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OMG! FYI, the OED is like all TMI. Can we still be BFF? LOL.

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 04:25 PM
hai wut r u ^ 2?

When people talk to me like that i dont even bother responding cuz half the time i cant tell what the hell it says

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
hai wut r u ^ 2?

When people talk to me like that i dont even bother responding cuz half the time i cant tell what the hell it says

It's extremely irritating, and when it is posted here, it is mostly one-liners WHY??. Acronyms can be a pest too, just have a look at Wiki's list for ATS, (nice to see though, that Above top secret's page has stayed the course this time)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:58 PM
You know what else is ruining society? F***in Morse Code! Makes language totally unrecognizable!

Same goes for Braille!

We do all realize that this is all this "txt speech" amounts to right?

It's a separate code for a separate form of communication. People use terrible grammar online and in personal conversation all the time, and this IS OK...

You just can't do it when you're exchanging information in a workplace environment/writing a news article/writing a book, etc. It destroys your credibility to write like an idiot. As for internet/txt speech, who cares, you probably use slang all day long that would make your grandmother blush...
edit on 27-3-2011 by Hawking because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:01 PM
Last year the school where my children attend sent home an enclosure in their Newsletter. It was called:
While it did address viruses, spyware and other computer information it also included an entire page of acronyms, I guess they want us to be able to understand what the kids are texting. lol


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

OMG! FYI, the OED is like all TMI. Can we still be BFF? LOL.

The venerable Oxford English Dictionary has entered the age of Internet memes.

..."For the March 2011 release of OED Online," ..."we have selected for publication a number of noteworthy initialisms—abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of a name or expression. Some of these—such as OMG [OMG int. (and n.) and adj.]: ‘Oh my God’ (or sometimes ‘gosh’, ‘goodness’, etc.) and LOL [LOL int. and n./2]: ‘laughing out loud’—are strongly associated with the language of electronic communications..
(visit the link for the full news article)

I think Congress should pass an Amendment to the Constitution recognizing American English and making it an act of treason to cite British English "academic" sources. Oxford is the laughing stock of English speaking nations and should be leveled for crimes against humanity(for trying to dumb humanity down).

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:40 AM
My quote from back on page....9

by Orangetom

For many years now I have noticed people around me describing a moral concept or idea in terms of some movie they watched or a television program. It took me some time to get the pulse before I was able to narrow it down. What I concluded was that so many have no real life experiences of their own. Their thoughts are someone else's thoughts. Their emotions someone else's emotions. Their experiences second hand vicarious from television and movies. And now what I am picking up here is that their language abilities and faculties are following suit.
All second hand and now also abbreviated. It requires to much labor and concentration to think and know words and language.
And these peoples are now becoming voters. Wow!!!

From page 1 this Crackavelli

Ugh, the dumbing down of society. Has anyone seen the movie 'Idiocracy'? I'm pretty sure this is how it starts. At my job I have several younger people working under me and they say 'j/k' or 'omg' all the time like it's normal speech. Why say 'omg'? It's the exact same number of syllables as 'oh my god', it takes the same effort.

From page 13 of this thread...

by JephersON

Much like one Ford Prefect of 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy', stepping into traffic to say hello to the cars, clearly being the entities that control this planet.

by Hawking

Crakeur's post is pretty much stolen from a Seinfeld bit about aliens thinking our dogs run the planet. And it was funnier when Jerry Seinfeld said it...

Need I say more??

Now we are going to suppliment this type of thinking with techno speak???

Think about it, This means to muse..not amuse,

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:08 AM
For a while I've been saying that in about 50 years or so, vowels will not exist. Except for one letter words like a, I, o, u, y...

Maybe a few exceptions but for the most part they will be obsolete.

Ths thrd n OED s tkng t 1 stp frthr

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by Hawking

I don't think it was Seinfeld who said the comment about the dogs leading the people around but, yes, it was lifted from a comedian and, since I'm not a comedian, and it was typed, not spoken, some of the humor was lost.

thanks for pointing it out though.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:03 AM
Can anyone here tell me the difference between RVing and ATVing?

...It's always been a source of some confusion to me.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:10 AM
OMFG, wtf are we doing... I'm sorry but internet / text speak should stay within the confines of internet chat, postings and text messages... There is nothing worse than hearing some air head say something along the lines of:

OMG my BFF was GTF with my BF...

(I feel so sorry for you if you know what that means....)


Saying Oh Em Gee.... or El oh El.... in every day speech...
edit on 28-3-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:11 AM
I know my kids will say complete sentences in text speak. They don't even text they get it off of online video gaming, facebook, Youtune and the rest. And instead of laughing they will say LOL.
edit on 28-3-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by antar
I know my kids will say complete sentences in text speak. They don't even text they get it off of online video gaming, facebook, Youtune and the rest. And instead of laughing they will say LOL.
edit on 28-3-2011 by antar because: (no reason given)

So your kids are carrying on as they are still in a world where the electricity is still running..when they do not have direct access to electrically powered tools??

They are going to have problems handing life if for some reason they get stuck in a situation or place where the electricity is not working for longer than a station break. They may not know how to do a manual overide.

I hope you get the point. Do they think that text speak is a manual overide??

