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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by mark38
reply to post by BRAVO949

I think you are dealing with a member of the HOSBARE BRIGADE who joine every political forum to defend
Israel and defame the Arabs & Muslims.They can pose as Arabs and muslims and rant about anything other
than the main issue and here's an Israeli PR program,is called ; " Syber - Soldiers " .

You should never trust what they say,write because they're faking the news .

You are giving them too much credit. Due to the lack of arguments and contributions displayed by hooper and alfie, its more likely they are just plain old Forumt .

But if you can make money posting, derailing discussions on certain topics, where do I sign up? I am sure I could do a better job than alfie, hooper and dave :p .
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

You go to all that trouble to re-post 7 or 8 of my sentences just to point out that I am in the habit of leaving a space between my final word in a question and the question mark. Personally, I think it is clearer because the question mark is not part of the word .

But you conclude from my spacing that I am an Israeli or in Israel or both !! You similarly concluded that hooper "may not be a native speaker of English" , although he has confirmed on here that he was born and raised in the US, but you haven't deigned yet to indicate why.

All you have done so far on this thread is demonstrate that you will form the most absurd conclusions from nothing. A bit like truthers in general I suppose.

Btw, interesting that you don't understand the word "waffle", it is in my copy of The Concise Oxford Dictionary. In the UK it predominantly means rapid and useless chatter but it can also mean a naughty but nice pancake type thing that I think our US friends will be familiar with. So, obviously significant that you don't know it. Applying your investigative approach I can only conclude that you are in Northern Armenia, probably using Armenian Windows which means that you have to type from bottom right of the page to left top and cannot therefore frame a cogent argument.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:38 AM
What a nice off topic rant you produced.

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on PAGE 2, namely why the accent is that of an native hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking english, so we can draw our own conclusions.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

You keep banging on about the accent of the speaker on the recording in the OP as though it is something capable of resolution. Plainly it isn't. There are people like you and Bravo who desperately want to think it is a native hebrew speaker but others don't agree with you . With the resources of the CIA, FBI, MI 6 etc it might be possible to enhance and analyse the voice and make comparisons but that sure as hell isn't going to happen here.

If you still want to pursue the idea that it was a hebrew speaker broadcasting from AA 11 surely you must also investigate who this could possibly have been and how did they fit in with the known AA 11 passengers ?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 10:30 AM
What a nice off topic rant you produced...again. But I will try and keep giving good advice. Remember, good advice is still good advice even if you dont like the person it comes from.

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an Hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

If you say you cant tell a fake accent from a real one, or that it is impossible to tell a french accent from an italian one, without high tech equipment, speak for yourself. Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of Hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on PAGE 2, namely why the accent is that of an native Hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking English, so we can draw our own conclusions. In the end thats what it is about, drawing your own conclusions. Nobody is forbidding you from having your own ideas about the subject and your conviction being swayed one way or another. A few examples of Saudis, Egyptians speaking English would certainly help people to draw their own conclusions, on whether the accent is Hebrew, a form of Arab or if it is impossible to determine a specific accent without equipment only available to the CIA.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Okay - I guess I have to be the defending and prosecuting attorney.

I found an example of a Palestinian man speaking English to an Israeli man.

The great thing about this clip is that the Israeli man not only has the same accent as the Israeli hijacker on Flight 11 but the two Israelis have similar sounding voices.

*** Even when you just listen to the Israeli man speaking Hebrew it becomes obvious that the alleged Israeli hijacker speaks the same language. ***

Alfie, Hooper and Charles Manson will probably not even listen to this video / audio recording because they don't want to believe that the voice recording presented to the 9/11 commission was of an Israeli.

Notice how the native Arabic speaker can sometimes hit the English "P" sound but can not other times. It is harder for a native Arab speaker to get the "P" sound right when it is in the middle of a world.

Of course the scholar Hooper and Billy Joel would know that.
edit on 11-6-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2011 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2011 by BRAVO949 because: better vid

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Okay - I guess I have to be the defending and prosecuting attorney.

I found an example of a Palestinian man speaking English to an Israeli man.

The great thing about this clip is that the Israeli man not only has the same accent as the Israeli hijacker on Flight 11 but the two Israelis have similar sounding voices.

*** Even when you just listen to the Israeli man speaking Hebrew it becomes obvious that the alleged Israeli hijacker speaks the same language. ***

Alfie, Hooper and Charles Manson will probably not even listen to this video / audio recording because they don't want to believe that the voice recording presented to the 9/11 commission was of an Israeli.

Notice how the native Arabic speaker can sometimes hit the English "P" sound but can not other times. It is harder for a native Arab speaker to get the "P" sound right when it is in the middle of a world.

Of course the scholar Hooper and Billy Joel would know that.

