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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Albastion
a) You are a liar
b) You know you are not running for president
c) See point a


thank you for your response
but I found no questions there.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Granite
I agree with much of the time, but you are a mason which is a huge no no!

as noted,
I have not been involved with Freemasonry
for over 10 yrs. Just to clarify. I can produce
documents from my Grand Lodge to support this.

And we are supposed to trust you now?
I would vote for anyone who had not been part of a secret club.

that is your right


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Starling
No, I wouldn not extend you my vote for potus.
Not after your blatent deception on the subject of the "L.A .Missile" thread.....a thread that you started yourself with a conspiratorial opinion.
I witnessed that L.A. event with my own eyes and reported it on that thread.
Funny that you never acknowledged my postings, despite my backing your theories!
Then you did a sudden switchero, backing the opposing theories of the likes of Phage.
It became obvious to me you opened that thread just to extricate the concensus of those who suspected that this was a conspiracy, or secret operation of some kind, then you turned on a dime: "Contrails", you finally concluded. "Yes, Phage was right, after all...this was no missile".
You remind me a little of Donald Rumsfeld: slick, snaky, manipulative and dishonest....and oh so vain!

Rummy ??? I don't care for the man myself.
And I do agree with ya about his traits.

As far as the LA Missile Thread. I did post that thread
with my viewpoint and originally thought it to be a missile.
And then later evidence was provided that changed
my mind. Are we not allowed to change our mind
based on evidence submitted? I call that due process
and you call it conspiracy. best wishes to you anyway


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by hillynilly
Enough emoticons to tell what I think???
The wikileaks exposed piece is a real eye opener!!!!
Changed my entire view on wiki leaks when I found out the TRUTH!!
Don't let the *fan boys and haters* get you down!!
My only question...
Where is the darth soros avatar?
I LOVE IT!! and if your not
going to use it anymore could you
customize it with my name credited to you?
Boon your conspiracies out do John Lear's BS
*made a space craft* crap anyday!!!

I thank you for your support

have a campaign button for a keep sake.

And thanks for reading the wikileaks thread.
Most people came onto that thread with a
pre-conceived notion and nothing presented
was going to change their mind. So thanks

Yes, I did change my Darth Soros Avatar, I normally
change my avi every once in a while, I use about 2
or 3 I have in my ATS pictures section. That image
of Soros can be found on the net and used under the
fair use. So feel free to make your own

I have never met John Lear, but I have read some
of his threads here and seen some of his videos
which at the time appeared rather outrageous.
But who am I to doubt his work if I can't prove him
wrong ??? I also imagine that folks looked at
Columbus rather unusual when he thought
the world was round.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:42 AM
Just a note to all. If more people started standing up and taking an active role in what our country is doing then maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are now in. Maybe it wouldn't be just for the billionaires and "elite". Boondock-Saint doesn't share ALL my interests, but to take a stand, even a small one here on ATS is more than many of us have ever done.
So cheers to all that take a stand. I did it a while back by joining the Tea Party (and no, no billionaires have funded our group) but if more people take a constructive role, then we might actually have a chance at surviving th next few years.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
In the interest of an open discussion, can anyone tell me what exactly Boondock has lied about? I have no clue what thats all about.

In all fairness to me, I do not consider it a lie
to post one's theories based upon evidence
and then later find their evidence flawed or
either better evidence exist that was not
considered in the original post. I have changed
my mind occasionally on topics here based
on evidence presented. Maybe, he's
referring to that, not sure.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:49 AM
boondock im so proud and grateful youve built up the courage and power to make such a decision!! you know the cobra kai has your back and would DEFINITELY vote for you brother!! i think you have what it takes, you are a very keen smart individual who seems to be one that holds a gift. not only a gift of communication but a gift of uniting people under all the right things. if you ever start a political party, you can message me and i will be more than glad to spread your message, im young, energetic & willing to fight the good fight.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by civilchallenger

very good questions and worthy of a response

Question 1: Do you own my money, and if so, what percentage of my money am I allowed to spend on myself? This question is in regards to income taxes.