Art imitating life... or life imitating art?? Or is that how the expression goes??

edit on 28-3-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

My eleven YRold says to your post "It's just fun!" And my 12 YRold say's "Were not a bunch of nerds attached to a doom and gloom site"

Overall I have to say that I was adding to the discussion not looking for help. I do not see it as a problem, don't make issue of it and thereby render it one less thing to use as a tool of rebellion. Lol.

Sorry if that came out snitty, not the intent, just do not think in my case it is a problem, and we are outdoors types, farmers, do not own a cell phone, nor walk around with electronics in our ears.

WE have gone without power for extended periods of time, and the kids made and still make their own video games played on homemade cardboard, They will be just fine...

My kids are AWESOME, and they are realists, survivors and so smart. They will be your greatest hope for the future.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by antar

Nice, +1,000 points to your kids, they get it

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Hawking

Ty so much. I have always wanted to meet you on this forum so thanks for the generous and sweet reply.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by orangetom1999

My eleven YRold says to your post "It's just fun!" And my 12 YRold say's "Were not a bunch of nerds attached to a doom and gloom site"

Overall I have to say that I was adding to the discussion not looking for help. I do not see it as a problem, don't make issue of it and thereby render it one less thing to use as a tool of rebellion. Lol.

Sorry if that came out snitty, not the intent, just do not think in my case it is a problem, and we are outdoors types, farmers, do not own a cell phone, nor walk around with electronics in our ears.

WE have gone without power for extended periods of time, and the kids made and still make their own video games played on homemade cardboard, They will be just fine...

My kids are AWESOME, and they are realists, survivors and so smart. They will be your greatest hope for the future.


I am glad to hear that your kids have real life experiences. This is not the case round here and there is here a high population density.

You did not come across to me as snitty.

I have seen a large number of people around here in the workplace who cannot put down their electronic gadgets, even when working and others are depending on them ..they cannot put them down and concentrate. I've seen to my astonishment and alarm people driving down the road with two cell phones in their hands and texting.

In certain critical work one needs the common sense and discipline to put the gadgets down and concentrate on what one is doing. For so many peoples I see...this is not a discipline ..nor an option....phones and texting are not better than life itself. If you are not communicating via this are dying..worse than death itself. It is like a drug and one constantly needs a fix. The phone and electronics are running these peoples..not them running it.

It is that which concerns me. And the other is what I posted previously many people now view the world and express such in terms of what someone else has transplanted into their conscience. They have no individual thoughts or emotions of their own. They view and know the world through movies and television..outside of this second hand medium they know nothing else. And they think, argue, and debate that their second hand, vicarious medium are real..actual...what is happening. They cannot express themselves outside of some movie or television program they have watched.

This is my concern for people. That so many are just xerox copies of what someone else has fed to them. And what is worse..there is not enough thinking going on that people know this is happening.

Thanks for your post,

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Oh man I just so agree with you. It perplexes me to the highest degree when I consider how people are controlled, I have even said that it is almost a clear cut design in that there are developing souls here on earth and then there are the voters.

That is not to say that a developing soul cannot vote, but from an early age I clearly saw first hand what you are talking about, and to be honest it left me quite alone with noone who could possibly understand.

In context to this thread however, how did this happen even before texting and video games, Tv and radio, music video influences?

So in essence it makes me wonder if the electronic age has only sped up what was already a snowball headed for hell?

The other thing is that children especially teens love to rebel, it is their greatest nature, but when a parent makes a huge deal out of something then the child takes it so personally, that in defending their immaturity they accidentally slip in to the rabbit hole of no return, so how to balance what is deemed norm in todays society and watching out and steering them in the right direction with responsibility for their choices?

I know my kids have suffered to some degree because they have never had a Nintendo DSL or IPOD, Laptops or any of the other great gadgets out there which represent status. I have felt guilty believe me but as a single Mom trying to help them to be well adjusted loving conscious beings, it was not the priority, and I have lived since my divorce 6 years ago by priorities.

The mortgage has been paid, the lights, taxes, and insurance has been kept up, I have even managed to raise my credit rating and bought a new vehicle than I was left with after the divorce. My kids dont have the trendy clothes and shoes come twice a year, wish it could be more but they have been Sooo terrific about it. This does not mean that they dont throw and toss and stash clothes or trash out their sneekers, they are normal in that respect, but appreciate when they do receive something new.

Ok enough, but yes I do agree with your last post to me.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by antar

I suppose the "initial" (no pun intended) fun was in actually interpreting WTF the message was actually saying, I think it has gone now into a snowdrift where, if you don't text right you're a duffer. The same applies to using mobiles while driving, there has been this extension from us all being "a good driver, it's the other guys fault" syndrome, to include the use of mobiles when driving. using the mobile on the move is the most dangerous and stupid thing on the planet, and it's there every day, and that includes the multi tasking experts, the women. That's not good, it is baaad!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Right like clothes and hair styles, the trend setters just move on but years later it becomes a sensation among the crippled masses and they really dont have the ability to pull it off.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Not everyone is crippled from multitasking like driving while talking on the phone. I'm a natural at thinking in layers, and doing multiple things at once efficiently.

I think it's mostly those who show up as ENTP who can pull this off, but perhaps there's other types that do a fair job. If I don't load myself up with several things to do at once, then I'll not be engaging enough brain regions to think at those higher cognitive levels. So it's natural for me to take on several things at once and streamline the process. I just perform much better under stress is all. The intuitive abilities really start to shine through.
edit on 29-3-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

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