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Doomsday Seed Vaults And Underground Habitats!

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
reply to post by notimportant

Oh, by the way my Avatar is to make you laugh not to make you think that I believe in Nibiru is coming. I get a lot of people thinking I must be a true Nibiru believer because of that. It's my humor. Sorry.

I saw that after i made that post, the story of planet x/niburu is really an old one, just like the story's about the illuminati or the vaults..

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by notimportant

you should eat your own words buddy.

some people like discussing this kinda stuff just because... plus its raining outside.

I am actually curious about the seedvaults... because in the event something did happen.. they are gonna need people to grow their crops for the elite guess they already picked out 100 paisas from mexico, 100 asian rice farmers, and 20 inbred rednecks from the midwest, and the top 10 hydroponic weed farmers they could arrest. then you got their families... lol and a few thousand superrich... and few thousand from the military... id say all these countries got some kinda plan i place... and people on stand by with a number... lol I guess i better start a seed vault and get me some paisas.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by rebeldog

Agreed Rebeldog, It is my opinion (not that it means anything) that the elite are planning for something. The Georgia Guidestones mean something. I don't think some eccentric person is going to blow millions on a monument and just vanish leaving the land in Elberton, Ga hands to take care of it without there being some real importance with what the giant tablets say on them. Then the seed vault pops up. These people believe something is afoot. Why shouldn't we look a littler closer at their actions without being called Naysayers? I don't want to be walking a train track and not be aware of approaching trains.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by notimportant

Your cool notimportant. I don't mind you bringing an opposite opinion, infact it's important that you do. I hope you are right. I don't want to be right and I'm sure none of these other people want you to be wrong deep down.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:02 AM
There is nothing wrong with investigating things, but sometimes is just goes to far, far beyond reason if you ask me.

Investigating happenings in the world is something else than believing in doomsday scenario's, just stop being afraid of something which has not happend yet (and will not happen in the next 9000 years)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Rossa

Now just have a look at these huge tunnel boring machines!

For what purpose are they using such machines? Is it a public tube railway system? An underground submarine base? (jeeez!) Aircraft hangers? Missile silos? .......Or underground habitats? Well, your guess is as good as mine!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:05 AM
In my country they have used one of those tunneldigging machines to dig a tunnel which is 5 a 7 km long under the sea !!! So we can travel between the island here, yay !!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

I wouldn't want to be in one of those underground bunkers either, with teutonic plates moving all over the world and the active magma underneath, it would seem like these underground shelters aren't all secure IMO.
On a social level, how many of those chosen to be "saved" would be able to handle Claustrophobia and all maladies asociated with confinment and lack of sunlight ? ( yes all surface living creatures need sun light and here we are in fear of it, ironic)
Mother nature does not side with TPTB, she has her on agenda and natural events (disasters) hardly ever unfold as predicted.
I for one accept whatever destiny has in store for us and thank God for letting me experience life's ups and downs at their fullest.
As for man made manipulations..............F**k TPTB!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:09 AM
First I don't doubt they are preparing for a major catastrophe. The more the world ages and science learns the more we learn about real possible events that would be catastrophic to Earth.

examples. 20 yrs ago for those of you that are old enough how many of you heard people talking about the possibility of being hit by an Asteroid that could wipe out the world? How many of you heard about Yellowstone being over due for an eruption and the global effects it would have? How many of you heard about the Mega Tsuanami that could wipe out the East Coast from an Island falling into the ocean? The longer I have been around the more they have learned about. In 1960 the only real fear was world destruction by nuclear weapons Since the year 2000 we know have numerous ways of destruction on a global scale. So it makes sense that they would start preparing for stuff now that they have learned more.

Secondly the Nibiru/Planet X theory. My understanding of this even is that a gigantic planet that no one can see is supposed to collide with Earth in 2012. If this is true I promise you that there will be no survivors. It doesn't matter how deep you dig a bunker you aren't gonna survive. Furthermore the seed's won't survive. I mean you are talking about a planetary body hitting another planetary body. Watch this video and then tell me that there is any hope for the "elite" or the everyday people.