This isnt a prosecution. Nobody is on the accused stand. You are in the no spin zone. Its about getting a fair and balanced view. It isnt about winning, people should get all the information available and reach their own conclusions.

Thanks for all your input on the topic so far BRAVO. Note to compare it to the vids posted by Bravo along with an explanation on page 2, to compare it to an confirmed hebrew accent.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Notice how the native Arabic speaker can sometimes hit the English "P" sound but can not other times. It is harder for a native Arab speaker to get the "P" sound right when it is in the middle of a world.

Of course the scholar Hooper and Billy Joel would know that

No wait - sometimes? What do you mean sometimes? I thought it was a hard and fast rule, a perfect clue with no variation? Now its sometimes? Really? You mean dialects and speech patterns may vary from individual to individual and even with a single individual their speech patterns may change depending on the circumstances and situation? I am flabbergasted!!! But I imagine there is still no doubt in your mind that it was native Hebrew speaker.

Yep, compared to you I am a real scholar. Figured out overcompensation yet? I doubt it. That's a little advanced for you.

Let me ask you this linguistics question -

Whats the difference between a dialect and a language?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 01:58 PM

In this video you will hear a few Israelis speaking Engish.

You also hear the narrator speaking Hebrew.

Listen to the general cadence of the native Hebrew speaking narrator's voice. It matches the Israeli hijacker's cadence.

Listen to the native Hebrew speaking narrator's emphasis on certain consonants. It matches the Israeli hijacker's consonants.

Listen to the native Hebrew speaking narrator's vowel sounds. It matches the Israeli hijacker's vowel sounds.

In Hebrew the vowels are simialr to vowels in Italian and Spanish in that an "A" is the same sound no matter in which word it is found or in which letter position it is found in a word.

Almost all native Hebrew speakers pronounce their vowels the same. That sounds like it would be true for every language but it is not true for Arabic because vowels do not have to be pronounced exactly the same in order for a word to be understood.

Hebrew is spoken in just one little spot. Arabic is spoken over a range of thousands of kilometers and varies considerably from country to country and village to village.

I should really say alleged Israeli hijacker's voice. The only real linguistic evidence presented here has been in support of the claim that the voice is of a Hebrew speaker.

If Alfie and Hooper want to take this a step further and say it is an indictment of Israel that is their choice.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

If Alfie and Hooper want to take this a step further and say it is an indictment of Israel that is their choice.

Do you know what pseudo-science is? Its proposing a theory and then looking for facts that support it.

So, what's the difference between a dialect and a language?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:30 PM
What a nice off topic rant you produced. But I will try and keep giving good advice. Remember, good advice is still good advice even if you dont like the person it comes from.

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on PAGE 2, namely why the accent is that of an native hebrew speaker compare them to clips he posted on PAGE 5 of arab persons speaking english.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:59 PM
Screw me

Because all of my points were addressed later in the thread.

So I delete my post
edit on 6/11/2011 by Sunsetspawn because: Because I'm an asshat

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Hooper, will you please get with the program here?

You have not come up with one point with regard to the Hebrew accent that can be so clearly heard in the recording in question.

Of course I know the difference between a dialect and a language but what does that have to do with this thread?

I have provided linguistic explanations as well as several videos to support my assertion that the recording presented to the 9/11 Commission was of a man who had a Hebrew accent.

It seems you just can not stand thinking that an Israeli was part of the 9/11 crime because you refuse to address the details of the voice recording and have not provided any supporting videos.

Here is another Israeli man speaking English. Please listen to it and give all of us specific linguistic details on how his accent is different from or the same as the Hebrew speaker on the 9/11 recording.

Now, you may have a right to say that the young man in this video is not the sort of person who would dream of killing 3,000 Americans but does he sound like the man on the 9/11 recording?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Again, pseudo-science is proposing a theory and then looking for facts that support that theory. But you obviosuly just don't see that as a problem.

Know what the difference is between a dialect and a language yet?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
Hooper, will you please get with the program here?

You have not come up with one point with regard to the Hebrew accent that can be so clearly heard in the recording in question.

Of course I know the difference between a dialect and a language but what does that have to do with this thread?

I have provided linguistic explanations as well as several videos to support my assertion that the recording presented to the 9/11 Commission was of a man who had a Hebrew accent.

It seems you just can not stand thinking that an Israeli was part of the 9/11 crime because you refuse to address the details of the voice recording and have not provided any supporting videos.

Here is another Israeli man speaking English. Please listen to it and give all of us specific linguistic details on how his accent is different from or the same as the Hebrew speaker on the 9/11 recording.

Now, you may have a right to say that the young man in this video is not the sort of person who would dream of killing 3,000 Americans but does he sound like the man on the 9/11 recording?