Part of this has already been answered. I would disband
the IRS and a 10% use tax on goods and services to be
implemented for Gov income. If you don't use services
or buy products then you don't pay it. The rest is your
own money. Overseeing this would rest with the Treasury Dept.
without Timothy Geithner.

Question 2: Will you withdraw all US troops in foreign countries to the USA immediately on your first day? Giving an allowance of a few weeks or months to arrive back, of course.

No, not in one day, but I would allow at least 6 months
for a staggered withdraw from many nations. I would
remove troops from Germany, France, Italy and most
of the Middle East. However, I would leave troops
in South Korea else Kim would destroy that country.
I would recall about 70-75% of foreign troops. I would
also put a hiring freeze on the Military for a troop
reduction as they finished their tours to a nominal
level of defense. There is no reason in the world we
should spend 51% of GDP on military functions.
This makes us a war nation when we have people who
are without housing, food and education in this
country. I would also recall ALL CIA assets
and try to put them into private industry
instead of the war business.

Question 3: Do you support the idea of requiring gays and hetrosexuals to get permission from the state before getting married?

I think marriage licenses are in place for a reason.
It is there to protect those wanting to get married.
If a man wants to get married to a woman or a man
either one. A doctor's physical would reveal to him
if there are any STD's or health problems which would not be found
before the union. It's not a matter of invasion of
privacy, but a matter of protecting those who
would be unaware otherwise.

Question 4: Do you understand that today's governments operate exactly the same as mafia protection rackets, and therefore are mafia protection rackets?

Yes, I am aware. That's why there needs to be a
re-structure of government.

Question 5: How important is it to allow independent companies to compete with the Federal Reserve and dollar in printing out their own forms of currency?

End the Fed, duties fall unto the Treasury Dept.

and thanks for your response


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
hey Boon
the PM of Canada job is open
if the christians vote for you
at least they won't be voting for a builderberger luciferian like Harper
( ZIONIST luciferian CHRISTIAN...?
tho you might not win,
you might save a few souls.
tell you what:
rather then working for the luceiferian banksters
that'll get further with the big guy
I guarantee...
you want to step up?
I'd vote for you, just for tryin

hey bro, thanks for your support

have a button. On my paycheck,
buttons are all I can afford, lol.

Luciferian Christian ???
now there's a contradiction in terms.

Sorry, I am an American so I doubt I
could run for office in Canada but thanks for
keeping an open mind and the thought counts


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:11 AM
im with u

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Big Raging Loner
Boondock for President? Why not? Every election across the globe I have observed has been a simple case of a Douche and a Turd. Pointless. At least I agree with some of Boondock's comments since I started reading here.

thank you BRL for your support

have a button.

and I do thank you for at least reading before
commenting. star for u for that


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by gr82m8okdok
Hey, boony baby!!! Will you offer all the interns cigar rides?? If yes, you have my vote.

sorry, no cigar rides available.

But I will say that I am divorced.
Last president I know of that was single
was our 15th President James Buchanan.

So there would be no first lady or at least
none in the works. I do not even have a girlfriend,
lmao. Would like to have one though

That lil thing called compatibility keeps
getting in the way

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by loveguy
How do you feel about "continuity of government?"

well that would all depend on which government
you are speaking of continuing. The old one or
the new one without the slave society.

