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Who was inside flight 11? Is this an Israeli Hebrew accent?

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posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

So far nothing you said would give you that idea. You also said you are an architect and engineer and a chemist. Now a linguist too. Congrats on your well rounded education.

Thank you, it took years but it was well worth every penny. You should try it, its a real eye opener. Never said I was a chemist, don't know where you got that. Not a linguist either. I specifically said I was a student of linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. By the way, linguistics, as a formal separate discipline has only been around since the late 40's. So anybody who makes absolute statements like so and so is definetly a native Hebrew speaker is full of crap. You can make an educated guess but unless you have direct personal knowledge then you are simply guessing.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:57 PM
Thank you on the insights on the level of crap of people who contribute to the discussion at hand.

reply to post by waypastvne

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on why the accents is that of an native hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking english, so we can draw our own conclusions.
edit on 10-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

I don't participate in the moon hoax discussions. Moon hoaxers are funny but they'r just not as ridiculously funny as 911 Truthers. It's like watching Monty Python.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Thank you on the insights on the level of crap of people who contribute to the discussion at hand.

reply to post by waypastvne

You dont get the point.
In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on why the accents is that of an native hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking english, so we can draw our own conclusions.
edit on 10-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by BRAVO949

After listening to the expert, tell us if you have not been hoisted by your own "linguistic overcompensation" petard in this case.

Actually, it simply confirms what I was saying. Adopted speech patterns are often exaggerated. Someone who does not normally use a "p" sound uses it in exagerrated form, just like on the recordings.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Thank you on the insights on the level of crap of people who contribute to the discussion at hand.

Q. What's the difference between a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite?
A. Let me know when you find out.

Q. How do you know when a conspiracy theorist has moved in near you?
A. The grocery store is sold out of tinfoil.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949
The recording, which was played as part of the official 9/11 Commission investigation, is of a native Hebrew speaker speaking English with a rather strong Hebrew accent.

If you want to confirm this for yourself simply find on the internet a few examples of Hebrew speakers and a few examples of Arabic speakers and listen to each of them.

Hebrew and Arabic are Semitic languages but the accent of a Hebrew speaker in English is not similar at all to the accent of a native Arabic speaker in English.

For example, there is no "P" sound in Arabic. Arabic speakers will normally substitiute the sound of the letter "B" for "P".

In this case the man clearly uses a "P" sound when he says "planes".

You may or may not like the fact that the voice indicates a Hebrew accent but it clearly does and no honest linguist or person familiar with Arabic and Hebrew would ever say this recording was anything other than a Hebrew speaker speaking English.

PS - there is no trace of a German accent in this recording so the official story as to whom the voice belongs is not supported by this recording.

Yes the recording has strong Hebrew accent. Listen to this youtube on learning Hebrew. You'll notice the similarities of vocal releases.

It's also carefully scripted - we notice how excellent the arrangement of English sentences.
■ It shows that whoever the hijacker was, he's particular about English language. That's funny.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

You are on a hiding to nothing on this one and your pal Bravo seems to have done a runner.

He is your only supporter. He spouts the linguistic gobblydgook but thinks Hooper, who I am pretty sure is American, is not a native English speaker and thinks that I, who was born in London and have lived in England all my life, am an Israeli or in Israel or both . So much for his incisive analysis.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Yes I am an American. Born in New Jersey, raised in Pennsylvania. Been here all my life.
Native American-English speaker.
edit on 10-6-2011 by hooper because: added hyphen to american-english so as not to be misleading about ethnicity

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

It shows that whoever the hijacker was, he's particular about English language. That's funny.

Why is that funny? We know none of the hijackers (the actual hijackers, not the "Jews to be named later") was a native English speaker so what is so odd that they were careful about how they spoke English to an audience (the passengers) of native English speakers?

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 05:02 PM
i didn't take the time to read all the posts, but i am 100% sure that is not a hebrew accent. I am a jewish american that has been taught hebrew for 12 years through private school and been around hundreds of israelis, many americans who moved to israel and speak fluent hebrew, arabs who speak fluent hebrew, and all kids of hebrew speakers. never have i heard an accent like that. sounds to me like an indian type accent. i also did a project on sikhism at one point, that also sounds like the accent of the sikh people i studied with.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 06:58 PM
Alfie - we have to take you at your word that you are born and raised in London and that you are not an Israeli or posting from Israel but why in the world is there a space between the end of so many of your sentences and the final punctuation mark in your posts?

Just go back and check what you have written.

Alfie posted on 8-6-2011 @ 12:07 PM "What an extraordinary response. Perhaps you can point out the ad hom attack in my post ?"

Alfie posted on 9-6-2011 @ 12:10 PM "Can you indicate to me please who your supposed " native hebrew speaker " was ?"

What is with the space between the words you are trying to quote and the quotation marks in both cases?

Alfie posted on 9-6-2011 @ 12:10 PM "Do you think that Atta, the al-Sheris, al-Omari and al-Suqami just happened to be along for the ride ?"

Here you do it again. You are telling me that you were born in London and you add an extra space before a question mark? Do you have an explanation for that? I can't imagine a native English "writer" doing that.