Finally I want to address CME's. First off even if there was a Class X CME that hit Earth and took out the entire Eastern Seaboard Electricity. Do you really think this is going to be a permanent event? Do you think that they will never recover power? We aren't talking about destruction of equipment you are talking the equivalant of the frying of a circuit board. Things would be back to normal probably in a month to two months. A few people themselves have pointed out that this has happened before. So why do you think it would be the end of everything?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

the truth is... we only get leaked information ... so what we have to go on... doesnt look good. Thats why people are fearful for their future even though deep down inside they know there is nothing they can really do... Whats wrong with preparing yourself for the worst and hoping for the best? I say theres nothing wrong with that... your just looking out for yourself... What we are supposed to do. Not lose our instincts and just forget about everything that caused us to sit back and wonder in the first place... Id rather be awake when i die then asleep. You can live a quality life and still know whats going on in the world around you is all im saying... no one saying they gonna stop going outside because they posted a thread about tunnels on ATS. Its just healthy discussion that is all...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by gloomyblue707

The truth is that there is no leaked information, the truth is that people blow up the story's they tell to others, they will add some of their own fantasy to it, and blew it up when passing it to someone else's ear. This is somekind of circle which repeats itself, so story's are always blown up haha !

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Phantom28804

If we were to have a CME or nuclear event causing an EMP to wipe out power in a major country and not anywhere else then yes it would take maybe a few months to fully repair the power but if it was bigger and wiped out the power in several main countries that are technologically handicapped then by the time it was fixed death would be overwhelming.
With in two days (probably just one) every store would be wiped out from food. Within a month all medications would be used up so you would have medically stable people that use medicines going crazy by the end of the month. You would have theft and killings running rampant because who is gonna stop it? Every police officer would be running home the first chance to take care of their families. Running tap water would be gone also.

I've read the book "One Second After" which tells of such and event. It doesn't end well. A congressional statistic said that if this type of event was to happen in America and it lasted a year then 90% of the population wouldn't survive.
edit on 26-3-2011 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:24 AM
DO Not worry ! What ever they do for themselves at the suffering and sacrifice of the rest of the people will be in vain. They shall be dealt with severely and will not be able to survive for long.
The combined vibration,energy and powers of ALL the spirits of the people who have been lied to and sacrificed by them shall reach out into the material dimension as ONE Force and burn them where they stand in the aftermaths of the great upheaval. Just imagine how great the combined vibration,energy and power of 5 to 6 billion souls can be.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by gloomyblue707


The wife and kids think I've gone mad from laughing at this post.....thanks for your great the way I aquired some agricultural skills as a youth helping my grandma in the fields of Bakersfield. Wink wink!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

to add some of my finding's along with your post.

From the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun June 6, 2005 Many thanks to Angela Tarohachi for this newspaper article "Japanese scientists are to explore the center of the Earth. Using a drill ship (subterrene or tunneler-- J.T.) to be launched next month, the researchers want to be the first to poke a hole through the rocky crust that covers our planet and to reach the mantle." "The team wants to return samples from the mantle, 10 kilometers (6 miles) down, to learn more about what triggers undersea earthquakes, such as the one off Sumatra that caused the December 26, 2004 (Indian Ocean) tsunami. They hope to study the deep rocks for records of past climate changes and to see if the deepest regions of the Earth could harbor life." "Asahiko Taira, director-general of the Center for Deep Earth Exploration in Yokohama, said, ’One of the main purposes for doing this is to find deep fractures within the oceanic crust and upper mantle. We believe there to be life forms there. It’s the same mission as searching for life on Mars.’" "Material in the upper mantle produces compounds essential for life when they interact with seawater. ’This is the system which we believe created early life. There may be a chance we can watch the origins of life still taking place today,’ Dr. Taira said." "The 57,500-ton drill ship Chikyu (Japanese for Earth--A.T.) is being prepared at the southern port of Nagasaki. Two-thirds the length of the R.M.S. Titanic, the ship is fitted with technology borrowed from the oil industry that will allow it to bore through 7,000 meters (23,100 feet) of crust below the seabed while floating in 2,500 meters (8,250 feet) of water. The ship requires a drill measuring 25 times the height of (New York City’s) Empire State Building," i.e. 32,500 feet or 9,750 meters. "The deepest hole drilled through the seabed so far has reached 2,111 meters (6,966 feet). After final sea trials this year, the scientists will set sail for the deep Pacific, where the Earth’s crust is the thinnest. Drilling is expected to begin next year." "It could take more than a year to drill through kilometers of crust and reach the mantle, so the ship is fitted with six rotating thrusters controlled by GPS satellites to keep it directly over the hole. The drill is surrounded by a sleeve that contains a shock-absorbing chemical and a blowout valve that will protect it should the drill strike oil or superheated rock (magma--J.T.) within the crust." (Editor’s Note: This may be Japan’s first subterrene, but evidence exists showing that the USA already has a number of these strange vehicles)


