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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by antar
In that case I will take a dozen, oh and throw in several thousand bumper stickers.
Also could you put me in charge of the Alien UFO Archives once elected?

Sorry Antar, we're all out of bumper stickers but
to make it up to ya. I hereby pronounce Antar as the Official
UFO Archivist. Ummm, do I need Congress permission
for that appointment ??? Or is that just part of WH Staff ???

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by DelMar
Looks to me like this thread is a poor attempt at stroking your ego. If I'm wrong, and you're seriously considering pursuing office, feel free to post up the goods.

Real name
Employment history
Tax returns
Criminal Record

How bout we just start with those. I'll be waiting and holding my breath.

well part of this has been stated already in this thread. Try reading it instead
of popping to the last page and blurting out. thanks


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple

Originally posted by Havick007
reply to post by boondock-saint

lol i hope this wasnt inspired by my recent Trump related thread

Got a spare 600 million + to fund your campaign??

It's all about the money and power................

If every single member of this forum donated $100 to his cause, or $1,000, he might just get it!!

That is a HUGE "if," I barely have enough money to support myself let alone donate to someone who ficticiously wants to run for President.

OP, I dont know anything about you but what you post on ATS. I like your posts, some views I don't agree with but since this is just theoretical I would probably vote for you based on what I have seen on here.

What are you gonna do about not having the right bloodline to be a President

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:37 AM
I think I would vote for you because you seem nice.
I know some here think you may be just inflating your ego, but I think
that you may be just stepping forward for the rest... to lead from the front.

On a more serious note, what colour would your curtains be in the White House?

Thanks again Mr. Saint.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Cobra.EXE
boondock im so proud and grateful youve built up the courage and power to make such a decision!! you know the cobra kai has your back and would DEFINITELY vote for you brother!! i think you have what it takes, you are a very keen smart individual who seems to be one that holds a gift. not only a gift of communication but a gift of uniting people under all the right things. if you ever start a political party, you can message me and i will be more than glad to spread your message, im young, energetic & willing to fight the good fight.


wow, what a very inspiring post.
Thank you for your support.
And I will keep ya in mind
should the campaign decide
to push forward.

have a button, I think there's a few left


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:41 AM
I wouldn't
Vote for you
Due to your posting
Style which offends me
And comes off as
Highly arrogant

and you are a wannabe moderator too.

exactly the kind of people we have in office ruining the country

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:43 AM
but I see you've changed it up a bit and gone from :


to a more freeform, yet paragraph free form of prose. How presidential!!!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by keelhaulem
im with u

thank you for participating in this
thread. best wishes

and here have a button


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:47 AM
Hello again Mr. Saint,
I'm guessing you're busy with 'grown up' stuff connected with
politics and such and I know you may see my questions as
trivial, but may I ask another?

What style of dresswear would you had advise if I was your
First Lady? I know that this would be an important appointment
and the many visits of tourists to the White House would be made
a happier event by seeing a 'man/girl' prowling the corridors.

Thanks again Mr. Saint.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I am so disgusted by the lack of good candidates
running for this office. So let this thread serve as
an exploratory committee poll.

I have heard so many times here on ATS
"Be the change that you desire" so with
that sentiment, I throw my hat into the ring.

I am an American Citizen and I do have a long form
Birth Certificate which shows me born in the
State of Alabama which I now call North Carolina home.
I can produce this if there are doubts.

I have no political party backing and do not want
any. I guess you could say I am an independent.

I have no experience whatsoever in politics and
have never held a political office. That makes me
untainted by the corruption presently going on.

And No, I do not have all the answers to our
problems. But I will seek out those that do and
try to implement what is best for the American

There is no way I can post ALL my viewpoints
in one post so I will try to answer any and all questions
presented in this thread. However, if there are
a lot of questions it may take me a while to
get to them.

I will say that I am human and I also make
mistakes. However as JFK said, it's only
a mistake if we fail to correct it.

