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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:56 AM
I would not vote for you.

I'd also be worried about anyone who seriously would.

No offense.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:02 AM
Confirming that a lot of ATS posters are really just attention-seeking egomaniacs.

This coming from a society (including the oranized ATS avatar games) that worships Charlie Sheen, which makes it rather expected.

Boondock seeks only praise and admiration. He barks at people who are negative to him or thinks this thread is silly. A previous poster is right, that this reeks of narcissistic personality disorder, which boon probably doesn't have, but nevertheless it's kind of a blight on ATS to have this type of behavior floating about.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:13 AM
i'll vote for you if you make me in charge of the c.i.a. I cant stand them bastards. Let me have fun with them, i'll send em on dummy missions all day!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Danbones
i read Boon's accident list on a thread somewhere
he's a tough bugger
but in light of that
he could easily fit both descriptions

oh you remember that list ???

I didn't think anybody paid attention to it.

I remember it too, every day I see
the scars on my body. They also remind us
of the mistakes we've made in life.

If somebody made an incision across my chest to either take out organs or whatnot, is it my fault or is it theirs?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:17 AM
Can we have actual important threads on the main page?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by LightCraft
The only way I would vote for you is if you did the following:

Take a modest $50K salary.
Repeal Obamacare
Bring manufacturing back to the USA
Give business owners incentives to produce their goods here.
Impose extremely high import taxes on products manufactured in China.
Lower income and school taxes.
Shrink goverment to acceptable limits.
REGULATE price gouging on Gas and Oil.

House and Senate should have to be re-elected every year. This will keep them on their toes and actually working.
President should have two year terms.

And finally, I would like a red phone with direct lines to the pentagon and white house. And when you kick Nancy Pelosi into the outer stratosphere, we should take her private jet to vegas!

well I would agree with a lot of that.
One thing is the $50K yr salary.
If I'm not mistaken, the current
presidential salary is $200K yr.
which I would be willing to give up
50% of that to make it $100K yr
but there is quite a lot of work
and responsibility for only $50K.

Maybe I'm wrong but term limits are set
by the constitution if I'm not mistaken.
I think a 2 yr term for congress and 4 yr term
for president is appropriate. However, 1
thing I would like to see is a 2 term limit
placed on ALL of congress. That means
a max of 4 yrs total service. Being a congressman
was never meant to be a lifetime job.
But rather a service appointment to your
country. Lifers in congress need to go.
However, even if I'm elected I don't think
they would support such legislation.

And I don't know about the red phone direct line.
i think those should be left open in case
of emergency. I do have e-mail, a reg phone
and postal snail mail and of course my
correspondence on ATS

and the jab at Pelosi was great,
thanks for the laugh


WHAT of it DO you agree with and what DON'T you? In regards to these bullet points:

Take a modest $50K salary. - already explained
Repeal Obamacare
Bring manufacturing back to the USA
Give business owners incentives to produce their goods here.
Impose extremely high import taxes on products manufactured in China.
Lower income and school taxes.
Shrink goverment to acceptable limits.
REGULATE price gouging on Gas and Oil.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:36 AM


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

no. you're welcome.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I am so disgusted by the lack of good candidates
running for this office. So let this thread serve as
an exploratory committee poll.

But yet you contribute to the pot of the lack of good candidates by asking people if they would vote for you.
Nope. No way in hell.

I have heard so many times here on ATS
"Be the change that you desire" so with
that sentiment, I throw my hat into the ring.

ROTFLMAO. Seriously? :shk:

I am an American Citizen and I do have a long form
Birth Certificate which shows me born in the
State of Alabama which I now call North Carolina home.
I can produce this if there are doubts.

Are you like 12-15 years old or something? You seem to act as if you are living in some alternate reality.

I have no political party backing and do not want
any. I guess you could say I am an independent.

NO. You are NEO-CONSERVATIVE - Everyone on ATS knows it. You are an Evangelical Christian - and a self proclaimed Freemason. Why would anyone in their right mind vote for YOU?

I have no experience whatsoever in politics and
have never held a political office. That makes me
untainted by the corruption presently going on.

That still doesn't make you not corrupt.

And No, I do not have all the answers to our
problems. But I will seek out those that do and
try to implement what is best for the American

What? You sure do have all the answers on ATS... why not now? What a troll thread.

So please post your questions, thanks

You are anti-wiki leaks, anti-anonymous, anti-union, anti-democrat, anti-this that and the other... a proclaimed free mason, a evangelical christian, blah blah blah... what makes YOU think you have any of the peoples best interests in mind? Seems to me you fall in line with the neo-con status quo... just another Sarah Palin - but lacking her intelligence.

I think FalselyFlagged said it best:

I always knew that you were extremely narcissistic and had a few crayons missing from your box... but you've really outdone yourself with this one.

Star for you FalselyFlagged!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:44 AM
Another reason I wouldn't vote for boon is that he gets his "information" form opinion blogs rather than factual is evident in his Wikileaks thread

A president making decision based on opinion blogs rather than actual facts would be VERY VERY bad for the US...

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Originally posted by ReRun
are you 47 or are you an old disabled man who can barely get around ?

I am 47 yrs old
and sometimes with my medical problems
it feels like I'm 87 so it does make me
feel old. I have no clue why you are attacking
me. If you continue you will be ignored.