Alfie posted on 10-6-2011 @ 05:22 AM "So what have you and Cassius got beyond your opinion of the accent ?"

Let's just ignore the fact that the sentence is very oddly construction and that question is ridiculous since all we are talking about is "our opinion on the accent" (not "of the accent") for God's sake.

Furthermore, Alfie refuses to give his opinion on the accent since his main issue is that he does not like the fact that there is evidence for a Hebrew speaking man as a hijacker on 9/11.

You will notice yet another case of a space then a question mark.

Is this is what they teach you in English schools?

Alfie posted on 10-6-2011 @ 05:22 AM "Can you identify from the passenger manifest who this supposed hebrew speaker was ? Was he acting alone ?"


Alfie posted on 10-6-2011 @ 05:22 AM "Are you suggesting it was a joint Jew/Arab attack ?!"

Yet again!

Alfie posted on 10-6-2011 @ 05:22 AM "was on AA 11 and Marwan al-Shehhi was on UA 175 ( with associates ) ?"

Really? Again?

Alfie posted on 10-6-2011 @ 05:22 AM "solely about the supposed accent is just so much waffle."

Punctuation is fine but what does the word "waffle" mean in your world, exactly?

So - that is why I thought you were Israeli because if you were using an Israeli version of Windows or any other operatining system you would be typing from right to left not left to right and might be confused when you had to add a question mark.

That is the sort of detail that seems to be totally beyond you that someone who has studied the information on Flight 11 on September 11, 2001 would notice and I will answer your question about who was on Flight 11 next.

As to why your English is so odd, who knows? You might be 12 years old and in that case it is fine.

Is this considered an ad hominem attack?

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

Thanks for your contribution (video / audio of Hebrew sounds).

Even if you were not supporting my assertion I would thank you because you actually provided additional information that is exactly relevant to the subject.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by LoveAndPerseverence
i didn't take the time to read all the posts, but i am 100% sure that is not a hebrew accent. I am a jewish american that has been taught hebrew for 12 years through private school and been around hundreds of israelis, many americans who moved to israel and speak fluent hebrew, arabs who speak fluent hebrew, and all kids of hebrew speakers. never have i heard an accent like that. sounds to me like an indian type accent. i also did a project on sikhism at one point, that also sounds like the accent of the sikh people i studied with.

Wow! This post is the best example of "you got nothin."

It is equivalent to saying that you have never studied mathematics but your sister has three cats so 2 + 2 = 8.

"sounds like the accent of the sikh people"

Oh my God! Do you mean it sounds like a Punjabi accent?

"I am a jewish american that has been taught hebrew for 12 years" - Your parents really need to ask for their money back. Not just because you can't recognise a Hebrew accent but because you failed to learn English.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Here you do it again. You are telling me that you were born in London and you add an extra space before a question mark? Do you have an explanation for that? I can't imagine a native English "writer" doing that.

It'a a fair cop mate. He's got you dead to rights Alfie. You defiantly type with a jewish accent.

Are you going to give up the ruse and confess ?

edit on 10-6-2011 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne

Originally posted by BRAVO949

Here you do it again. You are telling me that you were born in London and you add an extra space before a question mark? Do you have an explanation for that? I can't imagine a native English "writer" doing that.

It'a a fair cop mate. He's got you dead to rights Alfie. You defiantly type with a jewish accent.

Are you going to give up the ruse and confess ?

edit on 10-6-2011 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

Yeah, games up, but I think we need to confess together because you have just made the same unmistakeable sign of an Israeli that I have by putting a space between your final word and the question mark.

No whining denials please.


posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 06:34 AM
And you guys still persist in posting off topic posts.

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on why the accents is that of an native hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking english, so we can draw our own conclusions.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

What the hell is a "moonhaux"?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:14 AM
And you guys still persist in posting off topic posts and feigning ignorance

In the moonhaux debate, who do you give more credibility, the angry rantings of SOME moonhauxers, or the cold analytical analysis of those who defend the moonlanding. Its simply a comparison to show you, that you act like a moonhauxer and to show you, what will happen. People will dismiss the opinions of alfie, hooper, waypastvne and cohorts soely based on their attitudes and those who generously overlook them, will find that their collection of words do not constitute a contribution to the subject at hand, in any way shape or form. But if you 2 want to keep on conceding that you have nothing to say to the contrary, that it is indeed an hebrew accent, in the form of angry rants and insults ill view your contributions to the debate as conclusive.

Maybe Bravo who not only explained why the accent is that of a native hebrew speaker, but also digged up more examples of hebrews speaking english, which seem to support what he said on PAGE 2, namely why the accent is that of an native hebrew speaker, can do Alfie and hooper a favor and post a clip of an egyptian male speaking english, so we can draw our own conclusions.
edit on 11-6-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by BRAVO949

I think you are dealing with a member of the HOSBARE BRIGADE who joine every political forum to defend
Israel and defame the Arabs & Muslims.They can pose as Arabs and muslims and rant about anything other
than the main issue and here's an Israeli PR program,is called ; " Syber - Soldiers " .

You should never trust what they say,write because they're faking the news .

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