So please post your questions, thanks

The only way I would vote for you is if you did the following:

Take a modest $50K salary.
Repeal Obamacare
Bring manufacturing back to the USA
Give business owners incentives to produce their goods here.
Impose extremely high import taxes on products manufactured in China.
Lower income and school taxes.
Shrink goverment to acceptable limits.
REGULATE price gouging on Gas and Oil.

House and Senate should have to be re-elected every year. This will keep them on their toes and actually working.
President should have two year terms.

And finally, I would like a red phone with direct lines to the pentagon and white house. And when you kick Nancy Pelosi into the outer stratosphere, we should take her private jet to vegas!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:55 AM
I nearly forgot... the carpet, the one in the oval office, would you retain
the eagle-adorned rug or go for a more 'retro' look?
Maybe a bright-red wall-to-wall carpet would look better?

What do you think -Mr Saint?

Thank you again.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by AlexIR
If you you were to run for president in my country i would even fake 100000 votes to be sure because i bet even you or any member would be better than the A Holes here ....

But because you're in the US ... oh well .... i can't

no offense to you
but even if you could fake an election,
I'd rather you not. I want an election earned
and voted for by the people. That's honest


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:00 AM
If you were succesful and I agreed to become your First Lady...
would you let my ride on Air Force One?
The seats look very plush and I've heard the service is very good.

I can assure you I would wear a descreet version of dress when sitting
across from your many PR folk.

Thank you Prez.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Noobastronomer
rofl u cannot be serious.....ahahaha this thread was a suicide

yes I am serious

and maybe it is suicide
but somebody has to take a stand
against tyranny and with a vast lack
of volunteers waiting in the wings,
somebody has to voice the will
of the people.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by the_0bserver85
I don't mean to upset you, but NO, I dont want to vote for anyone running for that position.....ATS or not....same thing. I somewhat major in POSC so I know couples of of them is that the political stage we are in right now is UN-FIXABLE. Once you get will be either compromised by TPTB, your own greed, or taken out by TPTB. Right now, only the benevolent alien or God can help us, or at least someone who has these kind of backing (benevolent E.T/ God).

only when we lose all hope,
are we defeated.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Then you see your own defeat.
Because everything was quite clear, concise, and to the point.
Do not stonewall by denial or you're no better than any other cretin in office.

I am not stonewalling or in denial.
You were preaching rather than giving
me an opportunity to answer questions.
I did not see 1 single question in your
original post. If there was, could you
point it out to me please? thanks


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:14 AM
I am busying myself preparing a small suitcase for the journey to the
White House and something has just occurred to me.
How tall are you?

I have several pairs of high-heels and I wouldn't want to be parading
around on your arm and looking taller than you.

I know this can be a serious issue.

Thanks Mr. Saint.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
How do feel about boys in dresses?
Would you propose to have A Boy In A Dress in your
group that would steer your country to better place?

Oh... and is a red dress okay?

Thank you Mr. Saint.

not quite sure I understand your question

but if you're asking me if I have a thing
for boys in dresses, then the answer is no.
And what you wear on your time away from
work is your own business.

I don't think it would be appropriate for the
WH Press Sec. to stand in front of the tube
and give a press conference dressed in a dress
unless she were female. It's just appropriate attire
for the job.

But like I said, if you want to wear a dress
on your own time, so be it.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Thank you, thank you.
The more negative posters here can now see that nobody is ignored
by you and even hermaphrodites.
Power to Mr. Saint -I say!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
What are you gonna do about not having the right bloodline to be a President

that is also a very good question !!!!

As far as my thinking goes, I could care
less what bloodline he/she has as long as they
do the job.

But the elites think differently than I do.
Maybe, it's time for someone who is not
of the 13 Bloodlines to become president.

And I will confirm, I have no association or
connection to an Illuminati bloodline that I am
aware of.


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