posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:26 AM
I learned shorthand by playing World of Warcraft. The learning curve of the game is quite steep. Some of the greatest challenges happened to be:
multi-tasking, the number of keys and combinations used, and player language. At first I didn't know what anyone was talking about because everyone
used shorthand, but YOU HAVE TO. It is nearly impossible to communicate a concept to other players while controlling your character with a million
key-binds. Everything is fast! If I didn't understand an abbreviation in a message from another player, all I would have to do is ask. After a
little while, I was able to understand new phrases without asking. It's actually pretty interesting, and I haven't really thought about it until
Wouldn't you say our lives have become chaotic and fast paced due to technology in general? If I wasn't able to juggle a seemingly impossible
number of tasks on a daily basis, I would feel like I fell off the wagon. The same principle applies to shorthand, in a way. You either learn it, or
you fall behind.
I use some of the shorthand I acquired while playing WoW when I text, as I am a very busy person. I am so busy these days that I don't even
have time to play. If I use an abbreviation in a text that a friend does not understand, they will ask, and then I find that they will start using
it, too. My texts aren't riddled with shorthand, but it gets the job done efficiently. Just like in the game.
While I don't think shorthand should replace everyday language while speaking, it doesn't bother me when somebody else inserts a word here and
there. I can deduce what they mean when they say lol by the way it is pronounced. The main thing is that we both understand what is being
communicated. I also understand that some of these words are nothing more than a fad. Just like any new term "those darn kids are using these
days," some will stick while others fade. However, there is no excuse for using shorthand in an English assignment. English class teaches us how to
create whole sentences. Learn to walk before you run.
Like it or hate it, shorthand is here. Why limit yourself by remaining ignorant of the dialect because you find it unintelligible?