to Muslim aggression.

Looks like Paris needs a new mayor. One that will send in a strong police force to shut down these prayer groups that block the streets.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 02:49 PM


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Nammu

A huge concern is that now these woman who we are supposedly helping, the ones that are forced to wear it and not the ones that choose, now wont be allowed out the house at all. Way to go France.

And then the men will be as miserable as the women on their own homes.

The law doesn't go far enough. Ban the headscarf as well. If it is cold and rainy outside, wear head covering, but when you get inside, take it off. No head gear should be allowed inside of heated buildings.

Those free men of the first crusade knew what they were doing.

Those free men of the first crusade knew how to steal , rape , pillage and kill indiscriminately .

Ask any Orthodox Christian and they will also tell you all about those crusaders .

Sucking of Constantinapolis ? Perhaps you should remember that too .

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by 23432

Seriously, you should do some research before posting such nonsense. In fact, unless you want to be ignorant, you should only hold such beliefs after you have done some research. With the internet, it is so much easier.

The First Crusade played a very important part in Medieval England. The First Crusade was an attempt to re-capture Jerusalem. After the capture of Jerusalem by the Muslims in 1076, any Christian who wanted to pay a pilgrimage to the city faced a very hard time. Muslim soldiers made life very difficult for the Christians and trying to get to Jerusalem was filled with danger for a Christian. This greatly angered all Christians.

One Christian - called Alexius I of Constantinople - feared that his country might also fall to the Muslims as it was very close to the territory captured by the Muslims. Constantinople is in modern day Turkey. Alexius called on the pope - Urban II - to give him help.

In 1095, Urban spoke to a great crown at Clermont in France. He called for a war against the Muslims so that Jerusalem was regained for the Christian faith. In his speech he said:

The First Crusade had a very difficult journey getting to the Middle East. They could not use the Mediterranean Sea as the Crusaders did not control the ports on the coast of the Middle East. Therefore, they had to cross land. They travelled from France through Italy, then Eastern Europe and then through what is now Turkey. They covered hundreds of miles, through scorching heat and also deep snow in the mountain passes. The Crusaders ran out of fresh water and according to a survivor of the First Crusade who wrote about his experiences after his return, some were reduced to drinking their own urine, drinking animal blood or water that had been in sewage. Food was bought from local people but at very expensive prices. Odo of Deuil claims that these men who were fighting for God were reduced to pillaging and plunder in order to get food.

Do you really think the Muslim armies were any better?

The massacre of 3000 Christian Pilgrims in Jerusalem prompted the first crusade

The Crusades were launched from Constantinople.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Hey popeye, everytime I think you`ve undone yourself, you go and surpass it, damn!

Only warriors and not civillians were killed during the first crusade eh?

After the fall of the Roman Empire, no city in the Eastern hemisphere had running water till London in the 19th

You see thats what happens when you get your history from the Aryan Nation.

PS I wonder if those white supremacists realise that the real " Aryans", are in fact Iranians and we know what religion they follow.

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