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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by ReRun
are you 47 or are you an old disabled man who can barely get around ?

I am 47 yrs old
and sometimes with my medical problems
it feels like I'm 87 so it does make me
feel old. I have no clue why you are attacking
me. If you continue you will be ignored.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by NightFlight
Two questions:
1) Would you strive for full disclosure of UFOs, alien contact, Roswell, etc.? Even if there exists a high directive preventing the POTUS from disclosure (I believe there is), could you at least say "yeah or nay"?

2) Would you try to get rid of ALL political action committees?

1) Yes, I would strive for full disclosure even if that meant
we are a slave race to Annunaki, whatever. We deserve the right
to know. IMO, it has been earned.

2) PAC's I know very lil about. I will have to check into that
later to give a more detailed opinion. However I do not agree
with lobbyist who alter political agendas from both
sides of the political spectrum.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
i read Boon's accident list on a thread somewhere
he's a tough bugger
but in light of that
he could easily fit both descriptions

oh you remember that list ???

I didn't think anybody paid attention to it.

I remember it too, every day I see
the scars on my body. They also remind us
of the mistakes we've made in life.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
but yeah, if you came out and said "I believe 9/11 was an inside job, the federal reserve is a banking monopoly conspiracy, and foreign wars should end immediately" then yeah you got my vote.

Agreed on all 3 !!!
And thank you for your support

have a button, I think we're running out
of buttons by the way.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by BiGGz
I'd vote for you, only because the last 2 guys that were voted in were total crock pots. It's not as if you'd be as bad as Bush.

well one thing for sure.
If I was sitting in a classroom
and buildings were struck by aircraft
I would def not sit there another 20 mins
like a stump on a log. I would make it my
business to find out what was going on
and protect the nation from further destruction.
My Pet Goat just doesn't cut it IMO.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
No I would not. You have changed your avatar from the Darth Soros one back to your old one but I saw there that you have some darkness within you that you need to deal with. It does not surprise me with your recent bout with the darkness within you that you have now decided on politics.

geez, can't a guy change his avatar around here
without some sort of conspiracy theory being
played out by the dark forces of evil?

geez, get a grip.

Yes, I just recently changed it
and I do that occasionally and it
has nothing to do with my posts here.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
Well, if you promise to end U.S wars, the drug war (end ALL prohibition), get rid of property know, hardcore libertarian stuff, sure you have my vote. You should edit the OP to reflect your positions on the deep issues. you will get no where running on that platform though...

I have already stated in the OP
that there were so many that I could not
post them all in one post which is why
I am doing this in a post by post response.

I would gladly end ALL US wars we are currently in.
Every one of them were based on lies.

The drug war is a farce just to suck budget funds
out of congress when our own CIA runs more drugs
than the cartels. I would disband the CIA for a great
start on the real Drug War.

I don't think I could eliminate property taxes
as these are mainly a regional/local issue
which local governments use as income
to operate. That is not a federal issue.
You should take that issue up with your
county or city.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:39 AM
rofl u cannot be serious.....ahahaha this thread was a suicide

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

ummm I didn't see a question in your response.
mainly all I saw was preaching.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by ELahrairah
I would not vote for someone who starts a self promoting ego inflating thread like this

but it's completely alright with you if
Donald trump and Sarah Palin do
it in the mass media ???
But it's wrong if a poor ATS member
does it ??? typical


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
The thing is that it would appear that the person occupying this position is not in charge at all. I have seen stated that there are 27 levels of Top Secret above what that person is allowed to know. If indeed that is the case that person is in charge of the children’s playpen and nothing more.

if there are 27 levels of secret above the president's
head, then we do not have a republic but a military
dictatorship and this needs changing. As there should
be nothing higher secret than the President does not know.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:49 AM
If you you were to run for president in my country i would even fake 100000 votes to be sure because i bet even you or any member would be better than the A Holes here ....

But because you're in the US ... oh well .... i can't

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
So, you are not for free enterprise? What would you replace it with ?

No, I am not for free enterprise, cuz there is no free enterprise.
There is un-fair enterprise and it needs replacing with
a fair enterprise. There is no free lunch.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:00 AM
I don't mean to upset you, but NO, I dont want to vote for anyone running for that position.....ATS or not....same thing. I somewhat major in POSC so I know couples of of them is that the political stage we are in right now is UN-FIXABLE. Once you get will be either compromised by TPTB, your own greed, or taken out by TPTB. Right now, only the benevolent alien or God can help us, or at least someone who has these kind of backing (benevolent E.T/ God).

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

wow, lots of questions here

What do you think should be done with Libya?

*** I think we should stay the heck out of their business.
I would not put American Troops lives at risk for
corporate profits.

Would you agree that along with cuts on certain government spending, the military should already be reduced significantly?

*** About 50% is my guess, agreed.

Should police officers have the authority to enter private property and demand you show your papers?

*** Only if they have a search warrant issued by a judge.
I would repeal the Patriot Act.

As president, would you allow muslim citizens to build a mosque on private land right next to a graveyard consisting of american soldiers who died in the middle east and other wars?

*** Would they be allowed to by law? certainly.
However, I would find it in poor taste.
How would Saudi's feel if American Christians
built a Baptist Church right beside the Saudi Royal
Palace? Christianity is banned by law in Saudi Arabia.

Considering that one of your main policies is to give states more control, did states back in the 60's have the authority to maintain segregation within their borders? Can state law override federal law in making interracial marriage illegal along with any integration what so ever?

*** I believe in the power of the states. State law is supreme
as long as Fed constitutional law is not breached.

If marriage is a religious ceremony, and religious terms dictate it be between a man and a woman, would that not make marriage unconstitutional? Do you agree with creating a law that grants special rights to marriage or other civil unions without the discrimmination of love life? And woukd you agree if this did override state laws.

*** this has already been answered

Oh yes, one more question:

Can you produce it here for us then? I mean, if you are using this argument upon the basis that Obama will not present a long form birth certificate and this is your strength, "transparency", then sure you will have no problem posting it on here.

*** Yes, I can post it here should I decide to move forward. I have already
stated this before in this thread.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

ummm I didn't see a question in your response.
mainly all I saw was preaching.


Then you see your own defeat.

Because everything was quite clear, concise, and to the point.

Do not stonewall by denial or you're no better than any other cretin in office.
edit on 3/26/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
Now what matters is would you be tainted and corrupted?
Hm.. do you know would you have in various offices?

I sure hope not, else why run?

as far as others in various offices?
i have no idea yet. I'm still trying to decipher
if I could be successful.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by derfreebie
I'd feel cheated if you didn't pull Slayer in for your running mate.
Besides I couldn't picture anybody else better at feeding you belt,
if it ever hit the fan that copiously. And I'll hold your coat.

If you pledge in Protoplasmic in as S.o' State, I may just quit my job
and canvass for you guys full time.

well in all fairness I do not know how each of them stand
on the issues. and secondly, neither of them have shared
an interest in holding public office (at least not to me).


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:24 AM
How do feel about boys in dresses?
Would you propose to have A Boy In A Dress in your
group that would steer your country to better place?

Oh... and is a red dress okay?

Thank you Mr. Saint.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
Sure, as long as I am on the ticket for Vice President.
That way I can keep your imagination in line, and validate your assumptions for you.
You ,being the front man, could take all the inevitable flak for my behind the scene decisiveness.
It is a Win-Win Scenario. Regards...

OMG, r u really Rahm Emanuel ???? lol

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
P.S. Remember This? Link

yes, I do remember that.
And those bushes did eventually die.
And the mater bushes had to be re-planted.
What's your point ???


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