I think the new one back to the constitution
without the Fed would be worth continuing.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
Honest question gets an honest answer.
No, I would not vote for you, presidents dont do anything except market and sell whatever agenda their masters tell them to, but you should know that already.
You have a better chance of providing needed change by running for local office, then state office,
that's where the fight is headed to.
The federal political arena is going to get purged, why would you want to be involved in a neutered government?
All of the crap is going to revert and fall to the state and local, position yourself there prior to the crumble if youre truly interested in helping out.

somebody needs to be at the top
to help sever the slave strings
over the states. Maybe you
have forgotten this.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
- I want my president to have studied law or politics, not ATS forums.

and what good has this approach done us so far ???
absolutely none, but thanks for the honest response.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by lonegurkha
If you will abide by the constitution unlike the politicians in Washington.You have my vote.

thank you for your support

have a button and a peanut butter
sandwich. Sorry we couldn't have
Fried Chicken, but there is a budget
crunch on ya know


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by neo96
no i wouldnt vote for boon dock for president no offense
i would not vote for anyone who frequents ats.

I find that statement very ironic
since I assume many politicians
frequent here already.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Well I certainly don't agree with you on everything but definitely the most important points. No income taxes. Stop the out of control military spending and extreme levels of overseas intervention. End the fed. Doing those things assures people in the USA they won't have to turn into a 3rd world country. You seem very similar to Ron Paul. +1 Vote in the hypothetical election.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I like the balanced budget, no amnesty, and no Patriot Act!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

well some of these have already been addressed

-If you agree to all of the following, you have my vote:

-Bring all our troops home that are stationed around the world.

Not all, but at least 70-75%. Troops in Korea
need to stay else lil Kim will invade the south.

-Eliminate all lobbying.

Lobbyist would become an endangered species
on my watch.

-Eliminate the two party system.

I have no clue how to accomplish this, but it
sounds like a wonderful idea. Maybe things
could get done in DC.

-All election campaign expenses are capped and cannot exceed a set amount.

Agreed !!!

-All campaign advertising must be true and reviewed by an unbiased watch dog group before being aired

Agreed !!!!

-Corporate or special interest groups can not donate to candidates campaigns.

Well there are already laws in place to combat this.
the problem is they are being bypassed. The by-passing
is what needs to be clamped down on. Agreed !!!

-Throw out the current tax system and implement a 15% tax across the board.

I think 15% is a lil too much out of the taxpayer
pocket. If you tax more than 10-12% then you stifle
personal growth. I would agree with a 10-12%.

-Remove education control from federal and State level and give control to the states regional districts.

There needs to be some sort of national standard
else you would have so many different education
systems you could not keep track. While I agree
that education needs to be pursued on a regional
basis but with national standards else Ohio's
4.0 GPA would be the equivalent of California's
3.0, etc .....

-Reduce our military budget in half and use that half to finance research into implementing an aggressive real energy policy that will make us self sufficient within 5 years.

I do agree on the 50% reduction in military spending
but that has already been used on education and
Social Security. I think the pursuit of free energy
should be implemented and it's cost diverted to
private business who will then be regulated by
the Dept. of Energy.

-Focus on rebuilding our electrical grid.

Well, I think that would happen anyway
when you implement the free energy
system as you probably won't use the
same infrastructure.

-Implement a high speed rail plan across the country.

I do not agree with this. I do not think it will be cost efficient
when there are planes available and the technology
exists for our own personal vehicles to take flight like
UFO's (flying vehicles).

-Implement government funding for new recycling methods to eliminate landfills.

Agreed !!!!

-Create a health care plan that is affordable and covers all Americans.

Agreed !!! But you will NOT be required by law or
a prison sentence to have it.

-Restructure our welfare programs.

Welfare should be a state issue
not a Fed one.

-Improve our border security and send all illegals back home.

Agreed !!!!

-Make English the official language of the United States.

Agreed !!!

-Abolish the Federal Reserve System.

Agreed !!!!

-Increase taxes on corporations who close down shop in the U.S. for cheaper labor over seas.

Agreed, this will be done in 2 ways:
1) tariffs on goods made by non-Americans
2) tax incentives for those who use American labor, referring to the 10% use taxes

-Increase taxes on imports to create a level playing field here in the U.S.

Agreed !!!! see above

Thanks for your questions.


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