I dont think hooper knows what he is talking about. Dont lose your head over it. If you make your contributions then people can make their own conclusions. If you start to think you must absolutely convince everybody, then you will just become very very angry, like it happened to hooper, alfie and to some extend good old dave.

On PAGE 2 people can see your explanation and videos on why you think it is an hebrew accent. On PAGE 5 people can compare it to the video of an arab speaking english. If hooper insists that without CIA, MI6 high tech equipment (as he put it) you cant distinguish an Texan accent from a French accent, then that is his conviction. Everybody else can look at the material and explanations you provided and draw their own conclusions.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

If hooper insists that without CIA, MI6 high tech equipment (as he put it) you cant distinguish an Texan accent from a French accent, then that is his conviction.

Please show where and in what posts I said anything about CIA or MI6 equipment and ever mentioned a Texan accent. Are you reading someone else's post and confusing them with mine maybe?

Again, pseudo science is proposing a theory and then finding facts to support it. Very popular propoganda methodology.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by hooper

I did indeed confused you with somebody else. It was Alfie who insisted, that we would need CIA, MI6 grade equipment to tell accents apart.

But still Bravo dont lose your head over what others say. If you make your contributions then people can make their own conclusions. If you start to think you must absolutely convince everybody, then you will just become very very angry, like it happened to hooper, alfie and to some extend good old dave.

On PAGE 2 people can see your explanation and videos on why you think it is an hebrew accent. On PAGE 5 people can compare it to the video of an arab speaking english. If Alfie insists that without CIA, MI6 high tech equipment (as he put it) you cant distinguish accents, then that is his conviction. Everybody else can look at the material and explanations you provided and draw their own conclusions.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Hooper, have you ever seen the YouTube video of the woman who claimed to be the former girlfriend of the prime Flight 11 hijacker in which she says he spoke Hebrew?

Hooper, can we agree that there was at least one Israeli on Flight 11?

Hooper, we all agree that former Israeli commando Daniel Lewin (captain) was on board, right?

Was there at least one more Israeli on the flight?

Was Edmund Glazer also Israeli? Mr. Glazer was sitting right beside the former memeber of the elite Israeli commando unit.

As I said, I don't think Daniel was the person speaking on the recording because he lived the first 13 years of his life in the US so he probably did not have a Hebrew accent in English.

Edmund Glazer was from Rhodesia originally from what I can gather so he would not have had a Hebrew accent anyway.

Now, we know that Israel has fraudulently used passports from France, Canada, the UK and New Zealand in some very high-profile international crimes so really any man on the plane could be the voice we heard.

In fact, the voice could not be Daniel Lewin, the one person we know was an Israeli because he would not have had a Hebrew accent.

Well, unless the Israeli operatives killed Daniel at some point and got on the plane using his passport.

That is something Israeli operatives would do but they probably didn't because they prefer to use non-Israeli passports when they commit crimes internationally.

There was a Philip M. Rosenzweig onboard but he was probably an innocent victim.

Robin Kaplan was a woman so the voice wasn't her's.

Paul Friedman was probably just an unlucky soul.

Alex Filipov another innocent man.

As everyone knows the first list of names released by the media included none of the name that were later said to be the hijackers. Daniel Lewin's name is listed as Daniel C. Lewin with regard to the flight manifest but in other places on the net including Israeli newspapers he is Danial M. Lewin.

One report says he was shot, one he was stabbed. There is some question as to when it happened as well.

Can you find the information that says flight attendant Betty Ong claimed that the person in Daniel's seat was one of the hijackers?

Now, if Daniel did have a Hebrew accent then he would become the prime suspect. His workmates could verify if he spoke English without an accent.

Daniel Lewin was the only person onboard who was a trained commando according to the information we have. he was fairly young so you would wonder how he could be overpowered and killed so quickly - if any of that is true.

Care to actually add anything scientific to the discussion?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Care to actually add anything scientific to the discussion?

Scientific Method:
1. Define a question
2. Gather information and resources (observe)
3. Form an explanatory hypothesis
4. Perform an experiment and collect data, testing the hypothesis
5. Analyze the data
6. Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis
7. Publish results
8. Retest (frequently done by other scientists)

Or in your case:
1. Form a hypothesis
2. Look for only that data that supports the hypothesis.
3. Repeat step 2 over and over and over again.
And should step 2 fail, just make stuff up.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

Well, unless the Israeli operatives killed Daniel at some point and got on the plane using his passport.

I have no idea for sure by why would an American citizen flying between Boston and Los Angeles have his passport with him? I fly all the time within the US and I don't carry my passport. Also, you don't need to show ID to board a plane just to get into the boarding area.

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