RAND Document No: P-6092 Year: 1978 Pages: 35 Title: Trans-Planetary Subway Systems: A Burgeoning Capability. Author(s): Robert M. Salter Cost: $ 10.00 Keywords: Railroads; Tunnels; Underground structures; Urban transportation ABSTRACT: Describes a subway concept called "PLANETRAN" comprising electromagnetically supported and propelled cars traveling in underground evacuated tubes, able to cross the United States in one hour. It is designed to interface with local transit systems, and the tunnel complex also contains utility transmission and auxiliary freight-carrying systems. Tunnels represent a major problem area and most of the cost. They will be placed several hundred feet underground in solid rock formations. It will require advanced tunnel-boring machines, such as hypersonic projectile spallation, laser beam devices, and the "SUBTERRENE" heated tungsten probe that melts through igneous rocks. PLANETRAN is rated as a system high in conservation of energy. For every car being accelerated, there is one decelerating in an adjoining tube. The decelerating cars return energy to the system. The tubes have a reduced atmosphere, making drag losses much smaller than for aircraft. Coast-to-coast energy costs are expected to be less than $1.00 per passenger. (Presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 1978.) 35 pp.


Tunnel boring is undergoing a boom according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (Dec. 12, 1990). Susan Nelson, director of the American Underground Space Association is quoted in the article as saying, "There is simply a lot more interest in the world these days in tunneling and use of the underground in general." It says the underground is crowded with government-funded mega-projects and proposed projects. The Spanish want to put a tunnel through the Pyrenees and bore a road to Morocco on the African coast. The Norwegians want to burrow under the fiords. The Japanese are toying with tunneling through to South Korea. The Canadians are building a tunnel from New Foundland to Prince Edwards Island. In America, there are 87 public-works projects planned in the next three years alone. Bear in mind the fact that these are all classified as civil engineering projects. Where civil engineering goes today, military engineering has already gone yesterday. In 1959, the Rand Report carried photos of the giant Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs). Large scale military engineering projects may have made extensive use of these machines since the fifties.

they been getting ready for a long time..
edit on 26-3-2011 by snapperski because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Phantom28804
Finally I want to address CME's. First off even if there was a Class X CME that hit Earth and took out the entire Eastern Seaboard Electricity. Do you really think this is going to be a permanent event? Do you think that they will never recover power? We aren't talking about destruction of equipment you are talking the equivalant of the frying of a circuit board. Things would be back to normal probably in a month to two months. A few people themselves have pointed out that this has happened before. So why do you think it would be the end of everything?

If you read the OP carefully, I've mentioned that the CME would not only fry all communications and electricity grids but the scientists on the Discovery Science channel go on to say that the impending massive CME will disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field to such an extent that radiation will heat the planet’s plates below the crust which is comparatively very thin resulting in massive earthquakes and Tsunamis as the crust slides over the magma.

And the Japanese quake and the resulting tsunami was just a pinprick!!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:05 AM
I have ounces of seeds stored. I bought them online at some buld seed shop. Ive been teased over it many times but who knows maybe I'll need them someday. We should all buy bulk non hybrid seeds.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:42 AM
I would not be surprised if we did head into another mini or proper ice age which makes me wonder wh one would put a seed bank in Norway near the North Pole, which could go under XXX feet of ice and possibly be inaccessible.

We have probably had bunkers for the ghastly elite in the UK since WW2 we even have a dinky 'hidden tube station' from that era so 65 years on with our rush of technology, Why the hell haven't we got bumkers and bases all over the obvious place e.g. the moon.

Whose going to want to risk a semi permanent little 'nest' deep underground on earth, isn't that where many of these earthquakes take place... squish squash.

Just to chuck something else on the table, isn't Afganistan sjupposed to be about huge deposits of lithium, I know many chomp on it but isn 't it also for batteries. Why do we need batteries well you would in a bunker??

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by CasiusIgnoranze

well i don't would be a kind of hell to survive everyone and everything you as you know it.
same as being sent into outer space on a ship..i hope you have all your ducks in a row and then some!
who says they would totally survive a massive super strong earthquake?
it's all ify and if you did know for sure would it make you feel any better?
would you want elitists choppers scanning for you the odd survivor after things had settled?
we could make a movie based solely on presented ideas here on ATS of what the elitists would do
and whom they would try to conquer after a massive culling of the populations by a catastrophic event.
enjoy what you have, every moment, every morsal of good things and the company of loving folks.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:00 PM
bless the people who have started storing pure landrace cannabis genetics... if some people did survive theres gonna be a lack of modern day medicines... people will have to go back to the natural... what works. mint,lavender,chamomile,sesame,wild strawberries,garlic,mustard,rosemary,poppies,parsley,horseradish,marigold,dandelion,iris,jasmine, sage,hemp....etc

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