You are so full of it . You stated you were an "old disabled man" , and you never once retracted that or gave the readers any indication that this was not true , therefore , you were intentionally lying to the readers by making that statement .

And here you are now saying that you aren't really an old disabled man , just that you "feel" old at times . And the most pathetic part of all this is that your little fan club and entourage of groupies are all just eating this crap up left and right . They actually don't care that you have been called out on lying and misrepresenting the truth , because you always tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear .

You people are pathetic .

And by the way , you can't handle the "attacks" ? There's a solution for that ... DON'T run for the presidency .
In case you didn't know it , it comes with the territory .

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Does this seem like narcissistic ego stroking to anyone else?

But ill bite:

-What would you do about American imperialism and the situation of American bases on foreign soil, and how would you deal with the pressure from Halliburton and weapons contractors?

-Would your relations with Israel change, and if so, how so?

-How would you deal with China if it decided to assert sovereignty over Taiwan by imposing a military blockade?

-Would you do anything about the national debt? Income tax? If so, what?

-What approaches would you use to deal with North Korea or Iran if they are to become nuclear?

edit on 26-3-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Can we have actual important threads on the main page?

Yeah, we have radiation leaks in Japan, lots of dead people who need our help and support, revolutions in Lybia, Syria etc... but yet - THIS garbage is on the front page?

Nice one ATS...

My faith in humanity just dropped down a few notches more.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 09:57 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:08 AM
So many things going on in the world, and yet the crap continues to float around the top on this website. This guy reminds me of Doc_Velocity. Another narcissistic look-at-me person trying too hard for attention.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by BiGGz
I'd vote for you, only because the last 2 guys that were voted in were total crock pots. It's not as if you'd be as bad as Bush.

something about this statement is off...

Originally posted by BiGGz
... the last 2 guys that were voted in ...

there it is.. WERE they "VOTED IN"?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Absolutely would vote for you, but would it matter, we need to get rid of the unconstitutional "electoral college" which is made up of Masons who vote in the next puppet. I don't think an actual human president has been elected since before lincoln. Kennedy was making corrections and trying to do the right thing but look what happened to him!! TPTB don't care who you are but you better do THEIR bidding or you are done!!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:53 AM
not that I wouldn't vote for you only. I wouldn't vote for a single person from this site. This site harbors some people that are sooooo cut off from reality, it's almost like this site and others like it are contributing to new personality disorders.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:17 AM

there it is.. WERE they "VOTED IN"?

there you go
thats the real problem

you might want to run the CIA
that would be good

hey Nie
what are you doing here?
edit on 26-3-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I have learned three things reading this thread. A phrase from the halls of Academia, another study about preserving itself from the government, and that trolls travel in pairs.

conflict paradigm: One of three sociological Paradigms, conflict, functionalist, and Symbolic Interactionist.

Continuity of Government: a fall 2002 study to define procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of nuclear war.

That both ReRun and Falselyflagged are probably the same user. And if they aren't their egos probably sleep together. But either way they are against, and never for, anything here on ATS.

As to the actual [color=gold]topic of this thread, I don't promise my vote to anyone. On election day I vote. That said, I can write a speech for you, even while reserving the right to vote against you.

Here ya go.

:Speech for Boondock-Saint:

:Thread title:
Members of ATS if elected President I promise

First Post:
I promise to grant all registered members of ATS who pay Income Tax to the United States Department of Treasury, also known as the IRS, exemption from Federal taxes for the rest of their lives.

I promise to sign one pardon per Member of ATS, no matter what nationality, for one person of their choosing who is either already incarcerated within the US or to arrange the release of a detainee if that is their choice.

I promise to wear a dress or skirt at my Inauguration.
Here is an example.

:Second Post, wait at least 28.8 minutes after first post:

Look, I know we have serious problems, and that people feel that Politics has become some kind of circus. But If I'm going to move into the Big White House in the middle of clown town I have to distinguish myself from the other candidates.

ATS wants a more sober and realistic voice from their candidate. I submit to you that the opening post is far more grounded in the reality of our culture than other approaches. That my heroes are alive now, blogging their hearts out, digging into the facts, double checking every story, and that frustration is mounting. There is a doubt that any one is listening.

Well, I for one, am listening. The question is, do we really want a president who hears us? Or do we want someone who will continue playing pong inside the echo chamber. My record is publicly available for all to see.

I respond too evidence. I listen to my detractors. I am willing to speak for our future.

Do the other candidates records show as much?

Thank you.
And thank you for blessing America.


:Third post, wait till someone makes an appropriate post to respond with this:

I look forward to being the first Elected President of The United States of America to use the word Troll in a speech. It is my sincere hope that I will be trolled harder and more often than any elected official in history. Because when the sound of dissension goes quiet. When the voice of challenge is silenced, only then will we really be in danger of loosing this great American Country.

I say spread the word. Tell all the trolls to attack me. Make me into a weaponized candidate. Make me the expression of Trollism sent like a middle finger right up the Big White House's front door. Bring the trolling and don't spare the heat.

Then one day, generations from now, we will be able to look back and say, "they never saw us coming." The most marginalized, the most despised, the most ignored, most incapable of making anything better. "We proved them wrong."

Our very ability to openly disagree may save this country.

Thank you
And Thank you for blessing America.
edit on 26-3-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

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